@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
import NextcloudKit
-import SwiftyJSON
class tableCapabilities: Object {
@@ -68,10 +67,204 @@ extension NCManageDatabase {
func setCapabilities(account: String, data: Data? = nil) {
- let json: JSON?
+ let jsonData: Data?
+ struct CapabilityNextcloud: Codable {
+ struct Ocs: Codable {
+ let meta: Meta
+ let data: Data
+ struct Meta: Codable {
+ let status: String?
+ let message: String?
+ let statuscode: Int?
+ }
+ struct Data: Codable {
+ let version: Version
+ let capabilities: Capabilities
+ struct Version: Codable {
+ let string: String
+ let major: Int
+ }
+ struct Capabilities: Codable {
+ let filessharing: FilesSharing?
+ let theming: Theming?
+ let endtoendencryption: EndToEndEncryption?
+ let richdocuments: RichDocuments?
+ let activity: Activity?
+ let notifications: Notifications?
+ let files: Files?
+ let userstatus: UserStatus?
+ let external: External?
+ let groupfolders: GroupFolders?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case filessharing = "files_sharing"
+ case theming
+ case endtoendencryption = "end-to-end-encryption"
+ case richdocuments, activity, notifications, files
+ case userstatus = "user_status"
+ case external, groupfolders
+ }
+ struct FilesSharing: Codable {
+ let apienabled: Bool?
+ let groupsharing: Bool?
+ let resharing: Bool?
+ let defaultpermissions: Int?
+ let ncpublic: Public?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case apienabled = "api_enabled"
+ case groupsharing = "group_sharing"
+ case resharing
+ case defaultpermissions = "default_permissions"
+ case ncpublic = "public"
+ }
+ struct Public: Codable {
+ let upload: Bool
+ let enabled: Bool
+ let password: Password?
+ let sendmail: Bool
+ let uploadfilesdrop: Bool
+ let multiplelinks: Bool
+ let expiredate: ExpireDate?
+ let expiredateinternal: ExpireDate?
+ let expiredateremote: ExpireDate?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case upload, enabled, password
+ case sendmail = "send_mail"
+ case uploadfilesdrop = "upload_files_drop"
+ case multiplelinks = "multiple_links"
+ case expiredate = "expire_date"
+ case expiredateinternal = "expire_date_internal"
+ case expiredateremote = "expire_date_remote"
+ }
+ struct Password: Codable {
+ let enforced: Bool?
+ let askForOptionalPassword: Bool?
+ }
+ struct ExpireDate: Codable {
+ let enforced: Bool?
+ let days: Int?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct Theming: Codable {
+ let color: String?
+ let colorelement: String?
+ let colortext: String?
+ let colorelementbright: String?
+ let backgrounddefault: Bool?
+ let backgroundplain: Bool?
+ let colorelementdark: String?
+ let name: String?
+ let slogan: String?
+ let url: String?
+ let logo: String?
+ let background: String?
+ let logoheader: String?
+ let favicon: String?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case color
+ case colorelement = "color-element"
+ case colortext = "color-text"
+ case colorelementbright = "color-element-bright"
+ case backgrounddefault = "background-default"
+ case backgroundplain = "background-plain"
+ case colorelementdark = "color-element-dark"
+ case name, slogan, url, logo, background, logoheader, favicon
+ }
+ }
+ struct EndToEndEncryption: Codable {
+ let enabled: Bool?
+ let apiversion: String?
+ let keysexist: Bool?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case enabled
+ case apiversion = "api-version"
+ case keysexist = "keys-exist"
+ }
+ }
+ struct RichDocuments: Codable {
+ let mimetypes: [String]?
+ }
+ struct Activity: Codable {
+ let apiv2: [String]?
+ }
+ struct Notifications: Codable {
+ let ocsendpoints: [String]?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case ocsendpoints = "ocs-endpoints"
+ }
+ }
+ struct Files: Codable {
+ let undelete: Bool?
+ let locking: String?
+ let comments: Bool?
+ let versioning: Bool?
+ let directEditing: DirectEditing?
+ let bigfilechunking: Bool?
+ let versiondeletion: Bool?
+ let versionlabeling: Bool?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case undelete, locking, comments, versioning, directEditing, bigfilechunking
+ case versiondeletion = "version_deletion"
+ case versionlabeling = "version_labeling"
+ }
+ struct DirectEditing: Codable {
+ let url: String?
+ let etag: String?
+ let supportsFileId: Bool?
+ }
+ }
+ struct UserStatus: Codable {
+ let enabled: Bool?
+ let restore: Bool?
+ let supportsemoji: Bool?
+ enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
+ case enabled, restore
+ case supportsemoji = "supports_emoji"
+ }
+ }
+ struct External: Codable {
+ let v1: [String]?
+ }
+ struct GroupFolders: Codable {
+ let hasGroupFolders: Bool?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let ocs: Ocs
+ }
if let data = data {
- json = JSON(data)
+ jsonData = data
} else {
do {
let realm = try Realm()
@@ -79,61 +272,71 @@ extension NCManageDatabase {
let data = result.jsondata else {
- json = JSON(data)
+ jsonData = data
} catch let error as NSError {
- NextcloudKit.shared.nkCommonInstance.writeLog("Could not write to database: \(error)")
+ NextcloudKit.shared.nkCommonInstance.writeLog("I cannot access to database: \(error)")
+ guard let jsonData = jsonData else { return }
- guard let json = json else { return }
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityServerVersion = json["ocs", "data", "version", "string"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityServerVersionMajor = json["ocs", "data", "version", "major"].intValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingApiEnabled = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "api_enabled"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingPubPasswdEnforced = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "public", "password", "enforced"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingPubExpireDateEnforced = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "public", "expire_date", "enforced"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingPubExpireDateDays = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "public", "expire_date", "days"].intValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingInternalExpireDateEnforced = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "public", "expire_date_internal", "enforced"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingInternalExpireDateDays = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "public", "expire_date_internal", "days"].intValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingRemoteExpireDateEnforced = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "public", "expire_date_remote", "enforced"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingRemoteExpireDateDays = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "public", "expire_date_remote", "days"].intValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingDefaultPermission = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files_sharing", "default_permissions"].intValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingColor = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "theming", "color"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingColorElement = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "theming", "color-element"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingColorText = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "theming", "color-text"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingName = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "theming", "name"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingSlogan = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "theming", "slogan"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityE2EEEnabled = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "end-to-end-encryption", "enabled"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityE2EEApiVersion = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "end-to-end-encryption", "api-version"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityRichdocumentsMimetypes.removeAll()
- let mimetypes = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "richdocuments", "mimetypes"].arrayValue
- for mimetype in mimetypes {
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityRichdocumentsMimetypes.append(mimetype.stringValue)
- }
+ do {
+ let json = try JSONDecoder().decode(CapabilityNextcloud.self, from: jsonData)
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityServerVersion = json.ocs.data.version.string
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityServerVersionMajor = json.ocs.data.version.major
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityActivity.removeAll()
- let activities = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "activity", "apiv2"].arrayValue
- for activity in activities {
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityActivity.append(activity.stringValue)
- }
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingApiEnabled = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.apienabled ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingDefaultPermission = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.defaultpermissions ?? 0
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingPubPasswdEnforced = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.ncpublic?.password?.enforced ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingPubExpireDateEnforced = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.ncpublic?.expiredate?.enforced ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingPubExpireDateDays = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.ncpublic?.expiredate?.days ?? 0
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingInternalExpireDateEnforced = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.ncpublic?.expiredateinternal?.enforced ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingInternalExpireDateDays = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.ncpublic?.expiredateinternal?.days ?? 0
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingRemoteExpireDateEnforced = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.ncpublic?.expiredateremote?.enforced ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFileSharingRemoteExpireDateDays = json.ocs.data.capabilities.filessharing?.ncpublic?.expiredateremote?.days ?? 0
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityNotification.removeAll()
- let notifications = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "notifications", "ocs-endpoints"].arrayValue
- for notify in notifications {
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityNotification.append(notify.stringValue)
- }
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingColor = json.ocs.data.capabilities.theming?.color ?? ""
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingColorElement = json.ocs.data.capabilities.theming?.colorelement ?? ""
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingColorText = json.ocs.data.capabilities.theming?.colortext ?? ""
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingName = json.ocs.data.capabilities.theming?.name ?? ""
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityThemingSlogan = json.ocs.data.capabilities.theming?.slogan ?? ""
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFilesUndelete = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files", "undelete"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFilesLockVersion = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files", "locking"].stringValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFilesComments = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "files", "comments"].boolValue
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityE2EEEnabled = json.ocs.data.capabilities.endtoendencryption?.enabled ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityE2EEApiVersion = json.ocs.data.capabilities.endtoendencryption?.apiversion ?? ""
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityUserStatusEnabled = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "user_status", "enabled"].boolValue
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityExternalSites = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "external"].exists()
- NCGlobal.shared.capabilityGroupfoldersEnabled = json["ocs", "data", "capabilities", "groupfolders", "hasGroupFolders"].boolValue
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityRichdocumentsMimetypes.removeAll()
+ if let mimetypes = json.ocs.data.capabilities.richdocuments?.mimetypes {
+ for mimetype in mimetypes {
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityRichdocumentsMimetypes.append(mimetype)
+ }
+ }
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityActivity.removeAll()
+ if let activities = json.ocs.data.capabilities.activity?.apiv2 {
+ for activity in activities {
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityActivity.append(activity)
+ }
+ }
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityNotification.removeAll()
+ if let notifications = json.ocs.data.capabilities.notifications?.ocsendpoints {
+ for notification in notifications {
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityNotification.append(notification)
+ }
+ }
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFilesUndelete = json.ocs.data.capabilities.files?.undelete ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFilesLockVersion = json.ocs.data.capabilities.files?.locking ?? ""
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityFilesComments = json.ocs.data.capabilities.files?.comments ?? false
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityUserStatusEnabled = json.ocs.data.capabilities.files?.undelete ?? false
+ if json.ocs.data.capabilities.external != nil {
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityExternalSites = true
+ }
+ NCGlobal.shared.capabilityGroupfoldersEnabled = json.ocs.data.capabilities.groupfolders?.hasGroupFolders ?? false
+ } catch let error as NSError {
+ NextcloudKit.shared.nkCommonInstance.writeLog("I cannot access to database: \(error)")
+ return
+ }