@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * ImageMeter confidential
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 by Dirk Farin, Kronenstr. 49b, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property
- * of Dirk Farin. The intellectual and technical concepts contained
- * herein are proprietary to Dirk Farin and are protected by trade secret
- * and copyright law.
- * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
- * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
- * from Dirk Farin.
- */
-#include "IMError.h"
-#include "IMEditCore.h"
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct IM_EditCoreContext;
-// from Geometry.h
-enum IM_ImageFitMode
- IM_ImageFitMode_Fit = 0, // fit image into screen to be completely visible
- IM_ImageFitMode_Fill = 1, // fill screen completely (extending beyond borders)
- IM_ImageFitMode_GeometricMean = 2 // compromise between Fit and Fill (neither too small, nor too big)
-// If nRenderingThreads==0, rendering has to be carried out manually
-struct IM_EditCoreContext* IM_EditCoreContext_alloc(bool interactive,
- int nRenderingThreads);
-void IM_EditCoreContext_release(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-void IM_EditCoreContext_add_font(struct IM_EditCoreContext*, const char* fontFile);
-//void add_font(const std::vector<uint8_t>& fontData);
-void IM_EditCoreContext_set_EditCoreUIControl(struct IM_EditCoreContext*, struct IM_EditCoreUIControl*);
-//struct IM_Result* load_from_bundle(const std::shared_ptr<DataBundleCPP>& bundle);
-struct IM_Error* IM_EditCoreContext_load_from_bundle_directory(struct IM_EditCoreContext*,
- const char* bundleDirectory);
-//IMResult<void> load_from_imm_file(Path bundleDirectory,
-// const std::shared_ptr<IMMFile>& imm);
-enum IM_IMMLoadingState
- IM_IMMLoadingState_NotLoaded = 0,
- IM_IMMLoadingState_LoadingError = 1,
- IM_IMMLoadingState_LoadedIncompletely = 2, // some GElements could not be loaded. Ok for read-only, but do not overwrite.
- IM_IMMLoadingState_Loaded = 3
-enum IM_IMMLoadingState IM_EditCoreContext_get_imm_loading_state(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-bool IM_EditCoreContext_ready_to_initialize_openGL(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-// returns true if the IMM has changed
-//bool prepare_imm_for_saving();
-//IMResult<void> restore_imm_to_stored_state();
-// result.throws<IMError_DataBundle_CannotWriteIMM>();
-//IMResult<void> save_to_bundle_directory();
-// TODO: set a state whether loading the IMM failed / failed a bit / succeeded
-// --- access to objects managed by the context
-//std::shared_ptr<IMMFile> get_IMM_file();
-struct IM_EditCore* IM_EditCoreContext_get_EditCore(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-//std::shared_ptr<GLBackgroundImage> get_BackgroundImage() { return mBkgImage; }
-//std::shared_ptr<EditCoreGraphics_OpenGLES2> get_EditCoreGraphics()
-//std::shared_ptr<DataBundleCPP> get_data_bundle() { return mDataBundle; }
-// --- drawing
-// These functions (except render()) have to be called on the OpenGL thread
-struct IM_Error* IM_EditCoreContext_load_auxiliary_files(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-struct IM_Error* IM_EditCoreContext_init_OpenGL_resources(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-void IM_EditCoreContext_set_OpenGL_viewport(struct IM_EditCoreContext*,
- int viewport_width,
- int viewport_height,
- float density_dpi);
-void IM_EditCoreContext_set_displayTransform(struct IM_EditCoreContext*,
- enum IM_ImageFitMode mode, bool flipV);
-//void set_displayTransform(AffineTransform transform);
-//bool is_display_transform_set() const { return mDisplayTransformSet; }
-void IM_EditCoreContext_free_OpenGL_resources(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-// Manually render the scene before drawing. Only needed when there are no rendering threads.
-//void render();
-//void wait_until_rendering_is_finished();
-void IM_EditCoreContext_draw_to_OpenGL(struct IM_EditCoreContext*);
-#ifdef __cplusplus