@@ -57,8 +57,10 @@ import NCCommunication
NCCommunication.shared.createFolder(fileNameFolderUrl, addCustomHeaders: ["e2e-token" : e2eToken!]) { (account, ocId, date, errorCode, errorDescription) in
if errorCode == 0 {
NCNetworking.sharedInstance.readFile(serverUrlFileName: fileNameFolderUrl, account: account) { (account, metadataFolder, errorCode, errorDescription) in
if errorCode == 0 {
// Add Metadata
metadataFolder?.fileNameView = fileNameFolder
metadataFolder?.e2eEncrypted = true
@@ -69,34 +71,35 @@ import NCCommunication
NCCommunication.shared.markE2EEFolder(fileId: metadataFolder!.fileId, delete: false) { (account, errorCode, errorDescription) in
if errorCode == 0 {
- let newobject = tableE2eEncryption()
+ let object = tableE2eEncryption()
NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager()?.encryptkey(&key, initializationVector: &initializationVector)
- newobject.account = account
- newobject.authenticationTag = nil
- newobject.fileName = fileNameFolder
- newobject.fileNameIdentifier = fileNameIdentifier
- newobject.fileNamePath = ""
- newobject.key = key! as String
- newobject.initializationVector = initializationVector! as String
+ object.account = account
+ object.authenticationTag = nil
+ object.fileName = fileNameFolder
+ object.fileNameIdentifier = fileNameIdentifier
+ object.fileNamePath = ""
+ object.key = key! as String
+ object.initializationVector = initializationVector! as String
- if let object = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2eEncryption(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@", account, serverUrl)) {
- newobject.metadataKey = object.metadataKey
- newobject.metadataKeyIndex = object.metadataKeyIndex
+ if let result = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2eEncryption(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@", account, serverUrl)) {
+ object.metadataKey = result.metadataKey
+ object.metadataKeyIndex = result.metadataKeyIndex
} else {
- newobject.metadataKey = (NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager()?.generateKey(16)?.base64EncodedString(options: []))! as String // AES_KEY_128_LENGTH
- newobject.metadataKeyIndex = 0
+ object.metadataKey = (NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager()?.generateKey(16)?.base64EncodedString(options: []))! as String // AES_KEY_128_LENGTH
+ object.metadataKeyIndex = 0
- newobject.mimeType = "httpd/unix-directory"
- newobject.serverUrl = serverUrl
+ object.mimeType = "httpd/unix-directory"
+ object.serverUrl = serverUrl
if let e2eeApiVersion = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getCapabilitiesServerString(account: account, elements: NCElementsJSON.shared.capabilitiesE2EEApiVersion) {
- newobject.version = Int(e2eeApiVersion) ?? 1
+ object.version = Int(e2eeApiVersion) ?? 1
} else {
- newobject.version = 1
+ object.version = 1
- let _ = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.addE2eEncryption(newobject)
+ let _ = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.addE2eEncryption(object)
self.sendE2EMetadata(account: account, serverUrl: serverUrl, fileId: directory.fileId, fileNameRename: nil, fileNameNewRename: nil, url: url) { (errorCode, errorDescription) in
self.NotificationPost(name: k_notificationCenter_createFolder, serverUrl: serverUrl, userInfo: ["fileName": fileName, "serverUrl": serverUrl, "errorCode": errorCode], errorDescription: errorDescription, completion: completion)