@@ -50,13 +50,11 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
var titleCurrentFolder = NCBrandOptions.sharedInstance.brand
var serverUrl = ""
- var directoryID = ""
// -------------------------------------------------------------
private let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
private var serverUrlPush = ""
- private var directoryIDPush = ""
private var metadataPush: tableMetadata?
private var metadataFolder: tableMetadata?
@@ -485,12 +483,12 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
// Update directory etag
NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.setDirectory(serverUrl: self.serverUrl, serverUrlTo: nil, etag: metadataFolder?.etag, fileID: metadataFolder?.fileID, encrypted: metadataFolder!.e2eEncrypted, account: self.appDelegate.activeAccount)
- NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.deleteMetadata(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "directoryID == %@ AND (status == %d OR status == %d)", directoryID!, k_metadataStatusNormal, k_metadataStatusHide))
+ NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.deleteMetadata(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND (status == %d OR status == %d)", self.appDelegate.activeAccount ,self.serverUrl, k_metadataStatusNormal, k_metadataStatusHide))
NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.setDateReadDirectory(serverUrl: self.serverUrl, account: self.appDelegate.activeAccount)
_ = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.addMetadatas(metadatas as! [tableMetadata])
- if let metadatasInDownload = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getMetadatas(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "directoryID == %@ AND (status == %d OR status == %d OR status == %d OR status == %d)", directoryID!, k_metadataStatusWaitDownload, k_metadataStatusInDownload, k_metadataStatusDownloading, k_metadataStatusDownloadError), sorted: nil, ascending: false) {
+ if let metadatasInDownload = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getMetadatas(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND (status == %d OR status == %d OR status == %d OR status == %d)", self.appDelegate.activeAccount ,self.serverUrl, k_metadataStatusWaitDownload, k_metadataStatusInDownload, k_metadataStatusDownloading, k_metadataStatusDownloadError), sorted: nil, ascending: false) {
_ = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.addMetadatas(metadatasInDownload)
@@ -517,26 +515,25 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
sectionDatasource = CCSectionDataSourceMetadata()
var predicate: NSPredicate?
- if directoryID == "" {
+ if serverUrl == "" {
serverUrl = CCUtility.getHomeServerUrlActiveUrl(appDelegate.activeUrl)
- directoryID = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getDirectoryID(serverUrl, account: appDelegate.activeAccount) ?? ""
if includeDirectoryE2EEncryption {
if includeImages {
- predicate = NSPredicate(format: "directoryID == %@ AND (directory == true OR typeFile == 'image')", directoryID)
+ predicate = NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND (directory == true OR typeFile == 'image')", appDelegate.activeAccount, serverUrl)
} else {
- predicate = NSPredicate(format: "directoryID == %@ AND directory == true", directoryID)
+ predicate = NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND directory == true", appDelegate.activeAccount, serverUrl)
} else {
if includeImages {
- predicate = NSPredicate(format: "directoryID == %@ AND e2eEncrypted == false AND (directory == true OR typeFile == 'image')", directoryID)
+ predicate = NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND e2eEncrypted == false AND (directory == true OR typeFile == 'image')", appDelegate.activeAccount, serverUrl)
} else {
- predicate = NSPredicate(format: "directoryID == %@ AND e2eEncrypted == false AND directory == true", directoryID)
+ predicate = NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND e2eEncrypted == false AND directory == true", appDelegate.activeAccount, serverUrl)
@@ -680,12 +677,8 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
guard let serverUrlPush = CCUtility.stringAppendServerUrl(metadata.serverUrl, addFileName: metadata.fileName) else {
- guard let directoryIDPush = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getDirectoryID(serverUrlPush, account: appDelegate.activeAccount) else {
- return
- }
self.serverUrlPush = serverUrlPush
- self.directoryIDPush = directoryIDPush
self.metadataPush = metadata
performSegueDirectoryWithControlPasscode(controlPasscode: true)
@@ -701,7 +694,7 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
private func performSegueDirectoryWithControlPasscode(controlPasscode: Bool) {
- guard let directoryPush = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getTableDirectory(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "directoryID == %@", directoryIDPush)) else {
+ guard let directoryPush = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getTableDirectory(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@", appDelegate.activeAccount, serverUrlPush)) else {
@@ -750,7 +743,6 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
visualController.titleCurrentFolder = metadataPush!.fileNameView
visualController.serverUrl = serverUrlPush
- visualController.directoryID = directoryIDPush
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(visualController, animated: true)