@@ -716,6 +716,14 @@ TEST_CASE("migration: Automatic") {
{"array target", {
{"value", PropertyType::Int},
+ {"int pk", {
+ {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}},
+ {"value", PropertyType::Int},
+ }},
+ {"string pk", {
+ {"pk", PropertyType::String, Property::IsPrimary{true}},
+ {"value", PropertyType::Int},
+ }},
InMemoryTestFile config;
@@ -909,10 +917,22 @@ TEST_CASE("migration: Automatic") {
+ SECTION("upsert in new realm after modifying primary key") {
+ realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [&values](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) {
+ get_table(new_realm, "all types")->set_primary_key_column(ColKey());
+ REQUIRE(new_realm->is_in_transaction());
+ CppContext ctx(new_realm);
+ any_cast<AnyDict&>(values)["bool"] = false;
+ Object obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, "all types", values, CreatePolicy::UpdateAll);
+ REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "all types")->size() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "link target")->size() == 2);
+ REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "array target")->size() == 2);
+ REQUIRE(any_cast<bool>(obj.get_property_value<util::Any>(ctx, "bool")) == false);
+ });
+ }
SECTION("change primary key property type") {
schema = set_type(schema, "all types", "pk", PropertyType::String);
- // FIXME: changing the primary key of a type with binary columns currently crashes in core
- schema = remove_property(schema, "all types", "data");
realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, auto&) {
Object obj(new_realm, "all types", 0);
@@ -943,6 +963,169 @@ TEST_CASE("migration: Automatic") {
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 2, good_migration));
REQUIRE(get_table(realm, "all types")->size() == 2);
+ SECTION("modify existing int primary key values in migration") {
+ // Create several more objects to increase the chance of things
+ // actually breaking if we're doing invalid things
+ CppContext ctx(realm);
+ auto object_schema = realm->schema().find("all types");
+ realm->begin_transaction();
+ for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
+ any_cast<AnyDict&>(values)["pk"] = INT64_C(1) + i;
+ any_cast<AnyDict&>(values)["int"] = INT64_C(5) + i;
+ Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values);
+ }
+ realm->commit_transaction();
+ // Increase the PK of each object by one in a migration
+ realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) {
+ CppContext ctx(new_realm);
+ Results results(new_realm, get_table(new_realm, "all types"));
+ for (size_t i = 0, count = results.size(); i < count; ++i) {
+ Object obj(new_realm, results.get<Obj>(i));
+ util::Any v = 1 + any_cast<int64_t>(obj.get_property_value<util::Any>(ctx, "pk"));
+ obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", v);
+ }
+ });
+ // Create a new object with the no-longer-used pk of 1
+ realm->begin_transaction();
+ any_cast<AnyDict&>(values)["pk"] = INT64_C(1);
+ any_cast<AnyDict&>(values)["int"] = INT64_C(4);
+ object_schema = realm->schema().find("all types");
+ Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values);
+ realm->commit_transaction();
+ // Verify results
+ auto table = get_table(realm, "all types");
+ REQUIRE(table->size() == 11);
+ REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ auto obj = table->get_object(i);
+ REQUIRE(obj.get<int64_t>("pk") == i + 2);
+ REQUIRE(obj.get<int64_t>("int") == i + 5);
+ }
+ auto obj = table->get_object(10);
+ REQUIRE(obj.get<int64_t>("pk") == 1);
+ REQUIRE(obj.get<int64_t>("int") == 4);
+ }
+ SECTION("modify existing string primary key values in migration") {
+ // Create several objects to increase the chance of things
+ // actually breaking if we're doing invalid things
+ CppContext ctx(realm);
+ auto object_schema = realm->schema().find("string pk");
+ realm->begin_transaction();
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ util::Any values = AnyDict{
+ {"pk", util::to_string(i)},
+ {"value", i + 1},
+ };
+ Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values);
+ }
+ realm->commit_transaction();
+ // Increase the PK of each object by one in a migration
+ realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) {
+ CppContext ctx(new_realm);
+ Results results(new_realm, get_table(new_realm, "string pk"));
+ for (size_t i = 0, count = results.size(); i < count; ++i) {
+ Object obj(new_realm, results.get<Obj>(i));
+ util::Any v = util::to_string(any_cast<int64_t>(obj.get_property_value<util::Any>(ctx, "value")));
+ obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", v);
+ }
+ });
+ // Create a new object with the no-longer-used pk of 0
+ realm->begin_transaction();
+ util::Any values = AnyDict{
+ {"pk", "0"s},
+ {"value", INT64_C(0)},
+ };
+ object_schema = realm->schema().find("string pk");
+ Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values);
+ realm->commit_transaction();
+ // Verify results
+ auto table = get_table(realm, "string pk");
+ REQUIRE(table->size() == 11);
+ REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk"));
+ for (auto& obj : *table) {
+ REQUIRE(util::to_string(obj.get<int64_t>("value")).c_str() == obj.get<StringData>("pk"));
+ }
+ }
+ SECTION("create and modify int primary key inside migration") {
+ SECTION("with index") {
+ realm->begin_transaction();
+ auto table = get_table(realm, "int pk");
+ table->add_search_index(table->get_column_key("pk"));
+ realm->commit_transaction();
+ }
+ SECTION("no index") {
+ }
+ realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) {
+ CppContext ctx(new_realm);
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ auto obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, *new_realm->schema().find("int pk"),
+ util::Any(AnyDict{
+ {"pk", INT64_C(0)},
+ {"value", i}
+ }));
+ obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", util::Any(i));
+ }
+ });
+ auto table = get_table(realm, "int pk");
+ REQUIRE(table->size() == 10);
+ REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ auto obj = table->get_object(i);
+ REQUIRE(obj.get<int64_t>("pk") == i);
+ REQUIRE(obj.get<int64_t>("value") == i);
+ }
+ }
+ SECTION("create and modify string primary key inside migration") {
+ SECTION("with index") {
+ realm->begin_transaction();
+ auto table = get_table(realm, "string pk");
+ table->add_search_index(table->get_column_key("pk"));
+ realm->commit_transaction();
+ }
+ SECTION("no index") {
+ }
+ realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) {
+ CppContext ctx(new_realm);
+ for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ auto obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, *new_realm->schema().find("string pk"),
+ util::Any(AnyDict{
+ {"pk", ""s},
+ {"value", i}
+ }));
+ obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", util::Any(util::to_string(i)));
+ }
+ });
+ auto table = get_table(realm, "string pk");
+ REQUIRE(table->size() == 10);
+ REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk"));
+ for (auto& obj : *table)
+ REQUIRE(obj.get<StringData>("pk") == util::to_string(obj.get<int64_t>("value")).c_str());
+ }
+ SECTION("create object after adding primary key") {
+ schema = set_primary_key(schema, "all types", "");
+ realm->update_schema(schema, 2);
+ schema = set_primary_key(schema, "all types", "pk");
+ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 3, [&](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) {
+ CppContext ctx(new_realm);
+ any_cast<AnyDict&>(values)["pk"] = INT64_C(2);
+ Object::create(ctx, realm, "all types", values);
+ }));
+ }
SECTION("property renaming") {
@@ -1132,6 +1315,27 @@ TEST_CASE("migration: Automatic") {
schema = set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", true);
SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"});
+ SECTION("create object inside migration after renaming pk") {
+ schema = set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value");
+ auto new_schema = set_primary_key(rename_value(schema), "object", "new");
+ init(schema);
+ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(new_schema, 2, [](auto, auto realm, Schema& schema) {
+ ObjectStore::rename_property(realm->read_group(), schema,
+ "object", "value", "new");
+ CppContext ctx(realm);
+ util::Any values = AnyDict{{"new", INT64_C(11)}};
+ Object::create(ctx, realm, "object", values);
+ }));
+ REQUIRE(realm->schema() == new_schema);
+ VERIFY_SCHEMA(*realm, false);
+ auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object");
+ auto key = table->get_column_keys()[0];
+ auto it = table->begin();
+ REQUIRE(it->get<int64_t>(key) == 10);
+ REQUIRE((++it)->get<int64_t>(key) == 11);
+ }