// // Localizable.strings // Nextcloud // // Copyright © 2017 Marino Faggiana. All rights reserved. // // Author Marino Faggiana // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // "_itunes_" = "iTunes"; "_cancel_" = "取消"; "_tap_to_cancel_" = "點擊取消"; "_cancel_request_" = "請問您想要取消嗎?"; "_upload_file_" = "上傳檔案"; "_download_file_" = "下載檔案"; "_loading_" = "加載中..."; "_loading_with_points_" = "加載中 ..."; "_loading_num_" = "加載檔案 %i 中"; "_loading_autoupload_" = "自動上傳中"; "_uploading_" = "上傳中"; "_synchronization_" = "同步"; "_delete_" = "刪除"; "_delete_file_n_" = "刪除 %i 個中 %i 個的檔案"; "_rename_" = "重新命名"; "_rename_file_" = "重新命名檔案"; "_rename_folder_" = "重新命名資料夾"; "_move_" = "移動"; "_move_file_n_" = "移動 %i 個中 %i 個的檔案"; "_creating_sharing_" = "建立分享中"; "_updating_sharing_" = "更新分享中"; "_removing_sharing_" = "移除分享中"; "_add_" = "新增"; "_login_" = "登入"; "_save_" = "儲存"; "_warning_" = "警告"; "_error_" = "錯誤"; "_error_e2ee_" = "錯誤 E2EE"; "_no_" = "否"; "_yes_" = "是"; "_select_" = "選擇"; "_deselect_" = "清除選擇"; "_select_all_" = "全選"; "_upload_" = "上傳"; "_home_" = "檔案"; "_files_" = "檔案"; "_home_dir_" = "主頁"; "_file_to_upload_" = "要上傳的檔案"; "_destination_" = "目的地"; "_ok_" = "確定"; "_beta_version_" = "公測版本"; "_function_in_testing_" = "功能在測試中, 請傳送您遇到的任何問題的資訊。"; "_done_" = "完成"; "_clear_" = "清除"; "_passcode_too_short_" = "密碼太短,至少需要4個的字元。"; "_selected_" = "已選擇"; "_scan_fingerprint_" = "掃描指紋以驗證"; "_no_active_account_" = "沒有找到任何賬戶"; "_info_" = "資訊"; "_warning_" = "警告"; "_email_" = "電子郵件"; "_save_exit_" = "您想離開且不要儲存嗎?"; "_video_" = "影片"; "_overwrite_" = "覆寫"; "_transfers_in_queue_" = "正在進行轉移,請稍候 ..."; "_too_errors_upload_" = "錯誤太多,請確認問題"; "_create_folder_" = "創建資料夾"; "_create_folder_on_" = "創建資料夾在"; "_close_" = "關閉"; "_postpone_" = "延後"; "_remove_" = "移除"; "_file_not_found_" = "找不到檔案"; "_continue_" = "繼續"; "_continue_editing_" = "繼續編輯"; "_continue_request_" = "請問您想要繼續嗎?"; "_auto_upload_folder_" = "自動上傳"; "_gallery_" = "圖片庫"; "_photo_" = "照片"; "_audio_" = "音樂"; "_unknown_" = "不明"; "_next_" = "下一個"; "_success_" = "成功"; "_initialization_" = "初始化"; "_experimental_" = "實驗用的"; "_select_dir_media_tab_" = "選擇成為 \"媒體\" 資料夾"; "_error_creation_file_" = "無法創建檔案"; "_save_path_" = "儲存路徑"; "_save_settings_" = "儲存設定"; "_mode_filename_" = "檔名類型"; "_warning_owncloud_" = "您正在連線到一台ownCloud伺服器。這是未測試及未支援,須自行承擔風險。升級到Nextcloud, 請看 https://nextcloud.com/migration"; "_warning_unsupported_" = "您正在使用的 Nextcloud 是一個没有支援的版本。為了您資料的安全我們建議您更新到穩定的 Nextcloud 版本"; "_restore_" = "回復"; "_camera_roll_" = "相機膠卷"; "_tap_here_to_change_" = "點擊->變更"; "_no_albums_" = "無相簿"; "_denied_album_" = "此app不能存取\"照片\",您可以在隱私權內開啟存取。"; "_denied_camera_" = "此app不能存取\"相機\",您可以在隱私權內開啟存取。"; "_start_" = "開始"; "_force_start_" = "強制開始"; "_purchase_" = "購買"; "_account_not_available_" = "%@的帳號 %@不存在,請增加它讓它可以讀取檔案 %@"; "_error_parameter_schema_" = "錯誤的參數,無法繼續。"; "_comments_" = "留言"; "_sharing_" = "分享"; "_details_" = "詳細資料"; "_sub_details_" = "訂閱細節"; "_subscriptions_" = "訂閱"; "_dark_mode_" = "深色模式"; "_dark_mode_detect_" = "偵測iOS的深色模式"; "_screen_" = "螢幕顯示"; "_wipe_account_" = "從伺服器移除帳號"; "_appconfig_view_title_" = "帳號設定在處理中 …"; "_no_permission_add_file_" = "您無權限添加檔案"; "_no_permission_delete_file_" = "您無權限刪除檔案"; "_no_permission_modify_file_" = "您無權限修改檔案"; "_request_upload_new_ver_" = "檔案已經修改,請問您想要上傳新的版本嗎?"; "_add_folder_info_" = "增加資料夾資訊"; "_back_" = "返回"; "_search_" = "搜尋"; "_of_" = "的"; "_internal_modify_" = "使用內部編輯器編輯"; "_database_corrupt_" = "哎喲發生一些錯誤,請輸入您的憑證也不要擔心,你的檔案還是安全的。"; "_download_image_max_" = "全解析度格式下載圖片"; "_livephoto_save_" = "儲存原況照片到相簿"; "_livephoto_save_error_" = "儲存原況照片的時候發生錯誤"; "_file_conflict_num_" = "檔案抵觸"; "_file_conflicts_num_" = "檔案抵觸"; "_file_conflict_desc_" = "請問您想要保留哪個檔案?如果您想要選擇兩個版本,已經複製的檔案名稱將會加上一個數字。"; "_file_conflict_new_" = "新增檔案"; "_file_conflict_exists_" = "已經存在的檔案"; "_file_not_rewite_doc_" = "不可能複寫一個文件只能建立一個新的。"; "_move_or_copy_" = "移動或複製"; "_copy_" = "複製"; "_now_" = "現在"; "_wait_" = "請稍候 …"; "_attention_" = "Attention"; "_recent_" = "最新"; "_view_in_folder_" = "在資料夾中檢視"; "_leave_share_" = "Leave this share"; "_premium_" = "高級"; "_professional_" = "專業"; "_current_" = "目前"; "_buy_" = "購買"; /* MARK: Files lock */ "_lock_file_" = "上鎖檔案"; "_unlock_file_" = "解鎖檔案"; "_lock_selected_files_" = "鎖上檔案"; "_unlock_selected_files_" = "解鎖檔案"; "_locked_by_" = "被 %@ 鎖上"; "_file_locked_no_override_" = "此文件已被上鎖。 不能被覆蓋。"; /* Remove a file from a list, don't delete it entirely */ "_remove_file_" = "移除檔案"; /* Delete file and put it into the trash */ "_delete_file_" = "刪除檔案"; "_delete_folder_" = "刪除資料夾"; "_delete_photo_" = "刪除照片"; "_delete_video_" = "刪除視像"; "_automatic_Download_Image_" = "以全清晰度顯示圖像"; "_automatic_Download_Image_footer_" = "查看近端找不到的圖像時,請以全清晰度下載圖像"; "_size_" = "大小"; "_dimension_" = "尺寸"; "_duration_" = "歷時"; "_model_" = "型號"; "_set_user_status_" = "設置用戶狀態"; "_open_settings_" = "開啟設定"; "_rename_ext_title_" = "更改檔案類型?"; "_rename_ext_message_" = "如果將檔案從 %@ 更改為 %@,其行為可能會有所不同"; "_use_" = "使用"; "_keep_" = "保留"; "_account_request_" = "請求賬戶"; "_settings_account_request_" = "啟動時要求輸入帳戶"; "_print_" = "列印"; "_alias_" = "別名"; "_alias_footer_" = "給您的賬戶一個有意義的名稱,例如家庭,辦公室,學校 …"; "_upload_chunk_" = "您要上傳的檔案很大,請將應用程式置於前台,直至完成為止"; "_upload_e2ee_" = "您要上傳的檔案已加密,請將該應用程式置於前台,直至完成為止"; "_chunk_size_mb_" = "塊大小(MB)"; "_chunk_footer_title_" = "批量上傳文件(0 = 禁用)\n重要提示:僅當應用程式處於“活動”狀態時,批量上傳才有效。"; "_privacy_legal_" = "隐私及法律政策"; "_source_code_" = "取得原始碼"; "_account_select_" = "選擇賬號"; "_host_insert_" = "插入主機名,例如:"; "_certificate_not_found_" = "找不到文件目錄中的 %@ 檔案。"; "_copy_failed_" = "複製失敗"; "_certificate_installed_" = "證書已安裝"; "_want_delete_account_" = "您想刪除刪除賬戶 %@ 嗎?"; "_prevent_http_redirection_"= "不允許在 HTTP 中重定向"; "_pdf_vertical_" = "PDF縱向顯示"; "_pdf_horizontal_" = "PDF橫向顯示"; "_single_file_conflict_title_" = "檔案抵觸"; "_multi_file_conflict_title_" = "%@個檔案抵觸"; "_replace_action_title_" = "取代"; "_keep_both_action_title_" = "保留兩者"; "_cancel_keep_existing_action_title_" = "取消並保留現有版本"; "_replace_all_action_title_" = "取代全部"; "_keep_both_for_all_action_title_" = "對於所有有衝突的檔案,兩個版本都保留。"; "_more_action_title_" = "更多細節"; /* Background of the file listing view */ "_use_as_background_" = "使用作為背景"; /* Background of the file listing view */ "_background_" = "背景"; "_dark_mode_" = "深色模式"; "_default_color_" = "使用默認顏色"; "_as_default_color_" = "設置為默認顏色"; // MARK: User Status /* User status */ "_online_" = "上線"; /* User status */ "_away_" = "不在"; /* User status */ "_dnd_" = "請勿打擾"; /* User status */ "_dnd_description_" = "靜音所有通知"; /* User status */ "_invisible_" = "隱藏"; /* User status */ "_invisible_description_" = "顯示為離線"; /* User status */ "_status_message_" = "狀態訊息"; "_status_message_placehorder_" = "您目前的狀態是什麼呢?"; "_online_status_" = "上線狀態"; "_clear_status_message_" = "清空狀態列訊息"; "_set_status_message_" = "設定狀態訊息"; "_clear_status_message_after_" = "繼此之後清空狀態訊息"; /* User status */ "_select_option_" = "選擇選項"; "_dont_clear_" = "不要清空"; "_30_minutes_" = "30分鐘"; "_an_hour_" = "1 小時"; "_1_hour_" = "1 小時"; "_4_hours_" = "4 小時"; "day" = "今日"; "_this_week_" = "本星期"; "_days_" = "日"; "_hours_" = "小時"; "_minutes_" = "分鐘"; "_network_available_" = "網路可使用"; "_network_not_available_" = "網路無法使用"; "_file_too_big_" = "檔案太大, 無法加密/解密"; "_file_too_big_max_100_" = "檔案太大(不可超過 100 kb)"; "_...loading..._" = "加載中 ..."; "_download_plist_" = " "; "_no_reuploadfile_" = "雲端找不到檔案也不能重傳檔案。請刪除上傳的檔案並重新讀取檔案再上傳它。"; "_file_already_exists_" = "無法完成指令, 因為已存在相同檔名"; "_read_file_error_" = "無法讀取檔案。"; "_write_file_error_" = "無法寫入檔案"; "_files_lock_error_" = "更改此檔案的鎖定時出錯"; "_more_" = "更多"; "_notifications_" = "通知"; "_logout_" = "登出"; "_quota_space_unlimited_" = "無限制"; "_quota_space_unknown_" = "不明"; "_quota_using_" = "您已經使用%@/%@的檔案空間"; "_acknowledgements_" = "致謝"; "_settings_" = "設定"; "_passcode_" = "密碼"; "_lock_" = "上鎖"; "_lock_active_" = "已鎖定"; "_lock_not_active_" = "未鎖定"; "_lock_protection_no_screen_" = "啟動勿詢問"; "_lock_protection_no_screen_footer_" = "加密選項使用\"不要在啟動時詢問\""; "_enable_touch_face_id_" = "開啟Touch/Face ID"; "_url_" = "URL"; "_username_" = "用戶名稱"; "_change_credentials_" = "變更您的憑證"; "_wifi_only_" = "只有使用Wi-Fi連線"; "_settings_autoupload_" = "自動上傳"; "_app_version_" = "應用版本"; "_app_in_use_" = "應用程式使用中"; "_contact_by_email_" = "用電子郵件聯絡我們"; "_clear_cache_" = "清除快取"; "_clear_cache_footer_" = "從app內清除已下載且離線的檔案"; "_exit_" = "重置應用軟體"; "_exit_footer_" = "移除 app內全部的帳號以及本地資料"; "_funct_not_enabled_" = "功能尚未啟用"; "_passcode_activate_" = "密碼鎖定中"; "_disabling_passcode_" = "移除鎖定的密碼"; "_want_exit_" = "請注意!將會重設到初始狀態。要繼續嗎?"; "_proceed_" = "進行"; "_delete_cache_" = "刪除缓存"; "_want_delete_cache_" = "請問您想要刪除快取嗎(這也會移除正在處理中的一些傳送)?"; "_want_delete_thumbnails_" = "您也想刪除所有的縮圖嗎?"; "_mail_deleted_" = "電子郵件刪除"; "_mail_saved_" = "電子郵件存檔"; "_mail_sent_" = "電子郵件傳送"; "_mail_failure_" = "無法傳送郵件: %@"; "_information_req_" = "索取資訊"; "_write_in_english_" = "請用英文通知我們"; "_credentials_" = "憑證"; "_manage_account_" = "管理賬戶"; "_change_password_" = "修改密碼"; "_add_account_" = "新增帳號"; "_delete_account_" = "移除帳號"; "_delete_active_account_" = "移除活躍賬戶"; "_want_delete_" = "您真的想刪除嗎?"; "_no_delete_" = "不,不要刪除。"; "_yes_delete_" = "是,刪除。"; "_remove_cache_" = "正在清除缓存,請稍候 …"; "_optimizations_" = "優化"; "_synchronizations_" = "同步資料夾"; "_version_server_" = "伺服器版本"; "_help_" = "幫助"; "_change_simply_passcode_" = "改變密碼類型"; "_quota_" = "用量"; "_available_" = "可用"; "_not_available_" = "不可用"; "_accounts_" = "賬戶"; "_information_" = "資訊"; "_personal_information_" = "個人資訊"; "_user_full_name_" = "全名"; "_user_address_" = "地址"; 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"_autoupload_videos_" = "自動上傳影片"; "_autoupload_description_" = "新的照片/錄影將自動上傳到您的 Nextcloud"; "_autoupload_description_background_" = "此選項需要GPS的使用來觸發相機膠卷內新的相片/影片的偵測,一旦位置有明顯的改變"; "_autoupload_background_title_" = "限制"; "_autoupload_background_msg_" = "因為iOS的限制,目前尚未有可能可以執行背景處理,除非GPS的服務被啟動。一旦行動網路被改變,系統會啟動一下子並檢查要上傳到雲端的新照片。"; "_autoupload_change_location_" = "改變資料夾"; "_autoupload_location_now_" = "資料夾"; "_autoupload_location_default_" = "回復預設的資料夾"; "_autoupload_change_location_footer_" = "改變資料夾以使用\"自動上傳相機照片\"(若此選項是開啟)"; "_autoupload_not_select_home_" = "選擇資料夾"; "_autoupload_save_album_" = "複制照片或影片到相片輯"; "_autoupload_fullphotos_" = "上傳整個相機膠卷"; "_autoupload_fullphotos_footer_" = "上傳前請先調整上面的選項"; "_autoupload_create_subfolder_" = "使用子目錄"; "_autoupload_create_subfolder_footer_" = "基於年及月來儲存在子目錄。"; "_autoupload_filenamemask_" = "更改檔案名稱遮罩"; "_autoupload_filenamemask_footer_" = "更動自動檔案名稱遮照"; "_autoupload_current_folder_" = "已選擇的資料夾"; "_help_tutorial_" = "教學"; "_help_intro_" = "Nextcloud的介紹"; "_help_activity_verbose_" = "詳細動態"; "_help_activity_mail_" = "用電子郵件傳送活動"; "_help_activity_clear_" = "清除活動"; "_show_hidden_files_" = "顯示隱藏的檔案"; "_format_compatibility_" = "大部分相容"; "_format_compatibility_footer_" = "如果可能,“最兼容”會將照片另存為JPEG。"; "_terms_" = "服務條款"; "_privacy_" = "私隱"; "_privacy_policy_" = "私隱政策"; "_privacy_footer_" = "Nextcloud iOS 使用一個當機閃退分析的服務。您的個人資訊不會隨著報告傳送。若您想關閉它,請改變設定\"關閉當機閃退報告器\"到開啟。"; "_crashservice_title_" = "關閉 當機 舉報器"; "_crashservice_alert_" = "此選項需要app的重啟來生效"; "_upload_mov_livephoto_" = "原況照片"; "_upload_mov_livephoto_footer_" = "如果可能,“實時照片”將以“實時照片”格式保存所選照片。"; "_view_capabilities_" = "查看功能"; "_capabilities_" = "功能"; "_no_capabilities_found_" = "找不到功能"; "_diagnostics_" = "診斷 "; "_view_log_" = "查看 Log 檔案"; "_clear_log_" = "清除 Log 檔案"; "_level_log_" = "設置 Log 級別(關閉,標準,最大)"; "_connect_server_anyway_" = "無論如何您都想要連線到伺服器?"; "_server_is_trusted_" = "你認為此伺服器可信嗎?"; "_connection_error_" = "連線錯誤"; "_serverstatus_error_" = "連線到伺服器失敗,驗證您的伺服器的位置或是網路狀態"; "_add_your_nextcloud_" = "新增您的 Nextcloud 帳號"; "_login_url_" = "伺服器網址 https:// ..."; "_login_bottom_label_" = "目前還沒有伺服器?\n請選擇一個提供者。"; "_error_multidomain_" = "位址不被允許,只有下列的網域是有效的:"; "_account_already_exists_" = "帳號 %@ 已經存在"; "_traditional_login_" = "還原成舊的登入方式"; "_web_login_" = "還原成 網頁登入 方式"; "_login_url_error_" = "URL錯誤,請確認您伺服器的URL"; "_webflow_not_available_" = "Web 登入不可用,請使用舊的登入方法"; "_favorites_" = "我的最愛"; "_favorite_" = "我的最愛"; "_unfavorite_" = "取消我的最愛"; "_no_files_uploaded_" = "沒有檔案上傳"; "_tutorial_favorite_view_" = "您標記為我的最愛的檔案及資料夾將會在這顯示。"; "_tutorial_offline_view_" = "這裡的檔案複製還是可以離線使用的\n\n它們會同步到您的雲端。"; "_tutorial_local_view_" = "您會從您的雲端找到解開的檔案。\n\n連線到iTunes以分享這些檔案。"; "_more_" = "更多"; "_favorite_no_files_" = "目前還沒有我的最愛"; "_pull_down_" = "下拉以更新"; "_no_photo_load_" = "沒有照片或是影片"; "_tutorial_autoupload_view_" = "您可以從 \"設定\" 開啟自動上傳。"; "_no_date_" = "沒有日期"; "_today_" = "今日"; "_yesterday_" = "昨日"; "_time_" = "時間: %@\n\n%@"; "_location_not_enabled_" = "位置服務沒有啟用"; "_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "請到 \"設定\" 並且 開啟 \"定位服務\" "; "_access_photo_not_enabled_" = "存取照片沒有啟用"; "_access_photo_not_enabled_msg_" = "請到 \"設定\" 並且 開啟 \"相片存取\" "; 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"_new_comment_" = "新增留言 …"; "_edit_comment_" = "編輯留言"; "_delete_comment_" = "刪除留言"; "_share_allow_editing_" = "允許編輯"; "_share_read_only_" = "僅檢視"; "_share_editing_" = "編輯"; "_share_allow_upload_" = "允許上傳及編輯"; "_share_file_drop_" = "拖曳檔案(僅供上傳)"; "_share_hide_download_" = "隱藏下載"; "_share_password_protect_" = "密碼防護"; "_share_expiration_date_" = "設定到期日"; "_share_note_recipient_" = "給接收者的訊息"; "_share_delete_sharelink_" = "刪除連結"; "_share_add_sharelink_" = "加入另一個連結"; "_share_can_reshare_" = "允許轉貼分享"; "_share_can_create_" = "允許創建"; "_share_can_change_" = "允許編輯"; "_share_can_delete_" = "允許刪除"; "_share_unshare_" = "撤回分享"; "_share_internal_link_" = "內部連結"; "_share_internal_link_des_" = "只對可以存取此資料夾的用戶生效"; "_share_reshare_disabled_" = "您不能轉發此檔案/資料夾"; "_share_reshare_restricted_" = "注意:您只有有限的權限來轉發此檔案/資料夾"; "_no_transfer_" = "目前尚無任何傳輸"; "_no_transfer_sub_" = "從這裝置上傳及下載將會顯示在這。"; "_no_activity_" = "目前無活動"; "_no_activity_footer_" = "已載入所有活動"; "_transfers_" = "傳送"; "_activity_" = "活動"; "_activity_file_not_present_" = "檔案不再顯示"; 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"_e2e_error_store_metadata_" = "無法儲存元數據"; "_e2e_error_send_metadata_" = "無法傳送元數據"; "_e2e_error_delete_metadata_" = "無法刪除元數據"; "_e2e_error_get_metadata_" = "無法取得元數據"; "_e2e_error_not_enabled_" = "嚴重內部錯誤。端點到端點加密未開啟"; "_e2e_error_record_not_found_" = "嚴重內部錯誤。無法找到紀錄"; "_e2e_error_unlock_" = "無法解鎖資料夾"; "_e2e_error_lock_" = "無法鎖定資料夾"; "_e2e_error_delete_mark_folder_" = "解密選取的資料夾"; "_e2e_error_mark_folder_" = "加密資料夾"; "_e2e_error_directory_not_empty_" = "資料夾不為空"; "_e2e_error_not_move_" = "無法將檔案移到加密資料夾"; "_scans_document_" = "掃描文件"; "_scanned_images_" = "掃描好的影像檔"; "_scan_document_pdf_page_" = "頁"; "_scan_label_document_zone_" = "拉取影像檔可產生文件"; "_filter_original_" = "原始"; "_filter_bn_" = "黑白"; "_filter_grayscale_" = "灰階"; "_quality_image_title_" = "圖像品質"; "_quality_high_" = "大檔案(高畫質)"; "_quality_medium_" = "中檔案(普通畫質)"; "_quality_low_" = "小檔案(低畫質)"; "_file_type_" = "檔案類型"; "_pdf_password_" = "PDF 檔的密碼"; "_file_creation_" = "檔案建立"; "_delete_all_scanned_images_" = "是否刪除 所有掃描的影像檔"; "_text_recognition_" = "文字辨識"; 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"_ssl_certificate_untrusted_" = "此伺服器憑證無效"; "_ssl_certificate_changed_" = "此伺服器的證書似乎已更改"; "_internal_server_" = "內部伺服器錯誤"; "_file_already_exists_" = "無法完成指令, 因為已存在相同檔名"; "_file_folder_not_exists_" = "來源檔在指定的路徑沒被找到。"; "_folder_contents_nochanged_" = "此資料夾的內容還未被更動。"; "_images_invalid_converted_" = "圖片是不合規範的而且不能被轉成縮圖。"; "_method_not_expected_" = "預期外的請求"; "_reauthenticate_user_" = "存取逾時, 重新登入"; "_server_error_retry_" = "伺服器暫時無法運作"; "_too_many_files_" = "這項操作包含過多的檔案"; "_too_many_request_" = "發送的索取要求過多導致達到次數限制"; "_user_over_quota_" = "已到達容量上限"; "_ssl_connection_error_" = "SSL連線錯誤,請再試一次。"; "_bad_request_" = "請求無效"; "_webdav_locked_" = "WebDAV鎖定:嘗試存取鎖定的資源"; "_error_user_not_available_" = "這個用戶已經失效"; "_server_response_error_" = "伺服器回報內容錯誤"; "_no_nextcloud_found_" = "找不到伺服器"; "_error_decompressing_" = "解壓縮出錯。不明壓縮方法或是檔案已毀損"; "_error_json_decoding_" = "解密詮釋資料出現嚴重內部錯誤(無法讀取數據,因為它的格式不正確。)"; "_error_check_remote_user_" = "伺服器回應錯誤,需要密碼重新登入"; "_request_entity_too_large_" = "檔案太大"; "_not_possible_download_" = "不能下載檔案"; "_not_possible_upload_" = "不能上傳檔案"; "_error_files_upload_" = "上傳檔案錯誤 "; "_method_not_allowed_" = "請求方法不被支援"; "_invalid_url_" = "無效的伺服器 URL"; "_invalid_literal_" = "無效的搜尋字串"; "_invalid_date_format_" = "無效的日期格式"; "_invalid_data_format_" = "無效的資料格式"; "_error_decode_xml_" = "無效的回應,XML解碼錯誤"; "_internal_generic_error_" = "內部錯誤"; "_editor_unknown_" = "無法打開檔案:編輯器不詳"; "_err_file_not_found_" = "找不到檔案,已刪除"; "_err_e2ee_app_version_" = "應用程式端到端加密版本不兼容,請更新您的伺服器"; "_err_permission_microphone_" = "請允許通過設置使用米高風"; "_err_permission_photolibrary_" = "請允許通過設置使用照片"; "_err_permission_locationmanager_" = "請允許通過設置使用位置"; "_qrcode_not_authorized_" = "未被授權使用後置相機"; "_qrcode_not_supported_" = "目前裝置不支援 QR Code"; "_create_voice_memo_" = "建立錄音筆記"; "_voice_memo_start_" = "點擊開始"; "_voice_memo_stop_" = "點擊停止"; "_voice_memo_filename_" = "錄音筆記"; "_voice_memo_title_" = "上傳錄音筆記"; "Enter Passcode" = "輸入通行碼"; "Enter a new passcode" = "輸入新的通行碼"; "Confirm new passcode" = "確認新的通行碼"; "Passcodes didn't match. Try again." = "通行碼不符。請再試一次。"; "Delete" = "刪除"; "Cancel" = "取消"; "_certificate_details_" = "憑證伺服器詳情"; "_certificate_pn_details_" = "證書推送通知詳情"; "_save_as_scan_" = "保存為掃描"; "_modify_" = "修改"; "_overwrite_original_" = "覆寫原始版本"; "_save_as_copy_" = "保存為副本"; "_discard_changes_" = "關閉並放棄更改"; "_message_disable_overwrite_livephoto_" = "此圖像是實況照片,無法覆蓋"; "_discard_changes_info_" = "您的更改將被掉棄。"; "_delete_files_desc_" = "刪除檔案以釋放空間"; "_delete_old_files_" = "刪除所有早於以下天數的文件:"; "_never_" = "從未"; "_1_year_" = "1 年"; "_6_months_" = "6 個月"; "_3_months_" = "3 個月"; "_1_month_" = "1 個月"; "_1_week_" = "1 個星期"; "_1_day_" = "1 日"; "_monthly_" = "每月"; "_yearly_" = "每年"; "_weekly_" = "每星期"; "_day_" = "日"; "_used_space_" = "已用空間"; "_open_in_onlyoffice_" = "在 ONLYOFFICE 中打開"; "_open_in_collabora_" = "在 Coolabora Online 中打開"; "_login_address_detail_" = "在瀏覽器中開啟您 %@ 的網頁界面連結。"; "_go_to_page_" = "前往頁面"; "_page_" = "頁"; "_this_document_has_%@_pages_" = "此文件有%@頁"; "_invalid_page_" = "無效的頁面"; "_the_entered_page_number_doesn't_exist_" = "輸入的頁碼不存在"; "_error_something_wrong_" = "發生錯誤了"; "_resolution_" = "解析度"; "_try_download_full_resolution_" = "有關更多詳細信息,請嘗試以全解析度下載圖像"; "_copied_path_" = "已複製路徑"; "_copy_path_" = "複製路徑"; "_certificates_" = "憑證"; "_privacy_screen_" = "應用程式處於非活動狀態時的啟動畫面"; "_saving_" = "儲存中 ..."; "_video_not_streamed_" = "伺服器不允許視像串流,您要下載嗎?"; "_scan_" = "掃描"; "_in_" = "裡"; "_enter_passphrase_" = "輸入密碼短語(12 個字)"; "_show_more_results_" = "顯示更多結果"; "_waiting_for_" = "等待:"; "_reachable_wifi_" = "網絡可以通過無線或有線連接"; "_ITMS-90076_" = "由於 Nextcloud 應用程序標識符的更改,訪問您的雲的設置和密碼被重置,所以請重新輸入您的帳戶數據並檢查您的設置。對此我們深感抱歉。"; "_copy_passphrase_" = "複製密碼片語"; // Video "_select_trace_" = "選擇曲目"; "_video_processing_" = "正在處理視像"; "_video_being_processed_" = "正在處理視像 …"; "_downloading_" = "下載中"; "_download_error_" = "下載錯誤"; "_subtitle_" = "字幕"; "_dts_to_ac3_" = "不支持 DTS,要轉換為 Dolby Digital"; "_reuired_conversion_" = "此視像需要很長時間才能轉換。"; "_stay_app_foreground_" = "將應用程式保持在前台..."; "_conversion_available_" = "轉換選項將一直顯示在選項單中"; "_video_format_not_recognized_" = "此視像需要處理才能播放,您現在要處理嗎?"; "_video_must_download_" = "在播放此視像之前,必須先下載並處理它。你現在想這樣做嗎?"; "_conversion_max_compatibility_" = "最大兼容性,轉換可能需要更長的時間"; "_video_tap_for_close_" = "施加輕微的壓力以關閉處理"; "_subtitle_not_found_" = "找不到字幕"; "_disable_" = "停用"; "_subtitle_not_dowloaded_" = "有字幕沒有下載到近端"; "_user_" = "用戶"; // Tip "_tip_pdf_thumbnails_" = "從屏幕右邊緣向左滑動以顯示縮略圖。"; "_tip_accountrequest_" = "Touch here to change account or to add a new one"; "_tip_addcopyimage_" = "Long press to paste a copied image"; // MARK: Accessibility // Accessibility, floating panel top element "_cart_controller_" = "卡控制器"; "_accessibility_add_upload_" = "添加並上傳"; "_dismiss_menu_" = "撤銷選項單"; "_show_profile_" = "顯示簡介"; // a11y: On/Off "_on_" = "開"; // a11y: On/Off "_off_" = "關閉"; "_grid_view_" = "顯示網格視圖"; "_list_view_" = "顯示清單視圖"; // MARK: Plan customer "_leave_plan_title" = "我們對您的離開感到遺憾"; "_leave_plan_description" = "您將無法再存取:"; "_current_plan_" = "現有計劃"; "_billing_plan_" = "計費計劃"; "_keep_plan_" = "保留計劃"; "_leave_plan_" = "離開計劃"; "_change_plan_" = "更改計劃"; "_manage_plan_" = "管理計劃"; "_purchase_plan_" = "購買計劃"; "_restore_plan_" = "還原已購買的計劃"; "_purchase_plan_description_" = "已還原購買"; "_choose_plan_" = "請選擇購買計劃。"; "_already_plan_" = "已購買所選計劃。"; "_change_billing_" = "更改帳單"; "_payment_method_" = "付款方式";