const ROS = require('realm-object-server'); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); // Bypass the mandatory email prompt. process.env.ROS_TOS_EMAIL_ADDRESS = ''; process.env.DOCKER_DATA_PATH = '/tmp'; // Don't bother calling fsync() because we're throwing away all the files // between runs anyway process.env.REALM_DISABLE_SYNC_TO_DISK = 'true'; // Workaround for . process.env.ROS_SUPERAGENT_RETRY_DELAY = '0'; // Enable timestamps in the logs process.env.ROS_LOG_TIMESTAMP = '1'; if (!process.env.SYNC_WORKER_FEATURE_TOKEN) { try { require(os.homedir() + '/.ros-feature-token.js'); } catch (e) { console.error('ROS feature token not found. Running Object Server tests requires setting the SYNC_WORKER_FEATURE_TOKEN environment variable.'); process.exit(1); } } // A "email handler" which actually just writes the tokens to files that the // tests can read class PasswordEmailHandler { constructor(dataRoot) { this.dataRoot = dataRoot; fs.mkdirSync(this.dataRoot); } resetPassword(email, token, userAgent, remoteIp) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(this.dataRoot, email), token); return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0)); } confirmEmail(email, token) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(this.dataRoot, email), token); return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0)); } } const server = new ROS.BasicServer(); server.start({ // The desired logging threshold. Can be one of: all, trace, debug, detail, info, warn, error, fatal, off) logLevel: 'off', // For all the full list of configuration parameters see: // address: '', port: 9080, httpsPort: 9443, https: true, httpsKeyPath: __dirname + '/certificates/localhost-cert-key.pem', httpsCertChainPath: __dirname + '/certificates/localhost-cert.pem', httpsForInternalComponents: false, dataPath: process.argv[2], authProviders: [ new ROS.auth.DebugAuthProvider(), new ROS.auth.PasswordAuthProvider({ autoCreateAdminUser: true, emailHandler: new PasswordEmailHandler(path.join(process.argv[2], 'email')), }), ], autoKeyGen: true, }).then(() => { console.log('started'); fs.closeSync(1); }).catch(err => { console.error(`Error starting Realm Object Server: ${err.message}`) });