//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2014 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import XCTest import Realm import Foundation class SwiftArrayTests: RLMTestCase { // Swift models func testFastEnumeration() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() let dateMinInput = Date() let dateMaxInput = dateMinInput.addingTimeInterval(1000) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let result = SwiftAggregateObject.objects(in: realm, where: "intCol < %d", 100) XCTAssertEqual(result.count, UInt(10), "10 objects added") var totalSum = 0 for obj in result { if let ao = obj as? SwiftAggregateObject { totalSum += ao.intCol } } XCTAssertEqual(totalSum, 100, "total sum should be 100") } func testObjectAggregate() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() let dateMinInput = Date() let dateMaxInput = dateMinInput.addingTimeInterval(1000) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = SwiftAggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let noArray = SwiftAggregateObject.objects(in: realm, where: "boolCol == NO") let yesArray = SwiftAggregateObject.objects(in: realm, where: "boolCol == YES") // SUM :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int sum XCTAssertEqual(noArray.sum(ofProperty: "intCol").intValue, 4, "Sum should be 4") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.sum(ofProperty: "intCol").intValue, 0, "Sum should be 0") // Test float sum XCTAssertEqual(noArray.sum(ofProperty: "floatCol").floatValue, Float(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 0.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.sum(ofProperty: "floatCol").floatValue, Float(7.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 7.2") // Test double sum XCTAssertEqual(noArray.sum(ofProperty: "doubleCol").doubleValue, Double(10), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 10.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.sum(ofProperty: "doubleCol").doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 0.0") // Average :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int average XCTAssertEqual(noArray.average(ofProperty: "intCol")!.doubleValue, Double(1), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 1.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.average(ofProperty: "intCol")!.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 0.0") // Test float average XCTAssertEqual(noArray.average(ofProperty: "floatCol")!.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 0.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.average(ofProperty: "floatCol")!.doubleValue, Double(1.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 1.2") // Test double average XCTAssertEqual(noArray.average(ofProperty: "doubleCol")!.doubleValue, Double(2.5), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 2.5") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.average(ofProperty: "doubleCol")!.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 0.0") // MIN :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int min var min = noArray.min(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.int32Value, Int32(1), "Minimum should be 1") min = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.int32Value, Int32(0), "Minimum should be 0") // Test float min min = noArray.min(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.floatValue, Float(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 0.0f") min = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.floatValue, Float(1.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 1.2f") // Test double min min = noArray.min(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.doubleValue, Double(2.5), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 1.5") min = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 0.0") // Test date min var dateMinOutput = noArray.min(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMinOutput, dateMaxInput, "Minimum should be dateMaxInput") dateMinOutput = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMinOutput, dateMinInput, "Minimum should be dateMinInput") // MAX :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int max var max = noArray.max(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.intValue, 1, "Maximum should be 8") max = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.intValue, 0, "Maximum should be 10") // Test float max max = noArray.max(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.floatValue, Float(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 0.0f") max = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.floatValue, Float(1.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 1.2f") // Test double max max = noArray.max(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.doubleValue, Double(2.5), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 3.5") max = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 0.0") // Test date max var dateMaxOutput = noArray.max(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMaxOutput, dateMaxInput, "Maximum should be dateMaxInput") dateMaxOutput = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMaxOutput, dateMinInput, "Maximum should be dateMinInput") } func testArrayDescription() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() for _ in 0..<1012 { let person = SwiftEmployeeObject() person.name = "Mary" person.age = 24 person.hired = true realm.add(person) } try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let description = SwiftEmployeeObject.allObjects(in: realm).description XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "name").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property names should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "Mary").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property values should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "age").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property names should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "24").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property values should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "12 objects skipped").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "'12 objects skipped' should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") } func testDeleteLinksAndObjectsInArray() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() let po1 = SwiftEmployeeObject() po1.age = 40 po1.name = "Joe" po1.hired = true let po2 = SwiftEmployeeObject() po2.age = 30 po2.name = "John" po2.hired = false let po3 = SwiftEmployeeObject() po3.age = 25 po3.name = "Jill" po3.hired = true realm.add(po1) realm.add(po2) realm.add(po3) let company = SwiftCompanyObject() realm.add(company) company.employees.addObjects(SwiftEmployeeObject.allObjects(in: realm)) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let peopleInCompany = company.employees XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(3), "No links should have been deleted") realm.beginWriteTransaction() peopleInCompany.removeObject(at: 1) // Should delete link to employee try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(2), "link deleted when accessing via links") var test = peopleInCompany[0] XCTAssertEqual(test.age, po1.age, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.name, po1.name, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.hired, po1.hired, "Should be equal") // XCTAssertEqual(test, po1, "Should be equal") //FIXME, should work. Asana : https://app.asana.com/0/861870036984/13123030433568 test = peopleInCompany[1] XCTAssertEqual(test.age, po3.age, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.name, po3.name, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.hired, po3.hired, "Should be equal") // XCTAssertEqual(test, po3, "Should be equal") //FIXME, should work. Asana : https://app.asana.com/0/861870036984/13123030433568 realm.beginWriteTransaction() peopleInCompany.removeLastObject() XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(1), "1 remaining link") peopleInCompany.replaceObject(at: 0, with: po2) XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(1), "1 link replaced") peopleInCompany.insert(po1, at: 0) XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(2), "2 links") peopleInCompany.removeAllObjects() XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(0), "0 remaining links") try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() } // Objective-C models func testFastEnumeration_objc() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() let dateMinInput = Date() let dateMaxInput = dateMinInput.addingTimeInterval(1000) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [10, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let result = AggregateObject.objects(in: realm, where: "intCol < %d", 100) XCTAssertEqual(result.count, UInt(10), "10 objects added") var totalSum: CInt = 0 for obj in result { if let ao = obj as? AggregateObject { totalSum += ao.intCol } } XCTAssertEqual(totalSum, CInt(100), "total sum should be 100") } func testObjectAggregate_objc() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() let dateMinInput = Date() let dateMaxInput = dateMinInput.addingTimeInterval(1000) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [1, 0 as Float, 2.5 as Double, false, dateMaxInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) _ = AggregateObject.create(in: realm, withValue: [0, 1.2 as Float, 0 as Double, true, dateMinInput]) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let noArray = AggregateObject.objects(in: realm, where: "boolCol == NO") let yesArray = AggregateObject.objects(in: realm, where: "boolCol == YES") // SUM :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int sum XCTAssertEqual(noArray.sum(ofProperty: "intCol").intValue, 4, "Sum should be 4") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.sum(ofProperty: "intCol").intValue, 0, "Sum should be 0") // Test float sum XCTAssertEqual(noArray.sum(ofProperty: "floatCol").floatValue, Float(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 0.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.sum(ofProperty: "floatCol").floatValue, Float(7.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 7.2") // Test double sum XCTAssertEqual(noArray.sum(ofProperty: "doubleCol").doubleValue, Double(10), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 10.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.sum(ofProperty: "doubleCol").doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Sum should be 0.0") // Average :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int average XCTAssertEqual(noArray.average(ofProperty: "intCol")!.doubleValue, Double(1), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 1.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.average(ofProperty: "intCol")!.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 0.0") // Test float average XCTAssertEqual(noArray.average(ofProperty: "floatCol")!.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 0.0") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.average(ofProperty: "floatCol")!.doubleValue, Double(1.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 1.2") // Test double average XCTAssertEqual(noArray.average(ofProperty: "doubleCol")!.doubleValue, Double(2.5), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 2.5") XCTAssertEqual(yesArray.average(ofProperty: "doubleCol")!.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Average should be 0.0") // MIN :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int min var min = noArray.min(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.int32Value, Int32(1), "Minimum should be 1") min = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.int32Value, Int32(0), "Minimum should be 0") // Test float min min = noArray.min(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.floatValue, Float(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 0.0f") min = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.floatValue, Float(1.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 1.2f") // Test double min min = noArray.min(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.doubleValue, Double(2.5), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 1.5") min = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(min.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Minimum should be 0.0") // Test date min var dateMinOutput = noArray.min(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMinOutput, dateMaxInput, "Minimum should be dateMaxInput") dateMinOutput = yesArray.min(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMinOutput, dateMinInput, "Minimum should be dateMinInput") // MAX :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Test int max var max = noArray.max(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.intValue, 1, "Maximum should be 8") max = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "intCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.intValue, 0, "Maximum should be 10") // Test float max max = noArray.max(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.floatValue, Float(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 0.0f") max = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "floatCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.floatValue, Float(1.2), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 1.2f") // Test double max max = noArray.max(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.doubleValue, Double(2.5), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 3.5") max = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "doubleCol") as! NSNumber XCTAssertEqual(max.doubleValue, Double(0), accuracy: 0.1, "Maximum should be 0.0") // Test date max var dateMaxOutput = noArray.max(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMaxOutput, dateMaxInput, "Maximum should be dateMaxInput") dateMaxOutput = yesArray.max(ofProperty: "dateCol") as! Date XCTAssertEqual(dateMaxOutput, dateMinInput, "Maximum should be dateMinInput") } func testArrayDescription_objc() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() for _ in 0..<1012 { let person = EmployeeObject() person.name = "Mary" person.age = 24 person.hired = true realm.add(person) } try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let description = EmployeeObject.allObjects(in: realm).description XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "name").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property names should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "Mary").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property values should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "age").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property names should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "24").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "property values should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") XCTAssertTrue((description as NSString).range(of: "912 objects skipped").location != Foundation.NSNotFound, "'912 objects skipped' should be displayed when calling \"description\" on RLMArray") } func makeEmployee(_ realm: RLMRealm, _ age: Int32, _ name: String, _ hired: Bool) -> EmployeeObject { let employee = EmployeeObject() employee.age = age employee.name = name employee.hired = hired realm.add(employee) return employee } func testDeleteLinksAndObjectsInArray_objc() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() let po1 = makeEmployee(realm, 40, "Joe", true) _ = makeEmployee(realm, 30, "John", false) let po3 = makeEmployee(realm, 25, "Jill", true) let company = CompanyObject() company.name = "name" realm.add(company) company.employees.addObjects(EmployeeObject.allObjects(in: realm)) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let peopleInCompany: RLMArray = company.employees! XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(3), "No links should have been deleted") realm.beginWriteTransaction() peopleInCompany.removeObject(at: 1) // Should delete link to employee try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() XCTAssertEqual(peopleInCompany.count, UInt(2), "link deleted when accessing via links") var test = peopleInCompany[0] XCTAssertEqual(test.age, po1.age, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.name!, po1.name!, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.hired, po1.hired, "Should be equal") // XCTAssertEqual(test, po1, "Should be equal") //FIXME, should work. Asana : https://app.asana.com/0/861870036984/13123030433568 test = peopleInCompany[1] XCTAssertEqual(test.age, po3.age, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.name!, po3.name!, "Should be equal") XCTAssertEqual(test.hired, po3.hired, "Should be equal") // XCTAssertEqual(test, po3, "Should be equal") //FIXME, should work. Asana : https://app.asana.com/0/861870036984/13123030433568 let allPeople = EmployeeObject.allObjects(in: realm) XCTAssertEqual(allPeople.count, UInt(3), "Only links should have been deleted, not the employees") } func testIndexOfObject_objc() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() let po1 = makeEmployee(realm, 40, "Joe", true) let po2 = makeEmployee(realm, 30, "John", false) let po3 = makeEmployee(realm, 25, "Jill", true) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let results = EmployeeObject.objects(in: realm, where: "hired = YES") XCTAssertEqual(UInt(2), results.count) XCTAssertEqual(UInt(0), results.index(of: po1)); XCTAssertEqual(UInt(1), results.index(of: po3)); XCTAssertEqual(NSNotFound, Int(results.index(of: po2))); } func testIndexOfObjectWhere_objc() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() _ = makeEmployee(realm, 40, "Joe", true) _ = makeEmployee(realm, 30, "John", false) _ = makeEmployee(realm, 25, "Jill", true) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let results = EmployeeObject.objects(in: realm, where: "hired = YES") XCTAssertEqual(UInt(2), results.count) XCTAssertEqual(UInt(0), results.indexOfObject(where: "age = %d", 40)) XCTAssertEqual(UInt(1), results.indexOfObject(where: "age = %d", 25)) XCTAssertEqual(NSNotFound, Int(results.indexOfObject(where: "age = %d", 30))) } func testSortingExistingQuery_objc() { let realm = realmWithTestPath() realm.beginWriteTransaction() _ = makeEmployee(realm, 20, "A", true) _ = makeEmployee(realm, 30, "B", false) _ = makeEmployee(realm, 40, "C", true) try! realm.commitWriteTransaction() let sortedByAge = EmployeeObject.allObjects(in: realm).sortedResults(usingKeyPath: "age", ascending: true) let sortedByName = sortedByAge.sortedResults(usingKeyPath: "name", ascending: false) XCTAssertEqual(Int32(20), (sortedByAge[0] as! EmployeeObject).age) XCTAssertEqual(Int32(40), (sortedByName[0] as! EmployeeObject).age) } }