// // TOPasscodeView.m // // Copyright 2017 Timothy Oliver. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR // IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #import "TOPasscodeView.h" #import "TOPasscodeViewContentLayout.h" #import "TOPasscodeCircleButton.h" #import "TOPasscodeInputField.h" #import "TOPasscodeKeypadView.h" @interface TOPasscodeView () /* The current layout object used to configure this view */ @property (nonatomic, weak) TOPasscodeViewContentLayout *currentLayout; /* The main views */ @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UILabel *titleLabel; @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) TOPasscodeInputField *inputField; @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) TOPasscodeKeypadView *keypadView; /* The type of passcode we're displaying */ @property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) TOPasscodeType passcodeType; @end @implementation TOPasscodeView - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) { [self setUp]; } return self; } - (instancetype)initWithStyle:(TOPasscodeViewStyle)style passcodeType:(TOPasscodeType)type { if (self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,393)]) { _style = style; _passcodeType = type; [self setUp]; } return self; } - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { if (self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]) { [self setUp]; } return self; } - (void)setUp { // Set up default properties self.userInteractionEnabled = YES; _defaultContentLayout = [TOPasscodeViewContentLayout defaultScreenContentLayout]; _currentLayout = _defaultContentLayout; _contentLayouts = @[[TOPasscodeViewContentLayout mediumScreenContentLayout], [TOPasscodeViewContentLayout smallScreenContentLayout]]; _titleText = NSLocalizedString(@"Enter Passcode", @""); // Start configuring views [self setUpViewForType:self.passcodeType]; // Set the default layout for the views [self updateSubviewsForContentLayout:_defaultContentLayout]; // Configure the theme of all of the views [self applyThemeForStyle:_style]; } #pragma mark - View Layout - - (void)verticallyLayoutSubviews { CGSize viewSize = self.frame.size; CGSize midViewSize = (CGSize){self.frame.size.width * 0.5f, self.frame.size.height * 0.5f}; CGRect frame = CGRectZero; CGFloat y = 0.0f; // Title View if (self.titleView) { frame = self.titleView.frame; frame.origin.y = y; frame.origin.x = midViewSize.width - (CGRectGetWidth(frame) * 0.5f); self.titleView.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); y = CGRectGetMaxY(frame) + self.currentLayout.titleViewBottomSpacing; } // Title Label frame = self.titleLabel.frame; frame.origin.y = y; frame.origin.x = midViewSize.width - (CGRectGetWidth(frame) * 0.5f); self.titleLabel.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); y = CGRectGetMaxY(frame) + self.currentLayout.titleLabelBottomSpacing; // Circle Row View [self.inputField sizeToFit]; frame = self.inputField.frame; frame.origin.y = y; frame.origin.x = midViewSize.width - (CGRectGetWidth(frame) * 0.5f); self.inputField.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); y = CGRectGetMaxY(frame) + self.currentLayout.circleRowBottomSpacing; // PIN Pad View if (self.keypadView) { frame = self.keypadView.frame; frame.origin.y = y; frame.origin.x = midViewSize.width - (CGRectGetWidth(frame) * 0.5f); self.keypadView.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); } // If the keypad view is hidden, lay out the left button manually if (!self.keypadView && self.leftButton) { frame = self.leftButton.frame; frame.origin.x = 0.0f; frame.origin.y = y; self.leftButton.frame = frame; } // If the keypad view is hidden, lay out the right button manually if (!self.keypadView && self.rightButton) { frame = self.rightButton.frame; frame.origin.x = viewSize.width - frame.size.width; frame.origin.y = y; self.rightButton.frame = frame; } } - (void)horizontallyLayoutSubviews { CGSize midViewSize = (CGSize){self.frame.size.width * 0.5f, self.frame.size.height * 0.5f}; CGRect frame = CGRectZero; // Work out the y offset, assuming the input field is in the middle frame.origin.y = midViewSize.height - (self.inputField.frame.size.height * 0.5f); frame.origin.y -= (self.titleLabel.frame.size.height + self.currentLayout.titleLabelHorizontalBottomSpacing); // Include offset for title view if present if (self.titleView) { frame.origin.y -= (self.titleView.frame.size.height + self.currentLayout.titleViewHorizontalBottomSpacing); } // Set initial Y offset frame.origin.y = MAX(frame.origin.y, 0.0f); // Set frame of title view if (self.titleView) { frame.size = self.titleView.frame.size; frame.origin.x = (self.currentLayout.titleHorizontalLayoutWidth - frame.size.width) * 0.5f; self.titleView.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); frame.origin.y += (frame.size.height + self.currentLayout.titleViewHorizontalBottomSpacing); } // Set frame of title label frame.size = self.titleLabel.frame.size; frame.origin.x = (self.currentLayout.titleHorizontalLayoutWidth - frame.size.width) * 0.5f; self.titleLabel.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); frame.origin.y += (frame.size.height + self.currentLayout.titleLabelHorizontalBottomSpacing); // Set frame of the input field frame.size = self.inputField.frame.size; frame.origin.x = (self.currentLayout.titleHorizontalLayoutWidth - frame.size.width) * 0.5f; self.inputField.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); // Set the frame of the keypad view frame.size = self.keypadView.frame.size; frame.origin.y = 0.0f; frame.origin.x = self.currentLayout.titleHorizontalLayoutWidth + self.currentLayout.titleHorizontalLayoutSpacing; self.keypadView.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); } - (void)layoutSubviews { if (self.horizontalLayout) { [self horizontallyLayoutSubviews]; } else { [self verticallyLayoutSubviews]; } } - (void)sizeToFitSize:(CGSize)size { CGFloat width = size.width; if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) { width = MIN(size.width, size.height); } NSMutableArray *layouts = [NSMutableArray array]; [layouts addObject:self.defaultContentLayout]; [layouts addObjectsFromArray:self.contentLayouts]; // Loop through each layout (in ascending order) and pick the best one to fit this view TOPasscodeViewContentLayout *contentLayout = self.defaultContentLayout; for (TOPasscodeViewContentLayout *layout in layouts) { if (width >= layout.viewWidth) { contentLayout = layout; break; } } // Set the new layout self.currentLayout = contentLayout; // Resize the views to fit [self sizeToFit]; } - (void)verticalSizeToFit { CGRect frame = self.frame; frame.size.width = 0.0f; frame.size.height = 0.0f; [self.keypadView sizeToFit]; [self.inputField sizeToFit]; if (self.keypadView) { frame.size.width = self.keypadView.frame.size.width; } else { frame.size.width = self.inputField.frame.size.width; } // Add height for the title view if (self.titleView) { frame.size.height += self.titleView.frame.size.height; frame.size.height += self.currentLayout.titleViewBottomSpacing; } // Add height for the title label CGRect titleFrame = self.titleLabel.frame; titleFrame.size = [self.titleLabel sizeThatFits:(CGSize){frame.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX}]; self.titleLabel.frame = titleFrame; frame.size.height += titleFrame.size.height; frame.size.height += self.currentLayout.titleLabelBottomSpacing; // Add height for the circle rows frame.size.height += self.inputField.frame.size.height; frame.size.height += self.currentLayout.circleRowBottomSpacing; // Add height for the keypad if (self.keypadView) { frame.size.height += self.keypadView.frame.size.height; } else { // If no keypad, just factor in the accessory buttons [self.leftButton sizeToFit]; [self.rightButton sizeToFit]; CGFloat maxHeight = 0.0f; maxHeight = MAX(self.leftButton.frame.size.height, 0.0f); maxHeight = MAX(self.rightButton.frame.size.height, maxHeight); frame.size.height += maxHeight; } // Add extra padding at the bottom frame.size.height += self.currentLayout.bottomPadding; // Set the frame back self.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); } - (void)horizontalSizeToFit { CGRect frame = self.frame; [self.keypadView sizeToFit]; [self.inputField sizeToFit]; frame.size.width = self.currentLayout.titleHorizontalLayoutWidth; frame.size.width += self.currentLayout.titleHorizontalLayoutSpacing; frame.size.width += self.keypadView.frame.size.width; frame.size.height = self.keypadView.frame.size.height; self.frame = CGRectIntegral(frame); } - (void)sizeToFit { if (self.horizontalLayout && self.passcodeType != TOPasscodeTypeCustomAlphanumeric) { [self horizontalSizeToFit]; } else { [self verticalSizeToFit]; } } #pragma mark - View Setup - - (void)setUpViewForType:(TOPasscodeType)type { __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; // Set up title label if (self.titleLabel == nil) { self.titleLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; } self.titleLabel.text = self.titleText; self.titleLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; self.titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0; [self.titleLabel sizeToFit]; [self addSubview:self.titleLabel]; // Set up the passcode style TOPasscodeInputFieldStyle style = TOPasscodeInputFieldStyleFixed; if (type >= TOPasscodeTypeCustomNumeric) { style = TOPasscodeInputFieldStyleVariable; } // Set up input field if (self.inputField == nil) { self.inputField = [[TOPasscodeInputField alloc] initWithStyle:style]; } self.inputField.passcodeCompletedHandler = ^(NSString *passcode) { if (weakSelf.passcodeCompletedHandler) { weakSelf.passcodeCompletedHandler(passcode); } }; // Configure the input field based on the exact passcode type if (style == TOPasscodeInputFieldStyleFixed) { self.inputField.fixedInputView.length = (self.passcodeType == TOPasscodeTypeSixDigits) ? 6 : 4; } else { self.inputField.showSubmitButton = (self.passcodeType == TOPasscodeTypeCustomNumeric); self.inputField.enabled = (self.passcodeType == TOPasscodeTypeCustomAlphanumeric); } [self addSubview:self.inputField]; // Set up pad row if (type != TOPasscodeTypeCustomAlphanumeric) { if (self.keypadView == nil) { self.keypadView = [[TOPasscodeKeypadView alloc] init]; } self.keypadView.buttonTappedHandler = ^(NSInteger button) { NSString *numberString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)button]; [weakSelf.inputField appendPasscodeCharacters:numberString animated:NO]; if (weakSelf.passcodeDigitEnteredHandler) { weakSelf.passcodeDigitEnteredHandler(); } }; [self addSubview:self.keypadView]; } else { [self.keypadView removeFromSuperview]; self.keypadView = nil; } } - (void)updateSubviewsForContentLayout:(TOPasscodeViewContentLayout *)contentLayout { // Title View self.titleLabel.font = contentLayout.titleLabelFont; // Circle Row View self.inputField.fixedInputView.circleDiameter = contentLayout.circleRowDiameter; self.inputField.fixedInputView.circleSpacing = contentLayout.circleRowSpacing; // Text Field Input Row NSInteger maximumInputLength = (self.passcodeType == TOPasscodeTypeCustomAlphanumeric) ? contentLayout.textFieldAlphanumericCharacterLength : contentLayout.textFieldNumericCharacterLength; self.inputField.variableInputView.outlineThickness = contentLayout.textFieldBorderThickness; self.inputField.variableInputView.outlineCornerRadius = contentLayout.textFieldBorderRadius; self.inputField.variableInputView.circleDiameter = contentLayout.textFieldCircleDiameter; self.inputField.variableInputView.circleSpacing = contentLayout.textFieldCircleSpacing; self.inputField.variableInputView.outlinePadding = contentLayout.textFieldBorderPadding; self.inputField.variableInputView.maximumVisibleLength = maximumInputLength; // Submit button self.inputField.submitButtonSpacing = contentLayout.submitButtonSpacing; self.inputField.submitButtonFontSize = contentLayout.submitButtonFontSize; // Keypad self.keypadView.buttonNumberFont = contentLayout.circleButtonTitleLabelFont; self.keypadView.buttonLetteringFont = contentLayout.circleButtonLetteringLabelFont; self.keypadView.buttonLetteringSpacing = contentLayout.circleButtonLetteringSpacing; self.keypadView.buttonLabelSpacing = contentLayout.circleButtonLabelSpacing; self.keypadView.buttonSpacing = contentLayout.circleButtonSpacing; self.keypadView.buttonDiameter = contentLayout.circleButtonDiameter; } - (void)applyThemeForStyle:(TOPasscodeViewStyle)style { BOOL isTranslucent = TOPasscodeViewStyleIsTranslucent(style); BOOL isDark = TOPasscodeViewStyleIsDark(style); // Set title label color UIColor *titleLabelColor = self.titleLabelColor; if (titleLabelColor == nil) { titleLabelColor = isDark ? [UIColor whiteColor] : [UIColor blackColor]; } self.titleLabel.textColor = titleLabelColor; // Add/remove the translucency effect to the buttons if (isTranslucent) { UIBlurEffect *blurEffect = [self blurEffectForStyle:style]; UIVibrancyEffect *vibrancyEffect = [UIVibrancyEffect effectForBlurEffect:blurEffect]; self.inputField.visualEffectView.effect = vibrancyEffect; self.keypadView.vibrancyEffect = vibrancyEffect; } else { self.inputField.visualEffectView.effect = nil; self.keypadView.vibrancyEffect = nil; } // Set keyboard style of the input field self.inputField.keyboardAppearance = isDark ? UIKeyboardAppearanceDark : UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault; UIColor *defaultTintColor = isDark ? [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.85 alpha:1.0f] : [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.3 alpha:1.0f]; // Set the tint color of the circle row view UIColor *circleRowColor = self.inputProgressViewTintColor; if (circleRowColor == nil) { circleRowColor = defaultTintColor; } self.inputField.tintColor = defaultTintColor; // Set the tint color of the keypad buttons UIColor *keypadButtonBackgroundColor = self.keypadButtonBackgroundColor; if (keypadButtonBackgroundColor == nil) { keypadButtonBackgroundColor = defaultTintColor; } self.keypadView.buttonBackgroundColor = keypadButtonBackgroundColor; // Set the color of the keypad button labels UIColor *buttonTextColor = self.keypadButtonTextColor; if (buttonTextColor == nil) { buttonTextColor = isDark ? [UIColor whiteColor] : [UIColor blackColor]; } self.keypadView.buttonTextColor = buttonTextColor; // Set the highlight color of the keypad button UIColor *buttonHighlightedTextColor = self.keypadButtonHighlightedTextColor; if (buttonHighlightedTextColor == nil) { if (isTranslucent) { buttonHighlightedTextColor = isDark ? nil : [UIColor whiteColor]; } else { buttonHighlightedTextColor = isDark ? [UIColor blackColor] : [UIColor whiteColor]; } } self.keypadView.buttonHighlightedTextColor = buttonHighlightedTextColor; } #pragma mark - Passcode Management - - (void)resetPasscodeAnimated:(BOOL)animated playImpact:(BOOL)impact { [self.inputField resetPasscodeAnimated:animated playImpact:impact]; } - (void)deleteLastPasscodeCharacterAnimated:(BOOL)animated { [self.inputField deletePasscodeCharactersOfCount:1 animated:animated]; } #pragma mark - Internal Style Management - - (UIBlurEffect *)blurEffectForStyle:(TOPasscodeViewStyle)style { switch (style) { case TOPasscodeViewStyleTranslucentDark: return [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleDark]; case TOPasscodeViewStyleTranslucentLight: return [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleExtraLight]; default: return nil; } return nil; } #pragma mark - Accessors - - (void)setHorizontalLayout:(BOOL)horizontalLayout { [self setHorizontalLayout:horizontalLayout animated:NO duration:0.0f]; } - (void)setHorizontalLayout:(BOOL)horizontalLayout animated:(BOOL)animated duration:(CGFloat)duration { if (horizontalLayout == _horizontalLayout) { return; } _horizontalLayout = horizontalLayout; [self.keypadView setHorizontalLayout:horizontalLayout animated:animated duration:duration]; [self.inputField setHorizontalLayout:horizontalLayout animated:animated duration:duration]; } - (void)setDefaultContentLayout:(TOPasscodeViewContentLayout *)defaultContentLayout { if (defaultContentLayout == _defaultContentLayout) { return; } _defaultContentLayout = defaultContentLayout; if (!_defaultContentLayout) { _defaultContentLayout = [TOPasscodeViewContentLayout defaultScreenContentLayout]; } } - (void)setCurrentLayout:(TOPasscodeViewContentLayout *)currentLayout { if (_currentLayout == currentLayout) { return; } _currentLayout = currentLayout; // Update the views [self updateSubviewsForContentLayout:currentLayout]; } - (void)setStyle:(TOPasscodeViewStyle)style { if (style == _style) { return; } _style = style; [self applyThemeForStyle:style]; } - (void)setTitleLabelColor:(UIColor *)titleLabelColor { if (titleLabelColor == _titleLabelColor) { return; } _titleLabelColor = titleLabelColor; self.titleLabel.textColor = titleLabelColor; } - (void)setInputProgressViewTintColor:(UIColor *)inputProgressViewTintColor { if (inputProgressViewTintColor == _inputProgressViewTintColor) { return; } _inputProgressViewTintColor = inputProgressViewTintColor; self.inputField.tintColor = inputProgressViewTintColor; } - (void)setKeypadButtonBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)keypadButtonBackgroundColor { if (keypadButtonBackgroundColor == _keypadButtonBackgroundColor) { return; } _keypadButtonBackgroundColor = keypadButtonBackgroundColor; self.keypadView.buttonBackgroundColor = keypadButtonBackgroundColor; } - (void)setKeypadButtonTextColor:(UIColor *)keypadButtonTextColor { if (keypadButtonTextColor == _keypadButtonTextColor) { return; } _keypadButtonTextColor = keypadButtonTextColor; self.keypadView.buttonTextColor = keypadButtonTextColor; } - (void)setKeypadButtonHighlightedTextColor:(UIColor *)keypadButtonHighlightedTextColor { if (keypadButtonHighlightedTextColor == _keypadButtonHighlightedTextColor) { return; } _keypadButtonHighlightedTextColor = keypadButtonHighlightedTextColor; self.keypadView.buttonHighlightedTextColor = keypadButtonHighlightedTextColor; } - (void)setLeftButton:(UIButton *)leftButton { if (leftButton == _leftButton) { return; } _leftButton = leftButton; if (self.keypadView) { self.keypadView.leftAccessoryView = leftButton; } else { [self addSubview:_leftButton]; } } - (void)setRightButton:(UIButton *)rightButton { if (rightButton == _rightButton) { return; } _rightButton = rightButton; if (self.keypadView) { self.keypadView.rightAccessoryView = rightButton; } else { [self addSubview:_rightButton]; } } - (CGFloat)keypadButtonInset { UIView *button = self.keypadView.keypadButtons.firstObject; return CGRectGetMidX(button.frame); } - (void)setContentAlpha:(CGFloat)contentAlpha { _contentAlpha = contentAlpha; self.titleView.alpha = contentAlpha; self.titleLabel.alpha = contentAlpha; self.inputField.contentAlpha = contentAlpha; self.keypadView.contentAlpha = contentAlpha; self.leftButton.alpha = contentAlpha; self.rightButton.alpha = contentAlpha; } - (void)setPasscode:(NSString *)passcode { [self.inputField setPasscode:passcode]; } - (NSString *)passcode { return self.inputField.passcode; } @end