/* Navigation bar buttons */ "Cancel" = "取消"; "Done" = "完成"; /* Default title */ "Photos" = "照片"; /* No. of selected */ "%@ Photo Selected" = "已選取 %@ 張照片"; "%@ Photos Selected" = "已選取 %@ 張照片"; "%@ Video Selected" = "已選取 %@ 部影片"; "%@ Videos Selected" = "已選取 %@ 部影片"; "%@ Items Selected" = "已選取 %@ 個項目"; /* Grid view footer */ "%@ Photos" = "%@ 張照片"; "%@ Videos" = "%@ 部影片"; "%@ Photos, %@ Videos" = "%1$@ 張照片、%2$@ 部影片"; /* Assets index */ "%@ of %@" = "%1$@/%2$@"; /* Messages if privacy is not granted */ "This app does not have access to your photos or videos." = "此 App 無法取用您的照片或影片。"; "You can enable access in Privacy Settings." = "您可以在「隱私權設定」中啟用存取。"; /* Messages if no assets */ "No Photos or Videos" = "沒有照片或影片"; /* The parameter will be replaced by the device model name */ "You can take photos and videos using the camera, or sync photos and videos onto your %@\nusing iTunes." = "您可以用相機拍照錄影或用 iTunes\n將照片和影片同步到 %@。"; "You can sync photos and videos onto your %@ using iTunes." = "您可以使用 iTunes 將照片和影片\n同步到 %@。"; /* Accessibility labels */ "Play" = "播放"; "Select" = "選擇"; "Deselect" = "取消選擇"; /* Video duration spell out */ "hours" = "小時"; "hour" = "小時"; "minutes" = "分"; "minute" = "分"; "seconds" = "秒"; "second" = "秒"; /* Error message of playing stream video */ "Cannot Play Stream Video" = "無法播放影片"; "OK" = "好";