//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #import #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /// A token representing an identity provider's credentials. typedef NSString *RLMSyncCredentialsToken; /// A type representing the unique identifier of a Realm Object Server identity provider. typedef NSString *RLMIdentityProvider RLM_EXTENSIBLE_STRING_ENUM; /// The debug identity provider, which accepts any token string and creates a user associated with that token if one /// does not yet exist. Not enabled for Realm Object Server configured for production. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderDebug; /// The username/password identity provider. User accounts are handled by the Realm Object Server directly without the /// involvement of a third-party identity provider. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderUsernamePassword; /// A Facebook account as an identity provider. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderFacebook; /// A Google account as an identity provider. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderGoogle; /// A CloudKit account as an identity provider. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderCloudKit; /// A JSON Web Token as an identity provider. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderJWT; /// An Anonymous account as an identity provider. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderAnonymous; /// A Nickname account as an identity provider. extern RLMIdentityProvider const RLMIdentityProviderNickname __deprecated_msg("Use RLMIdentityProviderUsernamePassword instead"); /** Opaque credentials representing a specific Realm Object Server user. */ @interface RLMSyncCredentials : NSObject /// An opaque credentials token containing information that uniquely identifies a Realm Object Server user. @property (nonatomic, readonly) RLMSyncCredentialsToken token; /// The name of the identity provider which generated the credentials token. @property (nonatomic, readonly) RLMIdentityProvider provider; /// A dictionary containing additional pertinent information. In most cases this is automatically configured. @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary *userInfo; /** Construct and return credentials from a Facebook account token. */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithFacebookToken:(RLMSyncCredentialsToken)token; /** Construct and return credentials from a Google account token. */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithGoogleToken:(RLMSyncCredentialsToken)token; /** Construct and return credentials from an CloudKit account token. */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithCloudKitToken:(RLMSyncCredentialsToken)token; /** Construct and return credentials from a Realm Object Server username and password. */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithUsername:(NSString *)username password:(NSString *)password register:(BOOL)shouldRegister; /** Construct and return credentials from a JSON Web Token. */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithJWT:(NSString *)token; /** Construct and return anonymous credentials */ + (instancetype)anonymousCredentials; /** Construct and return credentials from a nickname */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithNickname:(NSString *)nickname isAdmin:(BOOL)isAdmin __deprecated_msg("Use +credentialsWithUsername instead"); /** Construct and return special credentials representing a token that can be directly used to open a Realm. The identity is used to uniquely identify the user across application launches. @warning The custom user identity will be deprecated in a future release. @warning Do not specify a user identity that is the URL of an authentication server. @warning When passing an access token credential into any of `RLMSyncUser`'s login methods, you must always specify the same authentication server URL, or none at all, every time you call the login method. */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithAccessToken:(RLMServerToken)accessToken identity:(NSString *)identity; /** Construct and return special credentials representing a token issued by an external entity that will be used instead of a ROS refresh token. @discussion Unlike other types of credentials, CustomRefreshToken credentials do not participate in the regular login flow, because they take place of the refresh tokens login produces. Instead, the token will be used to authorize each server operation such as opening a Realm or editing permissions. When the token expires the SyncUser object will still be valid, but server operations will fail until the token is updated. @remark ROS must be configured to accept the external issuing identity as a refresh token validator. @warning The values of @c identity and @c isAdmin are used for client-side validation only. The server will compute their values based on the token string and the token validator configuration, but it's important for correct functioning that the values here match the server. */ + (instancetype)credentialsWithCustomRefreshToken:(NSString *)token identity:(NSString *)identity isAdmin:(BOOL)isAdmin; /** Construct and return credentials with a custom token string, identity provider string, and optional user info. In most cases, the convenience initializers should be used instead. */ - (instancetype)initWithCustomToken:(RLMSyncCredentialsToken)token provider:(RLMIdentityProvider)provider userInfo:(nullable NSDictionary *)userInfo NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /// :nodoc: - (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("RLMSyncCredentials cannot be created directly"))); /// :nodoc: + (instancetype)new __attribute__((unavailable("RLMSyncCredentials cannot be created directly"))); NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END @end