/* Localizable.strings Crypto Cloud - Nextcloud Created by Marino Faggiana on 30/10/15. Copyright © 2016 TWS. All rights reserved. */ // General "_cancel_" = "Hætta við"; "_upload_file_" = "Senda inn skrá"; "_download_file_" = "Sækja skrá"; "_upload_encrypted_file_" = "Senda inn dulritaða skrá"; "_loading_" = "Hleð inn"; "_loading_num_" = "Hleð inn skrá %i"; "_loading_camera_upload_" = "Sjálfvirk innsending"; "_uploading_" = "Sendi inn"; "_synchronization_" = "Samstilling"; "_delete_" = "Eyða"; "_delete_file_n_" = "Eyða skrá %i af %i"; "_rename_" = "Endurnefna"; "_move_" = "Færa"; "_move_file_n_" = "Færa skrá %i af %i"; "_create_folder_" = "Búa til nýja möppu"; "_creating_sharing_" = "Búa til sameign"; "_updating_sharing_" = "Uppfæra sameign"; "_removing_sharing_" = "Fjarlægja sameign"; "_add_" = "Bæta við"; "_login_" = "Innskráning"; "_save_" = "Vista"; "_save_encrypted_" = "Vista dulritað"; "_warning_" = "Aðvörun"; "_error_" = "Villa"; "_no_" = "Nei"; "_yes_" = "Já"; "_select_" = "Velja"; "_crypto_cloud_upload_" = "_brand_ - Upphleðsla"; "_home_" = "Files"; "_file_to_upload_" = "Skrá til að senda inn"; "_destination_" = "Áfangastaður"; "_ok_" = "OK"; "_beta_version_" = "Beta-prófunarútgáfa"; "_function_in_testing_" = "Function in testing, please send information to any problems or malfunctions."; "_done_" = "Lokið"; "_passcode_too_short_" = "Lykilorð of stutt, verður að innihalda að minnsta kosti 4 stafi"; "_selected_" = "Valið"; "_scan_fingerprint_" = "Skanna fingrafar til að auðkenna"; "_no_active_account_" = "Enginn notandaaðgangur fannst"; "_info_" = "Upplýsingar"; "_save_exit_" = "Viltu hætta án þess að vista?"; "_video_" = "Myndskeið"; "_overwrite_" = "Overwrite"; "_transfers_in_queue_" = "Tranfers in progress, please wait ..."; "_too_errors_automatic_all_"= "Too many errors, go to Control Center to verify the problem"; "_create_folder_" = "Búa til nýja möppu"; "_close_" = "Close"; "_postpone_" = "Postpone"; "_remove_" = "Remove"; "_file_not_found_" = "File not found"; "_continue_" = "Viltu halda áfram?"; // App "_synchronization_header_" = "Synchronization of encrypted header in progress ..."; "_network_available_" = "Net er tiltækt"; "_network_not_available_" = "Net er ekki tiltækt"; // Networking "_file_too_big_" = "File too large to be encrypted/decrypted"; "_file_too_big_max_100_" = "Skráarstærð of mikil (hám. 100 kb.)"; "_...loading..._" = ".. hleð inn .."; "_download_plist_" = " "; "_no_reuploadfile_" = "Could not find nor resend file. Delete the upload and reload the file to upload it."; "_file_already_exists_" = "Unable to complete the operation, there is a file with the same name"; "_read_file_error_" = "Lesvilla í skrá"; // More "_more_" = "Meira"; // Settings "_acknowledgements_" = "Þakkir"; "_settings_" = "Stillingar"; "_passcode_" = "Lykilorð"; "_lock_active_" = "Læsing : Virk"; "_lock_not_active_" = "Læsing : Óvirk"; "_lock_protection_folder_" = "Lock only for protected folders"; "_url_" = "Slóð (URL)"; "_username_" = "Notandanafn"; "_change_credentials_" = "Breyta auðkennum þínum"; "_wifi_only_" = "Einungis nota Wi-Fi tengingu"; "_uploading_from_camera_" = "Sjálfvirk innsending mynda úr myndavél"; "_app_version_" = "Útgáfa forrits"; "_app_in_use_" = "Forrit í notkun"; "_contact_by_email_" = "Hafðu samband við okkur með tölvupósti"; "_clear_cache_" = "Hreinsa skyndiminni (%@ notað)"; "_clear_cache_no_size_" = "Clear Cache"; "_exit_" = "Hætta í _brand_"; "_funct_not_enabled_" = "Functionality not enabled"; "_passcode_activate_" = "Password Lock activated"; "_disabling_passcode_" = "Disabling Password Lock"; "_want_exit_" = "Attention! _brand_ will be reset to the initial state. Continue?"; "_proceed_" = "Halda áfram"; "_delete_cache_" = "Eyða skyndiminni"; "_want_delete_cache_" = "Do you want to delete cache?"; "_mail_deleted_" = "Tölvupósti eytt"; "_mail_saved_" = "Tölvupóstur vistaður"; "_mail_sent_" = "Tölvupóstur sendur"; "_mail_failure_" = "Mistókst að senda tölvupóst: %@"; "_information_req_" = "Beiðni um upplýsingar"; "_credentials_" = "Auðkenni"; "_manage_account_" = "Sýsla með notandaaðgang"; "_change_password_" = "Breyta lykilorði"; "_add_nextcloud_" = "Bæta við Nextcloud-aðgangi"; "_delete_account_" = "Eyða notandaaðgangi"; "_want_delete_" = "Do you really want to delete?"; "_no_delete_" = "No, do not delete"; "_yes_delete_" = "Yes, delete"; "_remove_cache_" = "Please wait, deleting cache ..."; "_optimizations_" = "Betrumbætur"; "_synchronizations_" = "Samstilltar möppur"; "_version_server_" = "Útgáfa á þjóni"; "_check_key_aes_256_" = "Manage encryption key passcode"; "_encryptpass_by_email_" = "Send by email"; "_title_mail_encryptpass_" = "Encryption Key Passcode _brand_"; "_text1_mail_encryptpass_" = "Your encryption key passcode is"; "_text2_mail_encryptpass_" = "store it securely and away from prying eyes."; "_help_" = "Hjálp"; "_lock_protection_simply_" = "Veik verndun með lykilorði"; "_change_simply_passcode_" = "Breyta tegund lykilorðs"; "_quota_" = "Quota"; "_available_" = "available"; "_cloud_account_" = "Cloud Account"; "_information_" = "Information"; "_personal_information_" = "Personal info"; "_user_full_name_" = "Full name"; "_user_address_" = "Heimilisfang"; "_user_phone_" = "Símanúmer"; "_user_email_" = "Tölvupóstfang"; "_user_web_" = "Vefsvæði"; "_user_twitter_" = "Twitter"; "_quota_using_" = "Þú ert að nota %@ af %@"; "_favorite_offline_" = "Eftirlæti tiltæk án nettengingar"; "_favorite_offline_footer_" = "Það getur tekið langan tíma að gera öll eftirlæti tiltæk án nettengingar ef minnisnotkun er mikil."; "_advanced_" = "Advanced"; // Manage Camera Upload "_upload_camera_" = "Senda inn myndir/myndskeið úr myndavél"; "_upload_camera_background_"= "Senda myndir inn í bakgrunni"; "_upload_foto_camera_" = "Senda inn myndir úr myndavél"; "_upload_encry_camup_" = "Senda inn dulritaðar skrár"; "_upload_video_camera_" = "Senda inn myndskeið úr myndavél"; "_upload_automatic_photos_" = "Senda sjálfvirkt inn myndir úr myndavél"; "_upload_automatic_videos_" = "Senda sjálfvirkt inn myndskeið úr myndavél"; "_photo_folder_photocamera_"= "Myndirnar verða sendar í möppuna 'Myndir' á skýinu þínu"; "_photo_folder_background_" = "Þessi valkostur krefst notkunar á GPS til að finna nýjar myndir í tökuseríu um leið og staðsetning breytist verulega."; "_cameraupload_background_title_" = "Takmörk"; "_cameraupload_background_msg_" = "Vegna takmarkana í IOS, þá er ekki ennþá hægt að framkvæma bakgrunnsferli nema að GPS-þjónustur séu virkjaðar. Vegna þessa, þegar breytingar verða á sellu í reitskiptu fjarskiptakerfi (cellular network), mun forritið vekja upp _brand_ í stuttan tíma svo hægt sé að athuga hvort til séu nýjar myndir sem þá ætti að senda inn á skýið."; "_upload_camera_change_location_" = "Skipta um möppu"; "_upload_camera_location_now_" = "Mappa"; "_upload_camera_location_default_" = "Endurheimta sjálfgefna möppu"; "_upload_camera_change_location_footer_" = "Breyta myndamöppu sem notuð er fyrir 'Sjálfvirk innsending frá myndavél' (ef sá valkostur er virkur)"; "_camera_upload_not_select_home_" = "Veldu möppu"; "_upload_camera_save_album_" = "Afrita ljósmynd eða myndskeið í myndaalbúminu"; "_upload_camera_save_album_footer_" = "Eftir sjálfvirka sendingu ljósmyndar eða myndskeiðs er afrit vistað í myndamöppuna : _brand_ (krefst ekki meira af plássi í tökuseríu)"; "_upload_camera_fullphotos_" = "Upload all camera photos/videos"; "_upload_camera_fullphotos_footer_" = "Select the options above before uploading"; "_upload_camera_create_subfolder_" = "Use subfolders"; "_upload_camera_create_subfolder_footer_" = "Store in subfolders based on year and month"; // Manage Crypto Cloud "_crypto_cloud_system_" = "Crypto Cloud System"; "_alert_activation_crypto_cloud_" = "Crypto Cloud System activated correctly"; "_alert_deactivation_crypto_cloud_" = "Crypto Cloud System deactivated correctly"; "_activation_crypto_cloud_" = "Activation Crypto Cloud System"; "_deactivation_crypto_cloud_" = "Deactivation Crypto Cloud System"; "_footer_crypto_cloud_" = "Based on the encryption AES-256, Crypto Cloud System will enable you to store all your private data (documents, templates, photos, videos, etc…) in your Cloud, thus keeping them safe from possible 'prying eyes'.\n\nYou will be asked to enter a encryption key (minimum 4 characters, maximum 64 characters). You will never be able to retrieve it and your files will remain encrypted. Should you re-install Nextcloud or access to your data from another iOS system, use the same combination.\n\nAny file can be encrypted or decrypted. The name of folders containing your files can be encrypted as well (so as to hide any possible hint at their contents).\n\nAny kind of document, either in standard or in encrypted format, can be uploaded from Nextcloud onto your Cloud. All encrypted files and folders will be marked in orange colour. If they are in preview mode, they will be identified by a 3 bullets orange label instead.\n\nTemplates for recording your confidential data (note, credit card, ATM card, bank accounts, passwords to websites, etc…) are available and they can be saved in your Cloud in encrypted mode as well.\n\nActive/Disactive whenever you want, but remember to always use the same encryption key.\n\nAt the moment the encrypted files with Crypto Cloud System can be viewed only with iOS system."; // Manage Photos "_change_folder_photos_" = "Skipta um myndamöppu"; // Manage Help "_help_tutorial_" = "Kennsluefni"; "_help_intro_" = "Kynning á _brand_"; "_help_activity_verbose_" = "Detailed Activity feed"; "_help_activity_mail_" = "Senda virkniaðgerð með pósti"; "_help_activity_clear_" = "Hreinsa virkni"; // Manage Optimizations "_optimized_photos_" = "Bestuð upplausn mynda"; "_upload_del_photos_" = "Fjarlægja skrár eftir innsendingu"; "_optimized_photos_how_" = "Ef iPhone-inn þinn er með lítið laust minni, verður myndum í fullri upplausn, hvort sem er sóttar eða innsendar, skipt sjálfkrafa út fyrir bestuðum útgáfum þeirra, útgáfur í fullri upplausn verða geymdar á skýinu þínu."; "_upload_del_photos_how_" = "Skrár verða fjarlægðar úr minni _brand_ eftir að þær hafa verið sendar inn á skýið. Þær munu haldast áfram í tökuseríunni. Niðurhalaðu skránum til að sjá þær."; // Login "_connect_server_anyway_" = "Viltu samt ttengjast við þjóninn?"; "_connection_error_" = "Villa við tengingu"; "_add_your_nextcloud_" = "Bæta við þínum eigin Nextcloud-aðgangi"; "_key_aes_256_" = "Lykilkóði fyrir dulritunarlykil"; "_security_init_required_hint_" = "Ábending vegna lykilkóða fyrir dulritunarlykil (mælt með þessu)"; "_hint_" = "Ábending"; "_security_init_required_mail_" = "Enter your email address to receive the encryption key passcode (recommended)."; "_email_" = "Tölvupóstfang"; "_title_form_security_init_" = "Öryggisvalkostir"; "_login_bottom_label_" = "Ertu ekki enn með skýjaþjón?\nSmelltu hér til að fá þér einn frá þjónustuaðila."; "_error_multidomain_" = "Address not allowed, only the following domains are valid:"; // Favorite "_favorites_" = "Eftirlæti"; "_offline_" = "Offline"; "_local_storage_" = "Staðvær gagnageymsla"; "_local_storage_no_record_" = "No files yet"; "_no_files_uploaded_" = "Engar skrár voru sendar inn"; "_tutorial_favorite_view_" = "Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here"; "_tutorial_offline_view_" = "Copy here the files that should be available offline.\n\nThey will be synchronized with your cloud."; "_tutorial_local_view_" = "You'll find the unpacked files from your cloud.\n\nConnect to iTunes to share these files."; "_more_" = "Meira"; "_favorite_no_files_" = "No favorites yet"; // Camera Upload "_pull_down_" = "Draga niður til að endurlesa"; "_no_photo_load_" = "Engin ljósmynd eða myndskeið"; "_tutorial_camera_upload_view_" = "You can enable camera upload from the settings"; "_no_date_" = "Engin dagsetning"; "_today_" = "Í dag"; "_time_" = "Tími : %@\n\n%@"; "_location_not_enabled_" = "Staðsetningarþjónusta er ekki virk"; "_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "Farðu í stillingar og kveiktu á aðgangi að staðsetningarþjónustum til að heimila sjálfvirkar innsendingar ljósmynda/myndskeiða úr myndavél."; "_access_photo_not_enabled_" = "Aðgangur að myndum er ekki virkur"; "_access_photo_not_enabled_msg_" = "Farðu í stillingar og kveiktu á aðgangi að myndum til að heimila sjálfvirkar innsendingar ljósmynda/myndskeiða úr myndavél."; "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_" = "Aðgangur að myndum og staðsetningu er ekki virkur"; "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "Farðu í stillingar og kveiktu á aðgangi að myndum og staðsetningarþjónustum til að heimila sjálfvirkar innsendingar ljósmynda/myndskeiða úr myndavél."; "_processing_send_camera_upload_" = "Sendi inn mynd úr myndavél ..."; "_tutorial_photo_view_" = "No photos or videos uploaded yet"; "_create_full_upload_" = "Creating archive .. may take a long time, please wait"; "_error_createsubfolders_upload_" = "Error creating subfolders"; "_activate_camera_upload_" = "Enable camera upload"; // Template "_title_" = "Titill"; "_web_account_data_" = "Upplýsingar um vefaðgang"; "_url:_" = "Slóð (URL) :"; "_login:_" = "Innskráning :"; "_password:_" = "Lykilorð :"; "_notes_" = "Athugasemdir"; "_web_account_" = "Vefaðgangur"; "_enter_title_" = "Settu inn titil"; "_add_folder_" = "Bæta við möppu"; "_add_photos_videos_" = "Bæta við ljósmyndum eða myndskeiðum"; "_add_folder_encryptated_" = "Mappa með dulritað nafn"; "_add_encrypted_photo_video_" = "Bæta við dulrituðum ljósmyndum eða myndskeiðum"; "_add_credit_card_" = "Bæta við sniðmáti fyrir kreditkort"; "_add_atm_" = "Bæta við sniðmáti fyrir debet/hraðbankakort"; "_add_bank_account_" = "Bæta við sniðmáti fyrir bankareikning"; "_add_web_account_" = "Bæta við vefaðgangi"; "_add_notes_" = "Bæta við minnispunktum"; "_add_driving_license_" = "Bæta við sniðmáti fyrir ökuskírteini"; "_add_id_card_" = "Add ID card template"; "_add_passport_" = "Bæta við sniðmáti fyrir vegabréf"; "_add_atm_card_" = "Upplýsingar um ATM-hraðbankakort/debetkort"; "_bank_name:_" = "Bank name:"; "_code:_" = "Code:"; "_security_code:_" = "Security code:"; "_pin:_" = "PIN:"; "_atm_card_" = "ATM-hraðbankakort"; "_credi_card_data_" = "Kreditkortaupplýsingar"; "_name_surname:_" = "Name Surname:"; "_expiry_date:_" = "Expiry date:"; "_credit_card_" = "Kreditkort"; "_id_card_" = "Persónuskilríki"; "_number:_" = "Number:"; "_place_of_birth:_" = "Place of birth:"; "_date_of_birth:_" = "Date of birth:"; "_date_of_issue:_" = "Date of issue:"; "_date_of_expiry:_" = "Date of expiry:"; "_bank_account_data_" = "Upplýsingar um bankareikning"; "_account_n:_" = "Account N.:"; "_iban:_" = "IBAN:"; "_swift:_" = "SWIFT:"; "_agency:_" = "Agency:"; "_bank_account_" = "Bankareikningur"; "_passport_" = "Vegabréf"; "_driving_license_" = "Ökuskírteini"; "_license_number:_" = "License number:"; "_vehicle_types:_" = "Vehicle types:"; // Utility "_never_" = "aldrei"; "_less_a_minute_" = "fyrir minna en mínútu síðan"; "_minutes_ago_" = "fyrir %d mínútum síðan"; "_hours_ago_" = "fyrir %d klukkustundum síðan"; "_days_ago_" = "fyrir %d dögum síðan"; "_over_30_days_" = "eldra en 30 daga"; "_connection_internet_offline_" = "The internet connection appears to be offline or Wi-Fi is required"; "_insert_password_" = "settu inn lykilorð"; "_update_in_progress_" = "Uppfærsla á útgáfu, bíddu aðeins ..."; "_forbidden_characters_" = "Heiti skrár eða möppu inniheldur ógilda stafi"; "_mail_not_can_send_mail_" = "Sett var inn rangt tölvupóstfang eða óuppsettur notandaaðgangur"; // File "_photo_camera_" = "Ljósmyndir"; "_unzip_in_progress_" = "Afþjöppun í gangi í staðværri gagnageymslu ..."; "_file_unpacked_" = "Tókst að afpakka skrá í staðværri gagnageymslu."; "_file_saved_local_" = "Tókst að vista skrá í staðværa gagnageymslu."; "_file_not_present_" = "Villa, skrá ekki tiltæk, gerðu svo vel að endurhlaða."; "_order_by_date_" = "Raða eftir dagsetningu"; "_current_order_name_" = "(núverandi röðun eftir heiti)"; "_order_by_name_" = "Raða eftir heiti"; "_current_order_date_" = "(núverandi röðun eftir dagsetningu)"; "_sort_descending_" = "Raða lækkandi"; "_current_sort_ascending_" = "(núverandi röðun: hækkandi)"; "_sort_ascending_" = "Raða hækkandi"; "_current_sort_descending_" = "(núverandi röðun: lækkandi)"; "_delete_selected_files_" = "Eyða skrám"; "_move_selected_files_" = "Færa skrár"; "_encrypted_selected_files_" = "Dulritaðar skrár"; "_decrypted_selected_files_" = "Afkóðaðar skrár"; "_download_selected_files_" = "Sækja skrár"; "_error_passcode_" = "Error: Wrong passcode for encryption key."; "_error_operation_canc_" = "Villa, hætt við aðgerð."; "_only_lock_passcode_" = "Available only with Lock password activated. Activate in the Settings."; "_passcode_protection_" = "Verndun með lykilorði"; "_encrypt_" = "Dulrita"; "_decrypt_" = "Afkóða"; "_remove_favorites_" = "Fjarlægja úr eftirlætum"; "_remove_offline_" = "Remove from offline"; "_add_favorites_" = "Bæta í eftirlæti"; "_add_offline_" = "Add to offline"; "_remove_passcode_" = "Fjarlægja verndun með lykilorði"; "_protect_passcode_" = "Verja með lykilorði"; "_share_" = "Deila"; "_reload_" = "Endurhlaða"; "_open_in_" = "Opna með..."; "_remove_local_file_" = "Fjarlægja úr skyndiminni"; "_add_local_" = "Bæta í staðværa gagnageymslu"; "_comm_erro_pull_down_" = "Attention communication error with the server, pull down to refresh."; "_file_not_downloaded_" = "skrá ekki sótt"; "_file_not_uploaded_" = "skrá ekki send inn"; "_folders_" = "möppur"; "_folder_" = "mappa"; "_files_" = "skrár"; "_file_" = "skrá"; "_folder_blocked_" = "Mappa útilokuð"; "_downloading_progress_" = "Virkja niðurhal á skrám ..."; "_encrypted_progress_" = "Dulritað ..."; "_decrypted_progress_" = "Afkóðað ..."; "_no_file_pull_down_" = "Upload a file or pull down to refresh"; "_browse_images_" = "Skoða myndir"; "_synchronized_folder_" = "Halda möppunni samstilltri"; "_remove_synchronized_folder_" = "Fjarlægja samstillinguna"; "_synchronized_confirm_" = "After enabling the synchronization, all files in the folder will be synchronized with the server, continue?"; "_offline_folder_confirm_" = "After enabling the offline, all files in the folder will be synchronized with the server, continue?"; "_same_device_different_passcode_" = "The file was encrypted on the same device but with different passcode. Keep in mind that if the old passcode is entered, files encrypted with the new passcode will not be readable."; "_file_encrypted_another_device_" = "The file was encrypted on another device [%@], enter the passcode to decrypt its content."; "_file_not_found_reload_" = "Skrá fannst ekki, dragðu niður til að endurlesa"; "_title_section_download_" = "SÆKJA"; "_title_section_upload_" = "SENDA INN"; "_group_alphabetic_yes_" = "✓ Hópa í stafrófsröð"; "_group_alphabetic_no_" = "Hópa í stafrófsröð"; "_group_typefile_yes_" = "✓ Hópa eftir skráategund"; "_group_typefile_no_" = "Hópa eftir skráategund"; "_group_date_yes_" = "✓ Hópa eftir dagsetningu"; "_group_date_no_" = "Hópa eftir dagsetningu"; "_element_" = "stak"; "_elements_" = "stök"; "_tite_footer_upload_wwan_" = " Wi-Fi network required, %lu %@ to upload"; "_tite_footer_upload_" = "%lu %@ to upload"; "_tite_footer_download_wwan_" = " Wi-Fi network required, %lu %@ to download"; "_tite_footer_download_" = "%lu %@ to download"; "_limited_dimension_" = "Hámarksstærð náð"; "_same_device_different_passcode_hint_" = "The file was encrypted by the same device but with different Passcode key encryption. Attention if the old Passcode is entered,files encrypted with the new Passcode will not be readable. \n\n Hint: %@"; "_file_encrypted_another_device_hint_" = "The file was encrypted by another device [%@], enter the Passcode key encryption to read its contents. \n\n Hint: %@"; "_save_selected_files_" = "Save images and videos to Photo Album"; "_file_not_saved_cameraroll_" = "Error, file not saved in Photo Album"; "_file_saved_cameraroll_" = "File saved in Photo Album"; "_directory_on_top_yes_" = "✓ Folders on top"; "_directory_on_top_no_" = "Folders on top"; "_folder_automatic_upload_" = "Folder for Automatic upload"; "_search_no_record_found_" = "No result"; "_search_in_progress_" = "Search in progress..."; "_search_instruction_" = "Search a file (minimum 2 characters)"; "_files_no_files_" = "No files in here"; "audio" = "HLJÓÐ"; "compress" = "ÞJAPPA"; "directory" = "MÖPPUR"; "document" = "SKJÖL"; "image" = "MYNDIR"; "template" = "SNIÐMÁT"; "unknow" = "ÓÞEKKT"; "video" = "MYNDSKEIÐ"; "_no_plist_pull_down_" = "Encrypted files not updated, pull down to refresh"; "_file_del_only_local_" = "Skráin er ekki tiltæk á þjóninum"; "_copy_file_" = "Afrita skrá"; "_copy_files_" = "Afrita skrár"; "_paste_file_" = "Líma skrá"; "_paste_file_encrypted_" = "Líma dulritaða skrá"; "_paste_files_" = "Líma skrár"; "_paste_files_encrypted_" = "Líma dulritaðar skrár"; "_paste_cryptated_" = "Líma dulritað"; "_search_this_folder_" = "Search in this folder"; "_search_all_folders_" = "Search in all folders"; "_search_sub_folder_" = "Search here and in subfolders"; // Security "_reload_folder_" = "Endurhlaða möppu"; "_encrypt_error_" = "During the encryption of file %@ an error occurred. [%@]"; "_decrypt_error_" = "During the decryption of file %@ an error occurred. [%@]"; "_encryption_" = "Encrypting …"; "_decryption_" = "Decrypting …"; // CoreData "_required_new_database_" = "Upgrade ready: Log in again in order to get a new version of the database."; // Files Preview "_insert_password_pfd_" = "Varið PDF. Settu inn lykilorð"; "_password_pdf_error_" = "Rangt lykilorð"; "_error_download_photobrowser_" = "Error, unable to download the photo"; // Share "_share_link_" = "Deila tengli"; "_share_link_button_" = "Senda tengil til ..."; "_password_" = "Lykilorð"; "_share_password_" = "Verja tengil með lykilorði"; "_share_expirationdate_" = "Setja gildistíma fyrir tengil"; "_date_" = "Dagsetning"; "_share_title_" = "Deila"; "_add_sharee_" = "Bæta við notendum eða hópum"; "_add_sharee_footer_" = "You can share this resource by adding users or groups. To remove a share remove all users and groups"; "_find_sharee_title_" = "Leita"; "_find_sharee_" = "Leita að notanda eða hópi..."; "_find_sharee_footer_" = "Enter part of the name of the user or group to search for (at least 2 characters) followed by 'Return', select the users that should be allowed to access the share followed by 'Done' to confirm"; "_user_is_group_" = "(hópur)"; "_direct_sharee_title_" = "Deila"; "_direct_sharee_footer_" = "If you already know the name, enter it, then select the share type and press 'Done' to confirm"; "_direct_sharee_" = "Settu inn notandanafnið ..."; "_user_sharee_footer_" = "Bankaðu til að breyta heimildum"; "_share_type_title_" = "Type of share"; "_share_type_user_" = "User"; "_share_type_group_" = "Group"; "_share_type_remote_" = "Remote"; // Share Permission "_share_permission_title_" = "Heimildir"; "_share_permission_edit_" = "Getur breytt"; "_share_permission_file_can_write_" = "Getur skrifað skrá"; "_share_permission_create_" = "Getur búið til"; "_share_permission_create_file_" = "Getur búið til skrár"; "_share_permission_create_folder_" = "Getur búið til möppur"; "_share_permission_change_" = "Getur skipt um"; "_share_permission_delete_" = "Getur eytt"; "_share_permission_share_" = "Getur deilt"; "_share_permission_rename_" = "Getur endurnefnt"; "_share_permission_move_" = "Getur fært"; "_share_permission_info_" = "Deiling upplýsinga"; "_share_permission_path_" = "Skrá/Mappa"; "_share_permission_type_" = "Tegund"; "_share_permission_typeuser_" = "Notandi"; "_share_permission_typegroup_" = "Hópur"; "_share_permission_typepubliclink_" = "Tengill"; "_share_permission_typefederated_" = "Deilt milli þjóna (skýjasambandssameign)"; "_share_permission_owner_" = "Eigandi"; "_share_permission_date_" = "Dagsetning"; "_share_permission_email_" = "Tilkynning í tölvupósti"; // ShareInfoCMOC "_type_resource_connect_you_" = "Deilt með þér"; "_type_resource_external_" = "Ytri gagnageymsla"; // Share Ext "_destiny_folder_" = "Mappa : %@"; "_no_transfer_" = "No transfers yet"; "_no_transfer_sub_" = "Uploads and downloads from this device will show up here"; "_no_activity_" = "No activity yet"; "_transfers_" = "Flutningar"; "_activity_" = "Virkni"; "_activity_file_not_present_" = "File no longer present"; // Offline "_create_synchronization_" = "Create synchronization"; // Create Cloud "_upload_photos_videos_" = "Upload photos and videos"; "_upload_file_" = "Senda inn skrá"; "_upload_encrypted_mode" = "Upload in encrypted mode"; "_upload_template_" = "Upload a template"; "_upload_plain_mode" = "Upload in plain mode"; // Document Picker "_save_document_picker_" = "Save here"; // CreateFormUploadAssets "_destination_folder_" = "Destination folder"; "_use_folder_photos_" = "Use the folder Photos as destination"; "_rename_filename_" = "Endurnefna"; "_filename_" = "File name"; "_preview_filename_" = "Skráarheiti sýnidæmis, þú getur notað MM,DD,YY til að sía dagsetningar"; "_forbidden_characters_" = "Heiti skrár eða möppu inniheldur ógilda stafi"; // Notification "_notification_" = "Notification"; // Photo Browser "Done" = "Lokið"; "Select Photos" = "Velja ljósmyndir"; "photo" = "ljósmynd"; "photos" = "ljósmyndir"; "of" = "af"; "%i of %i" = "%1$i af %2$i";