//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2015 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Asynchronously submits build information to Realm if running in an iOS // simulator or on OS X if a debugger is attached. Does nothing if running on an // iOS / watchOS device or if a debugger is *not* attached. // // To be clear: this does *not* run when your app is in production or on // your end-user’s devices; it will only run in the simulator or when a debugger // is attached. // // Why are we doing this? In short, because it helps us build a better product // for you. None of the data personally identifies you, your employer or your // app, but it *will* help us understand what language you use, what iOS // versions you target, etc. Having this info will help prioritizing our time, // adding new features and deprecating old features. Collecting an anonymized // bundle & anonymized MAC is the only way for us to count actual usage of the // other metrics accurately. If we don’t have a way to deduplicate the info // reported, it will be useless, as a single developer building their Swift app // 10 times would report 10 times more than a single Objective-C developer that // only builds once, making the data all but useless. // No one likes sharing data unless it’s necessary, we get it, and we’ve // debated adding this for a long long time. Since Realm is a free product // without an email signup, we feel this is a necessary step so we can collect // relevant data to build a better product for you. If you truly, absolutely // feel compelled to not send this data back to Realm, then you can set an env // variable named REALM_DISABLE_ANALYTICS. Since Realm is free we believe // letting these analytics run is a small price to pay for the product & support // we give you. // // Currently the following information is reported: // - What version of Realm is being used, and from which language (obj-c or Swift). // - What version of OS X it's running on (in case Xcode aggressively drops // support for older versions again, we need to know what we need to support). // - The minimum iOS/OS X version that the application is targeting (again, to // help us decide what versions we need to support). // - An anonymous MAC address and bundle ID to aggregate the other information on. // - What version of Swift is being used (if applicable). #import "RLMAnalytics.hpp" #import #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR || TARGET_OS_MAC || (TARGET_OS_WATCH && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR) || (TARGET_OS_TV && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR) #import "RLMRealm.h" #import "RLMUtil.hpp" #import #import #import #import #import #import #ifndef REALM_COCOA_VERSION #import "RLMVersion.h" #endif #if REALM_ENABLE_SYNC #import #endif // Declared for RealmSwiftObjectUtil @interface NSObject (SwiftVersion) + (NSString *)swiftVersion; @end // Wrapper for sysctl() that handles the memory management stuff static auto RLMSysCtl(int *mib, u_int mibSize, size_t *bufferSize) { std::unique_ptr buffer(nullptr, &free); int ret = sysctl(mib, mibSize, nullptr, bufferSize, nullptr, 0); if (ret != 0) { return buffer; } buffer.reset(malloc(*bufferSize)); if (!buffer) { return buffer; } ret = sysctl(mib, mibSize, buffer.get(), bufferSize, nullptr, 0); if (ret != 0) { buffer.reset(); } return buffer; } // Get the version of OS X we're running on (even in the simulator this gives // the OS X version and not the simulated iOS version) static NSString *RLMOSVersion() { std::array mib = {{CTL_KERN, KERN_OSRELEASE}}; size_t bufferSize; auto buffer = RLMSysCtl(&mib[0], mib.size(), &bufferSize); if (!buffer) { return nil; } return [[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:buffer.release() length:bufferSize - 1 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone:YES]; } // Hash the data in the given buffer and convert it to a hex-format string static NSString *RLMHashData(const void *bytes, size_t length) { unsigned char buffer[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; CC_SHA256(bytes, static_cast(length), buffer); char formatted[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i) { sprintf(formatted + i * 2, "%02x", buffer[i]); } return [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:formatted length:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } // Returns the hash of the MAC address of the first network adaptor since the // vendorIdentifier isn't constant between iOS simulators. static NSString *RLMMACAddress() { int en0 = static_cast(if_nametoindex("en0")); if (!en0) { return nil; } std::array mib = {{CTL_NET, PF_ROUTE, 0, AF_LINK, NET_RT_IFLIST, en0}}; size_t bufferSize; auto buffer = RLMSysCtl(&mib[0], mib.size(), &bufferSize); if (!buffer) { return nil; } // sockaddr_dl struct is immediately after the if_msghdr struct in the buffer auto sockaddr = reinterpret_cast(static_cast(buffer.get()) + 1); auto mac = reinterpret_cast(sockaddr->sdl_data + sockaddr->sdl_nlen); return RLMHashData(mac, 6); } static NSDictionary *RLMAnalyticsPayload() { NSBundle *appBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle; NSString *hashedBundleID = appBundle.bundleIdentifier; // Main bundle isn't always the one of interest (e.g. when running tests // it's xctest rather than the app's bundle), so look for one with a bundle ID if (!hashedBundleID) { for (NSBundle *bundle in NSBundle.allBundles) { if ((hashedBundleID = bundle.bundleIdentifier)) { appBundle = bundle; break; } } } // If we found a bundle ID anywhere, hash it as it could contain sensitive // information (e.g. the name of an unnanounced product) if (hashedBundleID) { NSData *data = [hashedBundleID dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; hashedBundleID = RLMHashData(data.bytes, data.length); } NSString *osVersionString = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersionString]; Class swiftObjectUtilClass = NSClassFromString(@"RealmSwiftObjectUtil"); BOOL isSwift = swiftObjectUtilClass != nil; NSString *swiftVersion = isSwift ? [swiftObjectUtilClass swiftVersion] : @"N/A"; static NSString *kUnknownString = @"unknown"; NSString *hashedMACAddress = RLMMACAddress() ?: kUnknownString; return @{ @"event": @"Run", @"properties": @{ // MixPanel properties @"token": @"ce0fac19508f6c8f20066d345d360fd0", // Anonymous identifiers to deduplicate events @"distinct_id": hashedMACAddress, @"Anonymized MAC Address": hashedMACAddress, @"Anonymized Bundle ID": hashedBundleID ?: kUnknownString, // Which version of Realm is being used @"Binding": @"cocoa", @"Language": isSwift ? @"swift" : @"objc", @"Realm Version": REALM_COCOA_VERSION, #if REALM_ENABLE_SYNC @"Sync Version": @(REALM_SYNC_VER_STRING), #endif #if TARGET_OS_WATCH @"Target OS Type": @"watchos", #elif TARGET_OS_TV @"Target OS Type": @"tvos", #elif TARGET_OS_IPHONE @"Target OS Type": @"ios", #else @"Target OS Type": @"osx", #endif @"Swift Version": swiftVersion, // Current OS version the app is targetting @"Target OS Version": osVersionString, // Minimum OS version the app is targetting @"Target OS Minimum Version": appBundle.infoDictionary[@"MinimumOSVersion"] ?: kUnknownString, // Host OS version being built on @"Host OS Type": @"osx", @"Host OS Version": RLMOSVersion() ?: kUnknownString, } }; } void RLMSendAnalytics() { if (getenv("REALM_DISABLE_ANALYTICS") || !RLMIsDebuggerAttached() || RLMIsRunningInPlayground()) { return; } NSData *payload = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:RLMAnalyticsPayload() options:0 error:nil]; NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://api.mixpanel.com/track/?data=%@&ip=1", [payload base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0]]; // No error handling or anything because logging errors annoyed people for no // real benefit, and it's not clear what else we could do [[NSURLSession.sharedSession dataTaskWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]] resume]; } #else void RLMSendAnalytics() {} #endif