/* Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Service object documentation: // https://github.com/google/google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest/wiki#services-and-tickets #import #import "GTLRDefines.h" #import "GTLRBatchQuery.h" #import "GTLRBatchResult.h" #import "GTLRDateTime.h" #import "GTLRDuration.h" #import "GTLRErrorObject.h" #import "GTLRObject.h" #import "GTLRQuery.h" @class GTMSessionFetcher; @class GTMSessionFetcherService; @protocol GTMFetcherAuthorizationProtocol; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** * The domain used used for NSErrors created by GTLRService query execution. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRServiceErrorDomain; typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, GTLRServiceError) { GTLRServiceErrorQueryResultMissing = -3000, GTLRServiceErrorBatchResponseUnexpected = -3001, GTLRServiceErrorBatchResponseStatusCode = -3002 }; /** * The kGTLRServiceErrorDomain userInfo key for the server response body. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRServiceErrorBodyDataKey; /** * The kGTLRServiceErrorDomain userInfo key for the response content ID, if appropriate. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRServiceErrorContentIDKey; /** * The domain used for foundation errors created from GTLRErrorObjects that * were not originally foundation errors. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRErrorObjectDomain; /** * The userInfo key for a GTLRErrorObject for errors with domain kGTLRErrorObjectDomain * when the error was created from a structured JSON error response body. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRStructuredErrorKey; /** * A constant ETag for when updating or deleting a single entry, telling * the server to replace the current value unconditionally. * * Do not use this in entries in a batch feed. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRETagWildcard; /** * Notification of a ticket starting. The notification object is the ticket. * This is posted on the main thread. * * Use the stopped notification to log all requests made by the library. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketStartedNotification; /** * Notification of a ticket stopping. The notification object is the ticket. * This is posted on the main thread. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketStoppedNotification; /** * Notifications when parsing of a server response or entry begins. * This is posted on the main thread. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStartedNotification; /** * Notifications when parsing of a server response or entry ends. * This is posted on the main thread. */ extern NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStoppedNotification; /** * The header name used to send an Application's Bundle Identifier. * For more information on adding API restrictions see the docs: * https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#api_key_restrictions */ extern NSString *const kXIosBundleIdHeader; @class GTLRServiceTicket; /** * Callback block for query execution. * * @param callbackTicket The ticket that tracked query execution. * @param object The result of query execution. This will be derived from * GTLRObject. The object may be nil for operations such as DELETE which * do not return an object. The object will be a GTLRBatchResult for * batch operations, and GTLRDataObject for media downloads. * @param callbackError If non-nil, the query execution failed. For batch requests, * this may be nil even if individual queries in the batch have failed. */ typedef void (^GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)(GTLRServiceTicket *callbackTicket, id _Nullable object, NSError * _Nullable callbackError); /** * Callback block for upload of query data. * * @param progressTicket The ticket that tracks query execution. * @param totalBytesUploaded Number of bytes uploaded so far. * @param totalBytesExpectedToUpload Number of bytes expected to be uploaded. */ typedef void (^GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock)(GTLRServiceTicket *progressTicket, unsigned long long totalBytesUploaded, unsigned long long totalBytesExpectedToUpload); /** * Callback block invoked when an eror occurs during query execution. * * @param retryTicket The ticket that tracks query execution. * @param suggestedWillRetry Flag indicating if the library would retry this without a retry block. * @param fetchError The error that occurred. If the domain is * kGTMSessionFetcherStatusDomain then the error's code is the server * response status. Details on the error from the server are available * in the userInfo via the keys kGTLRStructuredErrorKey and * NSLocalizedDescriptionKey. * * @return YES if the request should be retried. */ typedef BOOL (^GTLRServiceRetryBlock)(GTLRServiceTicket *retryTicket, BOOL suggestedWillRetry, NSError * _Nullable fetchError); /** * Block to be invoked by a test block. * * @param object The faked object, if any, to be passed to the test code's completion handler. * @param error The faked error if any, to be passed to the test code's completion handler. */ typedef void (^GTLRServiceTestResponse)(id _Nullable object, NSError *_Nullable error); /** * A test block enables testing of query execution without any network activity. * * The test block must finish by calling the response block, passing either an object * (GTLRObject or GTLRBatchResult) or an NSError. * * The query is available to the test block code as testTicket.originalQuery. * * Because query execution is asynchronous, the test code must wait for a callback, * either with GTLRService's waitForTicket:timeout:fetchedObject:error: or with * XCTestCase's waitForExpectationsWithTimeout: * * Example usage is available in GTLRServiceTest. * * @param testTicket The ticket that tracks query execution. * @param testResponse A block that must be invoked by the test block. This may be invoked * synchronously or asynchornously. */ typedef void (^GTLRServiceTestBlock)(GTLRServiceTicket *testTicket, GTLRServiceTestResponse testResponse); #pragma mark - /** * Base class for the service that executes queries and manages tickets. * * Client apps will typically use a generated subclass of GTLRService. */ @interface GTLRService : NSObject #pragma mark Query Execution /** * Executes the supplied query * * Success is indicated in the completion handler by a nil error parameter, not by a non-nil * object parameter. * * The callback block is invoked exactly once unless the ticket is cancelled. * The callback will be called on the service's callback queue. * * Various execution parameters will be taken from the service's properties, unless overridden * in the query's @c executionParameters property. * * A query may only be executed a single time. To reuse a query, make a copy before executing * it. * * To get a NSURLRequest that represents the query, use @c -[GTLRService requestForQuery:] * * @param query The API query, either a subclass of GTLRQuery, or a GTLRBatchQuery. * @param handler The execution callback block. * * @return A ticket for tracking or canceling query execution. */ - (GTLRServiceTicket *)executeQuery:(id)query completionHandler:(nullable GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)handler; /** * Executes the supplied query * * The callback is invoked exactly once unless the ticket is cancelled. * The callback will be called on the service's callbackQueue. * Various execution parameters will be taken from the service's properties, unless overridden * in the query's @c executionParameters property. * * The selector should have a signature matching: * @code * - (void)serviceTicket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)callbackTicket * finishedWithObject:(GTLRObject *)object * error:(NSError *)callbackError * @endcode * * @param query The API query, either a subclass of GTLRQuery, or a GTLRBatchQuery. * @param delegate The object to be with the selector to be invoked upon completion. * @param finishedSelector The selector to be invoked upon completion. * * @return A ticket for tracking or canceling query execution. */ - (GTLRServiceTicket *)executeQuery:(id)query delegate:(nullable id)delegate didFinishSelector:(nullable SEL)finishedSelector; /** * Enable automatic pagination. * * A ticket can optionally do a sequence of fetches for queries where repeated requests * with a @c nextPageToken query parameter is required to retrieve all pages of * the response collection. The client's callback is invoked only when all items have * been retrieved, or an error has occurred. * * The final object may be a combination of multiple page responses * so it may not be the same as if all results had been returned in a single * page. Some fields of the response may reflect only the final page's values. * * Automatic page fetches will return an error if more than 25 page fetches are * required. For debug builds, this will log a warning to the console when more * than 2 page fetches occur, as a reminder that the query's @c maxResults parameter * should probably be increased to specify more items returned per page. * * Automatic page accumulation is available for query result objects that are derived * from GTLRCollectionObject. * * This may also be specified for a single query in the query's @c executionParameters property. * * Default value is NO. */ @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldFetchNextPages; /** * Some services require a developer key for quotas and limits. * * If you have enabled the iOS API Key Restriction, you will want * to manually set the @c APIKeyRestrictionBundleID property, or * use -setMainBundleIDRestrictionWithAPIKey: to set your API key * and set the restriction to the main bundle's bundle id. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *APIKey; /** * The Bundle Identifier to use for the API key restriction. This will be * sent in an X-Ios-Bundle-Identifier header; for more information see * the API key documentation * https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#api_key_restrictions */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *APIKeyRestrictionBundleID; /** * Helper method to set the @c APIKey to the given value and set the * @c APIKeyRestrictionBundleID to the main bundle's bundle identifier. */ - (void)setMainBundleIDRestrictionWithAPIKey:(NSString *)apiKey; /** * An authorizer adds user authentication headers to the request as needed. * * This may be overridden on individual queries with the @c shouldSkipAuthorization property. */ @property(nonatomic, retain, nullable) id authorizer; /** * Enable fetcher retry support. See the explanation of retry support in @c GTMSessionFetcher.h * * Default value is NO, but retry is also enabled if the retryBlock is not nil. * * This may also be specified for a single query in the query's @c executionParameters property. */ @property(nonatomic, assign, getter=isRetryEnabled) BOOL retryEnabled; /** * A retry block may be provided to inspect and change retry criteria. * * This may also be specified for a single query in the query's @c executionParameters property. */ @property(atomic, copy, nullable) GTLRServiceRetryBlock retryBlock; /** * The maximum retry interval. Retries occur at increasing intervals, up to the specified maximum. * * This may also be specified for a single query in the query's @c executionParameters property. */ @property(nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval maxRetryInterval; #pragma mark Fetch Object by Resource URL /** * Fetch an object given the resource URL. This is appropriate when the object's * full link is known, such as from a selfLink response property. * * @param resourceURL The URL of the object to be fetched. * @param objectClass The GTLRObject subclass to be instantiated. If nil, the library * will try to infer the class from the object's "kind" string property. * @param executionParameters Values to override the service's properties when executing the * ticket. * @param handler The execution callback block. * * @return A ticket for tracking or canceling query execution. */ - (GTLRServiceTicket *)fetchObjectWithURL:(NSURL *)resourceURL objectClass:(nullable Class)objectClass executionParameters:(nullable GTLRServiceExecutionParameters *)executionParameters completionHandler:(nullable GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)handler; #pragma mark Support for Client Tests /** * A test block can be provided to test service calls without any network activity. * * See the description of @c GTLRServiceTestBlock for additional details. * * This may also be specified for a single query in the query's @c executionParameters property. * * A service instance for testing can also be created with @c +mockServiceWithFakedObject */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) GTLRServiceTestBlock testBlock; #pragma mark Converting a Query to an NSURLRequest /** * Creates a NSURLRequest from the query object and from properties on this service * (additionalHTTPHeaders, additionalURLQueryParameters, APIKey) without executing * it. This can be useful for using @c GTMSessionFetcher or @c NSURLSession to * perform the fetch. * * For requests to non-public resources, the request will not yet be authorized; * that can be done using the GTLR service's authorizer. Creating a @c GTMSessionFetcher * from the GTLRService's @c fetcherService will take care of authorization as well. * * This works only for GET queries, and only for an individual query, not a batch query. * * @note @c Unlike executeQuery:, requestForQuery: does not release the query's callback blocks. * * @param query The query used to create the request. * * @return A request suitable for use with @c GTMSessionFetcher or @c NSURLSession */ - (NSMutableURLRequest *)requestForQuery:(GTLRQuery *)query; #pragma mark User Properties /** * The service properties dictionary is copied to become the initial property dictionary * for each ticket, augmented by a query's execution parameter's properties. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSDictionary *serviceProperties; #pragma mark JSON to GTLRObject Mapping /** * Specifies subclasses to be created instead of standard library objects, allowing * an app to add properties and methods to GTLR objects. * * This is just a helper method that sets the service's objectClassResolver:. * * Example: * @code * NSDictionary *surrogates = @{ * [MyDriveFile class] : [GTLRDrive_File_Surrogate class], * [MyDriveFileList class] : [GTLRDrive_FileList_Surrogate class] * }; * [service setSurrogates:surrogates]; * @endcode */ - (void)setSurrogates:(NSDictionary *)surrogates; /** * Used to decide what GTLRObject subclass to make from the received JSON. * * This defaults to a resolver that will use any kindStringToClassMap the service * provides. * * To use a standard resolver with a surrogates dictionary, invoke setSurrogates: instead * of setting this property. */ @property(nonatomic, strong) id objectClassResolver; /** * A dictionary mapping "kind" strings to the GTLObject subclasses that should * be created for JSON with the given kind. */ + (NSDictionary *)kindStringToClassMap; #pragma mark Request Settings /** * The queue used to invoked callbacks. By default, the main queue is used for callbacks. */ @property(nonatomic, retain) dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue; /** * Allows the application to make non-SSL and localhost requests for testing. * * Default value is NO. */ @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowInsecureQueries; /** * The fetcher service creates the fetcher instances for this API service. * * Applications may set this to an authorized fetcher service created elsewhere * in the app, or may take the fetcher service created by this GTLRService and use it * to create fetchers independent of this service. */ @property(nonatomic, retain) GTMSessionFetcherService *fetcherService; #pragma mark Custom User Agents /** * Applications needing an additional identifier in the server logs may specify one * through this property and it will be added to the existing UserAgent. It should * already be a valid identifier as no cleaning/validation is done. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *userAgentAddition; /** * A base user-agent based on the application signature in the Info.plist settings. * * Most applications should not explicitly set this property. Any string provided will * be cleaned of inappropriate characters. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *userAgent; /** * The request user agent includes the library and OS version appended to the * base userAgent, along with the optional addition string. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *requestUserAgent; /** * A precise base userAgent string identifying the application. No cleaning of characters * is done. Library-specific details will be appended. * * @param userAgent A wire-ready user agent string. */ - (void)setExactUserAgent:(nullable NSString *)userAgent; /** * A precise userAgent string to send on requests; no cleaning is done. When * set, requestUserAgent will be exactly this, no library or system information * will be auto added. * * @param requestUserAgent A wire-ready user agent string. */ - (void)overrideRequestUserAgent:(nullable NSString *)requestUserAgent; /** * Any additional URL query parameters for the queries executed by this service. * * Individual queries may have additionalURLQueryParameters specified as well. */ @property(atomic, copy, nullable) NSDictionary *additionalURLQueryParameters; /** * Any additional HTTP headers for this queries executed by this service. * * Individual queries may have additionalHTTPHeaders specified as well. */ @property(atomic, copy, nullable) NSDictionary *additionalHTTPHeaders; #pragma mark Request URL Construction /* * The URL for where to send a Query is built out of these parts * ( https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/using#build-compose ) : * * service.rootURLString + service.servicePath + query.pathURITemplate * * Note: odds are these both should end in a '/', so make sure any value you * provide will combine correctly with the above rules. */ /** * The scheme and host for the API server. This may be modified to point at a test server. */ @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *rootURLString; /** * The path for the specific API service instance, relative to the rootURLString. */ @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *servicePath; /** * A path fragment added in to URLs before "servicePath" to build * the full URL used for resumable media uploads. */ @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *resumableUploadPath; /** * A path fragment added in to URLs before "servicePath" to build * the full URL used for simple and multipart media uploads. */ @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *simpleUploadPath; /** * A path fragment added in to URLs before "servicePath" to build * the full URL used for batch requests. */ @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *batchPath; #pragma mark Resumable Uploads /** * A block called to track upload progress. * * A query's service execution parameters may be used to override this. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock uploadProgressBlock; /** * The default chunk size for resumable uploads. This defaults to kGTLRStandardUploadChunkSize * for service subclasses that support chunked uploads. */ @property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger serviceUploadChunkSize; /** * Service subclasses may override this to specify their own default chunk size for * resumable uploads. */ + (NSUInteger)defaultServiceUploadChunkSize; #pragma mark Internal ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Properties below are used by the library and should not typically be set by client apps. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The queue used for parsing JSON responses. * * Applications should typically not change this. */ @property(nonatomic, retain) dispatch_queue_t parseQueue; /** * If this service supports pretty printing the JSON on the wire, these are * the names of the query params that enable it. If there are any values, * the library disables pretty printing to save on bandwidth. * * Applications should typically not need change this; the ServiceGenerator * will set this up when generating the custom subclass. */ @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray *prettyPrintQueryParameterNames; /** * This indicates if the API requires a "data" JSON element to wrap the payload * on requests and responses. * * Applications should typically not change this. */ @property(nonatomic, assign, getter=isDataWrapperRequired) BOOL dataWrapperRequired; @end @interface GTLRService (TestingSupport) /** * Convenience method to create a mock GTLR service just for testing. * * Queries executed by this mock service will not perform any network operation, * but will invoke callbacks and provide the supplied object or error to the * completion handler. * * You can make more customized mocks by setting the test block property of a service * or a query's execution parameters. The test block can inspect the query as ticket.originalQuery * to customize test behavior. * * See the description of @c GTLRServiceTestBlock for more details on customized testing. * * Example usage is in the unit test method @c testService_MockService_Succeeding * * @param object An object derived from GTLRObject to be passed to query completion handlers. * @param error An error to be passed to query completion handlers. * * @return A mock instance of the service, suitable for unit testing. */ + (instancetype)mockServiceWithFakedObject:(nullable id)object fakedError:(nullable NSError *)error; /** * Wait synchronously for fetch to complete (strongly discouraged) * * This method is intended for use only in unit tests and command-line tools. * Unit tests may also use XCTest's waitForExpectationsWithTimeout: instead of * or after this method. * * This method just runs the current event loop until the fetch completes * or the timout limit is reached. This may discard unexpected events * that occur while spinning, so it's really not appropriate for use * in serious applications. * * Returns YES if an object was successfully fetched. If the wait * timed out, returns NO and the returned error is nil. * * @param ticket The ticket being executed. * @param timeoutInSeconds Maximum duration to wait. * * @return YES if the ticket completed or was cancelled; NO if the wait timed out. */ - (BOOL)waitForTicket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutInSeconds; @end #pragma mark - /** * Service execution parameters may be set on an individual query * to alter the service's settings. */ @interface GTLRServiceExecutionParameters : NSObject /** * Override the service's property @c shouldFetchNextPages for automatic pagination. * * A BOOL value should be specified. */ @property(atomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *shouldFetchNextPages; /** * Override the service's property @c shouldFetchNextPages for enabling automatic retries. * * A BOOL value should be specified. * * Retry is also enabled if the retryBlock is not nil */ @property(atomic, strong, nullable, getter=isRetryEnabled) NSNumber *retryEnabled; /** * Override the service's property @c retryBlock for customizing automatic retries. */ @property(atomic, copy, nullable) GTLRServiceRetryBlock retryBlock; /** * Override the service's property @c maxRetryInterval for customizing automatic retries. * * A NSTimeInterval (double) value should be specified. */ @property(atomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *maxRetryInterval; /** * Override the service's property @c uploadProgressBlock for monitoring upload progress. */ @property(atomic, copy, nullable) GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock uploadProgressBlock; /** * Override the service's property @c callbackQueue for invoking callbacks. */ @property(atomic, retain, nullable) dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue; /** * Override the service's property @c testBlock for simulating query execution. * * See the description of @c GTLRServiceTestBlock for additional details. */ @property(atomic, copy, nullable) GTLRServiceTestBlock testBlock; /** * Override the service's property @c objectClassResolver for controlling object class selection. */ @property(atomic, strong, nullable) id objectClassResolver; /** * The ticket's properties are the service properties, with the execution parameter's * ticketProperties added (replacing any keys already present from the service.) */ @property(atomic, copy, nullable) NSDictionary *ticketProperties; /** * Indicates if any of the execution parameters properties are set. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasParameters; @end /** * A ticket tracks the progress of a query being executed. */ @interface GTLRServiceTicket : NSObject - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; /** * The service that issued this ticket. * * This method may be invoked from any thread. */ @property(atomic, readonly) GTLRService *service; #pragma mark Execution Control /** * Invoking cancelTicket stops the fetch if it is in progress. The query callbacks * will not be invoked. * * This method may be invoked from any thread. */ - (void)cancelTicket; /** * The time the ticket was created. */ @property(atomic, readonly) NSDate *creationDate; /** * Pause the ticket execution. This is valid only for chunked, resumable upload queries. */ - (void)pauseUpload; /** * Resume the ticket execution. This is valid only for chunked, resumable upload queries. */ - (void)resumeUpload; /** * Checks if the ticket execution is paused. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly, getter=isUploadPaused) BOOL uploadPaused; /** * The request being fetched for the query. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSURLRequest *fetchRequest; /** * The fetcher being used for the query request. */ @property(atomic, readonly, nullable) GTMSessionFetcher *objectFetcher; /** * The queue used for query callbacks. */ @property(atomic, readonly) dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue; /** * The API key used for the query requeat. */ @property(atomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *APIKey; /** * The Bundle Identifier to use for the API key restriciton. */ @property(atomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *APIKeyRestrictionBundleID; #pragma mark Status /** * The server's response status for the query's fetch, if available. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger statusCode; /** * The error resulting from the query's fetch, if available. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSError *fetchError; /** * A flag indicating if the query's callbacks have been invoked. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasCalledCallback; /** * A flag indicating if the query execution was cancelled by the client app. */ @property(atomic, readonly, getter=isCancelled) BOOL cancelled; #pragma mark Pagination /** * A flag indicating if automatic pagination is enabled for the query. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL shouldFetchNextPages; /** * The number of pages fetched, if automatic pagination is enabled for the query and multiple * pages have been fetched. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger pagesFetchedCounter; #pragma mark User Properties /** * Ticket properties a way to pass values via the ticket for the convenience of the client app. * * Ticket properties are initialized from serviceProperties and augmented by the ticketProperties * of the query's execution parameters. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSDictionary *ticketProperties; #pragma mark Payload /** * The object being uploaded via POST, PUT, or PATCH. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) GTLRObject *postedObject; /** * The object downloaded for the query, after parsing. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) GTLRObject *fetchedObject; /** * The query currently being fetched by this ticket. This may not be the original query when * fetching a second or later pages. */ @property(atomic, readonly, nullable) id executingQuery; /** * The query used to create this ticket */ @property(atomic, readonly, nullable) id originalQuery; /** * The @c GTLRObjectClassResolver for controlling object class selection. */ @property(atomic, readonly, strong) id objectClassResolver; /** * The query from within the ticket's batch request with the given ID. * * @param requestID The desired ticket's request ID. * * @return The query with the specified ID, if found. */ - (nullable GTLRQuery *)queryForRequestID:(NSString *)requestID; @end /** * The library doesn't use GTLRObjectCollectionImpl, but it provides a concrete implementation * so the methods do not cause private method errors in Xcode/AppStore review. */ @interface GTLRObjectCollectionImpl : GTLRObject @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *nextPageToken; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END