//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "catch2/catch.hpp" #include "util/test_file.hpp" #include "object_schema.hpp" #include "object_store.hpp" #include "property.hpp" #include "schema.hpp" #include "impl/object_accessor_impl.hpp" #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif using namespace realm; #define VERIFY_SCHEMA(r, m) verify_schema((r), __LINE__, m) #define REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(r, s, version) do { \ REQUIRE_NOTHROW((r).update_schema(s, version)); \ VERIFY_SCHEMA(r, false); \ REQUIRE((r).schema() == s); \ } while (0) #define REQUIRE_NO_MIGRATION_NEEDED(r, schema1, schema2) do { \ REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(r, schema1, 0); \ REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(r, schema2, 0); \ } while (0) #define REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(r, schema1, schema2) do { \ REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(r, schema1, 0); \ REQUIRE_THROWS((r).update_schema(schema2)); \ REQUIRE((r).schema() == schema1); \ REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(r, schema2, 1); \ } while (0) namespace { void verify_schema(Realm& r, int line, bool in_migration) { CAPTURE(line); for (auto&& object_schema : r.schema()) { auto table = r.read_group().get_table(object_schema.table_key); REQUIRE(table); REQUIRE(std::string(table->get_name()) == ObjectStore::table_name_for_object_type(object_schema.name)); CAPTURE(object_schema.name); std::string primary_key; if (!in_migration) { primary_key = ObjectStore::get_primary_key_for_object(r.read_group(), object_schema.name); REQUIRE(primary_key == object_schema.primary_key); } else { primary_key = object_schema.primary_key; } for (auto&& prop : object_schema.persisted_properties) { auto col = table->get_column_key(prop.name); CAPTURE(prop.name); REQUIRE(col); REQUIRE(col == prop.column_key); REQUIRE(to_underlying(ObjectSchema::from_core_type(*table, col)) == to_underlying(prop.type)); REQUIRE(table->has_search_index(col) == prop.requires_index()); REQUIRE(bool(prop.is_primary) == (prop.name == primary_key)); } } } TableRef get_table(std::shared_ptr const& realm, StringData object_type) { return ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), object_type); } // Helper functions for modifying Schema objects, mostly for the sake of making // it clear what exactly is different about the 2+ schema objects used in // various tests Schema add_table(Schema const& schema, ObjectSchema object_schema) { std::vector new_schema(schema.begin(), schema.end()); new_schema.push_back(std::move(object_schema)); return new_schema; } Schema remove_table(Schema const& schema, StringData object_name) { std::vector new_schema; std::remove_copy_if(schema.begin(), schema.end(), std::back_inserter(new_schema), [&](auto&& object_schema) { return object_schema.name == object_name; }); return new_schema; } Schema add_property(Schema schema, StringData object_name, Property property) { schema.find(object_name)->persisted_properties.push_back(std::move(property)); return schema; } Schema remove_property(Schema schema, StringData object_name, StringData property_name) { auto& properties = schema.find(object_name)->persisted_properties; properties.erase(find_if(begin(properties), end(properties), [&](auto&& prop) { return prop.name == property_name; })); return schema; } Schema set_indexed(Schema schema, StringData object_name, StringData property_name, bool value) { schema.find(object_name)->property_for_name(property_name)->is_indexed = value; return schema; } Schema set_optional(Schema schema, StringData object_name, StringData property_name, bool value) { auto& prop = *schema.find(object_name)->property_for_name(property_name); if (value) prop.type |= PropertyType::Nullable; else prop.type &= ~PropertyType::Nullable; return schema; } Schema set_type(Schema schema, StringData object_name, StringData property_name, PropertyType value) { schema.find(object_name)->property_for_name(property_name)->type = value; return schema; } Schema set_target(Schema schema, StringData object_name, StringData property_name, StringData new_target) { schema.find(object_name)->property_for_name(property_name)->object_type = new_target; return schema; } Schema set_primary_key(Schema schema, StringData object_name, StringData new_primary_property) { auto& object_schema = *schema.find(object_name); if (auto old_primary = object_schema.primary_key_property()) { old_primary->is_primary = false; } if (new_primary_property.size()) { object_schema.property_for_name(new_primary_property)->is_primary = true; } object_schema.primary_key = new_primary_property; return schema; } auto create_objects(Table& table, size_t count) { std::vector keys; table.create_objects(count, keys); return keys; }; } // anonymous namespace TEST_CASE("migration: Automatic") { InMemoryTestFile config; config.automatic_change_notifications = false; SECTION("no migration required") { SECTION("add object schema") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema1 = {}; Schema schema2 = add_table(schema1, {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int} }}); Schema schema3 = add_table(schema2, {"object2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int} }}); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema1, 0); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema2, 0); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema3, 0); } SECTION("remove object schema") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema1 = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int} }}, {"object2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int} }}, }; Schema schema2 = remove_table(schema1, "object2"); Schema schema3 = remove_table(schema2, "object"); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema3, 0); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema2, 0); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema1, 0); } SECTION("add index") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int} }}, }; REQUIRE_NO_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", true)); } SECTION("remove index") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}} }}, }; REQUIRE_NO_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", false)); } SECTION("reordering properties") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema1 = { {"object", { {"col1", PropertyType::Int}, {"col2", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; Schema schema2 = { {"object", { {"col2", PropertyType::Int}, {"col1", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NO_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema1, schema2); } } SECTION("migration required") { SECTION("add property to existing object schema") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema1 = { {"object", { {"col1", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto schema2 = add_property(schema1, "object", {"col2", PropertyType::Int}); REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema1, schema2); } SECTION("remove property from existing object schema") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"col1", PropertyType::Int}, {"col2", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, remove_property(schema, "object", "col2")); } SECTION("migratation which replaces a persisted property with a computed one") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema1 = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, {"link", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object2"}, }}, {"object2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, {"inverse", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object"}, }}, }; Schema schema2 = remove_property(schema1, "object", "link"); Property new_property{"link", PropertyType::LinkingObjects|PropertyType::Array, "object2", "inverse"}; schema2.find("object")->computed_properties.emplace_back(new_property); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema1, 0); REQUIRE_THROWS((*realm).update_schema(schema2)); REQUIRE((*realm).schema() == schema1); REQUIRE_NOTHROW((*realm).update_schema(schema2, 1, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&) { /* empty but present migration handler */ })); VERIFY_SCHEMA(*realm, false); REQUIRE((*realm).schema() == schema2); } SECTION("change property type") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_type(schema, "object", "value", PropertyType::Float)); } SECTION("make property nullable") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_optional(schema, "object", "value", true)); } SECTION("make property required") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, }; REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_optional(schema, "object", "value", false)); } SECTION("change link target") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"target 1", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"target 2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"origin", { {"value", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "target 1"}, }}, }; REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_target(schema, "origin", "value", "target 2")); } SECTION("add pk") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value")); } SECTION("remove pk") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, }}, }; REQUIRE_MIGRATION_NEEDED(*realm, schema, set_primary_key(schema, "object", "")); } SECTION("adding column and table in same migration doesn't add duplicate columns") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema1 = { {"object", { {"col1", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto schema2 = add_table(add_property(schema1, "object", {"col2", PropertyType::Int}), {"object2", {{"value", PropertyType::Int}}}); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema1, 0); REQUIRE_UPDATE_SUCCEEDS(*realm, schema2, 1); auto& table = *get_table(realm, "object2"); REQUIRE(table.get_column_count() == 1); } } SECTION("migration block invocations") { SECTION("not called for initial creation of schema") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 5, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&) { REQUIRE(false); }); } SECTION("not called when schema version is unchanged even if there are schema changes") { Schema schema1 = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; Schema schema2 = add_table(schema1, {"second object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}); auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema1, 1); realm->update_schema(schema2, 1, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&) { REQUIRE(false); }); } SECTION("called when schema version is bumped even if there are no schema changes") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema); bool called = false; realm->update_schema(schema, 5, [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&) { called = true; }); REQUIRE(called); } } SECTION("migration errors") { SECTION("schema version cannot go down") { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema({}, 1); realm->update_schema({}, 2); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema({}, 0)); } SECTION("insert duplicate keys for existing PK during migration") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); create_objects(*table, 2); })); } SECTION("add pk to existing table with duplicate keys") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); realm->begin_transaction(); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); create_objects(*table, 2); realm->commit_transaction(); schema = set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value"); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(schema, 2, nullptr)); } SECTION("throwing an exception from migration function rolls back all changes") { Schema schema1 = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; Schema schema2 = add_property(schema1, "object", {"value2", PropertyType::Int}); auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema1, 1); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(schema2, 2, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); table->create_object(); throw 5; })); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); REQUIRE(table->size() == 0); REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 1); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == schema1); } } SECTION("valid migrations") { SECTION("changing all columns does not lose row count") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); realm->begin_transaction(); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); create_objects(*table, 10); realm->commit_transaction(); schema = set_type(schema, "object", "value", PropertyType::Float); realm->update_schema(schema, 2); REQUIRE(table->size() == 10); } SECTION("values for required properties are copied when converitng to nullable") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); realm->begin_transaction(); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); auto key = table->get_column_key("value"); create_objects(*table, 10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) table->get_object(i).set(key, i); realm->commit_transaction(); realm->update_schema(set_optional(schema, "object", "value", true), 2); key = table->get_column_key("value"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) REQUIRE(table->get_object(i).get>(key) == i); } SECTION("values for nullable properties are discarded when converitng to required") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); realm->begin_transaction(); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); auto key = table->get_column_key("value"); create_objects(*table, 10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) table->get_object(i).set(key, i); realm->commit_transaction(); realm->update_schema(set_optional(schema, "object", "value", false), 2); key = table->get_column_key("value"); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) REQUIRE(table->get_object(i).get(key) == 0); } SECTION("deleting table removed from the schema deletes it") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); realm->update_schema({}, 2, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { ObjectStore::delete_data_for_object(realm->read_group(), "object"); }); REQUIRE_FALSE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")); } SECTION("deleting table still in the schema recreates it with no rows") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); realm->begin_transaction(); ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->create_object(); realm->commit_transaction(); realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { ObjectStore::delete_data_for_object(realm->read_group(), "object"); }); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); REQUIRE(table); REQUIRE(table->size() == 0); } SECTION("deleting table which doesn't exist does nothing") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, }; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema, 1); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema({}, 2, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { ObjectStore::delete_data_for_object(realm->read_group(), "foo"); })); } } SECTION("schema correctness during migration") { InMemoryTestFile config; config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Automatic; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, {"value", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}}, {"optional", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, {"link origin", { {"not a pk", PropertyType::Int}, {"object", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object"}, {"array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "object"}, }} }; realm->update_schema(schema); #define VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(target_schema) do { \ Schema new_schema = (target_schema); \ realm->update_schema(new_schema, 1, [&](SharedRealm old_realm, SharedRealm new_realm, Schema&) { \ REQUIRE(old_realm->schema_version() == 0); \ REQUIRE(old_realm->schema() == schema); \ REQUIRE(new_realm->schema_version() == 1); \ REQUIRE(new_realm->schema() == new_schema); \ VERIFY_SCHEMA(*old_realm, true); \ VERIFY_SCHEMA(*new_realm, true); \ }); \ REQUIRE(realm->schema() == new_schema); \ VERIFY_SCHEMA(*realm, false); \ } while (false) SECTION("add new table") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(add_table(schema, {"new table", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }})); } SECTION("add property to table") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(add_property(schema, "object", {"new", PropertyType::Int})); } SECTION("remove property from table") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(remove_property(schema, "object", "value")); } SECTION("remove multiple properties from table") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(remove_property(remove_property(schema, "object", "value"), "object", "optional")); } SECTION("add primary key to table") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_primary_key(schema, "link origin", "not a pk")); } SECTION("remove primary key from table") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_primary_key(schema, "object", "")); } SECTION("change primary key") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value")); } SECTION("change property type") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_type(schema, "object", "value", PropertyType::Date)); } SECTION("change link target") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_target(schema, "link origin", "object", "link origin")); } SECTION("change linklist target") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_target(schema, "link origin", "array", "link origin")); } SECTION("make property optional") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_optional(schema, "object", "value", true)); } SECTION("make property required") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_optional(schema, "object", "optional", false)); } SECTION("add index") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_indexed(schema, "object", "optional", true)); } SECTION("remove index") { VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", false)); } SECTION("reorder properties") { auto schema2 = schema; auto& properties = schema2.find("object")->persisted_properties; std::swap(properties[0], properties[1]); VERIFY_SCHEMA_IN_MIGRATION(schema2); } } SECTION("object accessors inside migrations") { using namespace std::string_literals; Schema schema{ {"all types", { {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, {"bool", PropertyType::Bool}, {"int", PropertyType::Int}, {"float", PropertyType::Float}, {"double", PropertyType::Double}, {"string", PropertyType::String}, {"data", PropertyType::Data}, {"date", PropertyType::Date}, {"object", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "link target"}, {"array", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Array, "array target"}, }}, {"link target", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }, { {"origin", PropertyType::LinkingObjects|PropertyType::Array, "all types", "object"}, }}, {"array target", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"int pk", { {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"string pk", { {"pk", PropertyType::String, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; InMemoryTestFile config; config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Automatic; config.schema = schema; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); CppContext ctx(realm); util::Any values = AnyDict{ {"pk", INT64_C(1)}, {"bool", true}, {"int", INT64_C(5)}, {"float", 2.2f}, {"double", 3.3}, {"string", "hello"s}, {"data", "olleh"s}, {"date", Timestamp(10, 20)}, {"object", AnyDict{{"value", INT64_C(10)}}}, {"array", AnyVector{AnyDict{{"value", INT64_C(20)}}}}, }; realm->begin_transaction(); Object::create(ctx, realm, *realm->schema().find("all types"), values); realm->commit_transaction(); SECTION("read values from old realm") { Schema schema{ {"all types", { {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, }}, }; realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto old_realm, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(old_realm); Object obj = Object::get_for_primary_key(ctx, old_realm, "all types", util::Any(INT64_C(1))); REQUIRE(obj.is_valid()); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "bool")) == true); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "int")) == 5); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "float")) == 2.2f); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "double")) == 3.3); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "string")) == "hello"); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "data")) == "olleh"); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "date")) == Timestamp(10, 20)); auto link = any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "object")); REQUIRE(link.is_valid()); REQUIRE(any_cast(link.get_property_value(ctx, "value")) == 10); auto list = any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "array")); REQUIRE(list.size() == 1); CppContext list_ctx(ctx, *obj.get_object_schema().property_for_name("array")); link = any_cast(list.get(list_ctx, 0)); REQUIRE(link.is_valid()); REQUIRE(any_cast(link.get_property_value(list_ctx, "value")) == 20); CppContext ctx2(new_realm); obj = Object::get_for_primary_key(ctx, new_realm, "all types", util::Any(INT64_C(1))); REQUIRE(obj.is_valid()); REQUIRE_THROWS(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "bool")); }); } SECTION("cannot mutate old realm") { realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto old_realm, auto, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(old_realm); Object obj = Object::get_for_primary_key(ctx, old_realm, "all types", util::Any(INT64_C(1))); REQUIRE(obj.is_valid()); REQUIRE_THROWS(obj.set_property_value(ctx, "bool", util::Any(false))); REQUIRE_THROWS(old_realm->begin_transaction()); }); } SECTION("cannot read values for removed properties from new realm") { Schema schema{ {"all types", { {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, }}, }; realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); Object obj = Object::get_for_primary_key(ctx, new_realm, "all types", util::Any(INT64_C(1))); REQUIRE(obj.is_valid()); REQUIRE_THROWS(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "bool")); REQUIRE_THROWS(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "object")); REQUIRE_THROWS(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "array")); }); } SECTION("read values from new object") { realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); Object obj = Object::get_for_primary_key(ctx, new_realm, "all types", util::Any(INT64_C(1))); REQUIRE(obj.is_valid()); auto link = any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "object")); REQUIRE(link.is_valid()); REQUIRE(any_cast(link.get_property_value(ctx, "value")) == 10); auto list = any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "array")); REQUIRE(list.size() == 1); CppContext list_ctx(ctx, *obj.get_object_schema().property_for_name("array")); link = any_cast(list.get(list_ctx, 0)); REQUIRE(link.is_valid()); REQUIRE(any_cast(link.get_property_value(list_ctx, "value")) == 20); }); } SECTION("read and write values in new object") { realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); Object obj = Object::get_for_primary_key(ctx, new_realm, "all types", util::Any(INT64_C(1))); REQUIRE(obj.is_valid()); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "bool")) == true); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "bool", util::Any(false)); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "bool")) == false); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "int")) == 5); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "int", util::Any(INT64_C(6))); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "int")) == 6); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "float")) == 2.2f); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "float", util::Any(1.23f)); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "float")) == 1.23f); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "double")) == 3.3); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "double", util::Any(1.23)); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "double")) == 1.23); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "string")) == "hello"); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "string", util::Any("abc"s)); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "string")) == "abc"); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "data")) == "olleh"); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "data", util::Any("abc"s)); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "data")) == "abc"); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "date")) == Timestamp(10, 20)); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "date", util::Any(Timestamp(1, 2))); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "date")) == Timestamp(1, 2)); Object linked_obj(new_realm, "link target", 0); Object new_obj(new_realm, get_table(new_realm, "link target")->create_object()); auto linking = any_cast(linked_obj.get_property_value(ctx, "origin")); REQUIRE(linking.size() == 1); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "object")).obj().get_key() == linked_obj.obj().get_key()); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "object", util::Any(new_obj)); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "object")).obj().get_key() == new_obj.obj().get_key()); REQUIRE(linking.size() == 0); }); } SECTION("create object in new realm") { realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [&values](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { REQUIRE(new_realm->is_in_transaction()); CppContext ctx(new_realm); any_cast(values)["pk"] = INT64_C(2); Object obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, "all types", values); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "all types")->size() == 2); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "link target")->size() == 2); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "array target")->size() == 2); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "pk")) == 2); }); } SECTION("upsert in new realm") { realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [&values](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { REQUIRE(new_realm->is_in_transaction()); CppContext ctx(new_realm); any_cast(values)["bool"] = false; Object obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, "all types", values, CreatePolicy::UpdateAll); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "all types")->size() == 1); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "link target")->size() == 2); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "array target")->size() == 2); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "bool")) == false); }); } SECTION("upsert in new realm after modifying primary key") { realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [&values](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { get_table(new_realm, "all types")->set_primary_key_column(ColKey()); REQUIRE(new_realm->is_in_transaction()); CppContext ctx(new_realm); any_cast(values)["bool"] = false; Object obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, "all types", values, CreatePolicy::UpdateAll); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "all types")->size() == 1); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "link target")->size() == 2); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "array target")->size() == 2); REQUIRE(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "bool")) == false); }); } SECTION("change primary key property type") { schema = set_type(schema, "all types", "pk", PropertyType::String); realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, auto&) { Object obj(new_realm, "all types", 0); CppContext ctx(new_realm); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", util::Any("1"s)); }); } SECTION("set primary key to duplicate values in migration") { auto bad_migration = [&](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { // shoud be able to create a new object with the same PK REQUIRE_NOTHROW(Object::create(ctx, new_realm, "all types", values)); REQUIRE(get_table(new_realm, "all types")->size() == 2); // but it'll fail at the end }; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(realm->update_schema(schema, 2, bad_migration), DuplicatePrimaryKeyValueException); REQUIRE(get_table(realm, "all types")->size() == 1); auto good_migration = [&](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(Object::create(ctx, new_realm, "all types", values)); // Change the old object's PK to elminate the duplication Object old_obj(new_realm, "all types", 0); CppContext ctx(new_realm); old_obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", util::Any(INT64_C(5))); }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 2, good_migration)); REQUIRE(get_table(realm, "all types")->size() == 2); } SECTION("modify existing int primary key values in migration") { // Create several more objects to increase the chance of things // actually breaking if we're doing invalid things CppContext ctx(realm); auto object_schema = realm->schema().find("all types"); realm->begin_transaction(); for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) { any_cast(values)["pk"] = INT64_C(1) + i; any_cast(values)["int"] = INT64_C(5) + i; Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values); } realm->commit_transaction(); // Increase the PK of each object by one in a migration realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); Results results(new_realm, get_table(new_realm, "all types")); for (size_t i = 0, count = results.size(); i < count; ++i) { Object obj(new_realm, results.get(i)); util::Any v = 1 + any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "pk")); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", v); } }); // Create a new object with the no-longer-used pk of 1 realm->begin_transaction(); any_cast(values)["pk"] = INT64_C(1); any_cast(values)["int"] = INT64_C(4); object_schema = realm->schema().find("all types"); Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values); realm->commit_transaction(); // Verify results auto table = get_table(realm, "all types"); REQUIRE(table->size() == 11); REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk")); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { auto obj = table->get_object(i); REQUIRE(obj.get("pk") == i + 2); REQUIRE(obj.get("int") == i + 5); } auto obj = table->get_object(10); REQUIRE(obj.get("pk") == 1); REQUIRE(obj.get("int") == 4); } SECTION("modify existing string primary key values in migration") { // Create several objects to increase the chance of things // actually breaking if we're doing invalid things CppContext ctx(realm); auto object_schema = realm->schema().find("string pk"); realm->begin_transaction(); for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { util::Any values = AnyDict{ {"pk", util::to_string(i)}, {"value", i + 1}, }; Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values); } realm->commit_transaction(); // Increase the PK of each object by one in a migration realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); Results results(new_realm, get_table(new_realm, "string pk")); for (size_t i = 0, count = results.size(); i < count; ++i) { Object obj(new_realm, results.get(i)); util::Any v = util::to_string(any_cast(obj.get_property_value(ctx, "value"))); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", v); } }); // Create a new object with the no-longer-used pk of 0 realm->begin_transaction(); util::Any values = AnyDict{ {"pk", "0"s}, {"value", INT64_C(0)}, }; object_schema = realm->schema().find("string pk"); Object::create(ctx, realm, *object_schema, values); realm->commit_transaction(); // Verify results auto table = get_table(realm, "string pk"); REQUIRE(table->size() == 11); REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk")); for (auto& obj : *table) { REQUIRE(util::to_string(obj.get("value")).c_str() == obj.get("pk")); } } SECTION("create and modify int primary key inside migration") { SECTION("with index") { realm->begin_transaction(); auto table = get_table(realm, "int pk"); table->add_search_index(table->get_column_key("pk")); realm->commit_transaction(); } SECTION("no index") { } realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { auto obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, *new_realm->schema().find("int pk"), util::Any(AnyDict{ {"pk", INT64_C(0)}, {"value", i} })); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", util::Any(i)); } }); auto table = get_table(realm, "int pk"); REQUIRE(table->size() == 10); REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk")); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { auto obj = table->get_object(i); REQUIRE(obj.get("pk") == i); REQUIRE(obj.get("value") == i); } } SECTION("create and modify string primary key inside migration") { SECTION("with index") { realm->begin_transaction(); auto table = get_table(realm, "string pk"); table->add_search_index(table->get_column_key("pk")); realm->commit_transaction(); } SECTION("no index") { } realm->update_schema(schema, 2, [](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { auto obj = Object::create(ctx, new_realm, *new_realm->schema().find("string pk"), util::Any(AnyDict{ {"pk", ""s}, {"value", i} })); obj.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", util::Any(util::to_string(i))); } }); auto table = get_table(realm, "string pk"); REQUIRE(table->size() == 10); REQUIRE(table->get_primary_key_column() == table->get_column_key("pk")); for (auto& obj : *table) REQUIRE(obj.get("pk") == util::to_string(obj.get("value")).c_str()); } SECTION("create object after adding primary key") { schema = set_primary_key(schema, "all types", ""); realm->update_schema(schema, 2); schema = set_primary_key(schema, "all types", "pk"); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 3, [&](auto, auto new_realm, Schema&) { CppContext ctx(new_realm); any_cast(values)["pk"] = INT64_C(2); Object::create(ctx, realm, "all types", values); })); } } SECTION("property renaming") { InMemoryTestFile config; config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Automatic; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); struct Rename { StringData object_type; StringData old_name; StringData new_name; }; auto apply_renames = [&](std::initializer_list renames) -> Realm::MigrationFunction { return [=](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema& schema) { for (auto rename : renames) { ObjectStore::rename_property(realm->read_group(), schema, rename.object_type, rename.old_name, rename.new_name); } }; }; #define FAILED_RENAME(old_schema, new_schema, error, ...) do { \ realm->update_schema(old_schema, 1); \ REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(realm->update_schema(new_schema, 2, apply_renames({__VA_ARGS__})), error); \ } while (false) Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; SECTION("table does not exist in old schema") { auto schema2 = add_table(schema, {"object 2", { {"value 2", PropertyType::Int}, }}); FAILED_RENAME(schema, schema2, "Cannot rename property 'object 2.value' because it does not exist.", {"object 2", "value", "value 2"}); } SECTION("table does not exist in new schema") { FAILED_RENAME(schema, {}, "Cannot rename properties for type 'object' because it has been removed from the Realm.", {"object", "value", "value 2"}); } SECTION("property does not exist in old schema") { auto schema2 = add_property(schema, "object", {"new", PropertyType::Int}); FAILED_RENAME(schema, schema2, "Cannot rename property 'object.nonexistent' because it does not exist.", {"object", "nonexistent", "new"}); } auto rename_value = [](Schema schema) { schema.find("object")->property_for_name("value")->name = "new"; return schema; }; SECTION("property does not exist in new schema") { FAILED_RENAME(schema, rename_value(schema), "Renamed property 'object.nonexistent' does not exist.", {"object", "value", "nonexistent"}); } SECTION("source propety still exists in the new schema") { auto schema2 = add_property(schema, "object", {"new", PropertyType::Int}); FAILED_RENAME(schema, schema2, "Cannot rename property 'object.value' to 'new' because the source property still exists.", {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("different type") { auto schema2 = rename_value(set_type(schema, "object", "value", PropertyType::Date)); FAILED_RENAME(schema, schema2, "Cannot rename property 'object.value' to 'new' because it would change from type 'int' to 'date'.", {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("different link targets") { Schema schema = { {"target", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"origin", { {"link", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "target"}, }}, }; auto schema2 = set_target(schema, "origin", "link", "origin"); schema2.find("origin")->property_for_name("link")->name = "new"; FAILED_RENAME(schema, schema2, "Cannot rename property 'origin.link' to 'new' because it would change from type '' to ''.", {"origin", "link", "new"}); } SECTION("different linklist targets") { Schema schema = { {"target", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"origin", { {"link", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "target"}, }}, }; auto schema2 = set_target(schema, "origin", "link", "origin"); schema2.find("origin")->property_for_name("link")->name = "new"; FAILED_RENAME(schema, schema2, "Cannot rename property 'origin.link' to 'new' because it would change from type 'array' to 'array'.", {"origin", "link", "new"}); } SECTION("make required") { schema = set_optional(schema, "object", "value", true); auto schema2 = rename_value(set_optional(schema, "object", "value", false)); FAILED_RENAME(schema, schema2, "Cannot rename property 'object.value' to 'new' because it would change from optional to required.", {"object", "value", "new"}); } auto init = [&](Schema const& old_schema) { realm->update_schema(old_schema, 1); realm->begin_transaction(); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); table->create_object().set_all(10); realm->commit_transaction(); }; #define SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(old_schema, new_schema, ...) do { \ init(old_schema); \ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(new_schema, 2, apply_renames({__VA_ARGS__}))); \ REQUIRE(realm->schema() == new_schema); \ VERIFY_SCHEMA(*realm, false); \ auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); \ auto key = table->get_column_keys()[0]; \ if (table->get_column_attr(key).test(col_attr_Nullable)) \ REQUIRE(table->begin()->get>(key) == 10); \ else \ REQUIRE(table->begin()->get(key) == 10); \ } while (false) SECTION("basic valid rename") { auto schema2 = rename_value(schema); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("chained rename") { auto schema2 = rename_value(schema); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "a"}, {"object", "a", "b"}, {"object", "b", "new"}); } SECTION("old is pk, new is not") { auto schema2 = rename_value(schema); schema = set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value"); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("new is pk, old is not") { auto schema2 = set_primary_key(rename_value(schema), "object", "new"); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("both are pk") { schema = set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value"); auto schema2 = set_primary_key(rename_value(schema), "object", "new"); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("make optional") { auto schema2 = rename_value(set_optional(schema, "object", "value", true)); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("add index") { auto schema2 = rename_value(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", true)); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("remove index") { auto schema2 = rename_value(schema); schema = set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", true); SUCCESSFUL_RENAME(schema, schema2, {"object", "value", "new"}); } SECTION("create object inside migration after renaming pk") { schema = set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value"); auto new_schema = set_primary_key(rename_value(schema), "object", "new"); init(schema); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(new_schema, 2, [](auto, auto realm, Schema& schema) { ObjectStore::rename_property(realm->read_group(), schema, "object", "value", "new"); CppContext ctx(realm); util::Any values = AnyDict{{"new", INT64_C(11)}}; Object::create(ctx, realm, "object", values); })); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == new_schema); VERIFY_SCHEMA(*realm, false); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); auto key = table->get_column_keys()[0]; auto it = table->begin(); REQUIRE(it->get(key) == 10); REQUIRE((++it)->get(key) == 11); } } } TEST_CASE("migration: Immutable") { TestFile config; auto realm_with_schema = [&](Schema schema) { { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(std::move(schema)); } config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Immutable; return Realm::get_shared_realm(config); }; SECTION("allowed schema mismatches") { SECTION("index") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"indexed", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}}, {"unindexed", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"indexed", PropertyType::Int}, {"unindexed", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == schema); } SECTION("extra tables") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"object 2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); } SECTION("missing tables") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"second object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == schema); auto object_schema = realm->schema().find("object"); REQUIRE(object_schema->persisted_properties.size() == 1); REQUIRE(object_schema->persisted_properties[0].column_key); object_schema = realm->schema().find("second object"); REQUIRE(object_schema->persisted_properties.size() == 1); REQUIRE(!object_schema->persisted_properties[0].column_key); } SECTION("extra columns in table") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, {"value 2", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); } } SECTION("disallowed mismatches") { SECTION("missing columns in table") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, {"value 2", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(schema)); } SECTION("bump schema version") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto realm = realm_with_schema(schema); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(schema, 1)); } } } TEST_CASE("migration: ReadOnly") { TestFile config; auto realm_with_schema = [&](Schema schema) { { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(std::move(schema)); } config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::ReadOnlyAlternative; return Realm::get_shared_realm(config); }; SECTION("allowed schema mismatches") { SECTION("index") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"indexed", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}}, {"unindexed", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"indexed", PropertyType::Int}, {"unindexed", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == schema); } SECTION("extra tables") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"object 2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); } SECTION("extra columns in table") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, {"value 2", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); } SECTION("missing tables") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"second object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema)); } SECTION("bump schema version") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; auto realm = realm_with_schema(schema); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 1)); } } SECTION("disallowed mismatches") { SECTION("missing columns in table") { auto realm = realm_with_schema({ {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, {"value 2", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(schema)); } } } TEST_CASE("migration: ResetFile") { TestFile config; config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::ResetFile; Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, {"object 2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}, }; // To verify that the file has actually be deleted and recreated, on // non-Windows we need to hold an open file handle to the old file to force // using a new inode, but on Windows we *can't* #ifdef _WIN32 auto get_fileid = [&] { // this is wrong for non-ascii but it's what core does std::wstring ws(config.path.begin(), config.path.end()); HANDLE handle = CreateFile2(ws.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, OPEN_EXISTING, nullptr); REQUIRE(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); auto close = util::make_scope_exit([=]() noexcept { CloseHandle(handle); }); BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info{}; REQUIRE(GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, &info)); return (DWORDLONG)info.nFileIndexHigh + (DWORDLONG)info.nFileIndexLow; }; #else auto get_fileid = [&] { util::File::UniqueID id; util::File::get_unique_id(config.path, id); return id.inode; }; File holder(config.path, File::mode_Write); #endif { auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); auto ino = get_fileid(); realm->update_schema(schema); REQUIRE(ino == get_fileid()); realm->begin_transaction(); ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->create_object(); realm->commit_transaction(); } auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); auto ino = get_fileid(); SECTION("file is reset when schema version increases") { realm->update_schema(schema, 1); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->size() == 0); REQUIRE(ino != get_fileid()); } SECTION("file is reset when an existing table is modified") { realm->update_schema(add_property(schema, "object", {"value 2", PropertyType::Int})); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->size() == 0); REQUIRE(ino != get_fileid()); } SECTION("file is not reset when adding a new table") { realm->update_schema(add_table(schema, {"object 3", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }})); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->size() == 1); REQUIRE(realm->schema().size() == 3); REQUIRE(ino == get_fileid()); } SECTION("file is not reset when removing a table") { realm->update_schema(remove_table(schema, "object 2")); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->size() == 1); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object 2")); REQUIRE(realm->schema().size() == 1); REQUIRE(ino == get_fileid()); } SECTION("file is not reset when adding an index") { realm->update_schema(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", true)); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->size() == 1); REQUIRE(ino == get_fileid()); } SECTION("file is not reset when removing an index") { realm->update_schema(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", true)); realm->update_schema(schema); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->size() == 1); REQUIRE(ino == get_fileid()); } } TEST_CASE("migration: Additive") { Schema schema = { {"object", { {"value", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}}, {"value 2", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, }; TestFile config; config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Additive; config.schema = schema; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); realm->update_schema(schema); SECTION("can add new properties to existing tables") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(add_property(schema, "object", {"value 3", PropertyType::Int}))); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->get_column_count() == 3); } SECTION("can add new tables") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(add_table(schema, {"object 2", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}))); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object 2")); } SECTION("indexes are updated when schema version is bumped") { auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); auto col_keys = table->get_column_keys(); REQUIRE(table->has_search_index(col_keys[0])); REQUIRE(!table->has_search_index(col_keys[1])); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", false), 1)); REQUIRE(!table->has_search_index(col_keys[0])); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value 2", true), 2)); REQUIRE(table->has_search_index(col_keys[1])); } SECTION("indexes are not updated when schema version is not bumped") { auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); auto col_keys = table->get_column_keys(); REQUIRE(table->has_search_index(col_keys[0])); REQUIRE(!table->has_search_index(col_keys[1])); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", false))); REQUIRE(table->has_search_index(col_keys[0])); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value 2", true))); REQUIRE(!table->has_search_index(col_keys[1])); } SECTION("can remove properties from existing tables, but column is not removed") { auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object"); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(remove_property(schema, "object", "value"))); REQUIRE(ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), "object")->get_column_count() == 2); auto const& properties = realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties; REQUIRE(properties.size() == 1); auto col_keys = table->get_column_keys(); REQUIRE(col_keys.size() == 2); REQUIRE(properties[0].column_key == col_keys[1]); } SECTION("cannot change existing property types") { REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(set_type(schema, "object", "value", PropertyType::Float))); } SECTION("cannot change existing property nullability") { REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(set_optional(schema, "object", "value", true))); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(set_optional(schema, "object", "value 2", false))); } SECTION("cannot change existing link targets") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(add_table(schema, {"object 2", { {"link", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object"}, }}))); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(set_target(realm->schema(), "object 2", "link", "object 2"))); } SECTION("cannot change primary keys") { REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value"))); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(add_table(schema, {"object 2", { {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, }}))); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(set_primary_key(realm->schema(), "object 2", ""))); } SECTION("schema version is allowed to go down") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 1)); REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 1); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 0)); REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 1); } SECTION("migration function is not used") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 1, [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&) { REQUIRE(false); })); } SECTION("add new columns from different SG") { auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); auto& group = realm2->read_group(); realm2->begin_transaction(); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(group, "object"); auto col_keys = table->get_column_keys(); table->add_column(type_Int, "new column"); realm2->commit_transaction(); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->refresh()); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == schema); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[0].column_key == col_keys[0]); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[1].column_key == col_keys[1]); } SECTION("opening new Realms uses the correct schema after an external change") { auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); auto& group = realm2->read_group(); realm2->begin_transaction(); auto table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(group, "object"); auto col_keys = table->get_column_keys(); table->add_column(type_Double, "newcol"); realm2->commit_transaction(); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->refresh()); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == schema); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[0].column_key == col_keys[0]); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[1].column_key == col_keys[1]); // Gets the schema from the RealmCoordinator auto realm3 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[0].column_key == col_keys[0]); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[1].column_key == col_keys[1]); // Close and re-open the file entirely so that the coordinator is recreated realm.reset(); realm2.reset(); realm3.reset(); realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); REQUIRE(realm->schema() == schema); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[0].column_key == col_keys[0]); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties[1].column_key == col_keys[1]); } SECTION("can have different subsets of columns in different Realm instances") { auto config2 = config; config2.schema = add_property(schema, "object", {"value 3", PropertyType::Int}); auto config3 = config; config3.schema = remove_property(schema, "object", "value 2"); auto config4 = config; config4.schema = util::none; auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config2); auto realm3 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config3); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 2); REQUIRE(realm2->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 3); REQUIRE(realm3->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 1); realm->refresh(); realm2->refresh(); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 2); REQUIRE(realm2->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 3); // No schema specified; should see all of them auto realm4 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config4); REQUIRE(realm4->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 3); } SECTION("updating a schema to include already-present column") { auto config2 = config; config2.schema = add_property(schema, "object", {"value 3", PropertyType::Int}); auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config2); auto& properties2 = realm2->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(*config2.schema)); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 3); auto& properties = realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties; REQUIRE(properties[0].column_key == properties2[0].column_key); REQUIRE(properties[1].column_key == properties2[1].column_key); REQUIRE(properties[2].column_key == properties2[2].column_key); } SECTION("increasing schema version without modifying schema properly leaves the schema untouched") { TestFile config1; config1.schema = schema; config1.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Additive; config1.schema_version = 0; auto realm1 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config1); REQUIRE(realm1->schema().size() == 1); Schema schema1 = realm1->schema(); realm1->close(); auto config2 = config1; config2.schema_version = 1; auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config2); REQUIRE(realm2->schema() == schema1); } SECTION("invalid schema update leaves the schema untouched") { auto config2 = config; config2.schema = add_property(schema, "object", {"value 3", PropertyType::Int}); auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config2); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(add_property(schema, "object", {"value 3", PropertyType::Float}))); REQUIRE(realm->schema().find("object")->persisted_properties.size() == 2); } SECTION("update_schema() does not begin a write transaction when extra columns are present") { realm->begin_transaction(); auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); // will deadlock if it tries to start a write transaction realm2->update_schema(remove_property(schema, "object", "value")); } SECTION("update_schema() does not begin a write transaction when indexes are changed without bumping schema version") { realm->begin_transaction(); auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); // will deadlock if it tries to start a write transaction realm->update_schema(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value 2", true)); } SECTION("update_schema() does not begin a write transaction for invalid schema changes") { realm->begin_transaction(); auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); auto new_schema = add_property(remove_property(schema, "object", "value"), "object", {"value", PropertyType::Float}); // will deadlock if it tries to start a write transaction REQUIRE_THROWS(realm2->update_schema(new_schema)); } } TEST_CASE("migration: Manual") { TestFile config; config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Manual; auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); Schema schema = { {"object", { {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}}, {"value", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{false}, Property::IsIndexed{true}}, {"optional", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable}, }}, {"link origin", { {"not a pk", PropertyType::Int}, {"object", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object"}, {"array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "object"}, }} }; realm->update_schema(schema); auto col_keys = realm->read_group().get_table("class_object")->get_column_keys(); #define REQUIRE_MIGRATION(schema, migration) do { \ Schema new_schema = (schema); \ REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(new_schema)); \ REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 0); \ REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(new_schema, 1, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&){})); \ REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 0); \ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(new_schema, 1, migration)); \ REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 1); \ } while (false) SECTION("add new table") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(add_table(schema, {"new table", { {"value", PropertyType::Int}, }}), [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { realm->read_group().add_table("class_new table")->add_column(type_Int, "value"); }); } SECTION("add property to table") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(add_property(schema, "object", {"new", PropertyType::Int}), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { get_table(realm, "object")->add_column(type_Int, "new"); }); } SECTION("remove property from table") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(remove_property(schema, "object", "value"), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { get_table(realm, "object")->remove_column(col_keys[1]); }); } SECTION("add primary key to table") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_primary_key(schema, "link origin", "not a pk"), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { ObjectStore::set_primary_key_for_object(realm->read_group(), "link origin", "not a pk"); auto table = get_table(realm, "link origin"); table->add_search_index(table->get_column_key("not a pk")); }); } SECTION("remove primary key from table") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_primary_key(schema, "object", ""), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { ObjectStore::set_primary_key_for_object(realm->read_group(), "object", ""); get_table(realm, "object")->remove_search_index(col_keys[0]); }); } SECTION("change primary key") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_primary_key(schema, "object", "value"), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { ObjectStore::set_primary_key_for_object(realm->read_group(), "object", "value"); auto table = get_table(realm, "object"); table->remove_search_index(col_keys[0]); table->add_search_index(col_keys[1]); }); } SECTION("change property type") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_type(schema, "object", "value", PropertyType::Date), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { auto table = get_table(realm, "object"); table->remove_column(col_keys[1]); auto col = table->add_column(type_Timestamp, "value"); table->add_search_index(col); }); } SECTION("change link target") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_target(schema, "link origin", "object", "link origin"), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { auto table = get_table(realm, "link origin"); table->remove_column(table->get_column_keys()[1]); table->add_column_link(type_Link, "object", *table); }); } SECTION("change linklist target") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_target(schema, "link origin", "array", "link origin"), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { auto table = get_table(realm, "link origin"); table->remove_column(table->get_column_keys()[2]); table->add_column_link(type_LinkList, "array", *table); }); } SECTION("make property optional") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_optional(schema, "object", "value", true), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { auto table = get_table(realm, "object"); table->remove_column(col_keys[1]); auto col = table->add_column(type_Int, "value", true); table->add_search_index(col); }); } SECTION("make property required") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_optional(schema, "object", "optional", false), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { auto table = get_table(realm, "object"); table->remove_column(col_keys[2]); table->add_column(type_Int, "optional", false); }); } SECTION("add index") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_indexed(schema, "object", "optional", true), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { get_table(realm, "object")->add_search_index(col_keys[2]); }); } SECTION("remove index") { REQUIRE_MIGRATION(set_indexed(schema, "object", "value", false), [&](SharedRealm, SharedRealm realm, Schema&) { get_table(realm, "object")->remove_search_index(col_keys[1]); }); } SECTION("reorder properties") { auto schema2 = schema; auto& properties = schema2.find("object")->persisted_properties; std::swap(properties[0], properties[1]); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema2)); } SECTION("cannot lower schema version") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm->update_schema(schema, 1, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&){})); REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 1); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm->update_schema(schema, 0, [](SharedRealm, SharedRealm, Schema&){})); REQUIRE(realm->schema_version() == 1); } SECTION("update_schema() does not begin a write transaction when schema version is unchanged") { realm->begin_transaction(); auto realm2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); // will deadlock if it tries to start a write transaction REQUIRE_NOTHROW(realm2->update_schema(schema)); REQUIRE_THROWS(realm2->update_schema(remove_property(schema, "object", "value"))); } SECTION("null migration callback should throw SchemaMismatchException") { Schema new_schema = remove_property(schema, "object", "value"); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(realm->update_schema(new_schema, 1, nullptr), SchemaMismatchException); } }