/* Localizable.strings Crypto Cloud - Nextcloud Created by Marino Faggiana on 30/10/15. Copyright © 2016 TWS. All rights reserved. */ // General "_cancel_" = "İptal"; "_upload_file_" = "Dosya yükle"; "_download_file_" = "Dosya indir"; "_upload_encrypted_file_" = "Şifrelenmiş dosya yükle"; "_loading_" = "Yükleniyor..."; "_loading_num_" = "%i dosyası yükleniyor"; "_loading_camera_upload_" = "Otomatik güncelleme"; "_uploading_" = "Güncelleniyor"; "_synchronization_" = "Eşitleme"; "_delete_" = "Sil"; "_delete_file_n_" = "%i / %i dosyayı sil"; "_rename_" = "Yeniden adlandır"; "_move_" = "Taşı"; "_move_file_n_" = "%i / %i dosyayı taşı"; "_create_folder_" = "Yeni klasör ekle"; "_creating_sharing_" = "Paylaşılıyor"; "_updating_sharing_" = "Paylaşım güncelleniyor"; "_removing_sharing_" = "Paylaşım kaldırılıyor"; "_add_" = "Ekle"; "_login_" = "Oturum Aç"; "_save_" = "Kaydet"; "_save_encrypted_" = "Şifrelenmiş olarak kaydet"; "_warning_" = "Uyarı"; "_error_" = "Hata"; "_no_" = "Hayır"; "_yes_" = "Evet"; "_select_" = "Seçin"; "_crypto_cloud_upload_" = "_brand_ - Yükle"; "_home_" = "Dosyalar"; "_file_to_upload_" = "Yüklenecek dosya"; "_destination_" = "Hedef"; "_ok_" = "Tamam"; "_beta_version_" = "Beta sürümü"; "_function_in_testing_" = "Bu özellik henüz deneme aşamasında. Lütfen oluşabilecek sorunları bize bildirin."; "_done_" = "Tamam"; "_passcode_too_short_" = "Parola kodu en az 4 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır"; "_selected_" = "Seçilmiş"; "_scan_fingerprint_" = "Kimlik doğrulaması için parmak izinizi okutun"; "_no_active_account_" = "Herhangi bir hesap bulunamadı"; "_info_" = "Bilgiler"; "_save_exit_" = "Kaydetmeden çıkmak ister misiniz?"; "_video_" = "Görüntü"; "_overwrite_" = "Üzerine Yaz"; "_transfers_in_queue_" = "Aktarılıyor, lütfen bekleyin ..."; "_too_errors_automatic_all_"= "Çok sayıda sorun çıktı. Sorunu düzeltmek için Panoya gidin"; "_create_folder_" = "Yeni klasör ekle"; "_close_" = "Kapat"; "_postpone_" = "Ertele"; "_remove_" = "Sil"; "_file_not_found_" = "Dosya bulunamadı"; "_continue_" = "Devam etmek ister misiniz?"; // App "_synchronization_header_" = "Şifrelenmiş üst bilgiler eşitleniyor ..."; "_network_available_" = "Ağ kullanılabilir"; "_network_not_available_" = "Ağ kullanılamaz"; // Networking "_file_too_big_" = "Dosya şifrelenmek ya da çözülmek için çok büyük"; "_file_too_big_max_100_" = "Dosya boyutu çok büyük (En Fazla 100 kb)"; "_...loading..._" = ".. yükleniyor .."; "_download_plist_" = " "; "_no_reuploadfile_" = "Dosya bulunamadığından yeniden gönderilemiyor. Yüklemeyi silin ve yüklenecek dosyayı yeniden yükleyin."; "_file_already_exists_" = "İşlem tamamlanamadı, aynı adlı bir dosya zaten var"; "_read_file_error_" = "Dosya okuma hatası"; // Settings "_acknowledgements_" = "Onaylar"; "_settings_" = "Ayarlar"; "_passcode_" = "Parola"; "_lock_active_" = "Kilit : Etkin"; "_lock_not_active_" = "Kilit : Etkin Değil"; "_lock_protection_folder_" = "Yalnız korunmuş klasörler kilitlensin"; "_url_" = "Adres"; "_username_" = "Kullanıcı Adı"; "_change_credentials_" = "Kimlik doğrulama bilgilerinizi değiştirin"; "_wifi_only_" = "Yalnız Wi-Fi bağlantısı kullanılsın"; "_uploading_from_camera_" = "Kameradan otomatik yükleme"; "_app_version_" = "Uygulama Sürümü"; "_app_in_use_" = "Application in use"; "_contact_by_email_" = "Contact us by email"; "_clear_cache_" = "Clear Cache (used %@)"; "_clear_cache_no_size_" = "Önbelleği Temizle"; "_exit_" = "Exit _brand_"; "_funct_not_enabled_" = "Functionality not enabled"; "_passcode_activate_" = "Password Lock activated"; "_disabling_passcode_" = "Disabling Password Lock"; "_want_exit_" = "Attention! _brand_ will be reset to the initial state. Continue? (Nothing will be modified in cloud)"; "_proceed_" = "Proceed"; "_delete_cache_" = "Delete cache"; "_want_delete_cache_" = "Önbelleği silmekten emin misiniz?"; "_mail_deleted_" = "Mail deleted"; "_mail_saved_" = "Mail saved"; "_mail_sent_" = "Mail sent successfully"; "_mail_failure_" = "Mail sent failure: %@"; "_information_req_" = "Information request"; "_credentials_" = "Credentials"; "_manage_account_" = "Manage account"; "_change_password_" = "Parola değiştir"; "_add_nextcloud_" = "Add Nextcloud account"; "_delete_account_" = "Delete account"; "_want_delete_" = "Do you really want to delete it?"; "_no_delete_" = "No, do not delete it"; "_yes_delete_" = "Yes, delete it"; "_remove_cache_" = "Please wait, delete cache in progress ..."; "_optimizations_" = "Optimizations"; "_synchronizations_" = "Synchronizations folders"; "_version_server_" = "Server version"; "_check_key_aes_256_" = "Control passcode key encryption"; "_encryptpass_by_email_" = "Send passcode key encryption by mail"; "_title_mail_encryptpass_" = "Passcode Key Encryption _brand_"; "_text1_mail_encryptpass_" = "Şifreleme anahtarınız"; "_text2_mail_encryptpass_" = "store it securely and away from prying eyes."; "_help_" = "Help"; "_lock_protection_simply_" = "Password protection simple"; "_change_simply_passcode_" = "Change password type"; "_quota_" = "Kota"; "_available_" = "kullanılabilirlik"; "_cloud_account_" = "Bulut Hesabi"; "_information_" = "Bilgilendirme"; "_user_information_" = "Kullanıcı Bilgisi"; "_user_address_" = "Adres"; "_user_phone_" = "Telefon numarası"; "_user_email_" = "Eposta"; "_user_web_" = "Web sitesi"; "_user_twitter_" = "Twitter"; "_quota_using_" = "%@ / %@ kullanıyorsunuz"; "_favorite_offline_" = "Sık kullanılanlar çevrimdışı kullanılabilsin"; "_favorite_offline_footer_" = "Tüm sık kullanılanların çevrimdışı kullanılabilir yapılması uzun sürebilir ve yüksek bellek kullanımına yol açabilir."; // Manage Camera Upload "_upload_camera_" = "Kameradan fotoğraf ya da görüntü yükle"; "_upload_camera_background_"= "Görseller art alanda yüklensin"; "_upload_foto_camera_" = "Uploading photos from camera"; "_upload_encry_camup_" = "Uploading encrypted"; "_upload_video_camera_" = "Uploading videos from camera"; "_upload_automatic_photos_" = "Uploading photos automatically by camera"; "_upload_automatic_videos_" = "Uploading videos automatically by camera"; "_photo_folder_photocamera_"= "The photos will be uploaded to the folder photos in your Cloud"; "_upload_automatic_videos_footer_" = "Due to the use of the CPU, the videos will be sent only when _brand_ is active and in the foreground."; "_photo_folder_background_" = "This option required the use of GPS for detect new photos from camera roll every change significative of location"; "_cameraupload_background_title_" = "Limitations"; "_cameraupload_background_msg_" = "Due to IOS restrictions, it is not yet possible to perform background processes, unless GPS services are activated. Thanks to this, when changes of cell in the cellular network occur, the application wakes up _brand_ for a short time so as to enable it to check if there are new photos to be sent to the cloud."; "_upload_camera_change_location_" = "Change folder"; "_upload_camera_location_now_" = "Folder"; "_upload_camera_location_default_" = "Restore default folder"; "_upload_camera_change_location_footer_" = "Change Photos folder where he will also run the 'Automatic upload from camera' (if the option is enabled)"; "_camera_upload_not_select_home_" = "Bir klasör seçin"; "_upload_camera_save_album_" = "Copy photo or video in the photo album"; "_upload_camera_save_album_footer_" = "After the automatic sending of the photo or video, a copy is saved in the photo album : _brand_ (does not require more space in the camera roll)"; "_upload_camera_fullphotos_" = "Tüm kamera fotoğraf ve videolarını yükle"; "_upload_camera_fullphotos_footer_" = "Yüklemeden önce yukarıdaki seçenekleri seçin"; "_upload_camera_create_subfolder_" = "Alt klasörler kullanılsın"; "_upload_camera_create_subfolder_footer_" = "Store in subfolders based on year and month"; // Manage Crypto Cloud "_crypto_cloud_system_" = "Şifrelenmiş Bulut Sistemi"; "_alert_activation_crypto_cloud_" = "Şifreli Bulut Sistemi başarıyla aktif edildi"; "_alert_deactivation_crypto_cloud_" = "Şifreli Bulut Sistemi başarıyla devre dışı bırakıldı"; "_activation_crypto_cloud_" = "Activation Crypto Cloud System"; "_deactivation_crypto_cloud_" = "Deactivation Crypto Cloud System"; "_footer_crypto_cloud_" = "Based on the encryption AES-256, Crypto Cloud System will enable you to store all your private data (documents, templates, photos, videos, etc…) in your Cloud, thus keeping them safe from possible 'prying eyes'.\n\nYou will be asked to enter a encryption key (minimum 4 characters, maximum 64 characters). You will never be able to retrieve it and your files will remain encrypted. Should you re-install Nextcloud or access to your data from another iOS system, use the same combination.\n\nAny file can be encrypted or decrypted. The name of folders containing your files can be encrypted as well (so as to hide any possible hint at their contents).\n\nAny kind of document, either in standard or in encrypted format, can be uploaded from Nextcloud onto your Cloud. All encrypted files and folders will be marked in orange colour. If they are in preview mode, they will be identified by a 3 bullets orange label instead.\n\nTemplates for recording your confidential data (note, credit card, ATM card, bank accounts, passwords to websites, etc…) are available and they can be saved in your Cloud in encrypted mode as well.\n\nActive/Disactive whenever you want, but remember to always use the same encryption key.\n\nAt the moment the encrypted files with Crypto Cloud System can be viewed only with iOS system."; // Manage Photos "_change_folder_photos_" = "Change folder Photos"; // Manage Help "_help_tutorial_" = "Tutorial"; "_help_intro_" = "Introduction _brand_"; "_help_activity_section_" = "Activity"; "_help_activity_verbose_" = "Detailed Activity feed"; "_help_activity_mail_" = "Send activity by mail"; "_help_activity_clear_" = "Clear activity"; // Manage Optimizations "_optimized_photos_" = "Optimized photos resolution"; "_upload_del_photos_" = "Remove files after upload"; "_optimized_photos_how_" = "If your iPhone is low on space, full-resolution photos, uploaded or downloaded ,are automatically replaced with optimized versions, full-resolution versions are stored in your Cloud."; "_upload_del_photos_how_" = "Files will be cancelled from _brand_ memory after they’ve been uploaded on the Cloud. They will remain in the camera roll. Just download the files to see them."; // Login "_connect_server_anyway_" = "Do you want to connect to the server anyway?"; "_connection_error_" = "Connection error"; "_add_your_nextcloud_" = "Add your Nextcloud account"; "_key_aes_256_" = "Passcode key encryption"; "_security_init_required_hint_" = "Passcode key encryption Hint (Recommended)"; "_hint_" = "Hint"; "_security_init_required_mail_" = "Enter your email address that the encryption key passcode is send to(recommended)."; "_email_" = "email"; "_title_form_security_init_" = "Security options"; // offline "_favorites_" = "Favorites"; "_offline_" = "Offline"; "_local_storage_" = "Local storage"; "_no_files_uploaded_" = "No files uploaded"; "_tutorial_favorite_view_" = "Here is the list of files that you have selected as favorites."; "_tutorial_offline_view_" = "Copy here the files that should be available offline.\n\nThey will be synchronized with your cloud."; "_tutorial_local_view_" = "You'll find the unpacked files from your cloud.\n\nConnect to iTunes to share these files."; "_more_" = "More"; // Camera Upload "_pull_down_" = "Pull down to refresh"; "_no_photo_load_" = "No Photo or Video"; "_tutorial_camera_upload_view_" = "No photos or videos loaded, to enable the automatic upload of photos and video from the camera go into settings and activate the service 'Automatic uploading from the camera'"; "_no_date_" = "No date"; "_today_" = "Today"; "_time_" = "Time : %@\n\n%@"; "_location_not_enabled_" = "Location Services not enabled"; "_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "Please go to Settings and turn on Location Services to allow Camera uploads."; "_access_photo_not_enabled_" = "Access to Photos not enabled"; "_access_photo_not_enabled_msg_" = "Please go to Setting and turn on Photo Access to allow Photo camera uploads."; "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_" = "Access to Photos and Location not enabled"; "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "Please go to Setting and turn on Photo Access and Location Services to allow Camera uploads."; "_processing_send_camera_upload_" = "Uploading Camera .."; "_tutorial_photo_view_" = "No photos or videos loaded"; "_create_full_upload_" = "Creating archive .. may take a long time, please wait"; "_error_createsubfolders_upload_" = "Error creating subfolders"; "_activate_camera_upload_" = "Kamera yüklemesi aktif"; // Template "_title_" = "Title"; "_web_account_data_" = "Web account data"; "_url:_" = "Url :"; "_login:_" = "Login :"; "_password:_" = "Password :"; "_notes_" = "Notes"; "_web_account_" = "Web account"; "_enter_title_" = "Enter Title"; "_add_folder_" = "Add folder"; "_add_photos_videos_" = "Add photos or videos"; "_add_folder_encryptated_" = "Add folder with encrypted name"; "_add_encrypted_photo_video_" = "Add encrypted photos or videos"; "_add_credit_card_" = "Add template for credit card"; "_add_atm_" = "Add template for ATM card"; "_add_bank_account_" = "Add template for bank account"; "_add_web_account_" = "Add web account"; "_add_notes_" = "Add notes"; "_add_driving_license_" = "Add template driving license"; "_add_id_card_" = "Add template id card"; "_add_passport_" = "Add template passport"; "_add_atm_card_" = "ATM card data"; "_bank_name:_" = "Bank name :"; "_code:_" = "Code :"; "_security_code:_" = "Security code :"; "_pin:_" = "PIN :"; "_atm_card_" = "ATM card"; "_credi_card_data_" = "Credit Card data"; "_name_surname:_" = "Name Surname :"; "_expiry_date:_" = "Expiry date :"; "_credit_card_" = "Credit Card"; "_id_card_" = "ID Card"; "_number:_" = "Number :"; "_place_of_birth:_" = "Place of birth :"; "_date_of_birth:_" = "Date of birth :"; "_date_of_issue:_" = "Date of issue :"; "_date_of_expiry:_" = "Date of expiry :"; "_bank_account_data_" = "Bank account data"; "_account_n:_" = "Account N. :"; "_iban:_" = "IBAN :"; "_swift:_" = "SWIFT :"; "_agency:_" = "Agency :"; "_bank_account_" = "Bank account"; "_passport_" = "Passport"; "_driving_license_" = "Driving license"; "_license_number:_" = "License number :"; "_vehicle_types:_" = "Vehicle types :"; // Utility "_never_" = "never"; "_less_a_minute_" = "less than a minute ago"; "_minutes_ago_" = "%d minutes ago"; "_hours_ago_" = "%d hours ago"; "_days_ago_" = "%d days ago"; "_over_30_days_" = "over 30 days"; "_connection_internet_offline_" = "The Internet connection appears to be offline or only allowed Wi-Fi"; "_insert_password_" = "insert password"; "_update_in_progress_" = "Version upgrade, please wait ..."; "_forbidden_characters_" = "The file or folder have forbidden characters"; "_mail_not_can_send_mail_" = "No configured account or wrong email address"; // File "_photo_camera_" = "Photos"; "_unzip_in_progress_" = "Unzip in progress in local storage ..."; "_file_unpacked_" = "File successfully unpacked on local storage"; "_file_saved_local_" = "File saved successfully on local storage."; "_file_not_present_" = "Error, file not present, reload."; "_order_by_date_" = "Order by date"; "_current_order_name_" = "(current order by name)"; "_order_by_name_" = "Order by name"; "_current_order_date_" = "(current order by date)"; "_sort_descending_" = "Sort descending"; "_current_sort_ascending_" = "(current sort: ascending)"; "_sort_ascending_" = "Sort ascending"; "_current_sort_descending_" = "(current sort: descending)"; "_delete_selected_files_" = "Delete files"; "_move_selected_files_" = "Move files"; "_encrypted_selected_files_" = "Encrypted files"; "_decrypted_selected_files_" = "Decrypted files"; "_download_selected_files_" = "Download files"; "_error_passcode_" = "Error passcode key encryption."; "_error_operation_canc_" = "Error, operation canceled."; "_only_lock_passcode_" = "Available only with Lock password activated. Activate from the Settings."; "_passcode_protection_" = "Password protection"; "_encrypt_" = "Encrypt"; "_decrypt_" = "Decrypt"; "_remove_favorites_" = "Remove from favorites"; "_remove_offline_" = "Çevrim dışından kaldır"; "_add_favorites_" = "Add to favorites"; "_add_offline_" = "Çevrim dışına ekle"; "_remove_passcode_" = "Remove password protection"; "_protect_passcode_" = "Protect with password"; "_share_" = "Share"; "_reload_" = "Reload"; "_open_in_" = "Open in..."; "_remove_local_file_" = "Önbellekten kaldır"; "_add_local_" = "Add to local storage"; "_comm_erro_pull_down_" = "Attention communication error with the server, pull down to refresh."; "_file_not_downloaded_" = "file not dowloaded"; "_file_not_uploaded_" = "file not uploaded"; "_folders_" = "folders"; "_folder_" = "folder"; "_files_" = "files"; "_file_" = "file"; "_folder_blocked_" = "Folder blocked"; "_downloading_progress_" = "Initiating download of files ..."; "_encrypted_progress_" = "Encrypted ..."; "_decrypted_progress_" = "Decrypted ..."; "_no_file_pull_down_" = "No files found. Upload a file or pull down to refresh"; "_browse_images_" = "Browse images"; "_synchronized_folder_" = "Keep the folder synchronized"; "_remove_synchronized_folder_" = "Remove the synchronization"; "_synchronized_confirm_" = "Enabling the synchronization, all files in the folder will be synchronized with the server, continuous ?"; "_offline_folder_confirm_" = "Çevrim dışı aktif edildikten sonra, klasörlerin içindeki tüm dosyalar sunucu ile sekronize edilecek?"; "_same_device_different_passcode_" = "Bu dosya aynı aynı aygıt üzerinde farklı bir anahtarla şifrelenmiş. Eski anahtarı girdiğinizde yeni anahtarla şifrelenmiş dosyaların okunabilir olmayacağını unutmayın."; "_file_encrypted_another_device_" = "Bu dosya başka bir [%@] aygıtı üzerinde şifrelenmiş, içeriğini görmek için şifreleme anahtarını girin."; "_file_not_found_reload_" = "File not found, pull down to refresh"; "_title_section_download_" = "DOWNLOAD"; "_title_section_upload_" = "UPLOAD"; "_group_alphabetic_yes_" = "✓ Group by Alphabetical Order"; "_group_alphabetic_no_" = "Group by Alphabetical Order"; "_group_typefile_yes_" = "✓ Group by Type File"; "_group_typefile_no_" = "Group by Type File"; "_group_date_yes_" = "✓ Group by Date"; "_group_date_no_" = "Group by Date"; "_element_" = "element"; "_elements_" = "elements"; "_tite_footer_upload_wwan_" = "%lu %@ yüklenmesi için Wi-Fi bağlantısı gereklidir."; "_tite_footer_upload_" = "%lu %@ yükle"; "_tite_footer_download_wwan_" = "%lu %@ indirilmesi için Wi-Fi- Bağlantisi gereklidir"; "_tite_footer_download_" = "%lu %@ to download"; "_limited_dimension_" = "Reached maximum size"; "_same_device_different_passcode_hint_" = "The file was encrypted by the same device but with different Passcode key encryption. Attention if the old Passcode is entered,files encrypted with the new Passcode will not be readable. \n\n Hint : %@"; "_file_encrypted_another_device_hint_" = "The file was encrypted by another device [%@], enter the Passcode key encryption to read its contents. \n\n Hint : %@"; "_save_selected_files_" = "Save images and videos on Photo Album"; "_file_not_saved_cameraroll_" = "Error, file not saved on Photo Album"; "_file_saved_cameraroll_" = "File saved on Photo Album"; "_directory_on_top_yes_" = "✓ Dosyalar üst sirada"; "_directory_on_top_no_" = "Dosyalar üst sirada"; "_folder_automatic_upload_" = "Otomatik yükleme için klasör"; "_search_no_record_found_" = "No result"; "_search_in_progress_" = "Search in progress..."; "_search_instruction_" = "Search a file (minimum 2 characters)"; "audio" = "AUDIO"; "compress" = "COMPRESS"; "directory" = "FOLDERS"; "document" = "DOCUMENTS"; "image" = "IMAGES"; "template" = "TEMPLATES"; "unknow" = "UNKNOWN"; "video" = "VIDEO"; "_no_plist_pull_down_" = "Encrypted files not updated, pull down to refresh"; "_file_del_only_local_" = "Missing files on the server"; "_copy_file_" = "Copy file"; "_copy_files_" = "Copy files"; "_paste_file_" = "Paste file"; "_paste_file_encrypted_" = "Paste encrypted file"; "_paste_files_" = "Paste files"; "_paste_files_encrypted_" = "Paste encrypted files"; "_paste_cryptated_" = "Paste Encrypted"; "_search_this_folder_" = "Bu dosya içinde arayın"; "_search_all_folders_" = "Tüm klasörlerin için de arayın"; "_search_sub_folder_" = "Search here and subfolders"; // Security "_reload_folder_" = "Reload folder"; "_encrypt_error_" = "During the encryption of file %@ occurred errors. [%@]"; "_decrypt_error_" = "During the decryption of file %@ occurred errors. [%@]"; "_encryption_" = "Encryption ..."; "_decryption_" = "Decryption ..."; // CoreData "_required_new_database_" = "Sorry for the inconvenience, but for new improvements it's required a new version of the database, please re-enter your login."; // Files Preview "_insert_password_pfd_" = "Secure PDF. Enter password"; "_password_pdf_error_" = "Wrong password"; "_error_download_photobrowser_" = "Error, unable to download the photo"; // Share "_share_link_" = "Share link"; "_share_link_button_" = "Send link to ..."; "_password_" = "Password"; "_share_password_" = "Password protect link"; "_share_expirationdate_" = "Set expiration date link"; "_date_" = "Date"; "_share_title_" = "Share"; "_add_sharee_" = "Add users or groups"; "_add_sharee_footer_" = "You can share this resource by adding users or groups. To remove a share erases all users or groups"; "_find_sharee_title_" = "Search"; "_find_sharee_" = "Search user or group ..."; "_find_sharee_footer_" = "Enter part of the name of the user or group to be searched (at least 2 characters) followed by 'Return', select the users that can access the share followed by 'Done' to confirm"; "_user_is_group_" = " (group)"; "_direct_sharee_title_" = "Share"; "_direct_sharee_footer_" = "If you already know the name, enter it, then select the share type and press 'Done' to confirm"; "_direct_sharee_" = "Enter the username ..."; "_user_sharee_footer_" = "Tap for change privileges"; "_share_type_title_" = "Type of share"; "_share_type_user_" = "Kullanıcı"; "_share_type_group_" = "Grup"; "_share_type_remote_" = "Uzak"; // Share Permission "_share_permission_title_" = "Privileges"; "_share_permission_edit_" = "Can edit"; "_share_permission_file_can_write_" = "Can write file"; "_share_permission_create_" = "Can create"; "_share_permission_create_file_" = "Can create files"; "_share_permission_create_folder_" = "Can create folders"; "_share_permission_change_" = "Can change"; "_share_permission_delete_" = "Can delete"; "_share_permission_share_" = "Can share"; "_share_permission_rename_" = "Can rename"; "_share_permission_move_" = "Can move"; "_share_permission_info_" = "Sharing information"; "_share_permission_path_" = "File/Folder"; "_share_permission_type_" = "Type"; "_share_permission_typeuser_" = "User"; "_share_permission_typegroup_" = "Group"; "_share_permission_typepubliclink_" = "Link"; "_share_permission_typefederated_" = "Federated"; "_share_permission_owner_" = "Owner"; "_share_permission_date_" = "Date"; "_share_permission_email_" = "Notification via email"; // ShareInfoCMOC "_type_resource_connect_you_" = "Shared with you"; "_type_resource_external_" = "External storage"; // Share Ext "_destiny_folder_" = "Folder : %@"; // Control Center "_no_transfer_" = "No transfer"; "_no_activity_" = "No activity"; "_transfers_" = "Transfers"; "_activity_" = "Activity"; "_activity_file_not_present_" = "File no longer present"; // Offline "_create_synchronization_" = "Create synchronization"; // Create Cloud "_upload_photos_videos_" = "Upload photos and videos"; "_upload_file_" = "Dosya yükle"; "_upload_encrypted_mode" = "Upload encrypted mode"; "_upload_template_" = "Upload a template"; "_upload_plain_mode" = "Upload plain mode"; // Document Picker "_save_document_picker_" = "Buraya kaydet"; // CreateFormUploadAssets "_destination_folder_" = "Destination folder"; "_use_folder_photos_" = "Use the folder Photos as destination"; "_rename_filename_" = "Rename"; "_filename_" = "Dosya ismi"; "_preview_filename_" = "Example preview file name, you can use the mask MM,DD,YY for the date"; "_forbidden_characters_" = "The file or folder have forbidden characters"; // Notification "_notification_" = "Bildirim"; // Photo Browser "Done" = "Done"; "Select Photos" = "Select Photos"; "photo" = "photo"; "photos" = "photos"; "of" = "of"; "%i of %i" = "%1$i of %2$i";