  - Realm/ObjectServerTests
  - RealmSwift
  - Realm/Swift
  - examples/installation/watchos/swift
  - examples/installation/osx/swift
  - examples/installation/ios/swift
  - examples/ios/swift
  - examples/tvos/swift
  min_length: # not possible to disable this partial rule, so set it to zero
    warning: 0
    error: 0
    - _nilValue()
    - _nsError
    - _nsErrorDomain
    - _observe(_:)
    - _realmColumnNames()
    - _realmObjectName()
    - _rlmArray()
    - id
    - pk
    - to
  - block_based_kvo
  # SwiftLint considers 'Realm' and 'Realm.Private' to be duplicate imports
  # because we're using submodules in an unsual way, and normally the parent
  # module re-exports all of its children.
  - duplicate_imports
  - file_length
  - force_cast
  - force_try
  - function_body_length
  - line_length
  - nesting
  - syntactic_sugar
  - todo
  - type_body_length
  - vertical_whitespace
  # swiftlint complains about superfluous disable commands when the violation
  # occurs in an inactive #if and doesn't support conditionally disabling it
  - cyclomatic_complexity