//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2017 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #import // FIXME: Many permission tests appears to fail with the ROS 3.0.0 alpha releases. #import "RLMSyncTestCase.h" #import "RLMTestUtils.h" #define APPLY_PERMISSION(ma_permission, ma_user) \ APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(ma_permission, ma_user, @"Setting a permission should work") #define APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(ma_permission, ma_user, ma_message) { \ XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:ma_message]; \ [ma_user applyPermission:ma_permission callback:^(NSError *err) { \ XCTAssertNil(err, @"Received an error when applying permission: %@", err); \ [ex fulfill]; \ }]; \ [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:10.0 handler:nil]; \ } \ static NSURL *makeTestURL(NSString *name, RLMSyncUser *owner) { NSString *userID = [owner identity] ?: @"~"; return [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"realm://", userID, name]]; } static NSURL *makeTestGlobalURL(NSString *name) { return [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"realm://", name]]; } static NSURL *makeTildeSubstitutedURL(NSURL *url, RLMSyncUser *user) { return [NSURL URLWithString:[[url absoluteString] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"~" withString:user.identity]]; } @interface RLMPermissionsAPITests : RLMSyncTestCase @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *currentUsernameBase; @property (nonatomic, strong) RLMSyncUser *userA; @property (nonatomic, strong) RLMSyncUser *userB; @property (nonatomic, strong) RLMSyncUser *userC; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *userBUsername; @end @implementation RLMPermissionsAPITests - (void)setUp { [super setUp]; NSString *accountNameBase = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]; self.currentUsernameBase = accountNameBase; NSString *userNameA = [accountNameBase stringByAppendingString:@"a"]; self.userA = [self logInUserForCredentials:[RLMSyncTestCase basicCredentialsWithName:userNameA register:YES] server:[RLMSyncTestCase authServerURL]]; NSString *userNameB = [accountNameBase stringByAppendingString:@"b"]; self.userBUsername = userNameB; self.userB = [self logInUserForCredentials:[RLMSyncTestCase basicCredentialsWithName:userNameB register:YES] server:[RLMSyncTestCase authServerURL]]; NSString *userNameC = [accountNameBase stringByAppendingString:@"c"]; self.userC = [self logInUserForCredentials:[RLMSyncTestCase basicCredentialsWithName:userNameC register:YES] server:[RLMSyncTestCase authServerURL]]; } - (void)tearDown { self.currentUsernameBase = nil; [self.userA logOut]; [self.userB logOut]; [self.userC logOut]; self.userBUsername = nil; [super tearDown]; } #pragma mark - Permission validation methods // This macro is only used for the validation methods below. #define RECORD_FAILURE(ma_msg) [self recordFailureWithDescription:ma_msg inFile:file atLine:line expected:YES] #define CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(ma_results, ma_permission) \ [self checkPresenceOfPermission:ma_permission inResults:ma_results line:__LINE__ file:@(__FILE__)] /// Check that the targeted permission is present in, or eventually appears in the results. - (void)checkPresenceOfPermission:(RLMSyncPermission *)permission inResults:(RLMResults *)results line:(NSUInteger)line file:(NSString *)file { XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Checking presence of permission..."]; RLMNotificationToken *token = [results addNotificationBlock:^(RLMResults *r, __unused id c, NSError *err) { if (err) { RECORD_FAILURE(@"Failed to retrieve permissions."); [ex fulfill]; return; } if ([r indexOfObject:permission] != NSNotFound) { [ex fulfill]; } }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2.0 handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"Timed out. The final state of the permissions is %@; the desired permission was %@", results, permission); } }]; [token invalidate]; } #define CHECK_PERMISSION_ABSENT(ma_results, ma_permission) \ [self checkAbsenceOfPermission:ma_permission inResults:ma_results line:__LINE__ file:@(__FILE__)] /// Check that the targeted permission is absent from, or eventually disappears from the results. - (void)checkAbsenceOfPermission:(RLMSyncPermission *)permission inResults:(RLMResults *)results line:(NSUInteger)line file:(NSString *)file { XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Checking absence of permission..."]; RLMNotificationToken *token = [results addNotificationBlock:^(RLMResults *r, __unused id c, NSError *err) { if (err) { RECORD_FAILURE(@"Failed to retrieve permissions."); [ex fulfill]; return; } if ([r indexOfObject:permission] == NSNotFound) { [ex fulfill]; } }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2.0 handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"Timed out. The final state of the permissions is %@; the permission to check for %@", results, permission); } }]; [token invalidate]; } #define CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT_AT_LEAST(ma_results, ma_count) \ [self checkPermissionCountOfResults:ma_results atLeast:ma_count exact:NO line:__LINE__ file:@(__FILE__)]; #define CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT(ma_results, ma_count) \ [self checkPermissionCountOfResults:ma_results atLeast:ma_count exact:YES line:__LINE__ file:@(__FILE__)]; - (void)checkPermissionCountOfResults:(RLMResults *)results atLeast:(NSInteger)count exact:(BOOL)exact line:(NSUInteger)line file:(NSString *)file { // Check first. if ((NSInteger)results.count == count || (!exact && (NSInteger)results.count > count)) { return; } XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Checking presence of permission..."]; RLMNotificationToken *token = [results addNotificationBlock:^(RLMResults *r, __unused id c, NSError *err) { if (err) { RECORD_FAILURE(@"Failed to retrieve permissions."); [ex fulfill]; return; } NSInteger actualCount = (NSInteger)r.count; if (actualCount == count || (!exact && actualCount > count)) { [ex fulfill]; return; } }]; [self waitForExpectations:@[ex] timeout:20.0]; [token invalidate]; } #undef RECORD_FAILURE #pragma mark - Helper methods - (RLMResults *)getPermissionResultsFor:(RLMSyncUser *)user { return [self getPermissionResultsFor:user message:@"Get permission results"]; } - (RLMResults *)getPermissionResultsFor:(RLMSyncUser *)user message:(NSString *)message { // Get a reference to the permission results. XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:message]; __block RLMResults *results = nil; [user retrievePermissionsWithCallback:^(RLMResults *r, NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); XCTAssertNotNil(r); results = r; [ex fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2.0 handler:nil]; XCTAssertNotNil(results, @"getPermissionResultsFor: failed for user %@. No results.", user.identity); return results; } #pragma mark - Permissions // FIXME ROS 2.0: works when ROS is manually provided, not when ROS is run as part of tests /// If user A grants user B read access to a Realm, user B should be able to read from it. - (void)testReadAccess { __block void(^errorBlock)(NSError *) = nil; [[RLMSyncManager sharedManager] setErrorHandler:^(NSError *error, __unused RLMSyncSession *session) { if (errorBlock) { errorBlock(error); errorBlock = nil; } else { XCTFail(@"Error handler should not be called unless explicitly expected. Error: %@", error); } }]; NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *userAURL = makeTestURL(testName, nil); RLMRealm *userARealm = [self openRealmForURL:userAURL user:self.userA]; // Have user A add some items to the Realm. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userARealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userA url:userAURL]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userARealm); // Give user B read permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[userAURL path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; // Set the read permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Open the same Realm for user B. NSURL *userBURL = makeTestURL(testName, self.userA); RLMRealmConfiguration *userBConfig = [RLMRealmConfiguration defaultConfiguration]; userBConfig.syncConfiguration = [[RLMSyncConfiguration alloc] initWithUser:self.userB realmURL:userBURL]; __block RLMRealm *userBRealm = nil; XCTestExpectation *asyncOpenEx = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Should asynchronously open a Realm"]; [RLMRealm asyncOpenWithConfiguration:userBConfig callbackQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() callback:^(RLMRealm *realm, NSError *err){ XCTAssertNil(err); XCTAssertNotNil(realm); userBRealm = realm; [asyncOpenEx fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:10.0 handler:nil]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); // Ensure user B can't actually write to the Realm. // Run this portion of the test on a background queue, since the error handler is dispatched onto the main queue. XCTestExpectation *deniedEx = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Expect a permission denied error."]; errorBlock = ^(NSError *err) { // Expect an error from the global error handler. XCTAssertNotNil(err); XCTAssertEqual(err.code, RLMSyncErrorPermissionDeniedError); [deniedEx fulfill]; }; [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userBRealm descriptions:@[@"child-4", @"child-5", @"child-6"]]; [self waitForExpectations:@[deniedEx] timeout:20.0]; // TODO: if we can get the session itself we can check to see if it's been errored out (as expected). // Perhaps obviously, there should be no new objects. CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(3, SyncObject, userARealm); // Administering the Realm should fail. RLMSyncPermission *p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[userBURL path] identity:self.userC.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; XCTestExpectation *manageEx = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Managing a Realm you can't manage should fail."]; [self.userB applyPermission:p2 callback:^(NSError *error) { XCTAssertNotNil(error); [manageEx fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2.0 handler:nil]; } /// If user A grants user B write access to a Realm, user B should be able to write to it. - (void)testWriteAccess { __block void(^errorBlock)(NSError *) = nil; [[RLMSyncManager sharedManager] setErrorHandler:^(NSError *error, __unused RLMSyncSession *session) { if (errorBlock) { errorBlock(error); errorBlock = nil; } else { XCTFail(@"Error handler should not be called unless explicitly expected. Error: %@", error); } }]; NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *userAURL = makeTestURL(testName, nil); RLMRealm *userARealm = [self openRealmForURL:userAURL user:self.userA]; // Have user A add some items to the Realm. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userARealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userA url:userAURL]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userARealm); // Give user B write permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[userAURL path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Open the Realm for user B. Since user B has write privileges, they should be able to open it 'normally'. NSURL *userBURL = makeTestURL(testName, self.userA); RLMRealm *userBRealm = [self openRealmForURL:userBURL user:self.userB]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); // Add some objects using user B. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userBRealm descriptions:@[@"child-4", @"child-5"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userB url:userBURL]; CHECK_COUNT(5, SyncObject, userBRealm); CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(5, SyncObject, userARealm); // Administering the Realm should fail. RLMSyncPermission *p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[userBURL path] identity:self.userC.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; XCTestExpectation *manageEx = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Managing a Realm you can't manage should fail."]; [self.userB applyPermission:p2 callback:^(NSError *error) { XCTAssertNotNil(error); [manageEx fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2.0 handler:nil]; } /// If user A grants user B manage access to a Realm, user B should be able to set a permission for user C. - (void)testManageAccess { __block void(^errorBlock)(NSError *) = nil; [[RLMSyncManager sharedManager] setErrorHandler:^(NSError *error, __unused RLMSyncSession *session) { if (errorBlock) { errorBlock(error); errorBlock = nil; } else { XCTFail(@"Error handler should not be called unless explicitly expected. Error: %@", error); } }]; NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); // Unresolved URL: ~/testManageAccess NSURL *userAURLUnresolved = makeTestURL(testName, nil); // Resolved URL: /testManageAccess NSURL *userAURLResolved = makeTestURL(testName, self.userA); // Open a Realm for user A. RLMRealm *userARealm = [self openRealmForURL:userAURLUnresolved user:self.userA]; // Have user A add some items to the Realm. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userARealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userA url:userAURLUnresolved]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userARealm); // Give user B admin permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[userAURLUnresolved path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelAdmin]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Open the Realm for user B. Since user B has admin privileges, they should be able to open it 'normally'. RLMRealm *userBRealm = [self openRealmForURL:userAURLResolved user:self.userB]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); // Add some objects using user B. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userBRealm descriptions:@[@"child-4", @"child-5"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userB url:userAURLResolved]; CHECK_COUNT(5, SyncObject, userBRealm); CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(5, SyncObject, userARealm); // User B should be able to give user C write permissions to user A's Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[userAURLResolved path] identity:self.userC.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p2, self.userB, @"User B should be able to give C write permissions to A's Realm."); // User C should be able to write to the Realm. RLMRealm *userCRealm = [self openRealmForURL:userAURLResolved user:self.userC]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(5, SyncObject, userCRealm); [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userCRealm descriptions:@[@"child-6", @"child-7", @"child-8"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userC url:userAURLResolved]; CHECK_COUNT(8, SyncObject, userCRealm); CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(8, SyncObject, userARealm); CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(8, SyncObject, userBRealm); } /// If user A grants user B write access to a Realm via username, user B should be able to write to it. - (void)testWriteAccessViaUsername { __block void(^workBlock)(NSError *) = ^(NSError *err) { XCTFail(@"Error handler should not be called unless explicitly expected. Error: %@", err); }; [[RLMSyncManager sharedManager] setErrorHandler:^(NSError *error, __unused RLMSyncSession *session) { if (workBlock) { workBlock(error); } }]; NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *userAURL = makeTestURL(testName, nil); RLMRealm *userARealm = [self openRealmForURL:userAURL user:self.userA]; // Have user A add some items to the Realm. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userARealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userA url:userAURL]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userARealm); // Give user B write permissions to that Realm via user B's username. NSString *userAFullPath = [makeTildeSubstitutedURL(userAURL, self.userA) path]; RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:userAFullPath username:self.userBUsername accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Open the Realm for user B. Since user B has write privileges, they should be able to open it 'normally'. NSURL *userBURL = makeTestURL(testName, self.userA); RLMRealm *userBRealm = [self openRealmForURL:userBURL user:self.userB]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); // Add some objects using user B. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userBRealm descriptions:@[@"child-4", @"child-5"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userB url:userBURL]; CHECK_COUNT(5, SyncObject, userBRealm); CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(5, SyncObject, userARealm); } /// Setting a permission for all users should work. - (void)testWildcardWriteAccess { // Open a Realm for user A. NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); NSURL *ownerURL = makeTestURL(testName, nil); NSURL *guestURL = makeTestURL(testName, self.userA); RLMRealm *userARealm = [self openRealmForURL:ownerURL user:self.userA]; // Give all users write permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[ownerURL path] identity:@"*" accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Have user A write a few objects first. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userARealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userA url:ownerURL]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userARealm); // User B should be able to write to the Realm. RLMRealm *userBRealm = [self openRealmForURL:guestURL user:self.userB]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userBRealm descriptions:@[@"child-4", @"child-5"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userB url:guestURL]; CHECK_COUNT(5, SyncObject, userBRealm); // User C should be able to write to the Realm. RLMRealm *userCRealm = [self openRealmForURL:guestURL user:self.userC]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(5, SyncObject, userCRealm); [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userCRealm descriptions:@[@"child-6", @"child-7", @"child-8", @"child-9"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userC url:guestURL]; CHECK_COUNT(9, SyncObject, userCRealm); } /// It should be possible to grant read-only access to a global Realm. - (void)testWildcardGlobalRealmReadAccess { RLMSyncUser *admin = [self createAdminUserForURL:[RLMSyncTestCase authServerURL] username:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]]; // Open a Realm for the admin user. NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); NSURL *globalRealmURL = makeTestGlobalURL(testName); RLMRealm *adminUserRealm = [self openRealmForURL:globalRealmURL user:admin]; // Give all users read permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[globalRealmURL path] identity:@"*" accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p, admin, @"Setting wildcard permission should work."); // Have the admin user write a few objects first. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:adminUserRealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:admin url:globalRealmURL]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, adminUserRealm); // User B should be able to read from the Realm. __block RLMRealm *userBRealm = nil; RLMRealmConfiguration *userBConfig = [RLMRealmConfiguration defaultConfiguration]; userBConfig.syncConfiguration = [[RLMSyncConfiguration alloc] initWithUser:self.userB realmURL:globalRealmURL]; XCTestExpectation *asyncOpenEx = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Should asynchronously open a Realm"]; [RLMRealm asyncOpenWithConfiguration:userBConfig callbackQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() callback:^(RLMRealm *realm, NSError *err){ XCTAssertNil(err); XCTAssertNotNil(realm); userBRealm = realm; [asyncOpenEx fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:10.0 handler:nil]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); // User C should be able to read from the Realm. __block RLMRealm *userCRealm = nil; RLMRealmConfiguration *userCConfig = [RLMRealmConfiguration defaultConfiguration]; userCConfig.syncConfiguration = [[RLMSyncConfiguration alloc] initWithUser:self.userC realmURL:globalRealmURL]; XCTestExpectation *asyncOpenEx2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Should asynchronously open a Realm"]; [RLMRealm asyncOpenWithConfiguration:userCConfig callbackQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() callback:^(RLMRealm *realm, NSError *err){ XCTAssertNil(err); XCTAssertNotNil(realm); userCRealm = realm; [asyncOpenEx2 fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:10.0 handler:nil]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userCRealm); } /// Setting a permission for all users on a global Realm (no `~`) should work. - (void)testWildcardGlobalRealmWriteAccess { RLMSyncUser *admin = [self createAdminUserForURL:[RLMSyncTestCase authServerURL] username:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]]; // Open a Realm for the admin user. NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); NSURL *globalRealmURL = makeTestGlobalURL(testName); RLMRealm *adminUserRealm = [self openRealmForURL:globalRealmURL user:admin]; // Give all users write permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[globalRealmURL path] identity:@"*" accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, admin); // Have the admin user write a few objects first. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:adminUserRealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:admin url:globalRealmURL]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, adminUserRealm); // User B should be able to write to the Realm. RLMRealm *userBRealm = [self openRealmForURL:globalRealmURL user:self.userB]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userBRealm descriptions:@[@"child-4", @"child-5"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userB url:globalRealmURL]; CHECK_COUNT(5, SyncObject, userBRealm); // User C should be able to write to the Realm. RLMRealm *userCRealm = [self openRealmForURL:globalRealmURL user:self.userC]; CHECK_COUNT_PENDING_DOWNLOAD(5, SyncObject, userCRealm); [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userCRealm descriptions:@[@"child-6", @"child-7", @"child-8", @"child-9"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userC url:globalRealmURL]; CHECK_COUNT(9, SyncObject, userCRealm); } #pragma mark - Permission change API /// Setting a permission should work, and then that permission should be able to be retrieved. - (void)testSettingPermission { // First, there should be no permissions. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userA]; CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT(results, 0); // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Give user B read permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Now retrieve the permissions again and make sure the new permission is properly set. results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB message:@"One permission after setting the permission."]; // Expected permission: applies to user B, but for user A's Realm. CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p); // Check getting permission by its index. NSUInteger index = [results indexOfObject:p]; XCTAssertNotEqual(index, NSNotFound); XCTAssertEqualObjects(p, [results objectAtIndex:index]); } /// Deleting a permission should work. - (void)testDeletingPermission { // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Give user B read permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Now retrieve the permissions again and make sure the new permission is properly set. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB message:@"Setting new permission."]; CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p); // Delete the permission. XCTestExpectation *ex3 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Deleting a permission should work."]; [self.userA revokePermission:p callback:^(NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); [ex3 fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2.0 handler:nil]; // Make sure the permission deletion is properly reflected. CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT(results, 0); } /// Observing permission changes should work. - (void)testObservingPermission { // Get a reference to the permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB]; // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Register notifications. XCTestExpectation *noteEx = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Notification should fire."]; RLMNotificationToken *token = [results addNotificationBlock:^(__unused id r, __unused id c, NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); if (results.count > 0) { [noteEx fulfill]; } }]; // Give user B read permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; // Set the permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); // Wait for the notification to be fired. [self waitForExpectations:@[noteEx] timeout:2.0]; [token invalidate]; CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p); } /// KVC getting and setting should work properly for `RLMResults`. - (void)testKVCWithPermissionsResults { // Get a reference to the permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB]; NSURL *url1 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r1"); NSURL *url2 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r2"); __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r1 = [self openRealmForURL:url1 user:self.userA]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r2 = [self openRealmForURL:url2 user:self.userA]; NSString *uB = self.userB.identity; // Give user B read permissions to r1 and r2. NSString *path1 = [makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url1, self.userA) path]; id p1 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:path1 identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p1, self.userA, @"Setting r1 permission for user B should work."); NSString *path2 = [makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url2, self.userA) path]; id p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:path2 identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p2, self.userA, @"Setting r2 permission for user B should work."); // Wait for all the permissions to show up. CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p1); CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p2); // Now use `valueForKey` NSArray *selfValues = [results valueForKey:@"self"]; XCTAssert(selfValues.count == results.count); for (id object in selfValues) { XCTAssert([object isKindOfClass:[RLMSyncPermission class]]); } NSArray *identityValues = [results valueForKey:@"path"]; XCTAssert(identityValues.count == results.count); XCTAssert([identityValues containsObject:path1]); XCTAssert([identityValues containsObject:path2]); // Since `RLMSyncPermission`s are read-only, KVC setting should fail. RLMAssertThrows([results setValue:@"foobar" forKey:@"path"]); } /// Filtering permissions results should work. - (void)testFilteringPermissions { // Get a reference to the permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB]; // Open two Realms NSURL *url1 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r1"); NSURL *url2 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r2"); NSURL *url3 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r3"); __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r1 = [self openRealmForURL:url1 user:self.userA]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r2 = [self openRealmForURL:url2 user:self.userA]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r3 = [self openRealmForURL:url3 user:self.userA]; NSString *uB = self.userB.identity; // Give user B permissions to realms r1, r2, and r3. id p1 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url1, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p1, self.userA, @"Setting r1 permission for user B should work."); NSString *finalPath = [makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url2, self.userA) path]; id p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:finalPath identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p2, self.userA, @"Setting r2 permission for user B should work."); id p3 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url3, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p3, self.userA, @"Setting r3 permission for user B should work."); // Wait for all the permissions to show up. CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p1); CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p2); CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(results, p3); // Now make a filter. RLMResults *filtered = [results objectsWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K == %@", RLMSyncPermissionSortPropertyPath, finalPath]]; CHECK_PERMISSION_ABSENT(filtered, p1); CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(filtered, p2); CHECK_PERMISSION_ABSENT(filtered, p3); } - (void)testSortingPermissionsOnUserID { // Get a reference to my own permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userA]; // Open my Realm. NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r = [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Give users B and C access to my Realm. id p1 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p1, self.userA, @"Setting r permission for user B should work."); id p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path] identity:self.userC.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p2, self.userA, @"Setting r permission for user C should work."); // Now sort on user ID. RLMResults *sorted = [results sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:RLMSyncPermissionSortPropertyUserID ascending:YES]; // Wait for changes to propagate CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT(sorted, 3); NSMutableArray *sortedIDs = [NSMutableArray array]; for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sorted.count; i++) { [sortedIDs addObject:[sorted objectAtIndex:i].identity]; } // Make sure the IDs in sortedIDs are actually sorted. for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < sorted.count - 1; i++) { XCTAssertEqual([sortedIDs[i] compare:sortedIDs[i + 1]], NSOrderedAscending); } // Make sure the IDs in sortedIDs contain all 3 users' IDs. NSSet *sortedIDSet = [NSSet setWithArray:sortedIDs]; XCTAssertTrue([sortedIDSet containsObject:self.userA.identity]); XCTAssertTrue([sortedIDSet containsObject:self.userB.identity]); XCTAssertTrue([sortedIDSet containsObject:self.userC.identity]); } - (void)testSortingPermissionsOnPath { // Get a reference to the permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB]; // Open three Realms NSURL *url1 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r1"); NSURL *url2 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r2"); NSURL *url3 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r3"); __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r1 = [self openRealmForURL:url1 user:self.userA]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r2 = [self openRealmForURL:url2 user:self.userA]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r3 = [self openRealmForURL:url3 user:self.userA]; NSString *uB = self.userB.identity; // Give user B read permissions for all three Realms. id p1 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url1, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p1, self.userA, @"Setting r1 permission for user B should work."); id p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url2, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p2, self.userA, @"Setting r2 permission for user B should work."); id p3 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url3, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p3, self.userA, @"Setting r3 permission for user B should work."); // Now sort on Realm URL. RLMResults *sorted = [results sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:RLMSyncPermissionSortPropertyPath ascending:YES]; // Wait for changes to propagate CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT(sorted, 3); CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(sorted, p1); CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(sorted, p2); CHECK_PERMISSION_PRESENT(sorted, p3); NSUInteger idx1 = [sorted indexOfObject:p1]; NSUInteger idx2 = [sorted indexOfObject:p2]; NSUInteger idx3 = [sorted indexOfObject:p3]; // Make sure they are actually in ascending order. XCTAssertNotEqual(idx1, NSNotFound); XCTAssertNotEqual(idx2, NSNotFound); XCTAssertNotEqual(idx3, NSNotFound); XCTAssertLessThan(idx1, idx2); XCTAssertLessThan(idx2, idx3); } - (void)testSortingPermissionsOnDate { // Get a reference to the permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB]; // Open three Realms NSURL *url1 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"-r1"); NSURL *url2 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"-r2"); NSURL *url3 = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"-r3"); __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r1 = [self openRealmForURL:url1 user:self.userA]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r2 = [self openRealmForURL:url2 user:self.userA]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r3 = [self openRealmForURL:url3 user:self.userA]; NSString *uB = self.userB.identity; // Give user B read permissions for all three Realms. id p1 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url3, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p1, self.userA, @"Setting r3 permission for user B should work."); id p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url1, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p2, self.userA, @"Setting r1 permission for user B should work."); id p3 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url2, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p3, self.userA, @"Setting r2 permission for user B should work."); // Now sort on date. RLMResults *sorted = [results sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:RLMSyncPermissionSortPropertyUpdated ascending:YES]; // Wait for changes to propagate CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT(sorted, 3); RLMSyncPermission *n1 = [sorted objectAtIndex:0]; RLMSyncPermission *n2 = [sorted objectAtIndex:1]; RLMSyncPermission *n3 = [sorted objectAtIndex:2]; XCTAssertTrue([n1.path rangeOfString:@"r3"].location != NSNotFound); XCTAssertTrue([n2.path rangeOfString:@"r1"].location != NSNotFound); XCTAssertTrue([n3.path rangeOfString:@"r2"].location != NSNotFound); // Make sure they are actually in ascending order. XCTAssertLessThan([n1.updatedAt timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate], [n2.updatedAt timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]); XCTAssertLessThan([n2.updatedAt timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate], [n3.updatedAt timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]); } - (void)testPermissionResultsIndexOfObject { // Get a reference to the permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB]; NSString *uB = self.userB.identity; // Have A open a Realm and grant a permission to B. NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); NSString *tildeSubstitutedPath = [makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path]; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *r = [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; id p1 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:tildeSubstitutedPath identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p1, self.userA, @"Setting r permission for user B should work."); // Wait for the permission to show up. CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT(results, 1); // Should be able to get the permission based on the actual permission. XCTAssertEqual(((NSInteger)[results indexOfObject:p1]), 0); // A permission with a differing access level should not match. id p2 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:tildeSubstitutedPath identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelAdmin]; XCTAssertEqual([results indexOfObject:p2], NSNotFound); // A permission with a differing identity should not match. id p3 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:tildeSubstitutedPath identity:self.userA.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; XCTAssertEqual([results indexOfObject:p3], NSNotFound); // A permission with a differing path should not match. id p4 = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userB) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; XCTAssertEqual([results indexOfObject:p4], NSNotFound); } - (void)testPermissionResultsIndexOfObjectWithPredicate { // Get a reference to the permission results. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB]; NSString *uB = self.userB.identity; // Open a Realm { NSURL *url = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r1"); __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *realm = [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Give user B read permission for the Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path] identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p, self.userA, @"Setting r1 permission for user B should work."); } NSString *finalPath; { // Do this again so there's more than one permission in the permission Realm. NSURL *url = CUSTOM_REALM_URL(@"r2"); __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *realm = [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Give user B read permission for the Realm. finalPath = [makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path]; RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:finalPath identity:uB accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; APPLY_PERMISSION_WITH_MESSAGE(p, self.userA, @"Setting r2 permission for user B should work."); } // Wait for changes to propagate CHECK_PERMISSION_COUNT_AT_LEAST(results, 2); // Create the predicate and retrieve the index of the object. NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K == %@", RLMSyncPermissionSortPropertyPath, finalPath]; NSUInteger index = [results indexOfObjectWithPredicate:pred]; XCTAssertNotEqual(index, NSNotFound); if (index == NSNotFound) { return; } RLMSyncPermission *target = [results objectAtIndex:index]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(target.path, finalPath); } /// User should not be able to change a permission for a Realm they don't own. - (void)testSettingUnownedRealmPermission { // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Try to have user B give user C permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path] identity:self.userC.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; // Set the permission. XCTestExpectation *ex2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Setting an invalid permission should fail."]; [self.userB applyPermission:p callback:^(NSError *error) { XCTAssertNotNil(error); XCTAssertEqual(error.domain, RLMSyncPermissionErrorDomain); XCTAssertEqual(error.code, RLMSyncPermissionErrorChangeFailed); [ex2 fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2.0 handler:nil]; // Now retrieve the permissions again and make sure the new permission was not set. RLMResults *results = [self getPermissionResultsFor:self.userB message:@"Retrieving the results should work."]; CHECK_PERMISSION_ABSENT(results, p); } - (void)testRetrievingPermissionsChecksThreadHasRunLoop { [self dispatchAsyncAndWait:^{ RLMAssertThrowsWithReason([self.userA retrievePermissionsWithCallback:^(__unused RLMResults *r, __unused NSError *e) { XCTFail(@"callback should not have been invoked"); }], @"Can only access or modify permissions from a thread which has a run loop"); }]; } #pragma mark - Permission offer/response /// Get a token which can be used to offer the permissions as defined - (void)testPermissionOffer { NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); // Open the Realm. __unused RLMRealm *realm = [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Create the offer. __block NSString *token = nil; XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Should get a token when making an offer."]; [self.userA createOfferForRealmAtURL:url accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite expiration:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:30 * 24 * 60 * 60] callback:^(NSString *t, NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); XCTAssertNotNil(t); token = t; [ex fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectations:@[ex] timeout:10.0]; XCTAssertTrue([token length] > 0); } /// Failed to process a permission offer object due to the offer expired - (void)testPermissionOfferIsExpired { NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); // Open the Realm. __unused RLMRealm *realm = [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Create the offer. __block NSError *error = nil; XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Server should process the permission offer."]; [self.userA createOfferForRealmAtURL:url accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite expiration:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-30 * 24 * 60 * 60] callback:^(NSString *token, NSError *err) { XCTAssertNotNil(err); XCTAssertNil(token); error = err; [ex fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectations:@[ex] timeout:10.0]; XCTAssertEqual(error.code, RLMSyncPermissionErrorOfferFailed); XCTAssertEqualObjects(error.userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey], @"The permission offer is expired."); } /// Get a permission offer token, then permission offer response will be processed, then open another user's Realm file - (void)testPermissionOfferResponse { NSURL *url = REALM_URL(); // Open the Realm. __unused RLMRealm *realm = [self openRealmForURL:url user:self.userA]; // Create the offer. __block NSString *token = nil; XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Should get a token when making an offer."]; [self.userA createOfferForRealmAtURL:url accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelWrite expiration:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:30 * 24 * 60 * 60] callback:^(NSString *t, NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); XCTAssertNotNil(t); token = t; [ex fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectations:@[ex] timeout:10.0]; XCTAssertTrue([token length] > 0); // Accept the offer. __block NSURL *realmURL = nil; XCTestExpectation *ex2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Server should process offer acceptance."]; [self.userB acceptOfferForToken:token callback:^(NSURL *returnedURL, NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); XCTAssertNotNil(returnedURL); realmURL = returnedURL; [ex2 fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectations:@[ex2] timeout:20.0]; XCTAssertEqualObjects([realmURL path], [makeTildeSubstitutedURL(url, self.userA) path]); // Open the Realm. XCTAssertNotNil([self openRealmForURL:realmURL user:self.userB]); } /// Failed to process a permission offer response object due to `token` is invalid - (void)testPermissionOfferResponseInvalidToken { NSString *badToken = @"invalid token"; // Expect an error. __block NSError *error = nil; XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Server should process offer acceptance."]; [self.userA acceptOfferForToken:badToken callback:^(NSURL *returnedURL, NSError *err) { XCTAssertNil(returnedURL); XCTAssertNotNil(err); error = err; [ex fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectations:@[ex] timeout:20.0]; XCTAssertEqual(error.code, RLMSyncPermissionErrorAcceptOfferFailed); XCTAssertEqualObjects(error.userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey], @"Your request parameters did not validate."); } /// Failed to process a permission offer response object due to `token` represents a Realm that does not exist - (void)testPermissionOfferResponseTokenNotExist { NSString *fakeToken = @"00000000000000000000000000000000:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; // Expect an error. __block NSError *error = nil; XCTestExpectation *ex = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Server should process offer acceptance."]; [self.userA acceptOfferForToken:fakeToken callback:^(NSURL *returnedURL, NSError *err) { XCTAssertNil(returnedURL); XCTAssertNotNil(err); error = err; [ex fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectations:@[ex] timeout:20.0]; XCTAssertEqual(error.code, RLMSyncPermissionErrorAcceptOfferFailed); XCTAssertEqualObjects(error.userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey], @"Your request parameters did not validate."); } #pragma mark - Delete Realm upon permission denied // FIXME ROS 2.0: works when ROS is manually provided, not when ROS is run as part of tests /// A Realm which is opened improperly should report an error allowing the app to recover. - (void)testDeleteRealmUponPermissionDenied { __block void(^errorBlock)(NSError *, RLMSyncSession *session) = nil; [[RLMSyncManager sharedManager] setErrorHandler:^(NSError *error, RLMSyncSession *session) { if (errorBlock) { errorBlock(error, session); errorBlock = nil; } else { XCTFail(@"Error handler should not be called unless explicitly expected. Error: %@", error); } }]; NSString *testName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); // Open a Realm for user A. NSURL *userAURL = makeTestURL(testName, nil); RLMRealm *userARealm = [self openRealmForURL:userAURL user:self.userA]; // Have user A add some items to the Realm. [self addSyncObjectsToRealm:userARealm descriptions:@[@"child-1", @"child-2", @"child-3"]]; [self waitForUploadsForUser:self.userA url:userAURL]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userARealm); // Give user B read permissions to that Realm. RLMSyncPermission *p = [[RLMSyncPermission alloc] initWithRealmPath:[userAURL path] identity:self.userB.identity accessLevel:RLMSyncAccessLevelRead]; // Set the read permission. APPLY_PERMISSION(p, self.userA); NSURL *userBURL = makeTestURL(testName, self.userA); RLMRealmConfiguration *userBConfig = [RLMRealmConfiguration defaultConfiguration]; userBConfig.syncConfiguration = [[RLMSyncConfiguration alloc] initWithUser:self.userB realmURL:userBURL]; __block NSError *theError = nil; // Incorrectly open the Realm for user B. NSURL *onDiskPath; @autoreleasepool { NSString *sessionName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd); XCTestExpectation *ex2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"We should get a permission denied error."]; errorBlock = ^(NSError *err, RLMSyncSession *session) { // Make sure we're actually looking at the right session. XCTAssertTrue([[session.realmURL absoluteString] rangeOfString:sessionName].location != NSNotFound); theError = err; [ex2 fulfill]; }; __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) RLMRealm *bad = [RLMRealm realmWithConfiguration:userBConfig error:nil]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:10.0 handler:nil]; onDiskPath = [RLMSyncTestCase onDiskPathForSyncedRealm:bad]; } XCTAssertNotNil(onDiskPath); XCTAssertTrue([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[onDiskPath path]]); // Check the error and perform the Realm deletion. XCTAssertNotNil(theError); RLMSyncErrorActionToken *errorToken = [theError rlmSync_errorActionToken]; XCTAssertNotNil(errorToken); [RLMSyncSession immediatelyHandleError:errorToken]; // Ensure the file is no longer on disk. XCTAssertFalse([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[onDiskPath path]]); // Correctly open the same Realm for user B. __block RLMRealm *userBRealm = nil; XCTestExpectation *asyncOpenEx = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Should asynchronously open a Realm"]; [RLMRealm asyncOpenWithConfiguration:userBConfig callbackQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() callback:^(RLMRealm *realm, NSError *err){ XCTAssertNil(err); XCTAssertNotNil(realm); userBRealm = realm; [asyncOpenEx fulfill]; }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:10.0 handler:nil]; CHECK_COUNT(3, SyncObject, userBRealm); } @end