#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'json' require 'open3' prelaunch_simulator = ARGV[0] || '' def platform_for_runtime(runtime) runtime['identifier'].gsub(/com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.([^-]+)-.*/, '\1') end def platform_for_device_type(device_type) case device_type['identifier'] when /Watch/ 'watchOS' when /TV/ 'tvOS' else 'iOS' end end def simctl(args) # When running on a machine with Xcode 11 installed, Xcode 10 sometimes # incorrectly thinks that it has not completed its first-run installation. # This results in it printing errors related to that to stdout in front of # the actual JSON output that we want. Open3.popen3('xcrun simctl ' + args) do |stdin, stdout, strerr, wait_thr| while line = stdout.gets if not line.start_with? 'Install' return line + stdout.read, wait_thr.value.exitstatus end end end end def wait_for_core_simulator_service # Run until we get a result since switching simulator versions often causes CoreSimulatorService to throw an exception. while simctl('list devices')[0].empty? end end def running_devices(devices) devices.select { |device| device['state'] != 'Shutdown' } end def shutdown_simulator_devices(devices) # Shut down any simulators that need it. running_devices(devices).each do |device| puts "Shutting down simulator #{device['udid']}" system("xcrun simctl shutdown #{device['udid']}") or puts " Failed to shut down simulator #{device['udid']}" end end attempts = 0 begin # Kill all the current simulator processes as they may be from a different Xcode version print 'Killing running Simulator processes...' while system('pgrep -q Simulator') system('pkill Simulator 2>/dev/null') # CoreSimulatorService doesn't exit when sent SIGTERM system('pkill -9 Simulator 2>/dev/null') end wait_for_core_simulator_service puts ' done!' print 'Shut down existing simulator devices...' # Shut down any running simulator devices. This may take multiple attempts if some # simulators are currently in the process of booting or being created. all_available_devices = [] (0..5).each do |shutdown_attempt| begin devices_json = simctl('list devices -j')[0] all_devices = JSON.parse(devices_json)['devices'].flat_map { |_, devices| devices } rescue JSON::ParserError sleep shutdown_attempt if shutdown_attempt > 0 next end # Exclude devices marked as unavailable as they're from a different version of Xcode. all_available_devices = all_devices.reject { |device| device['availability'] =~ /unavailable/ } break if running_devices(all_available_devices).empty? shutdown_simulator_devices all_available_devices sleep shutdown_attempt if shutdown_attempt > 0 end puts ' done!' # Delete all simulators. print 'Deleting all simulators...' (0..5).each do |delete_attempt| break if all_available_devices.empty? all_available_devices.each do |device| simctl("delete #{device['udid']}") end begin devices_json = simctl('list devices -j')[0] all_devices = JSON.parse(devices_json)['devices'].flat_map { |_, devices| devices } rescue JSON::ParserError sleep shutdown_attempt if shutdown_attempt > 0 next end all_available_devices = all_devices.reject { |device| device['availability'] =~ /unavailable/ } break if all_available_devices.empty? end puts ' done!' if not all_available_devices.empty? raise "Failed to delete devices #{all_available_devices}" end # Recreate all simulators. runtimes = JSON.parse(simctl('list runtimes -j')[0])['runtimes'] device_types = JSON.parse(simctl('list devicetypes -j')[0])['devicetypes'] runtimes_by_platform = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } runtimes.each do |runtime| next unless runtime['availability'] == '(available)' || runtime['isAvailable'] == true runtimes_by_platform[platform_for_runtime(runtime)] << runtime end firstOnly = prelaunch_simulator == '-firstOnly' print 'Creating fresh simulators...' device_types.each do |device_type| platform = platform_for_device_type(device_type) runtimes_by_platform[platform].each do |runtime| output, ec = simctl("create '#{device_type['name']}' '#{device_type['identifier']}' '#{runtime['identifier']}' 2>&1") if ec == 0 if firstOnly # We only want to create a single simulator for each device type so # skip the rest. runtimes_by_platform[platform] = [] break else next end end # Not all runtime and device pairs are valid as newer simulator runtimes # don't support older devices. The exact error code for this changes # every few versions of Xcode, so this just lists all the ones we've # seen. next if /domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, code=(?\d+)/ =~ output and [161, 162, 163, 403].include? code.to_i puts "Failed to create device of type #{device_type['identifier']} with runtime #{runtime['identifier']}:" output.each_line do |line| puts " #{line}" end end end puts ' done!' if firstOnly exit 0 end if prelaunch_simulator.include? 'tvos' print 'Booting Apple TV simulator...' system("xcrun simctl boot 'Apple TV'") or raise "Failed to boot Apple TV simulator" else print 'Booting iPhone 8 simulator...' system("xcrun simctl boot 'iPhone 8'") or raise "Failed to boot iPhone 8 simulator" end puts ' done!' print 'Waiting for dyld shared cache to update...' while system('pgrep -q update_dyld_sim_shared_cache') sleep 15 end puts ' done!' rescue => e if (attempts += 1) < 5 puts '' puts e.message e.backtrace.each { |line| puts line } puts '' puts 'Retrying...' retry end system('ps auxwww') system('xcrun simctl list') raise end