// // UtilsFramework.h // Owncloud iOs Client // // Copyright (C) 2016, ownCloud GmbH. ( http://www.owncloud.org/ ) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface UtilsFramework : NSObject /* * Method that return a unique Id. * The global ID for the process includes the host name, process ID, and a time stamp, * which ensures that the ID is unique for the network * @return -> Unique Id (token) */ + (NSString *) getUserSessionToken; /* * Method that check the file name or folder name to find forbidden characters * This is the forbidden characters in server: "\", "/","<",">",":",""","|","?","*" * @fileName -> file name * * @isFCSupported -> From ownCloud 8.1 the forbidden characters are controller by the server except the '/' */ + (BOOL) isForbiddenCharactersInFileName:(NSString*)fileName withForbiddenCharactersSupported:(BOOL)isFCSupported; /* * Get error code with the errorCode and message of the server * */ + (NSError *) getErrorWithCode:(NSInteger)errorCode andCustomMessageFromTheServer:(NSString *)message; /* * Get error for the same errors in the share api * * Statuscodes: * 100 - successful * 400 - wrong or no update parameter given * 403 - public upload disabled by the admin * 404 - couldn’t update share * */ + (NSError *) getShareAPIErrorByCode:(NSInteger)errorCode; ///----------------------------------- /// @name getErrorByCodeId ///----------------------------------- /** * Method to return a NSError based on the Error Code Enum * * @param int errorCode to Enum to identify the error code * * @return NSError */ + (NSError *) getErrorByCodeId:(int) errorCode; ///----------------------------------- /// @name getFileNameOrFolderByPath ///----------------------------------- /** * Method that return a filename from a path * * @param NSString -> path of the file (including the file) * * @return NSString -> fileName * */ + (NSString *) getFileNameOrFolderByPath:(NSString *) path; /* * Method that return a boolean that indicate if is the same url */ + (BOOL) isTheSameFileOrFolderByNewURLString:(NSString *) newURLString andOriginURLString:(NSString *) originalURLString; /* * Method that return a boolean that indicate if newUrl is under the original Url */ + (BOOL) isAFolderUnderItByNewURLString:(NSString *) newURLString andOriginURLString:(NSString *) originalURLString; /** * Method to return the size of a file by a path * * @param NSString -> path of the file * * @return long long -> size of the file in the path */ + (long long) getSizeInBytesByPath:(NSString *) path; ///----------------------------------- /// @name isURLWithSamlFragment: ///----------------------------------- /** * Method to check a url string to looking for a SAML fragment * * @param urlString -> url from redirect server * * @return BOOL -> the result about if exist the SAML fragment or not */ + (BOOL) isURLWithSamlFragment:(NSString*)urlString; ///----------------------------------- /// @name AFBase64EncodedStringFromString: ///----------------------------------- /** * Method encode a string to base64 in order to set the credentials * * @param string -> string to be encoding * * @return NSString -> the result of the encoded string */ + (NSString *) AFBase64EncodedStringFromString:(NSString *) string; //----------------------------------- /// @name addCookiesToStorageFromResponse ///----------------------------------- #pragma mark - Manage Cookies /** * Method to storage all the cookies from a response in order to use them in future requests * * @param NSHTTPURLResponse -> response * @param NSURL -> url * */ + (void) addCookiesToStorageFromResponse: (NSURLResponse *) response andPath:(NSURL *) url; //----------------------------------- /// @name getRequestWithCookiesByRequest ///----------------------------------- /** * Method to return a request with all the necessary cookies of the original url without redirection * * @param NSMutableURLRequest -> request * @param NSString -> originalUrlServer * * @return request * */ + (NSMutableURLRequest *) getRequestWithCookiesByRequest: (NSMutableURLRequest *) request andOriginalUrlServer:(NSString *) originalUrlServer; //----------------------------------- /// @name deleteAllCookies ///----------------------------------- /** * Method to clean the CookiesStorage * */ + (void) deleteAllCookies; //----------------------------------- /// @name isServerVersionHigherThanLimitVersion ///----------------------------------- /** * Method to detect if a server version is higher than a limit version. * This method is used for example to know if the server have share API or support Cookies * * @param NSString -> serverVersion * @param NSArray -> limitVersion * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isServerVersion:(NSString *) serverVersionString higherThanLimitVersion:(NSArray *) limitVersion; //----------------------------------- /// @name getPermissionsValueByCanCreate ///----------------------------------- /** * Method know the value of the permissions of a share file or folder. * This method is used to calculate the value of a permission parameter to share a file or document * * @param BOOL -> canEdit * @param BOOL -> canCreate * @param BOOL -> canChange * @param BOOL -> canDelete * @param BOOL -> canShare * @param BOOL -> isFolder * * @return NSInteger * */ + (NSInteger) getPermissionsValueByCanEdit:(BOOL)canEdit andCanCreate:(BOOL)canCreate andCanChange:(BOOL)canChange andCanDelete:(BOOL)canDelete andCanShare:(BOOL)canShare andIsFolder:(BOOL) isFolder; //----------------------------------- /// @name isPermissionToCanCreate ///----------------------------------- /** * Method know if we have permission to create by the permissionValue of the OCShareDto * * @param NSInteger -> permissionValue * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isPermissionToCanCreate:(NSInteger) permissionValue; //----------------------------------- /// @name isPermissionToCanChange ///----------------------------------- /** * Method know if we have permission to Change by the permissionValue of the OCShareDto * * @param NSInteger -> permissionValue * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isPermissionToCanChange:(NSInteger) permissionValue; //----------------------------------- /// @name isPermissionToCanDelete ///----------------------------------- /** * Method know if we have permission to Delete by the permissionValue of the OCShareDto * * @param NSInteger -> permissionValue * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isPermissionToCanDelete:(NSInteger) permissionValue; //----------------------------------- /// @name isPermissionToCanShare ///----------------------------------- /** * Method know if we have permission to Share by the permissionValue of the OCShareDto * * @param NSInteger -> permissionValue * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isPermissionToCanShare:(NSInteger) permissionValue; //----------------------------------- /// @name isAnyPermissionToEdit ///----------------------------------- /** * Method to know if any permission related to edit (canCreate, canChange and canDelete) is active by the permissionValue of the OCShareDto * * @param NSInteger -> permissionValue * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isAnyPermissionToEdit:(NSInteger) permissionValue; //----------------------------------- /// @name isPermissionToRead ///----------------------------------- /** * Method to know if we have permission to Read by the permissionValue of the OCShareDto * * @param NSInteger -> permissionValue * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isPermissionToRead:(NSInteger) permissionValue; //--------------------------------------------------- /// @name isPermissionToReadCreateUpdate ///-------------------------------------------------- /** * Method to know if we have permissions to read,create and update by the permissionValue of the OCShareDto * * @param NSInteger -> permissionValue * * @return BOOL * */ + (BOOL) isPermissionToReadCreateUpdate:(NSInteger) permissionValue; @end