// // NCUtility.swift // Nextcloud // // Created by Marino Faggiana on 25/06/18. // Copyright © 2018 Marino Faggiana. All rights reserved. // // Author Marino Faggiana // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // import Foundation import SVGKit import KTVHTTPCache import ZIPFoundation import Sheeeeeeeeet import NCCommunication import CommonCrypto class NCUtility: NSObject { @objc static let sharedInstance: NCUtility = { let instance = NCUtility() return instance }() let activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(style: .whiteLarge) let cache = NSCache() struct bundleDirectoryType { var error: Bool = false var bundleDirectory: String = "" var immPath: String = "" } @objc func createFileName(_ fileName: String, serverUrl: String, account: String) -> String { var resultFileName = fileName var exitLoop = false while exitLoop == false { if NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getMetadata(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "fileNameView == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND account == %@", resultFileName, serverUrl, account)) != nil { var name = NSString(string: resultFileName).deletingPathExtension let ext = NSString(string: resultFileName).pathExtension let characters = Array(name) if characters.count < 2 { if ext == "" { resultFileName = name + " " + "1" } else { resultFileName = name + " " + "1" + "." + ext } } else { let space = characters[characters.count-2] let numChar = characters[characters.count-1] var num = Int(String(numChar)) if (space == " " && num != nil) { name = String(name.dropLast()) num = num! + 1 if ext == "" { resultFileName = name + "\(num!)" } else { resultFileName = name + "\(num!)" + "." + ext } } else { if ext == "" { resultFileName = name + " " + "1" } else { resultFileName = name + " " + "1" + "." + ext } } } } else { exitLoop = true } } return resultFileName } @objc func isEncryptedMetadata(_ metadata: tableMetadata) -> Bool { if metadata.fileName != metadata.fileNameView && metadata.fileName.count == 32 && metadata.fileName.contains(".") == false { return true } return false } @objc func getFileSize(asset: PHAsset) -> Int64 { let resources = PHAssetResource.assetResources(for: asset) if let resource = resources.first { if resource.responds(to: #selector(NSDictionary.fileSize)) { let unsignedInt64 = resource.value(forKey: "fileSize") as! CLong return Int64(bitPattern: UInt64(unsignedInt64)) } } return 0 } @objc func getScreenWidthForPreview() -> CGFloat { let screenSize = UIScreen.main.bounds let screenWidth = screenSize.width * 0.75 return screenWidth } @objc func getScreenHeightForPreview() -> CGFloat { let screenSize = UIScreen.main.bounds let screenWidth = screenSize.height * 0.75 return screenWidth } @objc func resizeImage(image: UIImage, newWidth: CGFloat) -> UIImage { let scale = newWidth / image.size.width let newHeight = image.size.height * scale UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSize(width: newWidth, height: newHeight)) image.draw(in: (CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newWidth, height: newHeight))) let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()! UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return newImage } func cellBlurEffect(with frame: CGRect) -> UIView { let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: .extraLight) let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect) blurEffectView.frame = frame blurEffectView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight] blurEffectView.backgroundColor = NCBrandColor.sharedInstance.brand.withAlphaComponent(0.2) return blurEffectView } func setLayoutForView(key: String, layout: String, sort: String, ascending: Bool, groupBy: String, directoryOnTop: Bool) { let string = layout + "|" + sort + "|" + "\(ascending)" + "|" + groupBy + "|" + "\(directoryOnTop)" UICKeyChainStore.setString(string, forKey: key, service: k_serviceShareKeyChain) } func getLayoutForView(key: String) -> (String, String, Bool, String, Bool) { guard let string = UICKeyChainStore.string(forKey: key, service: k_serviceShareKeyChain) else { return (k_layout_list, "fileName", true, "none", true) } let array = string.components(separatedBy: "|") if array.count == 5 { let sort = NSString(string: array[2]) let directoryOnTop = NSString(string: array[4]) return (array[0], array[1], sort.boolValue, array[3], directoryOnTop.boolValue) } return (k_layout_list, "fileName", true, "none", true) } func convertSVGtoPNGWriteToUserData(svgUrlString: String, fileName: String?, width: CGFloat?, rewrite: Bool, account: String, closure: @escaping (String?) -> ()) { var fileNamePNG = "" guard let svgUrlString = svgUrlString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed) else { return closure(nil) } guard let iconURL = URL(string: svgUrlString) else { return closure(nil) } if fileName == nil { fileNamePNG = iconURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent + ".png" } else { fileNamePNG = fileName! } let imageNamePath = CCUtility.getDirectoryUserData() + "/" + fileNamePNG if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: imageNamePath) || rewrite == true { NCCommunication.sharedInstance.downloadContent(urlString: iconURL.absoluteString, account: account) { (account, data, errorCode, errorMessage) in if errorCode == 0 && data != nil { if let image = UIImage.init(data: data!) { var newImage: UIImage = image if width != nil { let ratio = image.size.height / image.size.width let newSize = CGSize(width: width!, height: width! * ratio) let renderFormat = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat.default() renderFormat.opaque = false let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: CGSize(width: newSize.width, height: newSize.height), format: renderFormat) newImage = renderer.image { (context) in image.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newSize.width, height: newSize.height)) } } guard let pngImageData = newImage.pngData() else { return closure(nil) } CCUtility.write(pngImageData, fileNamePath: imageNamePath) return closure(imageNamePath) } else { guard let svgImage: SVGKImage = SVGKImage(data: data) else { return closure(nil) } if width != nil { let scale = svgImage.size.height / svgImage.size.width svgImage.size = CGSize(width: width!, height: width! * scale) } guard let image: UIImage = svgImage.uiImage else { return closure(nil) } guard let pngImageData = image.pngData() else { return closure(nil) } CCUtility.write(pngImageData, fileNamePath: imageNamePath) return closure(imageNamePath) } } else { return closure(nil) } } } else { return closure(imageNamePath) } } @objc func startActivityIndicator(view: UIView?, bottom: CGFloat) { guard let view = view else { return } activityIndicator.color = NCBrandColor.sharedInstance.brand activityIndicator.hidesWhenStopped = true view.addSubview(activityIndicator) activityIndicator.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false let horizontalConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: activityIndicator, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.centerX, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: view, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.centerX, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) view.addConstraint(horizontalConstraint) var verticalConstant: CGFloat = 0 if bottom > 0 { verticalConstant = (view.frame.size.height / 2) - bottom } let verticalConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: activityIndicator, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.centerY, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: view, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.centerY, multiplier: 1, constant: verticalConstant) view.addConstraint(verticalConstraint) activityIndicator.startAnimating() } @objc func stopActivityIndicator() { activityIndicator.stopAnimating() activityIndicator.removeFromSuperview() } @objc func isSimulatorOrTestFlight() -> Bool { guard let path = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL?.path else { return false } return path.contains("CoreSimulator") || path.contains("sandboxReceipt") } @objc func isEditImage(_ fileName: NSString) -> String? { switch fileName.pathExtension.uppercased() { case "PNG": return "PNG"; case "JPG": return "JPG"; case "JPEG": return "JPG" default: return nil } } @objc func formatSecondsToString(_ seconds: TimeInterval) -> String { if seconds.isNaN { return "00:00:00" } let sec = Int(seconds.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 60)) let min = Int(seconds.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 3600) / 60) let hour = Int(seconds / 3600) return String(format: "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, min, sec) } @objc func blink(cell: AnyObject?) { DispatchQueue.main.async { if let cell = cell as? UITableViewCell { cell.backgroundColor = NCBrandColor.sharedInstance.brand.withAlphaComponent(0.3) UIView.animate(withDuration: 2) { cell.backgroundColor = .clear } } else if let cell = cell as? UICollectionViewCell { cell.backgroundColor = NCBrandColor.sharedInstance.brand.withAlphaComponent(0.3) UIView.animate(withDuration: 2) { cell.backgroundColor = .clear } } } } @objc func bestFittingFont(for text: String, in bounds: CGRect, fontDescriptor: UIFontDescriptor) -> UIFont { let constrainingDimension = min(bounds.width, bounds.height) let properBounds = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: bounds.size) var attributes = [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]() let infiniteBounds = CGSize(width: CGFloat.infinity, height: CGFloat.infinity) var bestFontSize: CGFloat = constrainingDimension for fontSize in stride(from: bestFontSize, through: 0, by: -1) { let newFont = UIFont(descriptor: fontDescriptor, size: fontSize) attributes[.font] = newFont let currentFrame = text.boundingRect(with: infiniteBounds, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin, .usesFontLeading], attributes: attributes, context: nil) if properBounds.contains(currentFrame) { bestFontSize = fontSize break } } return UIFont(descriptor: fontDescriptor, size: bestFontSize) } @objc func isRichDocument(_ metadata: tableMetadata) -> Bool { guard let mimeType = CCUtility.getMimeType(metadata.fileNameView) else { return false } guard let richdocumentsMimetypes = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getRichdocumentsMimetypes(account: metadata.account) else { return false } if richdocumentsMimetypes.count > 0 && mimeType.components(separatedBy: ".").count > 2 { let mimeTypeArray = mimeType.components(separatedBy: ".") let mimeType = mimeTypeArray[mimeTypeArray.count - 2] + "." + mimeTypeArray[mimeTypeArray.count - 1] for richdocumentMimetype: String in richdocumentsMimetypes { if richdocumentMimetype.contains(mimeType) { return true } } } return false } @objc func isDirectEditing(_ metadata: tableMetadata) -> String? { if NCBrandBeta.shared.directEditing == false { return nil } guard let results = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getDirectEditingEditors(account: metadata.account) else { return nil } for result: tableDirectEditingEditors in results { for mimetype in result.mimetypes { if mimetype == metadata.contentType { return result.editor } } for mimetype in result.optionalMimetypes { if mimetype == metadata.contentType { return result.editor } } } return nil } @objc func removeAllSettings() { URLCache.shared.memoryCapacity = 0 URLCache.shared.diskCapacity = 0 KTVHTTPCache.cacheDeleteAllCaches() NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.clearDatabase(account: nil, removeAccount: true) CCUtility.emptyGroupDirectoryProviderStorage() CCUtility.emptyGroupLibraryDirectory() CCUtility.emptyDocumentsDirectory() CCUtility.emptyTemporaryDirectory() CCUtility.createDirectoryStandard() CCUtility.deleteAllChainStore() } @objc func createAvatar(fileNameSource: String, fileNameSourceAvatar: String) -> UIImage? { guard let imageSource = UIImage(contentsOfFile: fileNameSource) else { return nil } let size = Int(k_avatar_size) UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width: size, height: size), false, 0) imageSource.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size, height: size)) let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width: size, height: size), false, 0) let avatarImageView = CCAvatar.init(image: image, borderColor: .lightGray, borderWidth: 0.5) //avatarImageView?.alpha = alpha guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return nil } avatarImageView?.layer.render(in: context) guard let imageAvatar = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else { return nil } UIGraphicsEndImageContext() guard let data = imageAvatar.pngData() else { return nil } do { try data.write(to: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: fileNameSourceAvatar) as URL, options: .atomic) } catch { } return imageAvatar } func loadImage(ocId: String, fileNameView: String, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) { if let image = cache.object(forKey: ocId as NSString) { completion(image) return } DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async { [weak self] in let loadedImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageIconOcId(ocId, fileNameView: fileNameView)) DispatchQueue.main.async { if let loadedImage = loadedImage { self?.cache.setObject(loadedImage, forKey: ocId as NSString) } completion(loadedImage) } } } @objc func UIColorFromRGB(rgbValue: UInt32) -> UIColor { return UIColor( red: CGFloat((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0, green: CGFloat((rgbValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0, blue: CGFloat(rgbValue & 0x0000FF) / 255.0, alpha: CGFloat(1.0) ) } @objc func RGBFromUIColor(uicolorValue: UIColor) -> UInt32 { var red: CGFloat = 0, green: CGFloat = 0, blue: CGFloat = 0, alpha: CGFloat = 0 if uicolorValue.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) { var colorAsUInt : UInt32 = 0 colorAsUInt += UInt32(red * 255.0) << 16 + UInt32(green * 255.0) << 8 + UInt32(blue * 255.0) return colorAsUInt } return 0 } @objc func IMUnzip(metadata: tableMetadata) -> Bool { // bak let atPathBak = CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId) + "/" + metadata.fileNameView let toPathBak = (CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId) + "/" + metadata.fileNameView as NSString).deletingPathExtension + ".bak" CCUtility.copyFile(atPath: atPathBak, toPath: toPathBak) let source = URL(fileURLWithPath: CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId, fileNameView: metadata.fileNameView)) let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId)) let removeAtPath = (CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId) + "/" + metadata.fileNameView as NSString).deletingPathExtension try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: removeAtPath) try? FileManager().unzipItem(at: source, to: destination) let bundleDirectory = NCUtility.sharedInstance.IMGetBundleDirectory(metadata: metadata) if bundleDirectory.error { return false } if let fileHandle = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: bundleDirectory.immPath) { // let dataFormat = fileHandle.readData(ofLength: 1) // if dataFormat.starts(with: [0x01]) { // appDelegate.messageNotification("_error_", description: "File format binary error, library imagemeter not present. 🤷‍♂️", visible: true, delay: TimeInterval(k_dismissAfterSecond), type: TWMessageBarMessageType.error, errorCode: errorCode) // return; // } let dataZip = fileHandle.readData(ofLength: 4) if dataZip.starts(with: [0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04]) { try? FileManager().unzipItem(at: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: bundleDirectory.immPath) as URL, to: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: bundleDirectory.bundleDirectory) as URL) } fileHandle.closeFile() } return true } func IMGetBundleDirectory(metadata: tableMetadata) -> bundleDirectoryType { var error = true var bundleDirectory = "" var immPath = "" let source = URL(fileURLWithPath: CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId, fileNameView: metadata.fileNameView)) if let archive = Archive(url: source, accessMode: .read) { archive.forEach({ (entry) in let pathComponents = (entry.path as NSString).pathComponents if pathComponents.count == 2 && (pathComponents.last! as NSString).pathExtension.lowercased() == "imm" { error = false bundleDirectory = CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId) + "/" + pathComponents.first! immPath = CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId) + "/" + entry.path } }) } return bundleDirectoryType(error: error, bundleDirectory: bundleDirectory, immPath: immPath) } func IMIsChange(metadata: tableMetadata, fileNameZipUrl: URL) -> Bool { let backFile = (CCUtility.getDirectoryProviderStorageOcId(metadata.ocId) + "/" + metadata.fileNameView as NSString).deletingPathExtension + ".bak" if let md5imiFile = self.md5File(url: fileNameZipUrl) { if let md5backfile = self.md5File(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: backFile)) { if md5imiFile == md5backfile { return false } else { return true } } } return true } @objc func permissionsContainsString(_ metadataPermissions: String, permissions: String) -> Bool { for char in permissions { if metadataPermissions.contains(char) == false { return false } } return true } @objc func getCustomUserAgentOnlyOffice() -> String { let appVersion = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleShortVersionString")! if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad { return "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad) Nextcloud-iOS/\(appVersion)" }else{ return "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone) Mobile Nextcloud-iOS/\(appVersion)" } } func md5File(url: URL) -> Data? { let bufferSize = 1024 * 1024 do { // Open file for reading: let file = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url) defer { file.closeFile() } // Create and initialize MD5 context: var context = CC_MD5_CTX() CC_MD5_Init(&context) // Read up to `bufferSize` bytes, until EOF is reached, and update MD5 context: while autoreleasepool(invoking: { let data = file.readData(ofLength: bufferSize) if data.count > 0 { data.withUnsafeBytes { _ = CC_MD5_Update(&context, $0.baseAddress, numericCast(data.count)) } return true // Continue } else { return false // End of file } }) { } // Compute the MD5 digest: var digest: [UInt8] = Array(repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH)) _ = CC_MD5_Final(&digest, &context) return Data(digest) } catch { print("Cannot open file:", error.localizedDescription) return nil } } }