#import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** * @enum VisionTextRecognizedBreakType * An enum of recognized text break types. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakType) { /** * Unknown break type. */ FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakTypeUnknown, /** * Line-wrapping break type. */ FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakTypeLineWrap, /** * Hyphen break type. */ FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakTypeHyphen, /** * Line break that ends a paragraph. */ FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakTypeLineBreak, /** * Space break type. */ FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakTypeSpace, /** * Sure space break type. */ FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakTypeSureSpace, } NS_SWIFT_NAME(VisionTextRecognizedBreakType); /** * Detected break from text recognition. */ NS_SWIFT_NAME(VisionTextRecognizedBreak) @interface FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreak : NSObject /** * The recognized text break type. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly) FIRVisionTextRecognizedBreakType type; /** * Indicates whether the break prepends the text element. If `NO`, the break comes after the text * element. */ @property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isPrefix; /** * Unavailable. */ - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END