#import "SVGLength.h" #import "CSSPrimitiveValue.h" #import "CSSPrimitiveValue_ConfigurablePixelsPerInch.h" #import "SVGUtils.h" #include #include @interface SVGLength() @property(nonatomic,strong) CSSPrimitiveValue* internalCSSPrimitiveValue; @end @implementation SVGLength @synthesize unitType; @synthesize value; @synthesize valueInSpecifiedUnits; @synthesize valueAsString; @synthesize internalCSSPrimitiveValue; - (id)init { NSAssert(FALSE, @"This class must not be init'd. Use the static hepler methods to instantiate it instead"); return nil; } - (id)initWithCSSPrimitiveValue:(CSSPrimitiveValue*) pv { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue = pv; } return self; } -(float)value { return [self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue getFloatValue:self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue.primitiveType]; } -(SVG_LENGTH_TYPE)unitType { switch( self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue.primitiveType ) { case CSS_CM: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM; case CSS_EMS: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS; case CSS_EXS: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS; case CSS_IN: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN; case CSS_MM: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM; case CSS_PC: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC; case CSS_PERCENTAGE: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE; case CSS_PT: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT; case CSS_PX: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX; case CSS_NUMBER: case CSS_DIMENSION: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER; default: return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN; } } -(void) newValueSpecifiedUnits:(SVG_LENGTH_TYPE) unitType valueInSpecifiedUnits:(float) valueInSpecifiedUnits { NSAssert(FALSE, @"Not supported yet"); } -(void) convertToSpecifiedUnits:(SVG_LENGTH_TYPE) unitType { NSAssert(FALSE, @"Not supported yet"); } /** Apple calls this method when the class is loaded; that's as good a time as any to calculate the device / screen's PPI */ +(void)initialize { cachedDevicePixelsPerInch = [self pixelsPerInchForCurrentDevice]; } +(SVGLength*) svgLengthZero { SVGLength* result = [[SVGLength alloc] initWithCSSPrimitiveValue:nil]; return result; } static float cachedDevicePixelsPerInch; +(SVGLength*) svgLengthFromNSString:(NSString*) s { CSSPrimitiveValue* pv = [[CSSPrimitiveValue alloc] init]; pv.pixelsPerInch = cachedDevicePixelsPerInch; pv.cssText = s; SVGLength* result = [[SVGLength alloc] initWithCSSPrimitiveValue:pv]; return result; } -(float) pixelsValue { return [self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue getFloatValue:CSS_PX]; } -(float) pixelsValueWithDimension:(float)dimension { if (self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue.primitiveType == CSS_PERCENTAGE) return dimension * self.value / 100.0; return [self pixelsValue]; } -(float) pixelsValueWithGradientDimension:(float)dimension { if (self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue.primitiveType == CSS_PERCENTAGE) { return dimension * self.value / 100.0; } else if (self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue.primitiveType == CSS_NUMBER) { if (self.value >= 0 && self.value <= 1) { return dimension * self.value; } } return [self pixelsValue]; } -(float) numberValue { return [self.internalCSSPrimitiveValue getFloatValue:CSS_NUMBER]; } #pragma mark - secret methods needed to provide an implementation on ObjectiveC +(float) pixelsPerInchForCurrentDevice { /** Using this as reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retina_Display and https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Models */ size_t size; sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0); char *machine = malloc(size); sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0); NSString *platform = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:machine]; free(machine); if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone1"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone2"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone3"]) return 163.0f; if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone4"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone5"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone6"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone7,2"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone8,1"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone8,4"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone9,1"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone9,3"]) { return 326.0f; } if ( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone7,1"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone8,2"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone9,2"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone9,4"]) { return 401.0f; } if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPhone"]) // catch-all for higher-end devices not yet existing { NSAssert(FALSE, @"Update your source code or disable assertions: you are using an iPhone that didn't exist when this code was written, we have no idea what the pixel count per inch is!"); return 401.0f; } if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPod1"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPod2"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPod3"]) return 163.0f; if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPod4"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPod5"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPod7"]) return 326.0f; if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPod"]) // catch-all for higher-end devices not yet existing { NSAssert(FALSE, @"Update your source code or disable assertions: you are using an iPod that didn't exist when this code was written, we have no idea what the pixel count per inch is!"); return 326.0f; } if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad5,1"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad5,2"]) return 326.0f; if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad1"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad2"]) return 132.0f; if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad3"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad4"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad5,3"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad5,4"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad6"] || [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad7"]) return 264.0f; if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iPad"]) // catch-all for higher-end devices not yet existing { NSAssert(FALSE, @"Update your source code or disable assertions: you are using an iPad that didn't exist when this code was written, we have no idea what the pixel count per inch is!"); return 264.0f; } if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iWatch1"]) return 326.0f; if( [platform hasPrefix:@"iWatch"]) // catch-all for higher-end devices not yet existing { NSAssert(FALSE, @"Update your source code or disable assertions: you are using an iWatch that didn't exist when this code was written, we have no idea what the pixel count per inch is!"); return 326.0f; } if( [platform hasPrefix:@"x86_64"]) { SVGKitLogWarn(@"[%@] WARNING: you are running on the simulator; it's impossible for us to calculate centimeter/millimeter/inches units correctly", [self class]); return 132.0f; // Simulator, running on desktop machine } NSAssert(FALSE, @"Cannot determine the PPI values for current device; returning 0.0f - hopefully this will crash your code (you CANNOT run SVG's that use CM/IN/MM etc until you fix this)" ); return 0.0f; // Bet you'll get a divide by zero here... } @end