/* SVGKImage The main class in SVGKit - this is the one you'll normally interact with c.f. SVGKit.h for more info on using SVGKit What is an SVGKImage? An SVGKImage is as close to "the SVG version of a UIImage" as we could possibly get. We cannot subclass UIImage because Apple has defined UIImage as immutable - and SVG images actually change (each time you zoom in, we want to re-render the SVG as a higher-resolution set of pixels) We use the exact same method names as UIImage, and try to be literally as identical as possible. Creating an SVGKImage: - PREFERRED: use the "imageNamed:" method - CUSTOM SVGKSource class: use the "initWithSource:" method - CUSTOM PARSING: Parse using SVGKParser, then send the parse-result to "initWithParsedSVG:" Data: - UIImage: not supported yet: will be a cached UIImage that is re-generated on demand. Will enable us to implement an SVGKImageView that works as a drop-in replacement for UIImageView - DOMTree: the SVG DOM spec, the root element of a tree of SVGElement subclasses - CALayerTree: the root element of a tree of CALayer subclasses - size: as per the UIImage.size, returns a size in Apple Points (i.e. 320 == width of iPhone, irrespective of Retina) - scale: ??? unknown how we'll define this, but could be useful when doing auto-re-render-on-zoom - svgWidth: the internal SVGLength used to generate the correct .size - svgHeight: the internal SVGLength used to generate the correct .size - rootElement: the SVGSVGElement instance that is the root of the parse SVG tree. Use this to access the full SVG document */ #import "SVGKDefine.h" #import "SVGKParser.h" // needed for asynchronous loading method-signature @class SVGDocument; @class SVGSVGElement; @class SVGKSource; @class SVGKParseResult; #define ENABLE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_CACHE_FOR_SVGKIMAGE_IMAGE_NAMED 1 // if ENABLED, then ALL instances created with imageNamed: are shared, and are NEVER RELEASED @class SVGDefsElement; @class SVGKImage; // needed for typedef below typedef void (^SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)(SVGKImage* loadedImage, SVGKParseResult* parseResult ); @interface SVGKImage : NSObject // doesn't extend UIImage because Apple made UIImage immutable { #if ENABLE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_CACHE_FOR_SVGKIMAGE_IMAGE_NAMED BOOL cameFromGlobalCache; #endif } /** Generates an image on the fly NB you can get MUCH BETTER performance using the methods such as exportUIImageAntiAliased and exportNSDataAntiAliased */ @property (weak, nonatomic, readonly) UIImage* UIImage; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGKSource* source; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGKParseResult* parseErrorsAndWarnings; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGDocument* DOMDocument; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGSVGElement* DOMTree; // needs renaming + (possibly) replacing by DOMDocument @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) CALayer* CALayerTree; #if ENABLE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_CACHE_FOR_SVGKIMAGE_IMAGE_NAMED @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* nameUsedToInstantiate; #endif #pragma mark - methods to quick load an SVG as an image /** This is the preferred method for loading SVG files. Like Apple's [UIImage imageNamed:] method, it has a global cache of loaded SVG files to greatly increase performance. Unlike UIImage, SVGKImage's tend to be light in memory usage, but if needed, you can disable this at compile-time by setting ENABLE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_CACHE_FOR_SVGKIMAGE_IMAGE_NAMED to 0. As of SVGKit 1.2.0, this method: - Finds the SVG file (adding .svg extension if missing) in the App's sandboxed Documents folder - If that's missing, it finds the same file in the App's Bundle (i.e. the files stored at compile-time by Xcode, and shipped as the app) - Creates an SVGKSource so that you can later inspect exactly where it found the file */ + (SVGKImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name; + (SVGKImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name inBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle; /** Almost identical to imageNamed: except that it performs the parse in a separate thread. Returns an SVGKParser object that you can cancel, or inspect for progress (using parser.currentParseRun) UNLESS the image was already loaded, and a cached version can be returned - in which case, returns nil and immmediately calls the completion block */ +(SVGKParser *) imageAsynchronouslyNamed:(NSString *)name onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate) blockCompleted; + (SVGKImage *)imageWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path; + (SVGKImage *)imageWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url; + (SVGKParser*) imageParserWithContentsOfFileAsynchronously:(NSString *)aPath onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted; + (SVGKImage*) imageWithContentsOfFileAsynchronously:(NSString *)aPath onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted; /** PREFERABLY: these are our only method, apart from the convenience "imageNamed" Creating an SVG from raw data; this is not recommended: SVG requires knowledge of at least the URL where it came from (as it can contain relative file-links internally). If you need to create an SVG e.g. directly from raw bytes, then you MUST use this method and ADDITIONALLY wrap your data into an SVGKSource. This is because SVG's cannot parse correctly without the metadata about where the file came from: e.g. they cannot process relative links, cross-references, etc. */ +(SVGKImage*) imageWithData:(NSData *)newNSData; // if you have custom source's you want to use + (SVGKParser*) imageParserWithDataAsynchronously:(NSData *)newNSData onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted; + (SVGKImage*) imageWithDataAsynchronously:(NSData *)newNSData onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted; /** PREFERABLY: these are our only method, apart from the convenience "imageNamed" The first one is synchronous, the second is asynchronous. If you need to create an SVG e.g. directly from raw bytes, then you MUST use this method and ADDITIONALLY wrap your data into an SVGKSource. This is because SVG's cannot parse correctly without the metadata about where the file came from: e.g. they cannot process relative links, cross-references, etc. */ +(SVGKImage*) imageWithSource:(SVGKSource *)newSource; // if you have custom source's you want to use /** This is the asynchronous version of imageWithSource: */ +(SVGKParser *) imageWithSource:(SVGKSource *)source onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted; - (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path; - (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data; #pragma mark - UIImage methods cloned and re-implemented as SVG intelligent methods /** NB: if an SVG defines no limits to itself - neither a viewbox, nor an nor an - and you have not explicitly given the SVGKImage instance a "user defined size" (by setting .size) ... then there is NO LEGAL SIZE VALUE for self.size to return, and it WILL ASSERT! Use this method to double-check, before calling .size, whether it's going to give you a legal value safely */ -(BOOL) hasSize; /** NB: always call "hasSize" before calling this method; some SVG's may have NO DEFINED SIZE, and so the .size method could return an invalid value (c.f. the hasSize method for details on how to workaround that issue) SVG's are infinitely scalable, by definition - but authors can OPTIONALLY set a "preferred size". Also, we allow you to set an explicit "this is the size I'm going to render at, deal with it" size, which will OVERRIDE the author's own size (if they configured one), and force the SVG to resize itself to fit your dictated size. (NB: this is as per the spec, so it's OK) NOTE: if you change this property, it will invalidate any cached render-data, and all future renders will be done at this pixel-size/pixel-resolution NOTE: when you read the .UIImage property of this class, it generates a bitmap using the current value of this property (or x2 if retina display) -- and if you've never set the property, it will use the de-facto value obtained by reading the SVG file and looking for author-dictated size, etc */ @property(nonatomic) CGSize size; /** TODO: From UIImage. Not needed, I think? @property(nonatomic,readonly) CIImage *CIImage __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0); // returns underlying CIImage or nil if CGImageRef based */ // the these draw the image 'right side up' in the usual coordinate system with 'point' being the top-left. - (void)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point; // mode = kCGBlendModeNormal, alpha = 1.0 #pragma mark - unsupported / unimplemented UIImage methods (should add as a feature) /** According to SVG Spec, default scale is "1.0", and the correct way to resize/scale an image is by: 1. setting an explicit "" ...or, alternatively, you can do: 1. setting an explicit "