// // RNDecryptor // // Copyright (c) 2012 Rob Napier // // This code is licensed under the MIT License: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #import "RNDecryptor.h" #import "RNCryptor+Private.h" #import "RNCryptorEngine.h" #import static const NSUInteger kPreambleSize = 2; @interface NSData (RNCryptor_ConsistentCompare) /** Compare two NSData in time proportional to the compared data (otherData) * * isEqual:-based comparisons stop comparing at the first difference. This can be used by attackers, in some situations, * to determine a secret value by considering the time required to compare the values. * * It is slightly better to call this as [secret rnc_isEqualInConsistentTime:attackersData] rather than the reverse, * but it is not a major issue either way. In the first case, the time required is proportional to the attacker's data, * which provides the attacker no information about the length of secret. In the second case, the time is proportional * to the length of secret, which leaks a small amount of informaiont, but in a way that does not varry in proportion to * the attacker's data. * * @param otherData data to compare * @returns YES if values are equal */ - (BOOL)rnc_isEqualInConsistentTime:(NSData *)otherData; @end @implementation NSData (RNCryptor_ConstantCompare) - (BOOL)rnc_isEqualInConsistentTime:(NSData *)otherData { // The point of this routine is XOR the bytes of each data and accumulate the results with OR. // If any bytes are different, then the OR will accumulate some non-0 value. const uint8_t *myBytes = [self bytes]; const NSUInteger myLength = [self length]; const uint8_t *otherBytes = [otherData bytes]; const NSUInteger otherLength = [otherData length]; uint8_t result = otherLength != myLength; // Start with 0 (equal) only if our lengths are equal for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < otherLength; ++i) { // Use mod to wrap around ourselves if they are longer than we are. // Remember, we already broke equality if our lengths are different. result |= myBytes[i % myLength] ^ otherBytes[i]; } return result == 0; } @end @interface RNDecryptor () @property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSMutableData *inData; @property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSData *encryptionKey; @property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSData *HMACKey; @property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *password; @property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) BOOL hasV1HMAC; @property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) RNCryptorSettings settings; @end @implementation RNDecryptor { CCHmacContext _HMACContext; NSMutableData *__inData; } @synthesize encryptionKey = _encryptionKey; @synthesize HMACKey = _HMACKey; @synthesize password = _password; @synthesize settings = _settings; + (NSData *)decryptData:(NSData *)theCipherText withSettings:(RNCryptorSettings)settings password:(NSString *)aPassword error:(NSError **)anError { RNDecryptor *cryptor = [[self alloc] initWithPassword:aPassword handler:^(RNCryptor *c, NSData *d) {}]; cryptor.settings = settings; return [self synchronousResultForCryptor:cryptor data:theCipherText error:anError]; } + (NSData *)decryptData:(NSData *)theCipherText withSettings:(RNCryptorSettings)settings encryptionKey:(NSData *)encryptionKey HMACKey:(NSData *)HMACKey error:(NSError **)anError { RNDecryptor *cryptor = [[self alloc] initWithEncryptionKey:encryptionKey HMACKey:HMACKey handler:^(RNCryptor *c, NSData *d) {}]; cryptor.settings = settings; return [self synchronousResultForCryptor:cryptor data:theCipherText error:anError]; } + (NSData *)decryptData:(NSData *)theCipherText withPassword:(NSString *)aPassword error:(NSError **)anError { RNDecryptor *cryptor = [[self alloc] initWithPassword:aPassword handler:^(RNCryptor *c, NSData *d) {}]; return [self synchronousResultForCryptor:cryptor data:theCipherText error:anError]; } + (NSData *)decryptData:(NSData *)theCipherText withEncryptionKey:(NSData *)encryptionKey HMACKey:(NSData *)HMACKey error:(NSError **)anError; { RNDecryptor *cryptor = [[self alloc] initWithEncryptionKey:encryptionKey HMACKey:HMACKey handler:^(RNCryptor *c, NSData *d) {}]; return [self synchronousResultForCryptor:cryptor data:theCipherText error:anError]; } - (RNDecryptor *)initWithEncryptionKey:(NSData *)anEncryptionKey HMACKey:(NSData *)anHMACKey handler:(RNCryptorHandler)aHandler { self = [super initWithHandler:aHandler]; if (self) { _encryptionKey = [anEncryptionKey copy]; _HMACKey = [anHMACKey copy]; _settings = kRNCryptorAES256Settings; } return self; } - (RNDecryptor *)initWithPassword:(NSString *)aPassword handler:(RNCryptorHandler)aHandler { NSParameterAssert(aPassword != nil); self = [self initWithEncryptionKey:nil HMACKey:nil handler:aHandler]; if (self) { _password = [aPassword copy]; _settings = kRNCryptorAES256Settings; } return self; } - (NSMutableData *)inData { if (!__inData) { __inData = [NSMutableData data]; } return __inData; } - (void)decryptData:(NSData *)data { dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{ if (self.hasHMAC) { CCHmacUpdate(&_HMACContext, data.bytes, data.length); } NSError *error = nil; NSData *decryptedData = [self.engine addData:data error:&error]; if (!decryptedData) { [self cleanupAndNotifyWithError:error]; return; } [self.outData appendData:decryptedData]; dispatch_sync(self.responseQueue, ^{ self.handler(self, self.outData); }); [self.outData setLength:0]; }); } - (void)addData:(NSData *)theData { if (self.isFinished) { return; } [self.inData appendData:theData]; if (!self.engine) { [self consumeHeaderFromData:self.inData]; } if (self.engine) { NSUInteger HMACLength = self.HMACLength; if (self.inData.length > HMACLength) { NSData *data = [self.inData _RNConsumeToIndex:self.inData.length - HMACLength]; [self decryptData:data]; } } } - (BOOL)updateOptionsForPreamble:(NSData *)preamble { const uint8_t *bytes = [preamble bytes]; // See http://robnapier.net/blog/rncryptor-hmac-vulnerability-827 for information on the v1 bad HMAC #ifdef RNCRYPTOR_ALLOW_V1_BAD_HMAC if (bytes[0] == 1) { self.options = bytes[1]; self.hasV1HMAC = YES; return YES; } #endif if (bytes[0] == 2) { self.options = bytes[1]; RNCryptorSettings settings = self.settings; settings.keySettings.hasV2Password = YES; settings.HMACKeySettings.hasV2Password = YES; self.settings = settings; return YES; } if (bytes[0] == kRNCryptorFileVersion) { self.options = bytes[1]; return YES; } return NO; } - (void)consumeHeaderFromData:(NSMutableData *)data { if (data.length < kPreambleSize) { return; } if (![self updateOptionsForPreamble:[data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, kPreambleSize)]]) { [self cleanupAndNotifyWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:kRNCryptorErrorDomain code:kRNCryptorUnknownHeader userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"Unknown header" /* DNL */ forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]]]; return; } NSUInteger headerSize = kPreambleSize + self.settings.IVSize; if (self.options & kRNCryptorOptionHasPassword) { headerSize += self.settings.keySettings.saltSize + self.settings.HMACKeySettings.saltSize; } if (data.length < headerSize) { return; } NSData *header = [data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, headerSize)]; // We'll need this for the HMAC later [[data _RNConsumeToIndex:kPreambleSize] mutableCopy]; // Throw away the preamble NSError *error = nil; if (self.options & kRNCryptorOptionHasPassword) { NSAssert(!self.encryptionKey && !self.HMACKey, @"Both password and the key (%d) or HMACKey (%d) are set.", self.encryptionKey != nil, self.HMACKey != nil); NSData *encryptionKeySalt = [data _RNConsumeToIndex:self.settings.keySettings.saltSize]; NSData *HMACKeySalt = [data _RNConsumeToIndex:self.settings.HMACKeySettings.saltSize]; self.encryptionKey = [[self class] keyForPassword:self.password salt:encryptionKeySalt settings:self.settings.keySettings]; self.HMACKey = [[self class] keyForPassword:self.password salt:HMACKeySalt settings:self.settings.HMACKeySettings]; self.password = nil; // Don't need this anymore. } NSData *IV = [data _RNConsumeToIndex:self.settings.IVSize]; self.engine = [[RNCryptorEngine alloc] initWithOperation:kCCDecrypt settings:self.settings key:self.encryptionKey IV:IV error:&error]; self.encryptionKey = nil; // Don't need this anymore if (!self.engine) { [self cleanupAndNotifyWithError:error]; return; } if (self.HMACKey) { CCHmacInit(&_HMACContext, self.settings.HMACAlgorithm, self.HMACKey.bytes, self.HMACKey.length); self.HMACLength = self.settings.HMACLength; self.HMACKey = nil; // Don't need this anymore if (! self.hasV1HMAC) { CCHmacUpdate(&_HMACContext, [header bytes], [header length]); } } } - (void)finish { if (self.isFinished) { return; } dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{ NSError *error = nil; NSData *decryptedData = [self.engine finishWithError:&error]; if (!decryptedData) { [self cleanupAndNotifyWithError:error]; return; } [self.outData appendData:decryptedData]; if (self.hasHMAC) { NSMutableData *HMACData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:self.HMACLength]; CCHmacFinal(&_HMACContext, [HMACData mutableBytes]); if (![HMACData rnc_isEqualInConsistentTime:self.inData]) { [self cleanupAndNotifyWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:kRNCryptorErrorDomain code:kRNCryptorHMACMismatch userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"HMAC Mismatch" /* DNL */ forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]]]; return; } } [self cleanupAndNotifyWithError:nil]; }); } @end