// // PureLayoutDefines.h // https://github.com/PureLayout/PureLayout // // Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Tyler Fox // // This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // #ifndef PureLayoutDefines_h #define PureLayoutDefines_h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> // Define some preprocessor macros to check for a minimum Base SDK. These are used to prevent compile-time errors in older versions of Xcode. #define PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_iOS_8_0 (TARGET_OS_IPHONE && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED > __IPHONE_7_1) #define PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_OSX_10_10 (!TARGET_OS_IPHONE && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED > __MAC_10_9) // Define some preprocessor macros to check for a minimum System Version. These are used to prevent runtime crashes on older versions of iOS/OS X. #define PL__PureLayout_MinSysVer_iOS_7_0 (TARGET_OS_IPHONE && floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) #define PL__PureLayout_MinSysVer_iOS_8_0 (TARGET_OS_IPHONE && floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_1) #define PL__PureLayout_MinSysVer_OSX_10_9 (!TARGET_OS_IPHONE && floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) > NSFoundationVersionNumber10_8_4) // Define some preprocessor macros that allow nullability annotations to be adopted in a backwards-compatible manner. #if __has_feature(nullability) # define PL__ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN # define PL__ASSUME_NONNULL_END NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #else # define PL__ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN # define PL__ASSUME_NONNULL_END #endif // Define some preprocessor macros that allow generics to be adopted in a backwards-compatible manner. #if __has_feature(objc_generics) # define PL__GENERICS(class, ...) class<__VA_ARGS__> #else # define PL__GENERICS(class, ...) class #endif // Using generics with NSArray is so common in PureLayout that it gets a dedicated preprocessor macro for better readability. #define PL__NSArray_of(type) PL__GENERICS(NSArray, type) // Define generic AL-prefixed macros for the types/constants/etc that have slight naming variations across iOS and OS X, which allows the same code to be platform-independent. #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE || TARGET_OS_TV # import <UIKit/UIKit.h> # define ALView UIView # define ALEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsets # define ALEdgeInsetsZero UIEdgeInsetsZero # define ALEdgeInsetsMake UIEdgeInsetsMake # define ALLayoutConstraintAxis UILayoutConstraintAxis # define ALLayoutConstraintOrientation ALLayoutConstraintAxis # define ALLayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal # define ALLayoutConstraintAxisVertical UILayoutConstraintAxisVertical # define ALLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal ALLayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal # define ALLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical ALLayoutConstraintAxisVertical # define ALLayoutPriority UILayoutPriority # define ALLayoutPriorityRequired UILayoutPriorityRequired # define ALLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh # define ALLayoutPriorityDefaultLow UILayoutPriorityDefaultLow # define ALLayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel UILayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel # define ALLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression ALLayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel #else # import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> # define ALView NSView # define ALEdgeInsets NSEdgeInsets # define ALEdgeInsetsZero NSEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0) # define ALEdgeInsetsMake NSEdgeInsetsMake # define ALLayoutConstraintOrientation NSLayoutConstraintOrientation # define ALLayoutConstraintAxis ALLayoutConstraintOrientation # define ALLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal # define ALLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical # define ALLayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal ALLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal # define ALLayoutConstraintAxisVertical ALLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical # define ALLayoutPriority NSLayoutPriority # define ALLayoutPriorityRequired NSLayoutPriorityRequired # define ALLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh NSLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh # define ALLayoutPriorityDefaultLow NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow # define ALLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression NSLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression # define ALLayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel ALLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression #endif /* TARGET_OS_IPHONE */ #pragma mark PureLayout Attributes /** Constants that represent edges of a view. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ALEdge) { /** The left edge of the view. */ ALEdgeLeft = NSLayoutAttributeLeft, /** The right edge of the view. */ ALEdgeRight = NSLayoutAttributeRight, /** The top edge of the view. */ ALEdgeTop = NSLayoutAttributeTop, /** The bottom edge of the view. */ ALEdgeBottom = NSLayoutAttributeBottom, /** The leading edge of the view (left edge for left-to-right languages like English, right edge for right-to-left languages like Arabic). */ ALEdgeLeading = NSLayoutAttributeLeading, /** The trailing edge of the view (right edge for left-to-right languages like English, left edge for right-to-left languages like Arabic). */ ALEdgeTrailing = NSLayoutAttributeTrailing }; /** Constants that represent dimensions of a view. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ALDimension) { /** The width of the view. */ ALDimensionWidth = NSLayoutAttributeWidth, /** The height of the view. */ ALDimensionHeight = NSLayoutAttributeHeight }; /** Constants that represent axes of a view. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ALAxis) { /** A vertical line equidistant from the view's left and right edges. */ ALAxisVertical = NSLayoutAttributeCenterX, /** A horizontal line equidistant from the view's top and bottom edges. */ ALAxisHorizontal = NSLayoutAttributeCenterY, /** A horizontal line at the baseline of the last line of text in the view. (For views that do not draw text, will be equivalent to ALEdgeBottom.) Same as ALAxisLastBaseline. */ ALAxisBaseline = NSLayoutAttributeBaseline, /** A horizontal line at the baseline of the last line of text in the view. (For views that do not draw text, will be equivalent to ALEdgeBottom.) */ ALAxisLastBaseline = ALAxisBaseline, #if PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_iOS_8_0 /** A horizontal line at the baseline of the first line of text in a view. (For views that do not draw text, will be equivalent to ALEdgeTop.) Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */ ALAxisFirstBaseline = NSLayoutAttributeFirstBaseline #endif /* PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_iOS_8_0 */ }; #if PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_iOS_8_0 /** Constants that represent layout margins of a view. Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ALMargin) { /** The left margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins left inset. */ ALMarginLeft = NSLayoutAttributeLeftMargin, /** The right margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins right inset. */ ALMarginRight = NSLayoutAttributeRightMargin, /** The top margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins top inset. */ ALMarginTop = NSLayoutAttributeTopMargin, /** The bottom margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins bottom inset. */ ALMarginBottom = NSLayoutAttributeBottomMargin, /** The leading margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins left/right (depending on language direction) inset. */ ALMarginLeading = NSLayoutAttributeLeadingMargin, /** The trailing margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins left/right (depending on language direction) inset. */ ALMarginTrailing = NSLayoutAttributeTrailingMargin }; /** Constants that represent axes of the layout margins of a view. Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ALMarginAxis) { /** A vertical line equidistant from the view's left and right margins. */ ALMarginAxisVertical = NSLayoutAttributeCenterXWithinMargins, /** A horizontal line equidistant from the view's top and bottom margins. */ ALMarginAxisHorizontal = NSLayoutAttributeCenterYWithinMargins }; #endif /* PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_iOS_8_0 */ /** An attribute of a view that can be used in auto layout constraints. These constants are identical to the more specific enum types: ALEdge, ALAxis, ALDimension, ALMargin, ALMarginAxis. It is safe to cast a more specific enum type to the ALAttribute type. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ALAttribute) { /** The left edge of the view. */ ALAttributeLeft = ALEdgeLeft, /** The right edge of the view. */ ALAttributeRight = ALEdgeRight, /** The top edge of the view. */ ALAttributeTop = ALEdgeTop, /** The bottom edge of the view. */ ALAttributeBottom = ALEdgeBottom, /** The leading edge of the view (left edge for left-to-right languages like English, right edge for right-to-left languages like Arabic). */ ALAttributeLeading = ALEdgeLeading, /** The trailing edge of the view (right edge for left-to-right languages like English, left edge for right-to-left languages like Arabic). */ ALAttributeTrailing = ALEdgeTrailing, /** The width of the view. */ ALAttributeWidth = ALDimensionWidth, /** The height of the view. */ ALAttributeHeight = ALDimensionHeight, /** A vertical line equidistant from the view's left and right edges. */ ALAttributeVertical = ALAxisVertical, /** A horizontal line equidistant from the view's top and bottom edges. */ ALAttributeHorizontal = ALAxisHorizontal, /** A horizontal line at the baseline of the last line of text in the view. (For views that do not draw text, will be equivalent to ALEdgeBottom.) Same as ALAxisLastBaseline. */ ALAttributeBaseline = ALAxisBaseline, /** A horizontal line at the baseline of the last line of text in the view. (For views that do not draw text, will be equivalent to ALEdgeBottom.) */ ALAttributeLastBaseline = ALAxisLastBaseline, #if PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_iOS_8_0 /** A horizontal line at the baseline of the first line of text in a view. (For views that do not draw text, will be equivalent to ALEdgeTop.) Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */ ALAttributeFirstBaseline = ALAxisFirstBaseline, /** The left margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins left inset. */ ALAttributeMarginLeft = ALMarginLeft, /** The right margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins right inset. */ ALAttributeMarginRight = ALMarginRight, /** The top margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins top inset. */ ALAttributeMarginTop = ALMarginTop, /** The bottom margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins bottom inset. */ ALAttributeMarginBottom = ALMarginBottom, /** The leading margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins left/right (depending on language direction) inset. */ ALAttributeMarginLeading = ALMarginLeading, /** The trailing margin of the view, based on the view's layoutMargins left/right (depending on language direction) inset. */ ALAttributeMarginTrailing = ALMarginTrailing, /** A vertical line equidistant from the view's left and right margins. */ ALAttributeMarginAxisVertical = ALMarginAxisVertical, /** A horizontal line equidistant from the view's top and bottom margins. */ ALAttributeMarginAxisHorizontal = ALMarginAxisHorizontal #endif /* PL__PureLayout_MinBaseSDK_iOS_8_0 */ }; /** A block containing method calls to the PureLayout API. Takes no arguments and has no return value. */ typedef void(^ALConstraintsBlock)(void); #endif /* PureLayoutDefines_h */