// // ActionSheetTests.swift // SheeeeeeeeetTests // // Created by Daniel Saidi on 2017-11-28. // Copyright © 2017 Daniel Saidi. All rights reserved. // import Quick import Nimble @testable import Sheeeeeeeeet class ActionSheetTests: QuickSpec { override func spec() { func createButton(_ title: String) -> ActionSheetButton { return ActionSheetOkButton(title: title) } func createItem(_ title: String) -> ActionSheetItem { return ActionSheetItem(title: title) } func createSheet(_ items: [ActionSheetItem] = []) -> MockActionSheet { return MockActionSheet(items: items, action: { _, _ in }) } // MARK: - Initialization describe("when initialized with parameters") { it("applies provided items") { let item1 = createItem("foo") let item2 = createItem("bar") let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2]) expect(sheet.items.count).to(equal(2)) expect(sheet.items[0]).to(be(item1)) expect(sheet.items[1]).to(be(item2)) } it("separates provided items and buttons") { let button = createButton("Sheeeeeeeeet") let item1 = createItem("foo") let item2 = createItem("bar") let sheet = createSheet([button, item1, item2]) expect(sheet.items.count).to(equal(2)) expect(sheet.items[0]).to(be(item1)) expect(sheet.items[1]).to(be(item2)) expect(sheet.buttons.count).to(equal(1)) expect(sheet.buttons[0]).to(be(button)) } it("applies default presenter if none is provided") { let sheet = createSheet() let isStandard = sheet.presenter is ActionSheetStandardPresenter let isPopover = sheet.presenter is ActionSheetPopoverPresenter let isValid = isStandard || isPopover expect(isValid).to(beTrue()) } it("applies provided presenter") { let presenter = ActionSheetPopoverPresenter() let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: [], presenter: presenter, action: { _, _ in }) expect(sheet.presenter).to(be(presenter)) } it("applies provided action") { var counter = 0 let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: []) { _, _ in counter += 1 } sheet.selectAction(sheet, createItem("foo")) expect(counter).to(equal(1)) } } // MARK: - Properties describe("appearance") { it("is initially a copy of standard appearance") { let original = ActionSheetAppearance.standard.popover.width ActionSheetAppearance.standard.popover.width = -1 let sheet = createSheet() let appearance = sheet.appearance ActionSheetAppearance.standard.popover.width = original expect(appearance.popover.width).to(equal(-1)) } } // MARK: - Header Properties describe("header view") { it("refreshes the sheet when set") { let sheet = createSheet() expect(sheet.refreshInvokeCount).to(equal(0)) sheet.headerView = UIView() expect(sheet.refreshInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } } describe("header view container") { it("gets clear background color when set") { let sheet = createSheet() let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = .red sheet.headerViewContainer = view expect(view.backgroundColor).to(equal(.clear)) } } // MARK: - Item Properties describe("items height") { it("is sum of all item appearances") { let item1 = createItem("foo") let item2 = createItem("bar") let item3 = createButton("baz") item1.appearance.height = 100 item2.appearance.height = 110 item3.appearance.height = 120 let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3]) expect(sheet.itemsHeight).to(equal(210)) } } describe("item handler") { it("has correct item type") { let sheet = createSheet() expect(sheet.itemHandler.itemType).to(equal(.items)) } it("has correct items") { let item1 = createItem("foo") let item2 = createItem("bar") let item3 = createButton("baz") let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3]) expect(sheet.itemHandler.items.count).to(equal(2)) expect(sheet.itemHandler.items[0]).to(be(item1)) expect(sheet.itemHandler.items[1]).to(be(item2)) } } describe("item table view") { it("is correctly setup when set") { let sheet = createSheet() let view = UITableView(frame: .zero) sheet.itemsTableView = view expect(view.delegate).to(be(sheet.itemHandler)) expect(view.dataSource).to(be(sheet.itemHandler)) expect(view.estimatedRowHeight).to(equal(44)) expect(view.rowHeight).to(equal(UITableView.automaticDimension)) expect(view.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth).to(beFalse()) } } // MARK: - Button Properties describe("buttons height") { it("is sum of all button appearances") { let item1 = createItem("foo") let item2 = createButton("bar") let item3 = createButton("baz") item1.appearance.height = 100 item2.appearance.height = 110 item3.appearance.height = 120 let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3]) expect(sheet.buttonsHeight).to(equal(230)) } } describe("button handler") { it("has correct item type") { let sheet = createSheet() expect(sheet.buttonHandler.itemType).to(equal(.buttons)) } it("has correct items") { let item1 = createItem("foo") let item2 = createButton("bar") let item3 = createButton("baz") let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3]) expect(sheet.buttonHandler.items.count).to(equal(2)) expect(sheet.buttonHandler.items[0]).to(be(item2)) expect(sheet.buttonHandler.items[1]).to(be(item3)) } } describe("button table view") { it("is correctly setup when set") { let sheet = createSheet() let view = UITableView(frame: .zero) sheet.buttonsTableView = view expect(view.delegate).to(be(sheet.buttonHandler)) expect(view.dataSource).to(be(sheet.buttonHandler)) expect(view.estimatedRowHeight).to(equal(44)) expect(view.rowHeight).to(equal(UITableView.automaticDimension)) expect(view.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth).to(beFalse()) } } // MARK: - Presentation Functions context("presentation") { var presenter: MockActionSheetPresenter! func createSheet() -> MockActionSheet { presenter = MockActionSheetPresenter() return MockActionSheet(items: [], presenter: presenter, action: { _, _ in }) } describe("when dismissed") { it("dismisses itself by calling presenter") { var counter = 0 let completion = { counter += 1 } let sheet = createSheet() sheet.dismiss(completion: completion) presenter.dismissInvokeCompletions[0]() expect(presenter.dismissInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(counter).to(equal(1)) } } describe("when presented from view") { it("refreshes itself") { let sheet = createSheet() sheet.present(in: UIViewController(), from: UIView()) expect(sheet.refreshInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } it("presents itself by calling presenter") { var counter = 0 let completion = { counter += 1 } let sheet = createSheet() let vc = UIViewController() let view = UIView() sheet.present(in: vc, from: view, completion: completion) presenter.presentInvokeCompletions[0]() expect(presenter.presentInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(presenter.presentInvokeViewControllers[0]).to(be(vc)) expect(presenter.presentInvokeViews[0]).to(be(view)) expect(counter).to(equal(1)) } } describe("when presented from bar button item") { it("refreshes itself") { let sheet = createSheet() sheet.present(in: UIViewController(), from: UIBarButtonItem()) expect(sheet.refreshInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } it("presents itself by calling presenter") { var counter = 0 let completion = { counter += 1 } let sheet = createSheet() let vc = UIViewController() let item = UIBarButtonItem() sheet.present(in: vc, from: item, completion: completion) presenter.presentInvokeCompletions[0]() expect(presenter.presentInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(presenter.presentInvokeViewControllers[0]).to(be(vc)) expect(presenter.presentInvokeItems[0]).to(be(item)) expect(counter).to(equal(1)) } } } // MARK: - Refresh Functions describe("when refreshing") { var sheet: MockActionSheet! var headerViewContainer: UIView! var itemsView: UITableView! var buttonsView: UITableView! var stackView: UIStackView! beforeEach { sheet = createSheet() sheet.appearance.groupMargins = 123 sheet.appearance.cornerRadius = 90 headerViewContainer = UIView(frame: .zero) itemsView = UITableView(frame: .zero) buttonsView = UITableView(frame: .zero) stackView = UIStackView(frame: .zero) sheet.headerViewContainer = headerViewContainer sheet.itemsTableView = itemsView sheet.buttonsTableView = buttonsView sheet.stackView = stackView sheet.refreshButtonsVisibilityInvokeCount = 0 sheet.refreshHeaderVisibilityInvokeCount = 0 } context("sheet") { it("applies round corners") { sheet.refresh() expect(headerViewContainer.layer.cornerRadius).to(equal(90)) expect(itemsView.layer.cornerRadius).to(equal(90)) expect(buttonsView.layer.cornerRadius).to(equal(90)) } it("applies stack view spacing") { sheet.refresh() expect(sheet.stackView?.spacing).to(equal(123)) } it("asks presenter to refresh sheet") { let presenter = MockActionSheetPresenter() let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: [], presenter: presenter) { (_, _) in } sheet.refresh() expect(presenter.refreshActionSheetInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } } context("header") { it("refreshes header visibility") { sheet.refresh() expect(sheet.refreshHeaderVisibilityInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } it("adds header view to header container") { let header = UIView(frame: .zero) sheet.headerView = header expect(header.constraints.count).to(equal(0)) sheet.refresh() expect(headerViewContainer.subviews.count).to(equal(1)) expect(headerViewContainer.subviews[0]).to(be(header)) expect(header.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints).to(beFalse()) } } context("header visibility") { it("hides header container if header view is nil") { sheet.refreshHeaderVisibility() expect(headerViewContainer.isHidden).to(beTrue()) } it("shows header container if header view is nil") { sheet.headerView = UIView(frame: .zero) sheet.refreshHeaderVisibility() expect(headerViewContainer.isHidden).to(beFalse()) } } context("items") { it("applies appearances to all items") { let item1 = MockActionSheetItem(title: "foo") let item2 = MockActionSheetItem(title: "foo") sheet.setup(items: [item1, item2]) sheet.refresh() expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance)) expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance)) } it("applies separator color") { sheet.appearance.itemsSeparatorColor = .yellow let view = UITableView(frame: .zero) sheet.itemsTableView = view sheet.refresh() expect(view.separatorColor).to(equal(.yellow)) } } context("buttons") { it("refreshes buttons visibility") { sheet.refresh() expect(sheet.refreshButtonsVisibilityInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } it("applies appearances to all buttons") { let item1 = MockActionSheetButton(title: "foo", value: true) let item2 = MockActionSheetButton(title: "foo", value: true) sheet.setup(items: [item1, item2]) sheet.refresh() expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance)) expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance)) } it("applies separator color") { sheet.appearance.buttonsSeparatorColor = .yellow let view = UITableView(frame: .zero) sheet.buttonsTableView = view sheet.refresh() expect(view.separatorColor).to(equal(.yellow)) } } context("button visibility") { it("hides buttons if sheet has no buttons") { sheet.refreshButtonsVisibility() expect(buttonsView.isHidden).to(beTrue()) } it("shows buttons if sheet has buttons") { sheet.setup(items: [MockActionSheetButton(title: "foo", value: true)]) sheet.refreshButtonsVisibility() expect(buttonsView.isHidden).to(beFalse()) } } } // MARK: - Protected Functions describe("handling tap on item") { it("reloads data") { let sheet = createSheet() sheet.reloadDataInvokeCount = 0 sheet.handleTap(on: createItem("")) expect(sheet.reloadDataInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } it("calls select action without dismiss if item has none tap action") { var count = 0 let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: []) { (_, _) in count += 1 } let item = createItem("") item.tapBehavior = .none sheet.handleTap(on: item) expect(count).to(equal(1)) expect(sheet.dismissInvokeCount).to(equal(0)) } it("calls select action after dismiss if item has dismiss tap action") { var count = 0 let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: []) { (_, _) in count += 1 } let item = createItem("") item.tapBehavior = .dismiss sheet.handleTap(on: item) // expect(count).toEventually(equal(1), time) TODO // expect(sheet.dismissInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) TODO } } describe("margin at position") { it("uses apperance if no superview value exists") { let sheet = createSheet() sheet.appearance.contentInset = 80 expect(sheet.margin(at: .top)).to(equal(80)) expect(sheet.margin(at: .left)).to(equal(80)) expect(sheet.margin(at: .right)).to(equal(80)) expect(sheet.margin(at: .bottom)).to(equal(80)) } } describe("reloading data") { it("reloads both table views") { let view1 = MockTableView(frame: .zero) let view2 = MockTableView(frame: .zero) let sheet = createSheet() sheet.itemsTableView = view1 sheet.buttonsTableView = view2 sheet.reloadData() expect(view1.reloadDataInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) expect(view2.reloadDataInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) } } } }