123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- language: objective-c
- osx_image: xcode10.2
- branches:
- only: master
- script: placeholder # workaround for https:
- matrix:
- include:
- - script: ./build.sh verify-swiftlint
- env: JOB=verify-swiftlint
- before_install: brew update; brew outdated swiftlint || brew upgrade swiftlint
- - script: ./build.sh verify-docs
- env: JOB=verify-docs
- before_install: gem install jazzy
- - script: ./build.sh verify-osx-swift
- env: JOB=verify-osx-swift
- - script: ./build.sh test-tvos
- env: JOB=test-tvos
- - script: ./build.sh verify-osx
- env: JOB=verify-osx
- # These jobs are disabled pending work to fix their configuration when running
- # on the Travis machines, without also breaking our internal CI system.
- # - script: ./build.sh test-ios-swift
- # env: JOB=test-ios-swift
- # - script: ./build.sh test-ios-static
- # env: JOB=test-ios-static
- ############################################################################
- # These jobs pass but are disabled because they occasionally make Travis
- # exceed its maximum of 50 minutes in aggregate for matrix builds.
- ############################################################################
- # - script: ./build.sh verify-ios-dynamic
- # env: JOB=verify-ios-dynamic
- # - script: ./build.sh verify-osx-encryption
- # env: JOB=verify-osx-encryption
- exclude:
- - script: placeholder # workaround for https:
- notifications:
- email: false