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- "_intro_1_title_" = "Un llar seguru pa tolos tos datos";
- "_intro_1_text_" = "Keep your data secure and under your control";
- "_intro_2_title_" = "Multi-cuenta";
- "_intro_2_text_" = "Connect to all your clouds and touch the Nextcloud logo on the Files tab to switch between them";
- "_intro_3_title_" = "Entamar";
- "_intro_3_text_" = "Bien, agora Nextcloud ta preparáu pal usu. Pa más información tocante a anuncies ya información de contautu, visita https://nextcloud.com";
- "_introNoCryptoCloud_1_title_" = "Ñube cifrada";
- "_introNoCryptoCloud_1_text_" = "Crypto Cloud encryption protocol is no longer available, you can still decrypt your files by downloading the free app from AppStore\n\n'CryptoCloud for Nextcloud'\n\nSoon there will be a new EndToEnd protocol available on all Nextcloud clients\n\n\nTap to Start";
- "_log_in_" = "Log in";
- "_sign_up_" = "Sign up with provider";