Marino b8a008690b Initial commit il y a 8 ans
DropboxSDK b8a008690b Initial commit il y a 8 ans
DropboxSDK.framework b8a008690b Initial commit il y a 8 ans
examples b8a008690b Initial commit il y a 8 ans
CHANGELOG b8a008690b Initial commit il y a 8 ans
LICENSE b8a008690b Initial commit il y a 8 ans
README b8a008690b Initial commit il y a 8 ans


Getting Started Using the DropboxSDK for iOS:

1. You need the 7.1 version of the iPhone SDK. The version of your Xcode should
be at least 6.4.
2. You need to have registered as a Dropbox app at You should have an app key and

Note: The SDK is designed to work with iOS versions 6.0 and above.

Building and using the example app:
1. Open the project file in examples/DBRoulette/DBRoulette.xcodeproj
2. Fill in the values for appKey, appSecret, and root in
DBRouletteAppDelegate.m application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
and DBRoulette-Info.plist's URL types -> Item 0 -> URL Schemes
-> Item 0 -> db-APP_KEY.
3. Make sure the build is set to Simulator. This setting should be near
the top-left corner of Xcode.
4. Build and Run app
5. Once running, make sure you can use the app to login and view photos in your
Photos Dropbox folder without getting errors.

If you cannot run the app without getting errors, make sure your consumer key
and consumer token are correct. Also make sure that your app has been
approved by Dropbox for mobile access.

Adding DropboxSDK to your project:
1. Open your project in Xcode
2. Right-click on your project in the files tab of the left pane and
select "Add Files to ''"
4. Navigate to where you uncompressed the Dropbox SDK and select the
DropboxSDK.framework subfolder
5. Select "Copy items into destination group's folder"
6. Press Add button
7. Ensure that you have the Security.framework and QuartzCore.framework are
added to your project. To do this in Xcode4, select your project file in
the file explorer, select your target, and select the "Build Phases" sub-tab.
Under "Link Binary with Libraries", press the + button, select
Security.framework, and press Add. Repeat for QuartzCore.framework if
8. Add "dbapi-2" and "dbapi-8-emm" to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes array in your
application's info plist. This will allow the DropboxSDK to determine whether
the Dropbox app and the Dropbox EMM app are installed respectively.
9. Build your application. At this point you should have no build failures or

Important Privacy Note:
By default the DropboxSDK uses the Apple system log (NSLog) to log useful debug information.
In some cases these logs may contain the paths and other private user data. Ensure
that these logs are treated with the same level of secrecy as any other piece
of user data. Do not send these logs to 3rd parties you do not trust. In the
release build of your app to disable logging use the DBLogSetLevel function in DBLog.h.
Setting the level to DBLogLevelFatal will stop all log messages.

Using the Dropbox SDK:
To learn more about using the Dropbox SDK, there is a tutorial on the Developers
page at