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- /*
- Intro.strings
- Crypto Cloud - Nextcloud
- Created by Marino Faggiana on 30/10/15.
- Copyright © 2016 TWS. All rights reserved.
- */
- // Intro
- "_intro_1_title_" = "A safe home for all your data";
- "_intro_1_text_" = "Access, share and protect your files at home and in your enterprise";
- "_intro_2_title_" = "Multi account";
- "_intro_2_text_" = "Connect to all your clouds and touch _brand_ logo to quickly switch";
- "_intro_3_title_" = "Control Center";
- "_intro_3_text_" = "Slide your finger from the title bar downwards to see all the upload and download underway and swipe left to see the last Activities";
- "_intro_4_title_" = "Start";
- "_intro_4_text_" = "Good, you’re now ready to start using your _brand_. We remind you that you can find further information and news or contact us on the site: \n\n https://nextcloud.com \n\n Come and visit us!";