123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587 |
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- import XCTest
- import RealmSwift
- // Used by testOfflineClientReset
- // The naming here is nonstandard as the sync-1.x.realm test file comes from the .NET unit tests.
- // swiftlint:disable identifier_name
- @objc(Person)
- class Person: Object {
- @objc dynamic var FirstName: String?
- @objc dynamic var LastName: String?
- override class func shouldIncludeInDefaultSchema() -> Bool { return false }
- }
- class SwiftObjectServerTests: SwiftSyncTestCase {
- /// It should be possible to successfully open a Realm configured for sync.
- func testBasicSwiftSync() {
- let url = URL(string: "realm://")!
- do {
- let user = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: true), server: authURL)
- let realm = try synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: url, user: user)
- XCTAssert(realm.isEmpty, "Freshly synced Realm was not empty...")
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error)")
- }
- }
- /// If client B adds objects to a Realm, client A should see those new objects.
- func testSwiftAddObjects() {
- do {
- let user = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- let realm = try synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- if isParent {
- waitForDownloads(for: realm)
- checkCount(expected: 0, realm, SwiftSyncObject.self)
- executeChild()
- waitForDownloads(for: realm)
- checkCount(expected: 3, realm, SwiftSyncObject.self)
- } else {
- // Add objects
- try realm.write {
- realm.add(SwiftSyncObject(value: ["child-1"]))
- realm.add(SwiftSyncObject(value: ["child-2"]))
- realm.add(SwiftSyncObject(value: ["child-3"]))
- }
- waitForUploads(for: realm)
- checkCount(expected: 3, realm, SwiftSyncObject.self)
- }
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error) (process: \(isParent ? "parent" : "child"))")
- }
- }
- /// If client B removes objects from a Realm, client A should see those changes.
- func testSwiftDeleteObjects() {
- do {
- let user = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- let realm = try synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- if isParent {
- try realm.write {
- realm.add(SwiftSyncObject(value: ["child-1"]))
- realm.add(SwiftSyncObject(value: ["child-2"]))
- realm.add(SwiftSyncObject(value: ["child-3"]))
- }
- waitForUploads(for: realm)
- checkCount(expected: 3, realm, SwiftSyncObject.self)
- executeChild()
- waitForDownloads(for: realm)
- checkCount(expected: 0, realm, SwiftSyncObject.self)
- } else {
- try realm.write {
- realm.deleteAll()
- }
- waitForUploads(for: realm)
- checkCount(expected: 0, realm, SwiftSyncObject.self)
- }
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error) (process: \(isParent ? "parent" : "child"))")
- }
- }
- func testConnectionState() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: true), server: authURL)
- let realm = try! synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- let session = realm.syncSession!
- func wait(forState desiredState: SyncSession.ConnectionState) {
- let ex = expectation(description: "Wait for connection state: \(desiredState)")
- let token = session.observe(\SyncSession.connectionState, options: .initial) { s, _ in
- if s.connectionState == desiredState {
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 2.0)
- token.invalidate()
- }
- wait(forState: .connected)
- session.suspend()
- wait(forState: .disconnected)
- session.resume()
- wait(forState: .connecting)
- wait(forState: .connected)
- }
- // MARK: - Client reset
- func testClientReset() {
- do {
- let user = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- let realm = try synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- var theError: SyncError?
- let ex = expectation(description: "Waiting for error handler to be called...")
- SyncManager.shared.errorHandler = { (error, session) in
- if let error = error as? SyncError {
- theError = error
- } else {
- XCTFail("Error \(error) was not a sync error. Something is wrong.")
- }
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- user.simulateClientResetError(forSession: realmURL)
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10, handler: nil)
- XCTAssertNotNil(theError)
- XCTAssertTrue(theError!.code == SyncError.Code.clientResetError)
- let resetInfo = theError!.clientResetInfo()
- XCTAssertNotNil(resetInfo)
- XCTAssertTrue(resetInfo!.0.contains("io.realm.object-server-recovered-realms/recovered_realm"))
- XCTAssertNotNil(realm)
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error) (process: \(isParent ? "parent" : "child"))")
- }
- }
- func testClientResetManualInitiation() {
- do {
- let user = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- var theError: SyncError?
- try autoreleasepool {
- let realm = try synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- let ex = expectation(description: "Waiting for error handler to be called...")
- SyncManager.shared.errorHandler = { (error, session) in
- if let error = error as? SyncError {
- theError = error
- } else {
- XCTFail("Error \(error) was not a sync error. Something is wrong.")
- }
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- user.simulateClientResetError(forSession: realmURL)
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10, handler: nil)
- XCTAssertNotNil(theError)
- XCTAssertNotNil(realm)
- }
- let (path, errorToken) = theError!.clientResetInfo()!
- XCTAssertFalse(FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path))
- SyncSession.immediatelyHandleError(errorToken)
- XCTAssertTrue(FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path))
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error) (process: \(isParent ? "parent" : "child"))")
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Progress notifiers
- let bigObjectCount = 2
- func populateRealm(user: SyncUser, url: URL) {
- let realm = try! synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- try! realm.write {
- for _ in 0..<bigObjectCount {
- realm.add(SwiftHugeSyncObject())
- }
- }
- waitForUploads(for: realm)
- checkCount(expected: bigObjectCount, realm, SwiftHugeSyncObject.self)
- }
- func testStreamingDownloadNotifier() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- if !isParent {
- populateRealm(user: user, url: realmURL)
- return
- }
- var callCount = 0
- var transferred = 0
- var transferrable = 0
- let realm = try! synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- let session = realm.syncSession
- XCTAssertNotNil(session)
- let ex = expectation(description: "streaming-downloads-expectation")
- var hasBeenFulfilled = false
- let token = session!.addProgressNotification(for: .download, mode: .reportIndefinitely) { p in
- callCount += 1
- XCTAssert(p.transferredBytes >= transferred)
- XCTAssert(p.transferrableBytes >= transferrable)
- transferred = p.transferredBytes
- transferrable = p.transferrableBytes
- if p.transferredBytes > 0 && p.isTransferComplete && !hasBeenFulfilled {
- ex.fulfill()
- hasBeenFulfilled = true
- }
- }
- // Wait for the child process to upload all the data.
- executeChild()
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- token!.invalidate()
- XCTAssert(callCount > 1)
- XCTAssert(transferred >= transferrable)
- }
- func testStreamingUploadNotifier() {
- do {
- var transferred = 0
- var transferrable = 0
- let user = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- let realm = try synchronouslyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- let session = realm.syncSession
- XCTAssertNotNil(session)
- var ex = expectation(description: "initial upload")
- let token = session!.addProgressNotification(for: .upload, mode: .reportIndefinitely) { p in
- XCTAssert(p.transferredBytes >= transferred)
- XCTAssert(p.transferrableBytes >= transferrable)
- transferred = p.transferredBytes
- transferrable = p.transferrableBytes
- if p.transferredBytes > 0 && p.isTransferComplete {
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- ex = expectation(description: "write transaction upload")
- try realm.write {
- for _ in 0..<bigObjectCount {
- realm.add(SwiftHugeSyncObject())
- }
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- token!.invalidate()
- XCTAssert(transferred >= transferrable)
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error) (process: \(isParent ? "parent" : "child"))")
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Download Realm
- func testDownloadRealm() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- if !isParent {
- populateRealm(user: user, url: realmURL)
- return
- }
- // Wait for the child process to upload everything.
- executeChild()
- let ex = expectation(description: "download-realm")
- let config = user.configuration(realmURL: realmURL, fullSynchronization: true)
- let pathOnDisk = ObjectiveCSupport.convert(object: config).pathOnDisk
- XCTAssertFalse(FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: pathOnDisk))
- Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { realm, error in
- XCTAssertNil(error)
- self.checkCount(expected: self.bigObjectCount, realm!, SwiftHugeSyncObject.self)
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- func fileSize(path: String) -> Int {
- if let attr = try? FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: path) {
- return attr[.size] as! Int
- }
- return 0
- }
- XCTAssertFalse(RLMHasCachedRealmForPath(pathOnDisk))
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- XCTAssertGreaterThan(fileSize(path: pathOnDisk), 0)
- XCTAssertFalse(RLMHasCachedRealmForPath(pathOnDisk))
- }
- func testDownloadRealmToCustomPath() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- if !isParent {
- populateRealm(user: user, url: realmURL)
- return
- }
- // Wait for the child process to upload everything.
- executeChild()
- let ex = expectation(description: "download-realm")
- let customFileURL = realmURLForFile("copy")
- var config = user.configuration(realmURL: realmURL, fullSynchronization: true)
- config.fileURL = customFileURL
- let pathOnDisk = ObjectiveCSupport.convert(object: config).pathOnDisk
- XCTAssertEqual(pathOnDisk, customFileURL.path)
- XCTAssertFalse(FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: pathOnDisk))
- Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { realm, error in
- XCTAssertNil(error)
- self.checkCount(expected: self.bigObjectCount, realm!, SwiftHugeSyncObject.self)
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- func fileSize(path: String) -> Int {
- if let attr = try? FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: path) {
- return attr[.size] as! Int
- }
- return 0
- }
- XCTAssertFalse(RLMHasCachedRealmForPath(pathOnDisk))
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- XCTAssertGreaterThan(fileSize(path: pathOnDisk), 0)
- XCTAssertFalse(RLMHasCachedRealmForPath(pathOnDisk))
- }
- func testCancelDownloadRealm() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- if !isParent {
- populateRealm(user: user, url: realmURL)
- return
- }
- // Wait for the child process to upload everything.
- executeChild()
- // Use a serial queue for asyncOpen to ensure that the first one adds
- // the completion block before the second one cancels it
- RLMSetAsyncOpenQueue(DispatchQueue(label: "io.realm.asyncOpen"))
- let ex = expectation(description: "async open")
- let config = user.configuration(realmURL: realmURL, fullSynchronization: true)
- Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { _, error in
- XCTAssertNotNil(error)
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- let task = Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { _, _ in
- XCTFail("Cancelled completion handler was called")
- }
- task.cancel()
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- }
- func testAsyncOpenProgress() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: isParent), server: authURL)
- if !isParent {
- populateRealm(user: user, url: realmURL)
- return
- }
- // Wait for the child process to upload everything.
- executeChild()
- let ex1 = expectation(description: "async open")
- let ex2 = expectation(description: "download progress")
- let config = user.configuration(realmURL: realmURL, fullSynchronization: true)
- let task = Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { _, error in
- XCTAssertNil(error)
- ex1.fulfill()
- }
- task.addProgressNotification { progress in
- if progress.isTransferComplete {
- ex2.fulfill()
- }
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- }
- func testAsyncOpenTimeout() {
- let syncTimeoutOptions = SyncTimeoutOptions()
- syncTimeoutOptions.connectTimeout = 3000
- SyncManager.shared.timeoutOptions = syncTimeoutOptions
- // The server proxy adds a 2 second delay, so a 3 second timeout should succeed
- autoreleasepool {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: true), server: slowConnectAuthURL)
- let config = user.configuration(cancelAsyncOpenOnNonFatalErrors: true)
- let ex = expectation(description: "async open")
- Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { _, error in
- XCTAssertNil(error)
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- user.logOut()
- }
- self.resetSyncManager()
- self.setupSyncManager()
- // and a 1 second timeout should fail
- autoreleasepool {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(register: true), server: slowConnectAuthURL)
- let config = user.configuration(cancelAsyncOpenOnNonFatalErrors: true)
- syncTimeoutOptions.connectTimeout = 1000
- SyncManager.shared.timeoutOptions = syncTimeoutOptions
- let ex = expectation(description: "async open")
- Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { _, error in
- XCTAssertNotNil(error)
- if let error = error as NSError? {
- XCTAssertEqual(error.code, Int(ETIMEDOUT))
- XCTAssertEqual(error.domain, NSPOSIXErrorDomain)
- }
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 4.0, handler: nil)
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Administration
- func testRetrieveUserInfo() {
- let adminUsername = "jyaku.swift"
- let nonAdminUsername = "meela.swift@realm.example.org"
- let password = "p"
- let server = SwiftObjectServerTests.authServerURL()
- // Create a non-admin user.
- _ = logInUser(for: .init(username: nonAdminUsername, password: password, register: true),
- server: server)
- // Create an admin user.
- let adminUser = createAdminUser(for: server, username: adminUsername)
- // Look up information about the non-admin user from the admin user.
- let ex = expectation(description: "Should be able to look up user information")
- adminUser.retrieveInfo(forUser: nonAdminUsername, identityProvider: .usernamePassword) { (userInfo, err) in
- XCTAssertNil(err)
- XCTAssertNotNil(userInfo)
- guard let userInfo = userInfo else {
- return
- }
- let account = userInfo.accounts.first!
- XCTAssertEqual(account.providerUserIdentity, nonAdminUsername)
- XCTAssertEqual(account.provider, Provider.usernamePassword)
- XCTAssertFalse(userInfo.isAdmin)
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- }
- // MARK: - Authentication
- func testInvalidCredentials() {
- do {
- let username = "testInvalidCredentialsUsername"
- let credentials = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: username,
- password: "THIS_IS_A_PASSWORD",
- register: true)
- _ = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: credentials, server: authURL)
- // Now log in the same user, but with a bad password.
- let ex = expectation(description: "wait for user login")
- let credentials2 = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: username, password: "NOT_A_VALID_PASSWORD")
- SyncUser.logIn(with: credentials2, server: authURL) { user, error in
- XCTAssertNil(user)
- XCTAssertTrue(error is SyncAuthError)
- let castError = error as! SyncAuthError
- XCTAssertEqual(castError.code, SyncAuthError.invalidCredential)
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 2.0, handler: nil)
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error) (process: \(isParent ? "parent" : "child"))")
- }
- }
- // MARK: - User-specific functionality
- func testUserExpirationCallback() {
- do {
- let user = try synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(), server: authURL)
- // Set a callback on the user
- var blockCalled = false
- let ex = expectation(description: "Error callback should fire upon receiving an error")
- user.errorHandler = { (u, error) in
- XCTAssertEqual(u.identity, user.identity)
- XCTAssertEqual(error.code, .accessDeniedOrInvalidPath)
- blockCalled = true
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- // Screw up the token on the user.
- manuallySetRefreshToken(for: user, value: "not-a-real-token")
- // Try to open a Realm with the user; this will cause our errorHandler block defined above to be fired.
- XCTAssertFalse(blockCalled)
- _ = try immediatelyOpenRealm(url: realmURL, user: user)
- waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)
- XCTAssertEqual(user.state, .loggedOut)
- } catch {
- XCTFail("Got an error: \(error) (process: \(isParent ? "parent" : "child"))")
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Certificate Pinning
- func testSecureConnectionToLocalhostWithDefaultSecurity() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(), server: authURL)
- let config = user.configuration(realmURL: URL(string: "realms://localhost:9443/~/default"),
- serverValidationPolicy: .system)
- let ex = expectation(description: "Waiting for error handler to be called")
- SyncManager.shared.errorHandler = { (error, session) in
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- _ = try! Realm(configuration: config)
- self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 4.0)
- }
- func testSecureConnectionToLocalhostWithValidationDisabled() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(), server: authURL)
- let config = user.configuration(realmURL: URL(string: "realms://localhost:9443/~/default"),
- serverValidationPolicy: .none)
- SyncManager.shared.errorHandler = { (error, session) in
- XCTFail("Unexpected connection failure: \(error)")
- }
- let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)
- self.waitForUploads(for: realm)
- }
- func testSecureConnectionToLocalhostWithPinnedCertificate() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(), server: authURL)
- let certURL = URL(string: #file)!
- .deletingLastPathComponent()
- .appendingPathComponent("certificates")
- .appendingPathComponent("localhost.cer")
- let config = user.configuration(realmURL: URL(string: "realms://localhost:9443/~/default"),
- serverValidationPolicy: .pinCertificate(path: certURL))
- SyncManager.shared.errorHandler = { (error, session) in
- XCTFail("Unexpected connection failure: \(error)")
- }
- let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)
- self.waitForUploads(for: realm)
- }
- func testSecureConnectionToLocalhostWithIncorrectPinnedCertificate() {
- let user = try! synchronouslyLogInUser(for: basicCredentials(), server: authURL)
- let certURL = URL(string: #file)!
- .deletingLastPathComponent()
- .appendingPathComponent("certificates")
- .appendingPathComponent("localhost-other.cer")
- let config = user.configuration(realmURL: URL(string: "realms://localhost:9443/~/default"),
- serverValidationPolicy: .pinCertificate(path: certURL))
- let ex = expectation(description: "Waiting for error handler to be called")
- SyncManager.shared.errorHandler = { (error, session) in
- ex.fulfill()
- }
- _ = try! Realm(configuration: config)
- self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 4.0)
- }
- private func realmURLForFile(_ fileName: String) -> URL {
- let testDir = RLMRealmPathForFile("realm-object-server")
- let directory = URL(fileURLWithPath: testDir, isDirectory: true)
- return directory.appendingPathComponent(fileName, isDirectory: false)
- }
- }