123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216 |
- #!/bin/bash
- set -o pipefail
- set -e
- usage() {
- cat <<EOF
- Usage: sh $0 command [argument]
- command:
- test-all: tests all projects in this repo.
- test-ios-objc-static: tests iOS Objective-C static example.
- test-ios-objc-dynamic: tests iOS Objective-C dynamic example.
- test-ios-objc-xcframework: tests iOS Objective-C xcframework example.
- test-ios-objc-cocoapods: tests iOS Objective-C CocoaPods example.
- test-ios-objc-cocoapods-dynamic: tests iOS Objective-C CocoaPods Dynamic example.
- test-ios-objc-carthage: tests iOS Objective-C Carthage example.
- test-ios-swift-dynamic: tests iOS Swift dynamic example.
- test-ios-swift-xcframework: tests iOS Swift xcframework example.
- test-ios-swift-cocoapods: tests iOS Swift CocoaPods example.
- test-ios-swift-carthage: tests iOS Swift Carthage example.
- test-ios-spm: tests iOS Swift Package Manager example.
- test-osx-objc-dynamic: tests macOS Objective-C dynamic example.
- test-osx-objc-xcframework: tests macOS Objective-C xcframework example.
- test-osx-objc-cocoapods: tests macOS Objective-C CocoaPods example.
- test-osx-objc-carthage: tests macOS Objective-C Carthage example.
- test-osx-swift-dynamic: tests macOS Swift dynamic example.
- test-osx-swift-xcframework: tests macOS Swift xcframework example.
- test-osx-swift-cocoapods: tests macOS Swift CocoaPods example.
- test-osx-swift-carthage: tests macOS Swift Carthage example.
- test-osx-spm: tests macOS Swift Package Manager example.
- test-watchos-objc-dynamic: tests watchOS Objective-C dynamic example.
- test-watchos-objc-xcframework: tests watchOS Objective-C xcframework example.
- test-watchos-objc-cocoapods: tests watchOS Objective-C CocoaPods example.
- test-watchos-objc-carthage: tests watchOS Objective-C Carthage example.
- test-watchos-swift-dynamic: tests watchOS Swift dynamic example.
- test-watchos-swift-xcframework: tests watchOS Swift xcframework example.
- test-watchos-swift-cocoapods: tests watchOS Swift CocoaPods example.
- test-watchos-swift-carthage: tests watchOS Swift Carthage example.
- }
- COMMAND="$1"
- # https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/7708
- download_zip_if_needed() {
- LANG="$1"
- local DIRECTORY=realm-$LANG-latest
- if [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
- curl -o "$DIRECTORY".zip -L https://static.realm.io/downloads/"$LANG"/latest
- unzip "$DIRECTORY".zip
- rm "$DIRECTORY".zip
- mv realm-"$LANG"-* "$DIRECTORY"
- fi
- }
- xcode_version_major() {
- echo "${REALM_XCODE_VERSION%%.*}"
- }
- xctest() {
- local PLATFORM="$1"
- local LANG="$2"
- local NAME="$3"
- if [[ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ]]; then
- fi
- if [[ $PLATFORM != osx ]]; then
- if [[ $NAME == Carthage* ]]; then
- # Building for Carthage requires that a simulator exist but not any
- # particular one, and having more than one makes xcodebuild
- # significantly slower and some of Carthage's operations time out.
- sh "$(dirname "$0")/../../scripts/reset-simulators.sh" -firstOnly
- else
- # The other installation methods depend on some specific simulators
- # existing so just create all of them to be safe.
- sh "$(dirname "$0")/../../scripts/reset-simulators.sh"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $NAME == CocoaPods* ]]; then
- pod install --project-directory="$DIRECTORY"
- elif [[ $NAME == Carthage* ]]; then
- (
- if [ -n "${REALM_BUILD_USING_LATEST_RELEASE:-}" ]; then
- echo "github \"realm/realm-cocoa\"" > Cartfile
- else
- echo "github \"realm/realm-cocoa\" \"${sha:-master}\"" > Cartfile
- fi
- if [[ $PLATFORM == ios ]]; then
- carthage update --platform iOS
- elif [[ $PLATFORM == osx ]]; then
- carthage update --platform Mac
- elif [[ $PLATFORM == watchos ]]; then
- carthage update --platform watchOS
- fi
- )
- elif [[ $NAME == SwiftPackageManager* ]]; then
- if [ -n "$sha" ]; then
- sed -i '' 's@branch = "master"@branch = "'"$sha"'"@' "$DIRECTORY/$NAME.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"
- fi
- elif [[ $LANG == swift* ]]; then
- download_zip_if_needed swift
- else
- download_zip_if_needed "$LANG"
- fi
- local destination=()
- if [[ $PLATFORM == ios ]]; then
- simulator_id="$(xcrun simctl list devices | grep -v unavailable | grep -m 1 -o '[0-9A-F\-]\{36\}')"
- xcrun simctl boot "$simulator_id"
- destination=(-destination "id=$simulator_id")
- elif [[ $PLATFORM == watchos ]]; then
- destination=(-sdk watchsimulator)
- fi
- local project=(-project "$DIRECTORY/$NAME.xcodeproj")
- local workspace="$DIRECTORY/$NAME.xcworkspace"
- if [ -d "$workspace" ]; then
- project=(-workspace "$workspace")
- fi
- local scheme=(-scheme "$NAME")
- # Ensure that dynamic framework tests try to use the correct version of the prebuilt libraries.
- sed -i '' 's@/swift-[0-9.]*@/swift-'"${REALM_XCODE_VERSION}"'@' "$DIRECTORY/$NAME.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"
- xcodebuild "${project[@]}" "${scheme[@]}" clean build "${destination[@]}" "${code_signing_flags[@]}"
- if [[ $PLATFORM != watchos ]]; then
- xcodebuild "${project[@]}" "${scheme[@]}" test "${destination[@]}" "${code_signing_flags[@]}"
- fi
- if [[ $PLATFORM != osx ]]; then
- [[ $PLATFORM == 'ios' ]] && SDK=iphoneos || SDK=$PLATFORM
- if [ -d "$workspace" ]; then
- [[ $LANG == 'swift' ]] && scheme=(-scheme RealmSwift) || scheme=(-scheme Realm)
- else
- scheme=()
- fi
- xcodebuild "${project[@]}" "${scheme[@]}" -sdk "$SDK" build "${code_signing_flags[@]}"
- fi
- }
- swiftpm() {
- cd SwiftPMExample
- xcrun swift build
- }
- # shellcheck source=../../scripts/swift-version.sh
- source "$(dirname "$0")/../../scripts/swift-version.sh"
- set_xcode_and_swift_versions # exports REALM_SWIFT_VERSION, REALM_XCODE_VERSION, and DEVELOPER_DIR variables if not already set
- PLATFORM=$(echo "$COMMAND" | cut -d - -f 2)
- LANGUAGE=$(echo "$COMMAND" | cut -d - -f 3)
- case "$COMMAND" in
- "test-all")
- for target in ios-swift-dynamic ios-swift-cocoapods osx-swift-dynamic ios-swift-carthage osx-swift-carthage; do
- ./build.sh test-$target || exit 1
- done
- for target in ios osx; do
- ./build.sh test-$target-spm || exit 1
- done
- ;;
- test-*-*-cocoapods)
- xctest "$PLATFORM" "$LANGUAGE" CocoaPodsExample
- ;;
- test-*-*-cocoapods-dynamic)
- xctest "$PLATFORM" "$LANGUAGE" CocoaPodsDynamicExample
- ;;
- test-*-*-static)
- xctest "$PLATFORM" "$LANGUAGE" StaticExample
- ;;
- test-*-*-dynamic)
- xctest "$PLATFORM" "$LANGUAGE" DynamicExample
- ;;
- test-*-*-xcframework)
- xctest "$PLATFORM" "$LANGUAGE" XCFrameworkExample
- ;;
- test-*-*-carthage)
- xctest "$PLATFORM" "$LANGUAGE" CarthageExample
- ;;
- test-ios-spm)
- # We have to "hide" the spm example from carthage because otherwise
- # it'll fetch the example's package dependencies as part of deciding
- # what to build from this repo.
- if ! [ -L ios/swift/SwiftPackageManagerExample/SwiftPackageManagerExample.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj ]; then
- mkdir -p ios/swift/SwiftPackageManagerExample/SwiftPackageManagerExample.xcodeproj
- ln -s ../project.pbxproj ios/swift/SwiftPackageManagerExample/SwiftPackageManagerExample.xcodeproj
- fi
- xctest "$PLATFORM" swift SwiftPackageManagerExample
- ;;
- test-*-spm)
- swiftpm "$PLATFORM"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unknown command '$COMMAND'"
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac