Localizable.strings 40 KB

  1. //
  2. // Localizable.strings
  3. // Nextcloud iOS
  4. //
  5. // Copyright (c) 2017 TWS. All rights reserved.
  6. //
  7. // Author Marino Faggiana <m.faggiana@twsweb.it>
  8. //
  9. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  10. // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  11. // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  12. // (at your option) any later version.
  13. //
  14. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  15. // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  17. // GNU General Public License for more details.
  18. //
  19. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  20. // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  21. //
  22. // General
  23. "_cancel_" = "取消";
  24. "_upload_file_" = "上传文件";
  25. "_download_file_" = "下载文件";
  26. "_loading_" = "载入中...";
  27. "_loading_with_points_" = "载入中...";
  28. "_loading_num_" = "载入文件 %i";
  29. "_loading_autoupload_" = "自动上传";
  30. "_uploading_" = "上传中";
  31. "_synchronization_" = "同步";
  32. "_delete_" = "删除";
  33. "_delete_file_n_" = "删除文件 %i 中 %i";
  34. "_rename_" = "重命名";
  35. "_move_" = "移动";
  36. "_move_file_n_" = "移动文件 %i 中 %i";
  37. "_creating_sharing_" = "创建分享";
  38. "_updating_sharing_" = "更新分享";
  39. "_removing_sharing_" = "移除分享";
  40. "_add_" = "添加";
  41. "_login_" = "登录";
  42. "_save_" = "保存";
  43. "_warning_" = "警告";
  44. "_error_" = "错误";
  45. "_no_" = "否";
  46. "_yes_" = "是";
  47. "_select_" = "选择";
  48. "_upload_" = "Upload";
  49. "_home_" = "文件";
  50. "_file_to_upload_" = "待上传文件";
  51. "_destination_" = "目的地";
  52. "_ok_" = "好的";
  53. "_beta_version_" = "测试版本";
  54. "_function_in_testing_" = "测试性功能,如果出现问题或故障请发送信息。";
  55. "_done_" = "完成";
  56. "_passcode_too_short_" = "安全码长度不合要求,请输入至少 4 个字符";
  57. "_selected_" = "已选中";
  58. "_scan_fingerprint_" = "扫描指纹用以身份验证";
  59. "_no_active_account_" = "没有找到帐户";
  60. "_info_" = "信息";
  61. "_email_" = "邮件";
  62. "_save_exit_" = "你想不保存就退出?";
  63. "_video_" = "视频";
  64. "_overwrite_" = "覆盖";
  65. "_transfers_in_queue_" = "正在进行传输,请稍候...";
  66. "_too_errors_automatic_all_"= "错误太多,请到“控制中心”验证问题";
  67. "_create_folder_" = "新建文件夹";
  68. "_create_folder_on_" = "新建文件夹在";
  69. "_close_" = "关闭";
  70. "_postpone_" = "推迟";
  71. "_remove_" = "移除";
  72. "_file_not_found_" = "未找到文件";
  73. "_continue_" = "你想继续吗?";
  74. "_auto_upload_folder_" = "自动上传";
  75. "_gallery_" = "相册";
  76. "_photo_" = "照片";
  77. "_audio_" = "音频";
  78. "_unknown_" = "未知";
  79. "_next_" = "下一个";
  80. "_success_" = "Success";
  81. "_initialization_" = "Initialization";
  82. "_experimental_" = "Experimental";
  83. // App
  84. "_network_available_" = "网络可用";
  85. "_network_not_available_" = "网络不可用";
  86. // Networking
  87. "_no_reuploadfile_" = "无法找到并重新发送文件。删除上传并重新加载文件进行上传。";
  88. "_file_already_exists_" = "无法完成操作,存在重名文件";
  89. "_read_file_error_" = "读文件错误";
  90. // More
  91. "_more_" = "更多";
  92. "_notifications_" = "通知";
  93. "_logout_" = "退出";
  94. // Settings
  95. "_acknowledgements_" = "致谢";
  96. "_settings_" = "设置";
  97. "_passcode_" = "密码";
  98. "_lock_" = "Lock";
  99. "_lock_active_" = "应用锁:已启用";
  100. "_lock_not_active_" = "应用锁:未启用";
  101. "_lock_protection_no_screen_" = "Do not ask at startup";
  102. "_lock_protection_no_screen_footer_" = "Use \"Do not ask at startup\" for protected folders only or for read the encryption passphrase";
  103. "_url_" = "超链接";
  104. "_username_" = "用户名";
  105. "_change_credentials_" = "更改你的证书";
  106. "_wifi_only_" = "仅使用 Wi-Fi 连接";
  107. "_settings_autoupload_" = "自动上传";
  108. "_app_version_" = "程序版本";
  109. "_app_in_use_" = "正在使用程序";
  110. "_contact_by_email_" = "通过 E-mail 联系我们";
  111. "_clear_cache_" = "清空缓存(已用 %@)";
  112. "_clear_cache_no_size_" = "清空缓存";
  113. "_exit_" = "退出";
  114. "_funct_not_enabled_" = "功能未启用";
  115. "_passcode_activate_" = "密码锁已激活";
  116. "_disabling_passcode_" = "密码锁已禁用";
  117. "_want_exit_" = "注意!将被重置到初始状态。是否继续?";
  118. "_proceed_" = "进行";
  119. "_delete_cache_" = "删除缓存";
  120. "_want_delete_cache_" = "你想删除缓存吗?";
  121. "_want_delete_thumbnails_" = "是否删除所有缩略图?";
  122. "_mail_deleted_" = "删除的邮件";
  123. "_mail_saved_" = "保存的邮件";
  124. "_mail_sent_" = "邮件已发送";
  125. "_mail_failure_" = "邮件发送失败:%@";
  126. "_information_req_" = "信息请求";
  127. "_write_in_english_" = "请使用英文";
  128. "_credentials_" = "证书";
  129. "_manage_account_" = "管理账户";
  130. "_change_password_" = "更改密码";
  131. "_add_account_" = "新增帐户";
  132. "_delete_account_" = "删除帐户";
  133. "_want_delete_" = "你真的要删除吗?";
  134. "_no_delete_" = "不,不要删除";
  135. "_yes_delete_" = "是的,删除";
  136. "_remove_cache_" = "请稍后,正在删除缓存...";
  137. "_optimizations_" = "优化";
  138. "_synchronizations_" = "同步文件夹";
  139. "_version_server_" = "服务器版本";
  140. "_help_" = "帮助";
  141. "_lock_protection_simply_" = "弱密码保护";
  142. "_change_simply_passcode_" = "修改密码类型";
  143. "_quota_" = "配额";
  144. "_available_" = "可用";
  145. "_cloud_account_" = "云账户";
  146. "_information_" = "信息";
  147. "_personal_information_" = "个人信息";
  148. "_user_full_name_" = "全名";
  149. "_user_address_" = "地址";
  150. "_user_phone_" = "电话号码";
  151. "_user_email_" = "电子邮件";
  152. "_user_web_" = "网站";
  153. "_user_twitter_" = "Twitter";
  154. "_quota_using_" = "你已使用 %@ 总容量 %@";
  155. "_favorite_offline_" = "收藏夹可离线使用";
  156. "_favorite_offline_footer_" = "Making all favorites available offline may take a while and use a lot of memory while doing it.";
  157. "_advanced_" = "高级";
  158. "Skip" = "跳过";
  159. "Start" = "开始";
  160. // Manage AutoUpload
  161. "_autoupload_" = "自动上传照片/视频 ";
  162. "_autoupload_background_" = "在后台自动上传";
  163. "_autoupload_photos_" = "自动上传图像";
  164. "_autoupload_videos_" = "自动上传视频";
  165. "_autoupload_description_" = "新的照片/视频将会上传到你的云盘中";
  166. "_autoupload_description_background_" = "该选项需要使用GPS触发检测位置发生明显变化的摄像机中的新照片/视频";
  167. "_autoupload_background_title_" = "限制";
  168. "_autoupload_background_msg_" = "由于iOS限制,除非启用了GPS服务,否则尚无法执行后台处理。 一旦蜂窝网络中的蜂窝网络被更改,系统会在短时间内唤醒,并检查新的照片以上传到云端。";
  169. "_autoupload_change_location_" = "更改文件夹";
  170. "_autoupload_location_now_" = "文件夹";
  171. "_autoupload_location_default_" = "恢复默认文件夹";
  172. "_autoupload_change_location_footer_" = "更改用于“自动上传相机照片”的照片文件夹(如果选项已启用)";
  173. "_autoupload_not_select_home_" = "选择一个文件夹";
  174. "_autoupload_save_album_" = "复制照片或视频到照片专辑";
  175. "_autoupload_fullphotos_" = "上传整个相机相片";
  176. "_autoupload_fullphotos_footer_" = "上传前先调整上述选项";
  177. "_autoupload_create_subfolder_" = "使用子目录";
  178. "_autoupload_create_subfolder_footer_" = "存储在以年和月命名的子文件夹";
  179. "_autoupload_filenamemask_" = "更改文件名掩码";
  180. "_autoupload_filenamemask_footer_" = "更改自动文件名掩码";
  181. "_autoupload_format_compatibility_" = "最佳兼容性";
  182. "_autoupload_format_compatibility_footer_" = "“最佳兼容性” 将始终保存图片为 JPEG 格式";
  183. // Manage Help
  184. "_help_tutorial_" = "教程";
  185. "_help_intro_" = "Nextcloud介绍";
  186. "_help_activity_verbose_" = "详细活动";
  187. "_help_activity_mail_" = "通过电子邮件发送活动";
  188. "_help_activity_clear_" = "清除激活";
  189. // Manage Advanced
  190. "_optimized_photos_" = "照片分辨率优化";
  191. "_upload_del_photos_" = "上传后删除文件";
  192. "_optimized_photos_how_" = "如果你的iPhone空间不足,可以在上传或下载后,仅在手机上保留优化后的照片,完整分辨率照片将被保存在云端。";
  193. "_upload_del_photos_how_" = "上传到云端后,文件将从设备存储中删除。 它们将保留在相机存储中。 只需下载文件即可查看。";
  194. "_show_hidden_files_" = "显示隐藏文件";
  195. // Login
  196. "_connect_server_anyway_" = "你想连接到服务器吗?";
  197. "_connection_error_" = "连接错误";
  198. "_add_your_nextcloud_" = "添加您的Nextcloud帐号";
  199. "_login_url_" = "服务器地址 https://...";
  200. "_login_bottom_label_" = "还没有服务器?\n选择其中一个提供者。";
  201. "_error_multidomain_" = "地址不允许,只有以下域是有效的:";
  202. "_account_already_exists_" = "账户%@已经存在";
  203. // Favorite
  204. "_favorites_" = "收藏";
  205. "_favorite_" = "收藏";
  206. "_unfavorite_" = "取消收藏";
  207. "_no_files_uploaded_" = "没有文件被上传";
  208. "_tutorial_favorite_view_" = "您标记为收藏的文件和文件夹将显示在此处";
  209. "_tutorial_offline_view_" = "复制到此处的文件可以离线使用。\n\n它们将会与云端同步。";
  210. "_tutorial_local_view_" = "您会发现云端的解压缩文件。\n\n连接到iTunes共享这些文件。";
  211. "_more_" = "更多";
  212. "_favorite_no_files_" = "还没有“我喜欢的”";
  213. // Auto Upload
  214. "_pull_down_" = "下拉刷新";
  215. "_no_photo_load_" = "没有照片或视频";
  216. "_tutorial_autoupload_view_" = "您可以从“设置”启用自动上传";
  217. "_no_date_" = "No date";
  218. "_today_" = "Today";
  219. "_time_" = "时间:%@\n\n%@";
  220. "_location_not_enabled_" = "Location Services not enabled";
  221. "_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "请转到“设置”,然后打开“位置服务”,允许自动照片/视频上传。";
  222. "_access_photo_not_enabled_" = "Access to Photos not enabled";
  223. "_access_photo_not_enabled_msg_" = "请转到“设置”,然后打开“照片访问”,允许自动照片/视频上传。";
  224. "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_" = "Access to Photos and Location not enabled";
  225. "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "请转到“设置”,然后打开“照片访问”和“位置服务”,允许自动照片/视频上传。";
  226. "_tutorial_photo_view_" = "尚未上传照片或视频";
  227. "_create_full_upload_" = "创建存档...可能需要很长时间,请稍候。";
  228. "_error_createsubfolders_upload_" = "创建子目录错误";
  229. "_activate_autoupload_" = "启用自动上传";
  230. // Utility
  231. "_never_" = "从不";
  232. "_less_a_minute_" = "少于1分钟";
  233. "_minutes_ago_" = "%d 分钟前";
  234. "_hours_ago_" = "%d 小时前";
  235. "_days_ago_" = "%d 天前";
  236. "_over_30_days_" = "大于30天";
  237. "_connection_internet_offline_" = "Internet连接显示为脱机或需要Wi-Fi";
  238. "_insert_password_" = "输入密码";
  239. "_update_in_progress_" = "版本升级,请稍候...";
  240. "_forbidden_characters_" = "文件或目录名中存在非法字符";
  241. "_mail_not_can_send_mail_" = "没有配置帐户或错误的电子邮件地址";
  242. // File
  243. "_photo_camera_" = "照片";
  244. "_unzip_in_progress_" = "在本地存储中进行提取...";
  245. "_file_unpacked_" = "在本地存储上文件解压缩";
  246. "_file_saved_local_" = "文件已存储到本地";
  247. "_file_not_present_" = "错误:文件不存在,请重新加载。";
  248. "_order_by_date_" = "按日期排序";
  249. "_current_order_name_" = "(当前按名称排序)";
  250. "_order_by_name_" = "按名称排序";
  251. "_current_order_date_" = "(当前按日期排序)";
  252. "_sort_descending_" = "降序";
  253. "_current_sort_ascending_" = "(当前排序:升序)";
  254. "_sort_ascending_" = "升序";
  255. "_current_sort_descending_" = "(当前排序:降序)";
  256. "_delete_selected_files_" = "删除文件";
  257. "_move_selected_files_" = "移动文件";
  258. "_download_selected_files_" = "下载文件";
  259. "_download_selected_files_folders_" = "下载文件和文件夹";
  260. "_error_operation_canc_" = "错误:操作已取消。";
  261. "_only_lock_passcode_" = "仅适用于锁定密码激活。 在“设置”中激活它。";
  262. "_passcode_protection_" = "密码保护";
  263. "_remove_favorites_" = "取消收藏";
  264. "_remove_offline_" = "从离线中移除";
  265. "_add_favorites_" = "收藏";
  266. "_add_offline_" = "添加到离线";
  267. "_remove_passcode_" = "取消密码保护";
  268. "_protect_passcode_" = "密码保护";
  269. "_share_" = "分享";
  270. "_reload_" = "刷新";
  271. "_open_in_" = "在...中打开";
  272. "_remove_local_file_" = "从缓存里面移除";
  273. "_add_local_" = "Add to local storage";
  274. "_comm_erro_pull_down_" = "注意:与服务器通信错误。下拉刷新。";
  275. "_file_not_downloaded_" = "file not dowloaded";
  276. "_file_not_uploaded_" = "file not uploaded";
  277. "_folders_" = "folders";
  278. "_folder_" = "folder";
  279. "_files_" = "files";
  280. "_file_" = "file";
  281. "_folder_blocked_" = "Folder blocked";
  282. "_downloading_progress_" = "文件开始下载...";
  283. "_no_file_pull_down_" = "上传文件或下拉刷新";
  284. "_browse_images_" = "Browse images";
  285. "_synchronized_folder_" = "Keep the folder synchronized";
  286. "_remove_synchronized_folder_" = "Remove the synchronization";
  287. "_synchronized_confirm_" = "Enabling the synchronization, all files in the folder will be synchronized with the server, continuous ?";
  288. "_offline_folder_confirm_" = "启用离线文件夹后,其中的所有文件将与服务器同步,是否继续?";
  289. "_file_not_found_reload_" = "File not found, pull down to refresh";
  290. "_title_section_download_" = "DOWNLOAD";
  291. "_title_section_upload_" = "UPLOAD";
  292. "_group_alphabetic_yes_" = "✓ 按字母顺序分组";
  293. "_group_alphabetic_no_" = "按字母顺序分组";
  294. "_group_typefile_yes_" = "✓ 按类别分组";
  295. "_group_typefile_no_" = "按文件类型分组";
  296. "_group_date_yes_" = "✓ 按日期分组";
  297. "_group_date_no_" = "按日期分组";
  298. "_element_" = "element";
  299. "_elements_" = "elements";
  300. "_tite_footer_upload_wwan_" = " 需要 Wi-Fi 网络, %lu %@ 来上传";
  301. "_tite_footer_upload_" = "%lu %@ 来上传";
  302. "_tite_footer_download_wwan_" = " 需要 Wi-Fi 网络, %lu %@ 来下载";
  303. "_tite_footer_download_" = "%lu %@ 来下载";
  304. "_limited_dimension_" = "达到最大尺寸";
  305. "_save_selected_files_" = "Save images and videos on Photo Album";
  306. "_file_not_saved_cameraroll_" = "错误:在照片专辑中不存在该文件";
  307. "_file_saved_cameraroll_" = "已经保存到照片专辑中";
  308. "_directory_on_top_yes_" = "✓ 顶端目录";
  309. "_directory_on_top_no_" = "顶端目录";
  310. "_folder_automatic_upload_" = "自动上传文件夹";
  311. "_search_no_record_found_" = "没有结果";
  312. "_search_in_progress_" = "搜索中...";
  313. "_search_instruction_" = "搜索文件(最少两个字)";
  314. "_files_no_files_" = "此处没有文件";
  315. "audio" = "AUDIO";
  316. "compress" = "COMPRESS";
  317. "directory" = "FOLDERS";
  318. "document" = "DOCUMENTS";
  319. "image" = "IMAGES";
  320. "template" = "TEMPLATES";
  321. "unknow" = "UNKNOWN";
  322. "video" = "VIDEO";
  323. "_file_del_only_local_" = "Missing files on the server";
  324. "_copy_file_" = "Copy file";
  325. "_copy_files_" = "Copy files";
  326. "_paste_file_" = "Paste file";
  327. "_paste_files_" = "Paste files";
  328. "_search_this_folder_" = "在该目录中搜索";
  329. "_search_all_folders_" = "在所有目录中搜索";
  330. "_search_sub_folder_" = "在当前和子文件夹中搜索";
  331. "_theming_is_light_" = "服务器主题太亮了,不适用";
  332. // Files Preview
  333. "_insert_password_pfd_" = "Secure PDF. Enter password";
  334. "_password_pdf_error_" = "Wrong password";
  335. "_error_download_photobrowser_" = "错误:不能下载照片";
  336. // Share
  337. "_share_link_" = "Share link";
  338. "_share_link_button_" = "发送链接到...";
  339. "_password_" = "Password";
  340. "_share_password_" = "Password protect link";
  341. "_share_expirationdate_" = "Set expiration date link";
  342. "_date_" = "Date";
  343. "_share_title_" = "Share";
  344. "_add_sharee_" = "Add users or groups";
  345. "_add_sharee_footer_" = "您可以通过添加用户或组来共享此资源。 要删除共享,请删除所有用户和组";
  346. "_find_sharee_title_" = "Search";
  347. "_find_sharee_" = "搜索用户或组群...";
  348. "_find_sharee_footer_" = "Enter part of the name of the user or group to be searched (at least 2 characters) followed by 'Return', select the users that can access the share followed by 'Done' to confirm";
  349. "_user_is_group_" = " (group)";
  350. "_direct_sharee_title_" = "Share";
  351. "_direct_sharee_footer_" = "如果你一直知道名字,输入它,选择分享的类型并且点击“Done\"去确认";
  352. "_direct_sharee_" = "输入用户名";
  353. "_user_sharee_footer_" = "Tap for change privileges";
  354. "_share_type_title_" = "共享类型";
  355. "_share_type_user_" = "用户";
  356. "_share_type_group_" = "群组";
  357. "_share_type_remote_" = "远程";
  358. // Share Permission
  359. "_share_permission_title_" = "Privileges";
  360. "_share_permission_edit_" = "Can edit";
  361. "_share_permission_file_can_write_" = "Can write file";
  362. "_share_permission_create_" = "Can create";
  363. "_share_permission_create_file_" = "Can create files";
  364. "_share_permission_create_folder_" = "Can create folders";
  365. "_share_permission_change_" = "Can change";
  366. "_share_permission_delete_" = "Can delete";
  367. "_share_permission_share_" = "Can share";
  368. "_share_permission_rename_" = "Can rename";
  369. "_share_permission_move_" = "Can move";
  370. "_share_permission_read_" = "可以读取";
  371. "_share_permission_info_" = "Sharing information";
  372. "_share_permission_path_" = "文件/文件夹";
  373. "_share_permission_type_" = "Type";
  374. "_share_permission_typeuser_" = "用户";
  375. "_share_permission_typegroup_" = "组";
  376. "_share_permission_typepubliclink_" = "Link";
  377. "_share_permission_typefederated_" = "Federated";
  378. "_share_permission_owner_" = "所有者";
  379. "_share_permission_date_" = "日期";
  380. "_share_permission_email_" = "email 通知";
  381. // ShareInfoCMOC
  382. "_type_resource_connect_you_" = "与您共享的";
  383. "_type_resource_external_" = "外部存储空间";
  384. // Share Ext
  385. "_destiny_folder_" = "文件夹:%@";
  386. "_no_transfer_" = "没有转账";
  387. "_no_transfer_sub_" = "此设备发起的上传和下载都会显示在这里";
  388. "_no_activity_" = "还没有活动";
  389. "_transfers_" = "传输";
  390. "_activity_" = "动作";
  391. "_activity_file_not_present_" = "文件不存在";
  392. // List Shares
  393. "_list_shares_" = "共享";
  394. "_list_shares_no_files_" = "目前还没有共享";
  395. "_tutorial_list_shares_view_" = "您共享的文件和文件夹将在此处显示";
  396. // Offline - Local Storage
  397. "_create_synchronization_" = "创建同步";
  398. "_offline_" = "离线";
  399. "_local_storage_" = "本地存储";
  400. "_local_storage_no_record_" = "还没有文件";
  401. // Create Cloud
  402. "_upload_photos_videos_" = "上传照片和视频";
  403. "_upload_file_" = "上传文件";
  404. "_upload_file_text_" = "创建文本文件";
  405. // Document Picker
  406. "_save_document_picker_" = "保存在这里";
  407. // CreateFormUploadAssets
  408. "_destination_folder_" = "目标文件夹";
  409. "_use_folder_photos_" = "用文件夹图片做为目标";
  410. "_rename_filename_" = "重命名";
  411. "_filename_" = "文件名称";
  412. "_preview_filename_" = "文件名示例预览。你可以使用 MM, MMM, DD, YY, YYYY 以及 HH, hh, mm, ss, am pm 表示日期和时间";
  413. "_forbidden_characters_" = "文件或目录名中存在非法字符";
  414. "_add_filenametype_" = "在文件名中增加类型";
  415. "_filenametype_photo_video_" = "照片/视频";
  416. // Notification
  417. "_notification_" = "通告";
  418. // Photo Browser
  419. "Done" = "完成";
  420. "Select Photos" = "选择照片";
  421. "photo" = "照片";
  422. "photos" = "照片";
  423. "of" = "of";
  424. "%i of %i" = "%1$i of %2$i";
  425. // Manage Auto Upload FileName
  426. "_autoupload_filename_title_" = "自动上传文件名";
  427. // Text File
  428. "_untitled_txt_" = "Untitled.txt";
  429. // EndToEnd Encryption
  430. "_e2e_settings_title_" = "Encryption";
  431. "_e2e_settings_" = "End To End Encryption";
  432. "_e2e_settings_start_" = "Start End To End Encryption";
  433. "_e2e_settings_not_available_" = "End To End Encryption not available";
  434. "_e2e_settings_activated_" = "End To End Encryption activated";
  435. "_e2e_settings_view_passphrase_" = "This 12 word phrase is like a very strong password: it provides full access to view and use your encrypted files. Please write it down and keep it somewhere safe.";
  436. "_e2e_settings_read_passphrase_" = "Read passphrase";
  437. "_e2e_settings_lock_not_active_" = "Lock not active, go back to \"Settings\" and activate it";
  438. "_e2e_settings_the_passphrase_is_" = "The passphrase is:";
  439. "_e2e_passphrase_request_title_" = "Request passphrase";
  440. "_e2e_passphrase_request_message_" = "Insert the 12 word";