Intro.strings 1.8 KB

  1. /*
  2. Intro.strings
  3. Crypto Cloud - Nextcloud
  4. Created by Marino Faggiana on 30/10/15.
  5. Copyright © 2017 TWS. All rights reserved.
  6. */
  7. // Intro
  8. "_intro_1_title_" = "为你的数据找一个安全的家";
  9. "_intro_1_text_" = "无论在家还是公司,随时访问、共享和保护你的文件。";
  10. "_intro_11_title_" = "在“文件”视图使用手势";
  11. "_intro_11_text_" = "滑动 → 或 ←:选项\n\n长按:拷贝/粘贴或打开...\n按压:3D Touch(如果可用)";
  12. "_intro_2_title_" = "多账户";
  13. "_intro_2_text_" = "连接所有的服务器,在文件视图点击 Nextcloud Logo 切换账户。";
  14. "_intro_3_title_" = "开始";
  15. "_intro_3_text_" = "非常好,你的 Nextcloud 已经准备就绪。更多信息、新闻和联系方式请查阅";
  16. "_introNoCryptoCloud_1_title_" = "Crypto Cloud";
  17. "_introNoCryptoCloud_1_text_" = "Crypto Cloud encryption protocol is no longer available, you can still decrypt your files by downloading the free app from AppStore\n\n'CryptoCloud for Nextcloud'\n\nSoon there will be a new EndToEnd protocol available on all Nextcloud clients\n\n\nTap to Start";