Acknowledgements.rtf 4.4 KB

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  7. \f0\fs24 \cf0 \
  8. This software contains additional third party software. \
  9. All the third party software included or linked is redistributed under the terms and conditions of their original licenses. \
  10. ____________________________________________\
  11. \
  12. \f1\b Nextcloud iOS Communication Library\
  13. \f0\b0 \
  15. \
  16. GPLv3 Licensed \
  17. \
  18. Copyright (c) Marino Faggiana\
  19. \
  20. \f1\b Alamofire -
  21. \f0\b0 MIT License (MIT)
  22. \f1\b \
  23. SwiftyXMLParser -
  24. \f0\b0 MIT License (MIT)
  25. \f1\b \
  26. SwiftyJSON -
  27. \f0\b0 MIT License (MIT) \
  28. ____________________________________________\
  29. \
  30. \f1\b DZNEmptyDataSet
  31. \f0\b0 \
  32. \
  33. The MIT License (MIT)\
  34. \
  35. Copyright (c) Ignacio Romero Zurbuchen, DZN Labs,\
  36. ____________________________________________\
  37. \
  38. \f1\b MBProgressHUD
  39. \f0\b0 \
  40. \
  41. The MIT License (MIT)\
  42. \
  43. Copyright (c) Matej Bukovinski\
  44. ____________________________________________\
  45. \
  46. \f1\b MGSwipeTableCell
  47. \f0\b0 \
  48. \
  49. The MIT License (MIT)\
  50. \
  51. Copyright (c) 2014 Imanol Fernandez @MortimerGoro\
  52. ____________________________________________\
  53. \
  54. \f1\b NYMnemonic - BIP 39 style mnemonic codes\
  55. \f0\b0 ____________________________________________\
  56. \
  57. \f1\b OpenSSL\
  58. \
  59. \f0\b0\
  60. \f1\b \
  61. \f0\b0 Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (\
  62. ____________________________________________\
  63. \
  64. \f1\b Realm
  65. \f0\b0 \
  66. \
  67. Apache 2.0\
  68. \
  69. Copyright (c) 2014-2017\
  70. ____________________________________________\
  71. \
  72. \f1\b UICKeyChainStore
  73. \f0\b0 \
  74. \
  75. The MIT License\
  76. \
  77. Copyright (c) kishikawa katsumi\
  78. ____________________________________________\
  79. \
  80. \f1\b XLForm
  81. \f0\b0 \
  82. \
  83. The MIT License (MIT)\
  84. \
  85. Copyright (c) Xmartlabs ( )\
  86. ____________________________________________\
  87. \
  88. \f1\b DownloadButton
  89. \f0\b0 \
  90. \
  91. Apache License, Version 2.0\
  92. \
  93. Copyright (c) Pavel Katunin\
  94. ____________________________________________\
  95. \
  96. \f1\b KTVHTTPCache
  97. \f0\b0 \
  98. \
  99. The MIT License (MIT)\
  100. \
  101. Copyright (c) libobjc\
  102. ____________________________________________\
  103. \
  104. Includes a modified version of
  105. \f1\b WeScan
  106. \f0\b0 \
  107. \
  108. The MIT License (MIT)\
  109. \
  110. Copyright (c) WeTransfer\
  111. ____________________________________________\
  112. \
  113. \f1\b SVGKit
  114. \f0\b0 \
  115. \
  116. Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Matt Rajca, 2011-2015 various authors\
  117. ____________________________________________\
  118. \
  119. \f1\b SwiftRichString
  120. \f0\b0 \
  121. \
  122. The MIT License (MIT)\
  123. \
  124. Copyright (c) Daniele Margutti\
  125. ____________________________________________\
  126. \
  127. \f1\b QRCodeReader
  128. \f0\b0 \
  129. \
  130. The MIT License (MIT)\
  131. \
  132. Copyright (c) Yannick Loriot\
  133. ____________________________________________\
  134. \
  135. \f1\b Parchment
  136. \f0\b0 \
  137. \
  138. The MIT License (MIT)\
  139. \
  140. Copyright (c) Martin Rechsteiner\
  141. ____________________________________________\
  142. \
  143. \f1\b FSCalendar
  144. \f0\b0 \
  145. \
  146. The MIT License (MIT)\
  147. \
  148. Copyright (c) Wenchao Ding\
  149. ____________________________________________\
  150. \
  151. \f1\b DropDown
  152. \f0\b0 \
  153. \
  154. The MIT License (MIT)\
  155. \
  156. Copyright (c) Kevin Hirsch\
  157. ____________________________________________\
  158. \
  159. \f1\b TLPhotoPicker
  160. \f0\b0 \
  161. \
  162. The MIT License (MIT)\
  163. \
  164. Copyright (c) wade.hawk,\
  165. ____________________________________________\
  166. \
  167. \f1\b ZIPFoundation
  168. \f0\b0 \
  169. \
  170. The MIT License (MIT)\
  171. \
  172. Copyright (c) Thomas Zoechling\
  173. ____________________________________________\
  174. \
  175. \f1\b SwiftEntryKit
  176. \f0\b0 \
  177. \
  178. The MIT License (MIT)\
  179. \
  180. Copyright (c) Daniel Huri,\
  181. ____________________________________________\
  182. \
  183. \f1\b FloatingPanel
  184. \f0\b0 \
  185. \
  186. The MIT License (MIT)\
  187. \
  188. Copyright (c) Shin Yamamoto\
  189. ____________________________________________\
  190. \
  191. \f1\b MarkdownKit
  192. \f0\b0 \
  193. \
  194. The MIT License (MIT)\
  195. \
  196. ____________________________________________\
  197. \
  198. \f1\b sentry-cocoa
  199. \f0\b0 \
  200. \
  201. The MIT License (MIT)\
  202. \
  203. Copyright (c) Sentry\
  204. ____________________________________________\
  205. \
  206. \f1\b Queuer
  207. \f0\b0 \
  208. \
  209. The MIT License (MIT)\
  210. \
  211. Copyright (c) Fabrizio Brancati\
  212. ____________________________________________\
  213. \
  214. \f1\b TOPasscodeViewController
  215. \f0\b0 \
  216. \
  217. The MIT License (MIT)\
  218. \
  219. Copyright (c) Tim Oliver\
  220. ____________________________________________\
  221. }