1. Upgrade instructions
  2. 1. Right-click on the DropboxSDK group in the file browser and select Delete
  3. 2. Select "Also move to trash" option when prompted
  4. 3. Follow the installation instructions from the README to install the
  5. newest version of the SDK
  6. Changes from 1.3.13 to 1.3.14
  7. - Check for and use the Dropbox EMM app for dauth if the Dropbox app is not available. You must add
  8. dbapi-8-emm to your LSApplicationQueriesSchemes whitelist to allow the SDK to detect the Dropbox EMM app.
  9. This is in addition to the dbapi-2 that you should already have in your LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
  10. whitelist to detect the Dropbox app.
  11. - Minimum iOS version raised to 6.0 to support bitcode.
  12. - Bug fixes
  13. Changes from 1.3.12 to 1.3.13
  14. - Fix for "Cannot validate a certificate for the host" issue
  15. Changes from 1.3.11 to 1.3.12
  16. - Swift compatibility
  17. Changes from 1.3.10 to 1.3.11
  18. - Fix 404s on page transitions during authentication on iOS
  19. - Upgrade project files for use with XCode 5.1
  20. Changes from 1.3.9 to 1.3.10
  21. - Stricter validation of server certificates on HTTP requests
  22. - Fix an issue in DBRoulette sample when switching between users
  23. Changes from 1.3.8 to 1.3.9
  24. - You will *not* believe the 64 bit support in this version
  25. Changes from 1.3.7 to 1.3.8
  26. - Correctly fix the iOS7 background operation bug for users who have already linked Dropbox
  27. Changes from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7
  28. - Better 64 bit support for iOS
  29. - Fix a bug when using iOS7's background operation while a passcode is set
  30. Changes from 1.3.5 to 1.3.6
  31. - Optimized the SDK for iOS7
  32. Changes from 1.3.4 to 1.3.5
  33. - Fixed bug where cancel url wasn't always getting sent when the user cancelled
  34. the authentication flow.
  35. - Fixed a bug where uploads would sometimes fail on iOS 5
  36. - Added a new optional delegate method,
  37. -[DBRestClient restClient:uploadFileChunkProgress:forFile:offset:fromPath:],
  38. which allows you to get the progress of chunks you're uploading.
  39. Changes from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4
  40. - Added a new DBRestClientDelegate callback, -restClient:createdCopyRef:forPath:
  41. that replaces the existing method -restClient:createdCopyRef
  42. - Fix authentication bug
  43. Changes from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3
  44. - Bug fixes for chunked uploads and more!
  45. Changes from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
  46. - Bug fixes
  47. - Added support for iPhone 5
  48. Changes from 1.3 to 1.3.1
  49. - Bug fixes
  50. - Improved iOS 3 compatibility
  51. - OS X SDK now mutes desktop notifications on the same machine
  52. Changes from 1.2.3 to 1.3
  53. - The SDK now supports uploading large files using
  54. -[DBRestClient uploadFileChunk:offset:fromPath:] and
  55. -[DBRestClient uploadFile:toPath:withParentRev:fromUploadId:]. See
  56. the developers site and DBRestClient.h for more information on using them.
  57. - There is a new method, -[DBRestClient loadSharableLinkForFile:shortUrl], that
  58. allows you to create links that are not shortened with the url
  59. shortener.
  60. Changes from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3
  61. - Cancelling from the embedded login flow on iOS now correctly sends a cancel
  62. url to the app delegate.
  63. Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
  64. - Fixes for building the OS X SDK using Xcode3 and on older versions of OS X
  65. - iOS authentication now happens inside an embedded web view if the
  66. Dropbox app is not installed. QuartzCore is also now a required framework on
  67. iOS, so you'll need to add it if you don't have it yet.
  68. Changes from 1.2 to 1.2.1
  69. - Made DropboxOSX.framework compatible with 32-bit apps
  70. - Added the -[DBRestClient cancelAllRequests] method
  71. - Store all access tokens in the keychain rather than userDefaults. The SDK
  72. will migrate and remove existing credentials stored in your app's userDefaults
  73. Changes from 1.1 to 1.2
  74. - The copy and move delegate callbacks have been changed to return the metadata
  75. of the file copied/moved rather than just the path it was copied/moved to.
  76. The new delegate callbacks are named restClient:copiedPath:to: and
  77. restClient:movedPath:to:
  78. - DBMetadata objects have a new field, clientMtime, which is a displayable
  79. time for the last time the files contents were modified.
  80. - Added DropboxOSX.framework, an OSX compatible version of the Dropbox SDK
  81. - -[DBRestClient loadDelta:] method added, which loads a list of metadata
  82. entries that have changed since the last time the method was called.
  83. - -[DBRestClient createCopyRef] and -[DBRestClient copyFromRef:toPath:] methods
  84. were also added, which give you the ability to copy files between Dropboxes
  85. without downloading and re-uploading the file
  86. Changes from 1.0 to 1.1
  87. - The SBJson library included in the DropboxSDK framework has been renamed to
  88. DBJson to prevent duplicate symbols with other libraries that use SBJson
  89. - The loadFile and loadThumbnail APIs now support callbacks that also return
  90. metadata. loadFile - for the file being downloaded. loadThumbnail - for the
  91. file whose thumbnail is being downloaded.
  92. - Removed email from DBAccountInfo. This field is being deprecated from the API.
  93. userId is the recommended way to reference an account.
  94. - Various bug fixes
  95. Changes from 0.3 to 1.0
  96. - The SDK is now packaged as a framework rather than importing the source
  97. directly into your project. This allows the SDK to work with projects
  98. that are using ARC.
  99. - Because the SDK is now a framework, you need to import DropboxSDK.h like this:
  100. #import <DropboxSDK/DropboxSDK.h>
  101. - The SDK uses an all new authentication method. First, the SDK is no longer
  102. able to login or create accounts directly, instead you need to call link
  103. on the DBSession object. This will launch the official iOS app if it's
  104. installed, and Safari otherwise, and the user will have the option of
  105. approving your app for access. See the Authentication guide on
  106. for more details.
  107. - The SDK can now handle linking multiple users to the same app.
  108. - DBMetadata objects now have a "rev" field, which deprecates the old revision
  109. field.
  110. - You can now load a list of past revisions for a file using
  111. loadRevisionsForFile: on DBRestClient. This call returns a list of DBMetadata
  112. objects that represent each revision. To restore the file to that state,
  113. you can call restoreFile:toRev:. You can also download the contents of the
  114. file at that state using loadFile:atRev:intoPath:.
  115. - The upload call has been updated in several ways. First it takes an optional
  116. parentRev parameter, which indicates the parent version of the file you are
  117. uploading. If the file on the server does not have the same rev, it will
  118. spin off a conflicted copy with a different name. If you do not provide a rev,
  119. it will assume the file is new, and uploading to that file will spin off a
  120. conflicted copy if any file with the same name exists there. The upload
  121. DBRestClientDelegate callback also provides the metadata of the newly uploaded
  122. file, called restClient:uploadedFile:from:metadata:. The metadata will contain
  123. the path of the file if it is not the same as specified on upload due to
  124. conflicts.
  125. - Searching the contents of the user's Dropbox is now possible using the
  126. searchPath:forKeyword: method on DBRestClient
  127. - Generate links to files that can be shared with other users using the
  128. loadSharableLinkForFile: method on DBRestClient
  129. - Get a link that can be used to stream audio and video for a limited amount of
  130. time using the loadStreamableURLForFile: method on DBRestClient
  131. - Downloading a thumbnail of a .png or .gif will now download a .png instead of
  132. .jpeg to cut down on artifacts
  133. - Various bug fixes
  134. Changes from 0.2 to 0.3
  135. - Made DBLoginController compatibile with iOS 5
  136. Changes from 0.1 to 0.2
  137. DBRestClient.h:
  138. - Various bug fixes
  139. - Added a new upload callback that gives you the Dropbox path of the file that
  140. was just uploaded in addition to the source path.
  141. DBSession.h:
  142. - You can now get a callback when a request fails due to authentication error.
  143. Set yourself as the delegate to DBSession to get these events.
  144. For an example of how to implement this check out DBRouletteAppDelegate
  145. where it implements sessionDidReceiveAuthorizationFailure:
  146. Changes from beta version in 0.1
  147. README:
  148. - This file now has step-by-step instructions to getting started using the SDK
  149. DropboxSDK.h:
  150. - A single file has been added that you can import to get all important SDK
  151. classes
  152. DBRestClient:
  153. - initWithSession:root: has been deprecated. All apps are by default have
  154. full access.
  155. - The delegate response restClient:loadedMetadata: now returns a DBMetadata*
  156. object instead of a raw dictionary.
  157. - The possible delegate responses from loadMetadata:withHash: now includes
  158. restClient:metadataUnchangedAtPath: when no changes to the metadata has
  159. occurred since the last loadMetadata:withHash: call.
  160. - The delegate response restClient:loadedAccountInfo: now returns a
  161. DBAccountInfo* object.
  162. - The delegate response restClient:createdFolder: now returns a DBMetadata*
  163. object
  164. DBLoginController:
  165. - This class has been added to provide a well designed login form with an easy
  166. to use interface for developers. It is recommended that you use it in your
  167. app for the least amount of code and best user experience.
  168. - Simply create it and call [loginController presentFromController:self] to
  169. display on both iPhone and iPad