123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135 |
- language: objective-c
- osx_image: xcode9.3
- env:
- global:
- - LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
- - LANG=en_US.UTF-8
- before_install:
- - env
- - locale
- - gem install cocoapods --pre --no-rdoc --no-ri --no-document --quiet
- - gem install xcpretty --no-rdoc --no-ri --no-document --quiet
- - pod --version
- - pod setup --silent > /dev/null
- - pod repo update --silent
- - xcpretty --version
- - xcodebuild -version
- - xcodebuild -showsdks
- script:
- - set -o pipefail
- - echo Check if the library described by the podspec can be built
- - pod lib lint --swift-version=4.0
- - echo Build as static library
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjack-iOS-Static' -sdk iphonesimulator PLATFORM_NAME=iphonesimulator -configuration Release | xcpretty -c
- - echo Build test app using the static library
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'iOSLibStaticTest' -sdk iphonesimulator PLATFORM_NAME=iphonesimulator -configuration Release | xcpretty -c
- - echo "Build as dynamic framework (ObjectiveC), each platform (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS)"
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjack-iOS' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjack-macOS' -configuration Release -sdk macosx | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjack-tvOS' -destination 'platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV 4K' -configuration Release -sdk appletvsimulator | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjack-watchOS' -configuration Release -sdk watchsimulator | xcpretty -c
- - echo "Build as dynamic framework (Swift), each platform (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS)"
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjackSwift-iOS' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjackSwift-macOS' -configuration Release -sdk macosx | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjackSwift-tvOS' -destination 'platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV 4K' -configuration Release -sdk appletvsimulator | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'CocoaLumberjackSwift-watchOS' -configuration Release -sdk watchsimulator | xcpretty -c
- - echo "Build test apps using the dynamic framework, each platform (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS)"
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'SwiftTest' -configuration Release -sdk macosx | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'FmwkTest' -configuration Release -sdk macosx | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'tvOSSwiftTest' -destination 'platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV 4K' -configuration Release -sdk appletvsimulator | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'watchOSSwiftTest' -configuration Release -sdk watchsimulator | xcpretty -c
- - echo Run the tests
- - pod install --project-directory=Tests
- - xcodebuild test -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'iOS Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7,OS=latest' GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=YES GCC_GENERATE_TEST_COVERAGE_FILES=YES | xcpretty -c
- - xcodebuild test -workspace Framework/Lumberjack.xcworkspace -scheme 'OS X Tests' -sdk macosx GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=YES GCC_GENERATE_TEST_COVERAGE_FILES=YES | xcpretty -c
- - echo Building the Demos
- - cd Demos
- - pod install --project-directory=ContextFilter
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'ContextFilter' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=CoreDataLogger
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'CoreDataLogger' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=CustomFormatters
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'CustomFormatters' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=CustomLogLevels
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'CustomLogLevels' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=DispatchQueueLogger
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'DispatchQueueLogger' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=FineGrainedLogging
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'FineGrainedLogging' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=GlobalLogLevel
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'GlobalLogLevel' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=LogFileCompressor
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'LogFileCompressor' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=NonArcTest
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'NonArcTest' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=OverflowTestMac
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'OverflowTestMac' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=PerUserLogLevels
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'PerUserLogLevels' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=RegisteredDynamicLogging/Mobile
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'RegisteredLoggingTest (Mobile)' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=RegisteredDynamicLogging/Desktop
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'RegisteredLoggingTest (Desktop)' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=RollingTestMac
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'RollingTestMac' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=TestXcodeColors/Desktop
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'TestXcodeColors (Desktop)' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=TestXcodeColors/Mobile
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'TextXcodeColors (Mobile)' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=WebServerIPhone
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'WebServerIPhone' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=Benchmark/Desktop
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'BenchmarkMac' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=Benchmark/Mobile
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'BenchmarkIPhone' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=SQLiteLogger
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'SQLiteLogger' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=UniversalApp
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'UniversalApp' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=CLI
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'CLI' | xcpretty -c
- - pod install --project-directory=CaptureASL
- - xcodebuild clean build -workspace Demos.xcworkspace -scheme 'CaptureASL' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty -c
- after_success:
- - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)