Whether you find a bug, typo or an API call that could be clarified, please file an issue on our GitHub repository.
When filing an issue, please provide as much of the following information as possible in order to help others fix it:
If you'd like to send us sensitive sample code to help troubleshoot your issue, you can email help@realm.io directly.
You may just copy this little script below and run it directly in your project directory in Terminal.app. It will take of compiling a list of relevant data as described in points 6. and 7. in the list above. It copies the list directly to your pasteboard for your convenience, so you can attach it easily when filing a new issue without having to worry about formatting and we may help you faster because we don't have to ask for particular details of your local setup first.
echo "\`\`\`
$(xcode-select -p)
$(xcodebuild -version)
$(which pod && pod --version)
$(test -e Podfile.lock && cat Podfile.lock | sed -nE 's/^ - (Realm(Swift)? [^:]*):?/\1/p' || echo "(not in use here)")
$(which bash && bash -version | head -n1)
$(which carthage && carthage version)
$(test -e Cartfile.resolved && cat Cartfile.resolved | grep --color=no realm || echo "(not in use here)")
$(which git && git --version)
\`\`\`" | tee /dev/tty | pbcopy
We love contributions to Realm! If you'd like to contribute code, documentation, or any other improvements, please file a Pull Request on our GitHub repository. Make sure to accept our CLA and to follow our style guide.
Although we don’t enforce a strict format for commit messages, we prefer that you follow the guidelines below, which are common among open source projects. Following these guidelines helps with the review process, searching commit logs and documentation of implementation details. At a high level, the contents of the commit message should convey the rationale of the change, without delving into much detail. For example, setter names were not set right
leaves the reviewer wondering about which bits and why they weren’t “right”. In contrast, [RLMProperty] Correctly capitalize setterName
conveys almost all there is to the change.
Below are some guidelines about the format of the commit message itself:
Revert abcd3fg because it caused #1234
.Realm welcomes all contributions! The only requirement we have is that, like many other projects, we need to have a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) in place before we can accept any external code. Our own CLA is a modified version of the Apache Software Foundation’s CLA.
Please submit your CLA electronically using our Google form so we can accept your submissions. The GitHub username you file there will need to match that of your Pull Requests. If you have any questions or cannot file the CLA electronically, you can email help@realm.io.