123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342 |
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Copyright 2014 Realm Inc.
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- #import <Realm/RLMCollection.h>
- @class RLMObject, RLMRealm, RLMNotificationToken;
- /**
- `RLMResults` is an auto-updating container type in Realm returned from object
- queries. It represents the results of the query in the form of a collection of objects.
- `RLMResults` can be queried using the same predicates as `RLMObject` and `RLMArray`,
- and you can chain queries to further filter results.
- `RLMResults` always reflect the current state of the Realm on the current thread,
- including during write transactions on the current thread. The one exception to
- this is when using `for...in` fast enumeration, which will always enumerate
- over the objects which matched the query when the enumeration is begun, even if
- some of them are deleted or modified to be excluded by the filter during the
- enumeration.
- `RLMResults` are lazily evaluated the first time they are accessed; they only
- run queries when the result of the query is requested. This means that
- chaining several temporary `RLMResults` to sort and filter your data does not
- perform any extra work processing the intermediate state.
- Once the results have been evaluated or a notification block has been added,
- the results are eagerly kept up-to-date, with the work done to keep them
- up-to-date done on a background thread whenever possible.
- `RLMResults` cannot be directly instantiated.
- */
- @interface RLMResults<RLMObjectType: RLMObject *> : NSObject<RLMCollection, NSFastEnumeration>
- #pragma mark - Properties
- /**
- The number of objects in the results collection.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly, assign) NSUInteger count;
- /**
- The class name (i.e. type) of the `RLMObject`s contained in the results collection.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *objectClassName;
- /**
- The Realm which manages this results collection.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly) RLMRealm *realm;
- /**
- Indicates if the results collection is no longer valid.
- The results collection becomes invalid if `invalidate` is called on the containing `realm`.
- An invalidated results collection can be accessed, but will always be empty.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly, getter = isInvalidated) BOOL invalidated;
- #pragma mark - Accessing Objects from an RLMResults
- /**
- Returns the object at the index specified.
- @param index The index to look up.
- @return An `RLMObject` of the type contained in the results collection.
- */
- - (RLMObjectType)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- /**
- Returns the first object in the results collection.
- Returns `nil` if called on an empty results collection.
- @return An `RLMObject` of the type contained in the results collection.
- */
- - (nullable RLMObjectType)firstObject;
- /**
- Returns the last object in the results collection.
- Returns `nil` if called on an empty results collection.
- @return An `RLMObject` of the type contained in the results collection.
- */
- - (nullable RLMObjectType)lastObject;
- #pragma mark - Querying Results
- /**
- Returns the index of an object in the results collection.
- Returns `NSNotFound` if the object is not found in the results collection.
- @param object An object (of the same type as returned from the `objectClassName` selector).
- */
- - (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(RLMObjectType)object;
- /**
- Returns the index of the first object in the results collection matching the predicate.
- @param predicateFormat A predicate format string, optionally followed by a variable number of arguments.
- @return The index of the object, or `NSNotFound` if the object is not found in the results collection.
- */
- - (NSUInteger)indexOfObjectWhere:(NSString *)predicateFormat, ...;
- /// :nodoc:
- - (NSUInteger)indexOfObjectWhere:(NSString *)predicateFormat args:(va_list)args;
- /**
- Returns the index of the first object in the results collection matching the predicate.
- @param predicate The predicate with which to filter the objects.
- @return The index of the object, or `NSNotFound` if the object is not found in the results collection.
- */
- - (NSUInteger)indexOfObjectWithPredicate:(NSPredicate *)predicate;
- /**
- Returns all the objects matching the given predicate in the results collection.
- @param predicateFormat A predicate format string, optionally followed by a variable number of arguments.
- @return An `RLMResults` of objects that match the given predicate.
- */
- - (RLMResults<RLMObjectType> *)objectsWhere:(NSString *)predicateFormat, ...;
- /// :nodoc:
- - (RLMResults<RLMObjectType> *)objectsWhere:(NSString *)predicateFormat args:(va_list)args;
- /**
- Returns all the objects matching the given predicate in the results collection.
- @param predicate The predicate with which to filter the objects.
- @return An `RLMResults` of objects that match the given predicate.
- */
- - (RLMResults<RLMObjectType> *)objectsWithPredicate:(NSPredicate *)predicate;
- /**
- Returns a sorted `RLMResults` from an existing results collection.
- @param keyPath The key path to sort by.
- @param ascending The direction to sort in.
- @return An `RLMResults` sorted by the specified key path.
- */
- - (RLMResults<RLMObjectType> *)sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ascending:(BOOL)ascending;
- /**
- Returns a sorted `RLMResults` from an existing results collection.
- @param property The property name to sort by.
- @param ascending The direction to sort in.
- @return An `RLMResults` sorted by the specified property.
- */
- - (RLMResults<RLMObjectType> *)sortedResultsUsingProperty:(NSString *)property ascending:(BOOL)ascending
- __deprecated_msg("Use `-sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:ascending:`");
- /**
- Returns a sorted `RLMResults` from an existing results collection.
- @param properties An array of `RLMSortDescriptor`s to sort by.
- @return An `RLMResults` sorted by the specified properties.
- */
- - (RLMResults<RLMObjectType> *)sortedResultsUsingDescriptors:(NSArray<RLMSortDescriptor *> *)properties;
- #pragma mark - Notifications
- /**
- Registers a block to be called each time the results collection changes.
- The block will be asynchronously called with the initial results collection,
- and then called again after each write transaction which changes either any
- of the objects in the results, or which objects are in the results.
- The `change` parameter will be `nil` the first time the block is called.
- For each call after that, it will contain information about
- which rows in the results collection were added, removed or modified. If a
- write transaction did not modify any objects in the results collection,
- the block is not called at all. See the `RLMCollectionChange` documentation for
- information on how the changes are reported and an example of updating a
- `UITableView`.
- If an error occurs the block will be called with `nil` for the results
- parameter and a non-`nil` error. Currently the only errors that can occur are
- when opening the Realm on the background worker thread.
- At the time when the block is called, the `RLMResults` object will be fully
- evaluated and up-to-date, and as long as you do not perform a write transaction
- on the same thread or explicitly call `-[RLMRealm refresh]`, accessing it will
- never perform blocking work.
- Notifications are delivered via the standard run loop, and so can't be
- delivered while the run loop is blocked by other activity. When
- notifications can't be delivered instantly, multiple notifications may be
- coalesced into a single notification. This can include the notification
- with the initial results. For example, the following code performs a write
- transaction immediately after adding the notification block, so there is no
- opportunity for the initial notification to be delivered first. As a
- result, the initial notification will reflect the state of the Realm after
- the write transaction.
- RLMResults<Dog *> *results = [Dog allObjects];
- NSLog(@"dogs.count: %zu", dogs.count); // => 0
- self.token = [results addNotificationBlock:^(RLMResults *dogs,
- RLMCollectionChange *changes,
- NSError *error) {
- // Only fired once for the example
- NSLog(@"dogs.count: %zu", dogs.count); // => 1
- }];
- [realm transactionWithBlock:^{
- Dog *dog = [[Dog alloc] init];
- dog.name = @"Rex";
- [realm addObject:dog];
- }];
- // end of run loop execution context
- You must retain the returned token for as long as you want updates to continue
- to be sent to the block. To stop receiving updates, call `-stop` on the token.
- @warning This method cannot be called during a write transaction, or when the
- containing Realm is read-only.
- @param block The block to be called whenever a change occurs.
- @return A token which must be held for as long as you want updates to be delivered.
- */
- - (RLMNotificationToken *)addNotificationBlock:(void (^)(RLMResults<RLMObjectType> *__nullable results,
- RLMCollectionChange *__nullable change,
- NSError *__nullable error))block __attribute__((warn_unused_result));
- #pragma mark - Aggregating Property Values
- /**
- Returns the minimum (lowest) value of the given property among all the objects
- represented by the results collection.
- NSNumber *min = [results minOfProperty:@"age"];
- @warning You cannot use this method on `RLMObject`, `RLMArray`, and `NSData` properties.
- @param property The property whose minimum value is desired. Only properties of types `int`, `float`, `double`, and
- `NSDate` are supported.
- @return The minimum value of the property, or `nil` if the Results are empty.
- */
- - (nullable id)minOfProperty:(NSString *)property;
- /**
- Returns the maximum (highest) value of the given property among all the objects represented by the results collection.
- NSNumber *max = [results maxOfProperty:@"age"];
- @warning You cannot use this method on `RLMObject`, `RLMArray`, and `NSData` properties.
- @param property The property whose maximum value is desired. Only properties of types `int`, `float`, `double`, and
- `NSDate` are supported.
- @return The maximum value of the property, or `nil` if the Results are empty.
- */
- - (nullable id)maxOfProperty:(NSString *)property;
- /**
- Returns the sum of the values of a given property over all the objects represented by the results collection.
- NSNumber *sum = [results sumOfProperty:@"age"];
- @warning You cannot use this method on `RLMObject`, `RLMArray`, and `NSData` properties.
- @param property The property whose values should be summed. Only properties of types `int`, `float`, and `double` are
- supported.
- @return The sum of the given property.
- */
- - (NSNumber *)sumOfProperty:(NSString *)property;
- /**
- Returns the average value of a given property over the objects represented by the results collection.
- NSNumber *average = [results averageOfProperty:@"age"];
- @warning You cannot use this method on `RLMObject`, `RLMArray`, and `NSData` properties.
- @param property The property whose average value should be calculated. Only properties of types `int`, `float`, and
- `double` are supported.
- @return The average value of the given property, or `nil` if the Results are empty.
- */
- - (nullable NSNumber *)averageOfProperty:(NSString *)property;
- /// :nodoc:
- - (RLMObjectType)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)index;
- #pragma mark - Unavailable Methods
- /**
- `-[RLMResults init]` is not available because `RLMResults` cannot be created directly.
- `RLMResults` can be obtained by querying a Realm.
- */
- - (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("RLMResults cannot be created directly")));
- /**
- `+[RLMResults new]` is not available because `RLMResults` cannot be created directly.
- `RLMResults` can be obtained by querying a Realm.
- */
- + (instancetype)new __attribute__((unavailable("RLMResults cannot be created directly")));
- @end
- /**
- `RLMLinkingObjects` is an auto-updating container type. It represents a collection of objects that link to its
- parent object.
- For more information, please see the "Inverse Relationships" section in the
- [documentation](https://realm.io/docs/objc/latest/#relationships).
- */
- @interface RLMLinkingObjects<RLMObjectType: RLMObject *> : RLMResults
- @end