InfoPlist.strings 1.5 KB

  1. NSCameraUsageDescription = "需要存取相機才能掃描文件並製作照片和視像。";
  2. NSFaceIDUsageDescription = "使用人臉識別進行身份驗證需要 Face ID。";
  3. NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription = "GPS is used to detect new photos from camera roll, continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.";
  4. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription = "Photo library access is required to upload your photos and videos to your cloud.";
  5. NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription = "Photo library access is required to upload your photos and videos to your cloud.";
  6. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription = "Microphone access is required to create voice notes.";
  7. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription = "GPS is used to detect new photos from camera roll on background, the use of GPS only when the App is in use is useless.";