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Release Notes


This version adjusts the secondary action to be a regular menu item action.


This version adjusts the secondary action signature to also provide the affected item. It's a breaking change, but a small one, so deal with it I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This version also make sthe ActionSheetItemHandler protocol implementations open so they're possible to override.


This version adds a new SecondaryActionItem which lets you specify a secondary action for an item.

It also adds a new MenuCreator protocol that can be implemented to postpone the creation of a menu, which may be good for prestanda when adding a context menu to every item in a large view collection.


This version solves an App Store submission rejection that occurred when an app pulled in Sheeeeeeeeet with Carthage.


This version changes ContextMenuDelegateRetainer's contextMenuDelegate to an Any instead of its concrete type, to make it possible to use it on older iOS versions. This should not have any side-effects, since it's only used to retain the instance, never use it.


This version makes the ActionSheet's backgroundView property public.


This version fixes some subtitle problems, where section titles and mutli select toggles didn't display their subtitles.

It also fixes some behavior issues, where subtitles were incorrectly tinted.


This version adjusts the popover height calculations to include the height of a visible header. This solves the problem where the popover content would always scroll when a header was used.

The version also adjusts the item height calculations, so that you no longer have to register a height for each item. This solves the problem with all items getting a zero size by default. Now, height is recursively resolved to the closest parent height if you haven't overridden appearance().height for your custom item.


This version adjusts the subtitle style to use subtitle instead of value1.

It also adds a new preferredActionSheetCellStyle property to MenuItem, which you can override for your custom items.


Sheeeeeeeeet 3 contains many breaking changes, but once you understand the model changes, you will hopefully see the improvements it brings and be able to migrate your apps pretty easily. See this migration guide for help.

This version separates the menu data model from the custom action sheet implementation, so that you can create menus without caring about how they will be presented.

The new Menu type and all MenuItem types are decoupled from the presentation. This means that you can use them in more ways, for instance in custom and native action sheets, context menus etc.

With these changes, you now create ActionSheets with a Menu instead of ActionSheetItems. Due to this, the 3.0 release of Sheeeeeeeeet has many breaking changes:

  • All ActionSheetItem have been replaced by the new MenuItem types. Most of these items have the same name as the old ones, but without the ActionSheet prefix.
  • ActionSheetDangerButton corresponds to the new DestructiveButton class.
  • ActionSheetCustomItemContentCell has been moved and renamed to CustomItemType.
  • ActionSheetCollectionItemContentCell has been moved and renamed to CollectionItemType.

There are also some breaking changes that involve how you work with action sheets:

  • Item heights are no longer static, but an action sheet cell appearance proxy property.
  • The action sheet header behavior is now specified in a headerViewConfiguration property.
  • CustomItem (ActionSheetCustomItem) has been made non-generic.
  • isOkButton and isCancelButton is gone. Use type checking instead, e.g. is OkButton.

Bonus features:

  • The popover presenter now supports header views. It no longer hides the header by default.
  • Menu can be used to create action sheets, which you then present and configure like before.
  • Menu can be directly presented as a custom action sheet, without creating an ActionSheet.
  • Menu can be added as an iOS 13 context menu to any view.
  • Menu can be presented as a native UIAlertController.

Some of the presentations above require that all items in the menu can be represented in that context.


This version adds Xcode 11 and iOS 13 support, including support for dark mode and high contrast color variants.

There is a new ActionSheetColor enum with sheet-specific semantic colors. It uses the new, adaptive system colors in iOS 13 and falls back to older, non-adaptive colors in iOS 12 and below. You can either use the enum directly or use the static UIColor extension .sheetColor(...).

The appearance model has been extended with new a appearance type, which you can use to style your sheets. There is an ActionSheetAppearance base class as well as a standard StandardActionSheetAppearance appearance which applies a standard look, including dark mode support, high contrast color variants and SFSymbol icons on iOS 13.

There are adjustments to how sheets can be dismissed. The isDismissableWithTapOnBackground has been renamed to isDismissable, since it also affects if the system can dismiss the action sheet.


This version makes table view footer view sizes smaller to avoid a scroll offset issue that could occur when rotating devices that displayed sheets with a single custom item.


This version adjusts accessibility traits for selected select items and improves the overall accessibility experience when working with selectable items.


This version upgrades Sheeeeeeeeet and its unit test dependencies to Swift 5. It contains no breaking changes.


This version makes currentContext the default presentation mode for the default presenter. This is due to accessibility issues with using keyWindow while being ina modal presentation. I will change how the default presenteras presents action sheets, but that is a future improvement.


This version removes the old deprecated appearance model, so if your app uses it, it's time to start using the appearance proxy model. Just follow the readme, and you'll be done in no time.

This version also change which presenter to use, so that apps behaves correct on iPads in split screen. We still have to come up with a way to switch between the default and popover presenters when the split screen size changes, but that is a future improvement.


This version adds a new headerViewLandscapeMode property to ActionSheet. You can set it to .hidden to let action sheets hide their header view in landscape orientation. This will free up more screen estate for the action sheet's options.


This version adds a new headerViewLandscapeMode property to ActionSheet. You can set it to .hidden to let action sheets hide their header view in landscape orientation. This will free up more screen estate for the action sheet's options.


This version makes the ActionSheet backgroundView outlet public, so that you can add your own custom effects to it. The other outlets are still internal.

The version also fixes a bug that caused action sheets to be misplaced when they were presented from a custom presentation controller. This fix also adds a brand new presentationStyle property to StandardActionSheetPresenter, which can be either keyWindow (default) or currentContext. Setting it to keyWindow will present the action sheet in the app's key window (full screen), while setting it to currentContext will present it in the presenting view controller's view (it looks straaange, but perhaps you can find a nice use case for it).


This version fixes an iOS 9 bug that caused the popover to become square with no arrow. It was caused by the popover presenter, that set the background color for the popover after it had been presented, which is not supported in iOS 9. It now sets the bg color for all iOS versions before it presents the popover, then only refreshes it for iOS 10 and later.

This version fixes another iOS 9 bug that caused the item cell separator line to behave strangely and not honor the insets set using the appearance proxy. I have added a fix to the item cell class, that only runs for iOS 9.


This version removes the last separator line from the item and button table view.

This version also changes the default behavior of the popover presenter. It used to keep the popover presented as the device orientation changed, but this can be wrong in many cases. For instance, in collection or table views, the orientation change may cause cells to shuffle around as they are reused. If a reused cell is used as the popover source view, and the popover is still presented, the popover will point to the cell, but the cell model will have changed. In this case, your action sheet will appear to point to a specific object, but will be contextually bound to another one.

Another way that orientation changes may mess with popovers are if a source view is removed from the view hierarchy when the orientation changes. If your popover is still presented, but the source view is removed, the popover arrow will point to a random point, e.g. the top-left part of the screen.

To solve these bugs, I have added new orientation change handling in the popover presenter. It has a new isListeningToOrientationChanges property, as well as a handleOrientationChange and setupOrientationChangeDetection function. If you want to, you can override these functions to customize their behavior, otherwise just set isListeningToOrientationChanges to false to make the popover behave like before.


This version fixes the bug, which caused an iPad popover to become a bottom action sheet on black background, if the idiom changes from pad to phone while the action sheet is open. I now let the popover remain as long as the action sheet is open.


This version reloads data when scrolling to row to solve a bug that could happen on some iPad devices.


This hotfix adds two new properties to ActionSheetSelectItem, that can be used to style the selected fonts: selectedTitleFont and selectedSubtitleFont.


This hotfix fixes a font bug in the title item and color bugs in the select item.


This is a huge update, that completely rewrites how action sheet appearances are handled. Instead of the old appearance model, Sheeeeeeeeet now relies on the iOS appearance proxy model as much as possible.

The old appearance model is still around, but has been marked as deprecated, and will be removed in 1.4.0. Make sure that you switch over to the new appearance model as soon as possible. Have a look at the example app and here to see how you should customize the action sheet appearance from now on.

In short, item appearance customizations are handled in three different ways now:

  • Item appearances such as colors and fonts, are customized with cell properties, for instance: ActionSheetSelectItemCell.appearance().titleColor = .green.
  • Item heights are now customized by setting the height property of every item type you want to customize, for instance: ActionSheetTitle.height = 22.
  • Action sheet margins, insets etc. are now customized by setting the properties of each ActionSheet instance. If you want to change the default values for all action sheets in your app, you have to subclass ActionSheet.

All built-in action sheet items now have their own cells. Your custom items only have to use custom cells if you want to apply custom item appearances to them.

Sheeeeeeeeet now contains several new views, which are used by the action sheets:

  • ActionSheetTableView
  • ActionSheetItemTableView
  • ActionSheetButtonTableView
  • ActionSheetBackgroundView
  • ActionSheetStackView

The new classes make it easy to modify the appearance of these views, since they have appearance properties as well. For instance, to change the corner radius of the table views, just type: ActionSheetTableView.appearance().cornerRadius = 8.

ActionSheet has two new extensions:

  • items<T>(ofType:)
  • scrollToFirstSelectedItem(at:)

This new version has also rebuilt all unit tests from scratch. They are now more robust and easier to maintain.


This version increases the action sheet integrity by restricting what you can do with it. This involves some breaking changes, but they should not affect you. If you think any new rule is bad or affect you, please let me know.

New Features

@sebbo176 has added support for subtitles in the various select items, which now also changes the cell style of an item if the subtitle is set. He has also added an unselected icon to the select items, which means that you can now have images for unselected items as well (e.g. an unchecked checkbox).

Breaking Changes - ActionSheet:

  • The items and buttons properties are now internal(set), which means that they can only be set with init(...) or with setup(items:). This protects the integrity of the item and button separation logic.
  • The code no longer contains any didSet events, since these events called the same functionality many times. Call refresh if you change any outlets manually from now on.
  • Since the didSet events have been removed, refreshHeaderVisibility is only called once and has therefore been moved into refreshHeader.
  • Since the didSet events have been removed, refreshButtonsVisibility is now only called once and has therefore been moved into refreshButtons.
  • A small delay in handleTap(on:), that should not be needed, has been removed.

Let me know if it causes any side-effects.


This version removes a debug print that I used to ensure that action sheets were properly deinitialized after being dismissed.


This version adds new background color properties to the action sheet appearance class. They can be used to set the background color of an entire sheet.

This version fixes a bug, where the background color behind an action sheet went black when the action sheet was presented in a split view.


This version fixes a bug, where the presenters incorrectly updated the scrolling behavior of the action sheet when rotating the device.


Sheeeeeeeeet 1.0.0 is finally here, with many internal changes and some external.

This version decouples action sheets from their presentation to great extent. An action sheet still styles its items and components, but the presenters now takes care of a lot more than before. The sheet setup is now also based on constraints instead of manual calculations, which means that popover scrolling etc. works by how the constraints are setup, instead of relying on manual calculations.

This should result in much more robust action sheets, but it requires testing on a wide range of devices and orientations, so please let me know if there are any issues with this approach.

IMPORTANT The button item values have changed. Insted of true and nil they now have a strong ButtonType value. You can still create custom buttons with a custom value, though. You can also use the new isOkButton and isCancelButton extensions to quickly see if a user tapped "OK" or "Cancel".

Breaking changes

Since the presentation logic has been rewritten from scratch, you have to adjust your code to fit the new structure, if you have subclassed any presenter or made presentation tweaks in your sheets. The changes are too many and extensive to be listed here, so please have a look at the new structure. There is much less code, so changing your code to the new standard should be easy.

  • ActionSheetButton and its sublasses has new values.
  • ActionSheet.itemTapAction has been removed
  • ActionSheet.handleTap(on:) is now called when an item is tapped
  • ActionSheetAppearance.viewMargins is renamed to groupMargins
  • ActionSheetItem.itemType has been removed; just check the raw type
  • ActionSheetItem.handleTap(in:) no longer has a cell parameter
  • ActionSheetStandardPresenter is renamed to ActionSheetStandardPresenter

New features

  • ActionSheetAppearance has new properties, which adds new way to style sheets.
  • ActionSheetButton adds isOkButton and isCancelButton extension functions to ActionSheetItem. They can be used to quickly check if a cancel or ok button was tapped, instead of having to check if the item can be cast to a button type.

Bug fixes

  • The big presentation adjustments solves the scrolling issues that occured with popovers and many items.
  • The hideSeparator() function is adjusted to behave correctly when the device is rotated.

Deprecated logic

Instead of deprecating presentation-related properties and functions that are no longer used or available, I removed them completely. Let me know if you used any properties that are no longer available.

  • ActionSheetItem.setupItemsAndButtons(with:) is renamed to setup(items:)
  • ActionSheetItem.itemSelectAction is renamed to selectAction

Perform the deprecation warnings, and you should be all good. Deprecated members will be removed in the next minor version.

Legacy versions


This version adds a customAppearance property to ActionSheetItem and fixes a few appearance glitches. Overall, it makes the appearance setup more consistent.

  • I use early returns in every appearance class and have optimized imports. Many appearance classes have also been made open instead of public.

  • The ActionSheetItemAppearance now has extensions for noSeparator, that can be used to hide the separator for certain item types.

  • The ActionSheetCollectionItemAppearance and ActionSheetCustomItemAppearance and ActionSheetSectionMarginAppearance classes have no overridden initializers anymore. This makes the work as expected when you use the same appearance tweaks as everywhere else.

  • The ActionSheetPopoverAppearance class doesn't inherit any appearance classes and has thus been moved out to the appearance root.


This revision fixes a project config that caused Carthage installations to fail.


Sheeeeeeeeet has a new item type: ActionSheetCustomItem. You can use it when you want to use a completely custom view in your action sheet. Just tell it what view you want to use and make sure that the view class inherits ActionSheetItem and implements ActionSheetCustomItemCell. Have a look at the example app for a simple example.

ActionSheetCollectionItem cellType has been renamed to itemCellType, which makes it clearer that the type regards the collection view items.

ActionSheetItem now has a cellReuseIdentifier and className property, that can be useful when sublassing various item classes. It also makes it much easier to register custom cell types. See ActionSheetCollectionItem cell(for: ...).

The collection item CollectionItemCellAction has been renamed to CellAction.


Let's all party like it's 0.9.9!

I've done some refactoring and will introduce a few breaking changes that can be easily fixed. They will hopefully not affect you at all.

ActionSheetItem has an itemType property, that can be used to e.g. check the type of item that is tapped. For now, the enum has item, button and title.

The ActionSheetMargin fallback function param has been renamed to minimum.

ActionSheetItemSelectAction has been renamed to ActionSheetItem.SelectAction and ActionSheetItemTapAction has been renamed to ActionSheetItemTapAction.

ActionSheetItemHandler.CollectionType has been renamed to ItemType.

The two ActionSheetItem handleTap functions have been combined to one single function.


ActionSheetPresenter now has an events property, which contains presentation event actions that you can assign to get callbacks when certain events happen. A first didDismissWithBackgroundTap event has been added, which helps you detect if an action sheet is dismissed because a user tapped on the background, outside the actin sheet bounds. This works for both the standard and popover presenters.


ActionSheetItem now has tapBehavior as part of the constructor.

ActionSheetCollectionItem now uses open instead of public for collection and layout related functions as well, which means that you can override them.


This version migrates Sheeeeeeeeeet to Swift 4.2. You will need Xcode 10 to work with the source code from now on.


This version adds a backgroundColor property to ActionSheetItemAppearance. I however want to emphasize that many appearance properties that can be controlled with the appearance classes, can also be setup using standard appearance proxies.


This version fixes a bug where all items with tap behavior .none did not get a highlight effect when they were tapped. Instead, title items set selectionStyle to .none for their cell.

We have also added an index check in the item handler. We have seen some strange crashes in the logs, that hints at that the item handler sheet property could be deallocated but that users can still tap at an item...which then tries to access a deallocated item array. Hopefully, this helps.


This fixes a crash that occured if the library was installed with CocoaPods. The podspec didn't include xibs, which caused the collection item to crash.


In this version, the ActionSheetStandardPresenter initializer is finally public. I have forgot to do this for a couple of versions, which means that you have not been able to create custom instances of this class from within an app.

This means that you can set the presenter to a ActionSheetStandardPresenter for any action sheet, which means that even iPads can now get iPhone-styled sheets.


This version contains minor updates and minor breaking changes in internal logic.

  • The ActionSheet appearance and presenter properties are not lazy anymore. Their initial values are set in a different way as well. itemSelectAction is now set differently by the two initializers.

  • Popover action sheets on iPad caused a strange flickering effect, if they were presented when the app was awaken from the background. @ullstrm found out that it was caused by setting the separator inset to .greatestFiniteMagnitude in an iPad popover. Really strange, but fixed by setting it to a laaaarge value.

  • Sheeeeeeeeet did handle the flickering bug by dismissing the popover sheets as the app was sent to the background. This is no longer needed.


ActionSheetStandardPresenter used to contain an embedded iPad presenter. I have never been happy with this design, and have now redesigned this setup. I removed the embedded presenter, merged ActionSheetStandardPresenter with the base class and now let the action sheet initializer resolve which default presenter to use.

I have felt a little lost in how to use the various select items, especially now when Sheeeeeeeeet has select items, single-select items and multiselect items. I initially designed the select item to be a regular item, that could indicate its selected state. However, this behaved strange when another item became selected, since the initially selected item was not deselected. After introducing this new item set, with single-select items and multiselect items, I have come to realize that the base class is probably not a good stand-alone class and have decided to make it private, to enforce using either of the two subclasses.

The new isDismissableWithTapOnBackground presenter property can be used to set whether or not an action sheet can be dismissed by tapping on the background. It is true by default for all presenters.


  • The demo app presents action sheets from the tapped cells. However, this means that on iPad, the popover will not use the full available screen height, since it will be displayed above or below the cell. I have changed this, so that the action sheet is presented from the cell's text label instead, which causes the action sheet to float above the cell and make use of the entire screen size.

Bug fixes:

  • ActionSheetPopoverPresenter did not release its action sheet whenever a user tapped on the background, causing a memory leak. This is fixed.

Breaking changes:

  • ActionSheetStandardPresenter no longer have an embedded iPadPresenter. This is no longer needed, since the action sheet resolves the default presenter for the current device.

  • ActionSheetPresenterBase has been removed and is now fully incorporated with the ActionSheetStandardPresenter class.

  • ActionSheetSelectItems initializer has been made library internal to enforce using single and multi select items instead. This makes the api much clearer.

  • I have chosen to remove the peek & pop features, since the implementation is so-so and it feels strange to peek and pop an action sheet. I hope that no one actually used this feature (since it looked horrible from 0.8, for some reason). You can still use Sheeeeeeeeeet with peek and pop, since the action sheets are regular view controllers, but you have to write the logic yourself.


Sheeeeeeeeet now has a new ActionSheetMultiSelectToggleItem item, which can be used to select and deselect all multiselect items in the same group.


In this version, no cancel buttons will be displayed in popover presented action sheets, since the convention is to dismiss a popover by tapping anywhere outside the popover callout view.


The color properties in ActionSheetSelectItemAppearance have been renamed. The change is small, but the change will be breaking if you have used the properties to customize your action sheet appearances.


Breaking changes! The toggle item has been a strange part of Sheeeeeeeeet. It is basically a select item with individual styling, which is easy to customize with the built-in appearance. We have therefore decided to remove this item type from Sheeeeeeeeet, with hopes that it will make the api more obvious.

The ActionSheetSingleSelectItem tap behavior has been changed to use .dismiss. This makes the behavior consistent with the standard select item. This means you have to manually set the tap behavior .none whenever you need that behavior.

We have added a ActionSheetSingleSelectItemAppearance class to the library and added a new singleSelectItem property to the appearance class.


Select items can now have a separate select tint color for the left icon.


We have added a subtitle to the section title item and clarified the examples by moving action sheets into their own separate classes.