12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # Get full user name of current user
- # E.g. "Robbie Hanson"
- full1=$(osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\"" -e "get the full name of the current user" -e "end tell")
- #echo $full1
- # Convert to lower case
- # E.g. "robbie hanson"
- full2=$(echo $full1 | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
- #echo $full2
- # Replace spaces with underscores
- # E.g. "robbie_hanson"
- full3=$(echo ${full2// /_})
- #echo $full3
- # Remove any characters that are illegal in a macro name
- full4=$(echo $full3 | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]*//g')
- #echo $full4
- # If blank, set the name to an anonymous user
- if [ "$full4" == "" ]
- then
- full4='anonymous_user'
- fi
- # If we output directly to our intended file, even when nothing has changed,
- # then we'll essentially be doing a touch on the file.
- # The compiler will see this, and recompile any files that include the header.
- # This may mean recompiling every single source file, every single time we do a build!
- # So instead we're going to output to a temporary file, and use diff to detect changes.
- temp_filepath="${SRCROOT}/PerUserLogLevels/LumberjackUser.temp.h"
- final_filepath="${SRCROOT}/PerUserLogLevels/LumberjackUser.h"
- echo "// This file is automatically generated" > ${temp_filepath}
- echo "#define $full4 1" >> ${temp_filepath}
- if [ -a ${final_filepath} ]
- then
- DIFF=$(diff ${temp_filepath} ${final_filepath})
- if [ "$DIFF" != "" ]
- then
- cp -f ${temp_filepath} ${final_filepath}
- fi
- else
- cp -f ${temp_filepath} ${final_filepath}
- fi