123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @class FIRVisionDocumentText;
- @class FIRVisionImage;
- /**
- * The callback to invoke when the document text recognition completes.
- *
- * @param text Recognized document text in the image or `nil` if there was an error.
- * @param error The error or `nil`.
- */
- typedef void (^FIRVisionDocumentTextRecognitionCallback)(FIRVisionDocumentText *_Nullable text,
- NSError *_Nullable error)
- NS_SWIFT_NAME(VisionDocumentTextRecognitionCallback);
- /**
- * A cloud document text recognizer that recognizes text in an image.
- */
- NS_SWIFT_NAME(VisionDocumentTextRecognizer)
- @interface FIRVisionDocumentTextRecognizer : NSObject
- /**
- * Unavailable. Use `Vision` factory methods.
- */
- - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- /**
- * Processes the given image for cloud document text recognition.
- *
- * @param image The image to process for recognizing document text.
- * @param completion Handler to call back on the main queue when document text recognition
- * completes.
- */
- - (void)processImage:(FIRVisionImage *)image
- completion:(FIRVisionDocumentTextRecognitionCallback)completion
- NS_SWIFT_NAME(process(_:completion:));
- @end