SVGKLayeredImageView.m 9.0 KB

  1. #import "SVGKLayeredImageView.h"
  2. #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
  3. #import "SVGKSourceString.h"
  4. @interface SVGKLayeredImageView()
  5. @property(nonatomic,strong) CAShapeLayer* internalBorderLayer;
  6. @end
  7. @implementation SVGKLayeredImageView
  8. @synthesize internalBorderLayer = _internalBorderLayer;
  9. /** uses the custom SVGKLayer instead of a default CALayer */
  10. +(Class)layerClass
  11. {
  12. return NSClassFromString(@"SVGKLayer");
  13. }
  14. - (id)init
  15. {
  16. NSAssert(false, @"init not supported, use initWithSVGKImage:");
  17. return nil;
  18. }
  19. - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
  20. {
  21. if( aDecoder == nil )
  22. {
  23. self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,100,100)]; // coincides with the inline SVG in populateFromImage!
  24. }
  25. else
  26. {
  27. self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
  28. }
  29. if( self )
  30. {
  31. [self populateFromImage:nil];
  32. }
  33. return self;
  34. }
  35. -(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
  36. {
  37. self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
  38. if( self )
  39. {
  40. [self populateFromImage:nil];
  41. }
  42. return self;
  43. }
  44. - (id)initWithSVGKImage:(SVGKImage*) im
  45. {
  46. if( im == nil )
  47. {
  48. self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,100,100)]; // coincides with the inline SVG in populateFromImage!
  49. }
  50. else
  51. {
  52. self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake( 0,0, im.CALayerTree.frame.size.width, im.CALayerTree.frame.size.height )]; // default: 0,0 to width x height of original image];
  53. }
  54. if (self)
  55. {
  56. [self populateFromImage:im];
  57. }
  58. return self;
  59. }
  60. - (void)populateFromImage:(SVGKImage*) im
  61. {
  62. #if SVGKIT_MAC
  63. // setup layer-hosting view
  64. self.layer = [[SVGKLayer alloc] init];
  65. self.wantsLayer = YES;
  66. #endif
  67. if( im == nil )
  68. {
  70. SVGKitLogWarn(@"[%@] WARNING: you have initialized an [%@] with a blank image (nil). Possibly because you're using Storyboards or NIBs which Apple won't allow us to decorate. Make sure you assign an SVGKImage to the .image property!", [self class], [self class]);
  71. #if SVGKIT_UIKIT
  72. self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
  73. #else
  74. self.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor clearColor].CGColor;
  75. #endif
  76. NSString* svgStringDefaultContents = @"\
  77. <svg width=\"100\" height=\"100\" viewBox=\"0 0 100 100\" xmlns=\"\"> \
  78. <rect width=\"100\" height=\"100\" fill=\"#BF01FF\"/> \
  79. <path d=\"M11.77 18.42L15.11 18.42 20.05 32.98 24.96 18.42 28.27 18.42 28.27 35.64 26.05 35.64 26.05 25.48C26.05 25.13 26.06 24.54 26.08 23.73 26.09 22.92 26.1 22.05 26.1 21.12L21.19 35.64 18.88 35.64 13.94 21.12 13.94 21.65C13.94 22.07 13.95 22.71 13.97 23.57 13.99 24.44 14 25.07 14 25.48L14 35.64 11.77 35.64 11.77 18.42ZM31.54 23.15L33.68 23.15 33.68 35.64 31.54 35.64 31.54 23.15ZM31.54 18.42L33.68 18.42 33.68 20.81 31.54 20.81 31.54 18.42ZM38.13 31.7C38.19 32.4 38.36 32.94 38.65 33.32 39.18 34 40.11 34.34 41.42 34.34 42.2 34.34 42.89 34.17 43.48 33.83 44.07 33.49 44.37 32.96 44.37 32.25 44.37 31.71 44.13 31.3 43.66 31.02 43.35 30.85 42.75 30.65 41.85 30.42L40.18 30C39.11 29.74 38.32 29.44 37.81 29.11 36.9 28.54 36.45 27.75 36.45 26.74 36.45 25.56 36.88 24.59 37.73 23.86 38.59 23.13 39.74 22.76 41.18 22.76 43.07 22.76 44.44 23.31 45.27 24.42 45.8 25.13 46.05 25.88 46.04 26.7L44.04 26.7C44 26.22 43.84 25.79 43.54 25.4 43.05 24.84 42.21 24.56 41.02 24.56 40.22 24.56 39.62 24.72 39.21 25.02 38.8 25.33 38.59 25.73 38.59 26.23 38.59 26.77 38.86 27.21 39.4 27.54 39.71 27.74 40.18 27.91 40.79 28.06L42.18 28.4C43.7 28.76 44.71 29.12 45.23 29.46 46.05 30 46.46 30.85 46.46 32.01 46.46 33.12 46.03 34.09 45.19 34.9 44.34 35.71 43.05 36.12 41.31 36.12 39.45 36.12 38.12 35.69 37.35 34.85 36.57 34 36.15 32.95 36.1 31.7L38.13 31.7ZM50.13 31.7C50.19 32.4 50.36 32.94 50.65 33.32 51.18 34 52.11 34.34 53.42 34.34 54.2 34.34 54.89 34.17 55.48 33.83 56.07 33.49 56.37 32.96 56.37 32.25 56.37 31.71 56.13 31.3 55.66 31.02 55.35 30.85 54.75 30.65 53.85 30.42L52.18 30C51.11 29.74 50.32 29.44 49.81 29.11 48.9 28.54 48.45 27.75 48.45 26.74 48.45 25.56 48.88 24.59 49.73 23.86 50.59 23.13 51.74 22.76 53.18 22.76 55.07 22.76 56.44 23.31 57.27 24.42 57.8 25.13 58.05 25.88 58.04 26.7L56.04 26.7C56 26.22 55.84 25.79 55.54 25.4 55.05 24.84 54.21 24.56 53.02 24.56 52.22 24.56 51.62 24.72 51.21 25.02 50.8 25.33 50.59 25.73 50.59 26.23 50.59 26.77 50.86 27.21 51.4 27.54 51.71 27.74 52.18 27.91 52.79 28.06L54.18 28.4C55.7 28.76 56.71 29.12 57.23 29.46 58.05 30 58.46 30.85 58.46 32.01 58.46 33.12 58.03 34.09 57.19 34.9 56.34 35.71 55.05 36.12 53.31 36.12 51.45 36.12 50.12 35.69 49.35 34.85 48.57 34 48.15 32.95 48.1 31.7L50.13 31.7ZM60.87 23.15L63.02 23.15 63.02 35.64 60.87 35.64 60.87 23.15ZM60.87 18.42L63.02 18.42 63.02 20.81 60.87 20.81 60.87 18.42ZM66.2 23.09L68.21 23.09 68.21 24.87C68.8 24.13 69.43 23.61 70.09 23.29 70.76 22.97 71.5 22.81 72.31 22.81 74.09 22.81 75.29 23.43 75.92 24.67 76.26 25.35 76.43 26.32 76.43 27.59L76.43 35.64 74.29 35.64 74.29 27.73C74.29 26.96 74.18 26.34 73.95 25.88 73.57 25.09 72.89 24.7 71.91 24.7 71.41 24.7 71 24.76 70.68 24.86 70.1 25.03 69.59 25.37 69.16 25.89 68.8 26.3 68.58 26.73 68.47 27.17 68.37 27.61 68.31 28.24 68.31 29.06L68.31 35.64 66.2 35.64 66.2 23.09ZM86.56 23.59C86.96 23.86 87.36 24.26 87.78 24.79L87.78 23.2 89.72 23.2 89.72 34.62C89.72 36.21 89.49 37.47 89.02 38.39 88.14 40.09 86.49 40.95 84.06 40.95 82.71 40.95 81.57 40.64 80.65 40.04 79.73 39.43 79.21 38.49 79.11 37.2L81.25 37.2C81.35 37.76 81.55 38.19 81.86 38.5 82.34 38.97 83.09 39.2 84.11 39.2 85.73 39.2 86.79 38.63 87.29 37.49 87.58 36.82 87.72 35.62 87.7 33.89 87.27 34.53 86.77 35.01 86.17 35.32 85.58 35.63 84.79 35.79 83.82 35.79 82.46 35.79 81.27 35.31 80.25 34.34 79.23 33.38 78.72 31.78 78.72 29.56 78.72 27.45 79.23 25.81 80.26 24.63 81.29 23.45 82.53 22.86 83.98 22.86 84.96 22.86 85.82 23.11 86.56 23.59L86.56 23.59ZM86.82 25.85C86.18 25.1 85.36 24.73 84.37 24.73 82.88 24.73 81.87 25.42 81.32 26.81 81.03 27.56 80.89 28.53 80.89 29.73 80.89 31.15 81.17 32.22 81.75 32.96 82.32 33.7 83.09 34.07 84.06 34.07 85.58 34.07 86.64 33.38 87.26 32.02 87.61 31.24 87.78 30.34 87.78 29.31 87.78 27.75 87.46 26.6 86.82 25.85L86.82 25.85Z\" fill=\"#F8E81C\"/> \
  80. <path d=\"M28.35 64.08C28.41 65.06 28.64 65.85 29.04 66.46 29.82 67.6 31.18 68.17 33.13 68.17 34.01 68.17 34.8 68.05 35.52 67.8 36.91 67.31 37.61 66.45 37.61 65.2 37.61 64.26 37.32 63.59 36.73 63.19 36.14 62.8 35.21 62.46 33.94 62.17L31.61 61.65C30.09 61.3 29.01 60.92 28.38 60.51 27.28 59.79 26.73 58.72 26.73 57.29 26.73 55.74 27.27 54.47 28.34 53.48 29.41 52.49 30.93 51.99 32.89 51.99 34.69 51.99 36.22 52.42 37.49 53.3 38.75 54.17 39.38 55.56 39.38 57.47L37.19 57.47C37.07 56.55 36.82 55.84 36.44 55.35 35.73 54.45 34.52 54.01 32.82 54.01 31.44 54.01 30.45 54.29 29.85 54.87 29.25 55.45 28.95 56.12 28.95 56.89 28.95 57.73 29.3 58.35 30 58.74 30.46 58.99 31.51 59.3 33.13 59.68L35.55 60.23C36.71 60.49 37.61 60.86 38.24 61.32 39.34 62.12 39.88 63.29 39.88 64.82 39.88 66.73 39.19 68.09 37.8 68.91 36.42 69.73 34.8 70.14 32.97 70.14 30.83 70.14 29.15 69.59 27.94 68.5 26.73 67.42 26.14 65.94 26.16 64.08L28.35 64.08ZM44.2 52.42L49.14 67.08 54.03 52.42 56.64 52.42 50.36 69.64 47.89 69.64 41.62 52.42 44.2 52.42ZM70.48 52.92C72.19 53.81 73.24 55.39 73.62 57.64L71.31 57.64C71.03 56.38 70.45 55.46 69.57 54.89 68.68 54.32 67.57 54.03 66.23 54.03 64.63 54.03 63.29 54.63 62.2 55.82 61.11 57.02 60.57 58.8 60.57 61.17 60.57 63.21 61.02 64.88 61.91 66.16 62.81 67.45 64.28 68.09 66.31 68.09 67.86 68.09 69.15 67.64 70.17 66.74 71.19 65.84 71.71 64.38 71.73 62.36L66.34 62.36 66.34 60.43 73.9 60.43 73.9 69.64 72.4 69.64 71.84 67.42C71.05 68.29 70.35 68.89 69.74 69.23 68.72 69.81 67.42 70.09 65.84 70.09 63.8 70.09 62.05 69.43 60.58 68.11 58.98 66.46 58.18 64.18 58.18 61.29 58.18 58.41 58.96 56.12 60.52 54.42 62 52.79 63.93 51.98 66.29 51.98 67.9 51.98 69.3 52.29 70.48 52.92L70.48 52.92Z\" fill=\"#F8E81C\"/> \
  81. </svg>";
  82. SVGKitLogInfo(@"About to make a blank image using the inlined SVG = %@", svgStringDefaultContents);
  83. SVGKImage* defaultBlankImage = [SVGKImage imageWithSource:[SVGKSourceString sourceFromContentsOfString:svgStringDefaultContents]];
  84. ((SVGKLayer*) self.layer).SVGImage = defaultBlankImage;
  85. #endif
  86. }
  87. else
  88. {
  89. #if SVGKIT_UIKIT
  90. self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
  91. #else
  92. self.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor clearColor].CGColor;
  93. #endif
  94. ((SVGKLayer*) self.layer).SVGImage = im;
  95. }
  96. }
  97. /** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
  98. -(SVGKImage *)image
  99. {
  100. return ((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).SVGImage;
  101. }
  102. /** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
  103. -(void)setImage:(SVGKImage *)image
  104. {
  105. ((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).SVGImage = image;
  106. }
  107. /** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
  108. -(BOOL)showBorder
  109. {
  110. return ((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).showBorder;
  111. }
  112. /** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
  113. -(void)setShowBorder:(BOOL)showBorder
  114. {
  115. ((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).showBorder = showBorder;
  116. }
  117. -(NSTimeInterval)timeIntervalForLastReRenderOfSVGFromMemory
  118. {
  119. return[((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).endRenderTime timeIntervalSinceDate:((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).startRenderTime];
  120. }
  121. @end