Localizable.strings 87 KB

  1. //
  2. // Localizable.strings
  3. // Nextcloud
  4. //
  5. // Copyright © 2017 Marino Faggiana. All rights reserved.
  6. //
  7. // Author Marino Faggiana <marino.faggiana@nextcloud.com>
  8. //
  9. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  10. // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  11. // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  12. // (at your option) any later version.
  13. //
  14. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  15. // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  17. // GNU General Public License for more details.
  18. //
  19. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  20. // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  21. //
  22. // General
  23. "_cancel_" = "Utzi";
  24. "_upload_file_" = "Igo fitxategia";
  25. "_download_file_" = "Deskargatu fitxategia";
  26. "_loading_" = "Kargatzen";
  27. "_loading_with_points_" = "Kargatzen…";
  28. "_loading_num_" = "%i fitxategia kargatzen";
  29. "_loading_autoupload_" = "Igoera automatikoa";
  30. "_uploading_" = "Igotzen";
  31. "_synchronization_" = "Sinkronizazioa";
  32. "_delete_" = "Ezabatu";
  33. "_delete_file_n_" = "Delete file %i of %i";
  34. "_rename_" = "Aldatu izena";
  35. "_move_" = "Mugitu";
  36. "_move_file_n_" = "Move file %i of %i";
  37. "_creating_sharing_" = "Partekatua sortzen";
  38. "_updating_sharing_" = "Partekatzea eguneratzen";
  39. "_removing_sharing_" = "Partekatzea kentzen";
  40. "_add_" = "Gehitu";
  41. "_login_" = "Hasi saioa";
  42. "_save_" = "Gorde";
  43. "_warning_" = "Abisua";
  44. "_error_" = "Errorea";
  45. "_error_e2ee_" = "E2EE errorea";
  46. "_no_" = "Ez";
  47. "_yes_" = "Yes";
  48. "_select_" = "Hautatu";
  49. "_select_all_" = "Hautatu denak";
  50. "_upload_" = "Igo";
  51. "_home_" = "Fitxategiak";
  52. "_file_to_upload_" = "Igotzeko fitxategia";
  53. "_destination_" = "Helburua";
  54. "_ok_" = "Ados";
  55. "_beta_version_" = "Beta bertsioa";
  56. "_function_in_testing_" = "Function in testing, please send information about any problems you run into.";
  57. "_done_" = "Egina";
  58. "_passcode_too_short_" = "Pasahitza laburregia da, gutxienez 4 karaktere behar dira";
  59. "_selected_" = "Hautatua";
  60. "_scan_fingerprint_" = "Scan fingerprint to authenticate";
  61. "_no_active_account_" = "Ez da konturik aurkitu";
  62. "_info_" = "Informazioa";
  63. "_warning_" = "Abisua";
  64. "_email_" = "Helbide elektronikoa";
  65. "_save_exit_" = "Gorde gabe irten nahi duzu?";
  66. "_video_" = "Bideoa";
  67. "_overwrite_" = "Gaindatzi";
  68. "_transfers_in_queue_" = "Transferentzia abioan, itxaron mesedez…";
  69. "_too_errors_automatic_all_"= "Too many errors, go to \"Control Center\" to verify the problem";
  70. "_create_folder_" = "Sortu karpeta";
  71. "_create_folder_on_" = "Create folder on";
  72. "_close_" = "Itxi";
  73. "_postpone_" = "Atzeratu";
  74. "_remove_" = "Kendu";
  75. "_file_not_found_" = "Fitxategia ez da aurkitu";
  76. "_continue_" = "Jarraitu";
  77. "_continue_request_" = "Jarraitu nahi duzu?";
  78. "_auto_upload_folder_" = "Eguneratu automatikoki";
  79. "_gallery_" = "Galeria";
  80. "_photo_" = "Argazkia";
  81. "_audio_" = "Audioa";
  82. "_unknown_" = "Ezezaguna";
  83. "_next_" = "Hurrengoa";
  84. "_success_" = "Arrakasta";
  85. "_initialization_" = "Hasieratzea";
  86. "_experimental_" = "Esperimentala";
  87. "_select_dir_media_tab_" = "Hautatu \"Media\" karpeta gisa";
  88. "_error_creation_file_" = "Ops! Ezin izan da fitxategia sortu";
  89. "_save_path_" = "Gordetzeko bidea";
  90. "_save_settings_" = "Gorde ezarpenak";
  91. "_mode_filename_" = "Fitxategi-izena modua";
  92. "_warning_owncloud_" = "OwnCloud zerbitzari batera konektatuta zaude. Froga hau eta probatu gabe dago, zure ardurapean erabili. Nextcloud eguneratzeko, ikusi https://nextcloud.com/migration";
  93. "_warning_unsupported_" = "Nextcloud-en onartzen ez den bertsioa erabiltzen ari zara. Zure datuen segurtasunari dagokionez, azken Nextcloud egonkorrera eguneratzea gomendatzen dugu";
  94. "_restore_" = "Berrezarri";
  95. "_camera_roll_" = "Camera roll";
  96. "_tap_here_to_change_" = "Sakatu hemen aldatzeko";
  97. "_no_albums_" = "Ez dago albumik";
  98. "_denied_album_" = "This app does not have access to \"Photos\", you can enable access in Privacy Settings";
  99. "_denied_camera_" = "This app does not have access to \"Camera\", you can enable access in Privacy Settings";
  100. "_start_" = "Hasi";
  101. "_purchase_" = "Erosi";
  102. "_account_not_available_" = "The account %@ of %@ does not exist, please add it to be able to read the file %@";
  103. "_error_parameter_schema_" = "Parametro okerrak, ezin da jarraitu";
  104. "_comments_" = "Iruzkinak";
  105. "_sharing_" = "Partekatzen";
  106. "_details_" = "Xehetasunak";
  107. "_dark_mode_" = "Modu iluna";
  108. "_dark_mode_detect_" = "Detektatu iOS modu iluna";
  109. "_screen_" = "Pantaila";
  110. "_wipe_account_" = "Kontua zerbitzaritik ezabatuta";
  111. "_appconfig_view_title_" = "Kontuaren konfigurazioa abian...";
  112. "_no_permission_add_file_" = "Ez duzu fitxategiak gehitzeko baimenik";
  113. "_no_permission_delete_file_" = "Ez duzu fitxategiak ezabatzeko baimenik";
  114. "_no_permission_modify_file_" = "Ez duzu fitxategiak aldatzeko baimenik";
  115. "_request_upload_new_ver_" = "Fitxategia aldatu egin da, bertsio berria igo nahi duzu ?";
  116. "_add_folder_info_" = "Gehitu karpetaren informazioa";
  117. "_back_" = "Itzuli";
  118. "_internal_modify_" = "Edit with internal editor";
  119. "_database_corrupt_" = "Oops something went wrong, please enter your credentials but don't worry, your files have remained secure";
  120. "_download_image_max_" = "Download the image in full resolution";
  121. "_livephoto_save_" = "Save Live Photo to photo album";
  122. "_livephoto_save_error_" = "Error during save of Live Photo";
  123. // App
  124. "_network_available_" = "Network available";
  125. "_network_not_available_" = "Sarea ez dago eskuragarri";
  126. // Networking
  127. "_file_too_big_" = "Fitxategi handiegia zifratua/deszifratua izateko";
  128. "_file_too_big_max_100_" = "File size too big (max 100 kb.)";
  129. "_...loading..._" = "Kargatzen…";
  130. "_download_plist_" = " ";
  131. "_no_reuploadfile_" = "Could not find nor resend file. Delete the upload and reload the file to upload it.";
  132. "_file_already_exists_" = "Unable to complete the operation, a file with the same name exists";
  133. "_read_file_error_" = "Ezin izan da fitxategia irakurri";
  134. // More
  135. "_more_" = "Gehiago";
  136. "_notifications_" = "Jakinarazpenak";
  137. "_logout_" = "Amaitu saioa";
  138. "_quota_space_unlimited_" = "Mugagabea";
  139. "_quota_space_unknown_" = "Ezezaguna";
  140. "_quota_using_" = "You are using %@ of %@";
  141. // Settings
  142. "_acknowledgements_" = "Acknowledgements";
  143. "_settings_" = "Ezarpenak";
  144. "_passcode_" = "Pasahitza";
  145. "_lock_" = "Blokeatu";
  146. "_lock_active_" = "Blokeoa: Aktibatuta";
  147. "_lock_not_active_" = "Blokeoa: Desaktibatuta";
  148. "_lock_protection_no_screen_" = "Ez galdetu abioan";
  149. "_lock_protection_no_screen_footer_" = "Erabili \"Ez eskatu abiaraztean\" babestutako karpetak soilik edo zifratze aukerarako";
  150. "_url_" = "URLa";
  151. "_username_" = "Erabiltzaile-izena";
  152. "_change_credentials_" = "Change your credentials";
  153. "_wifi_only_" = "Only use Wi-Fi connection";
  154. "_settings_autoupload_" = "Eguneratu automatikoki";
  155. "_app_version_" = "Aplikazioaren bertsioa";
  156. "_app_in_use_" = "Application in use";
  157. "_contact_by_email_" = "Contact us by email";
  158. "_clear_cache_" = "Garbitu cachea";
  159. "_clear_cache_footer_" = "Garbitu deskargatutako eta lineaz kanpoko fitxategiak aplikaziotik";
  160. "_exit_" = "Berrezarri aplikazioa";
  161. "_exit_footer_" = "Kendu kontuak eta tokiko datuak aplikaziotik";
  162. "_funct_not_enabled_" = "Functionality not enabled";
  163. "_passcode_activate_" = "Pasahitzaren blokeoa aktibatuta dago";
  164. "_disabling_passcode_" = "Pasahitzaren blokeoa kentzen";
  165. "_want_exit_" = "Arreta! Hasierako egoerara berrezarriko da. Jarraitu?";
  166. "_proceed_" = "Jarraitu";
  167. "_delete_cache_" = "Delete cache";
  168. "_want_delete_cache_" = "Cachea ezabatu nahi duzu (horrek abian diren transferentziak ere kentzen ditu) ?";
  169. "_want_delete_thumbnails_" = "Koadro txikiak ere ezabatu nahi dituzu?";
  170. "_mail_deleted_" = "Mail deleted";
  171. "_mail_saved_" = "E-maila gordeta";
  172. "_mail_sent_" = "Eposta bidalia";
  173. "_mail_failure_" = "Ezin izan da helbide elektronikoa bidali: %@";
  174. "_information_req_" = "Information request";
  175. "_write_in_english_" = "Atsegin handiz idatzi iezaguzu ingelesez";
  176. "_credentials_" = "Kredentzialak";
  177. "_manage_account_" = "Manage account";
  178. "_change_password_" = "Aldatu pasahitza";
  179. "_add_account_" = "Gehitu kontua";
  180. "_delete_account_" = "Kendu kontua";
  181. "_want_delete_" = "Ezabatu nahi duzu?";
  182. "_no_delete_" = "Ez, ez ezabatu";
  183. "_yes_delete_" = "Bai, ezabatu";
  184. "_remove_cache_" = "Itxaron mesedez, cachea ezabatzen...";
  185. "_optimizations_" = "Optimizazioak";
  186. "_synchronizations_" = "Synchronizations folders";
  187. "_version_server_" = "Server version";
  188. "_help_" = "Laguntza";
  189. "_lock_protection_simply_" = "Pasahitz babes ahula";
  190. "_change_simply_passcode_" = "Aldatu pasahitz mota";
  191. "_quota_" = "Kuota";
  192. "_available_" = "eskuragarri";
  193. "_accounts_" = "Kontuak";
  194. "_information_" = "Informazioa";
  195. "_personal_information_" = "Informazio pertsonala";
  196. "_user_full_name_" = "Izen osoa";
  197. "_user_address_" = "Helbidea";
  198. "_user_phone_" = "Telefono zenbakia";
  199. "_user_email_" = "Helbide elektronikoa";
  200. "_user_web_" = "Webgunea";
  201. "_user_twitter_" = "Twitter";
  202. "_user_job_" = "Lana";
  203. "_user_businesssize_" = "Enpresa tamaina";
  204. "_user_businesstype_" = "Enpresa mota";
  205. "_user_city_" = "Hiria";
  206. "_user_country_" = "Herrialdea";
  207. "_user_company_" = "Enpresa";
  208. "_user_role_" = "Zeregina";
  209. "_user_zip_" = "Zip";
  210. "_user_owner_" = "Jabea";
  211. "_user_employee_" = "Langilea";
  212. "_user_contractor_" = "Kontratatzailea";
  213. "_user_editprofile_" = "Editatu profila";
  214. "_favorite_offline_" = "Gogokoak lineaz kanpo eskuragarri";
  215. "_favorite_offline_footer_" = "Making all favorites available offline may take a while and use a lot of memory while doing it.";
  216. "_advanced_" = "Aurreratua";
  217. "_disable_files_app_" = "Desgaitu fitxategien aplikazioaren integrazioa";
  218. "_disable_files_app_footer_" = "Do not permit the access of files across the Apple Files application";
  219. "_trial_" = "Proba";
  220. "_trial_expired_day_" = "Geratzen diren egunak";
  221. "_disableLocalCacheAfterUpload_footer_" = "Fitxategia kargatu ondoren, ez itzazu tokiko cachean gorde";
  222. "_disableLocalCacheAfterUpload_" = "Desgaitu tokiko cachea";
  223. // Manage AutoUpload
  224. "_autoupload_" = "Argazkiak/bideoak automatikoki kargatu";
  225. "_autoupload_select_folder_" = "Hautatu \"Auto igoera\" karpeta";
  226. "_autoupload_error_select_folder_" = "Hautatu \"Karga automatikoa\" baliozko karpeta bat.";
  227. "_autoupload_background_" = "Karga automatikoa atzeko planoan";
  228. "_autoupload_photos_" = "Automatikoki kargatu argazkiak";
  229. "_autoupload_videos_" = "Automatikoki kargatu bideoak";
  230. "_autoupload_description_" = "Argazki/bideo berriak zure Hodeian kargatuko dira";
  231. "_autoupload_description_background_" = "This option requires the use of GPS to trigger the detection of new photos/videos in the camera roll once the location changes significantly";
  232. "_autoupload_background_title_" = "Limitations";
  233. "_autoupload_background_msg_" = "Due to iOS restrictions, it is not yet possible to perform background processes, unless GPS services are activated. Once the cell in the cellular network is changed, the system wakes up for a short time and checks for new photos to upload to the cloud.";
  234. "_autoupload_change_location_" = "Aldatu karpeta";
  235. "_autoupload_location_now_" = "Karpeta";
  236. "_autoupload_location_default_" = "Restore default folder";
  237. "_autoupload_change_location_footer_" = "Change folder used for 'Automatic upload of camera photos' (if the option is enabled)";
  238. "_autoupload_not_select_home_" = "Hautatu karpeta bat";
  239. "_autoupload_save_album_" = "Copy photo or video into the photo album";
  240. "_autoupload_fullphotos_" = "Upload the whole camera roll";
  241. "_autoupload_fullphotos_footer_" = "Egokitu goiko aukerak igo aurretik";
  242. "_autoupload_create_subfolder_" = "Erabili azpi-karpetak";
  243. "_autoupload_create_subfolder_footer_" = "Biltegiratu urtearen eta hilabetearen araberako azpi-karpetetan";
  244. "_autoupload_filenamemask_" = "Aldatu fitxategi-izena maskara";
  245. "_autoupload_filenamemask_footer_" = "Aldatu fitxategi-izenaren maskara automatikoa";
  246. "_autoupload_current_folder_" = "Une honetan hautatutako karpeta";
  247. // Manage Help
  248. "_help_tutorial_" = "Tutoriala";
  249. "_help_intro_" = "Nextcloud-rako sarrera";
  250. "_help_activity_verbose_" = "Jardueraren xehetasunen jarioa";
  251. "_help_activity_mail_" = "Bidali jarduera helbide elektroniko bidez";
  252. "_help_activity_clear_" = "Garbitu jarduera";
  253. // Manage Advanced
  254. "_show_hidden_files_" = "Erakutsi ezkutuko fitxategiak";
  255. "_format_compatibility_" = "Bateragarrienak";
  256. "_format_compatibility_footer_" = "\"Bateragarrienak\", ahal denean, argazkiak JPEG gisa gordeko ditu";
  257. "_privacy_" = "Pribatutasuna";
  258. "_privacy_footer_" = "Nextcloud iOS uses a service for the analysis of a crash. Your personal information is not sent with the report. If you want disable it, please change the setting \"Disable crash reporter\" to ON";
  259. "_crashservice_title_" = "Disable crash reporter";
  260. "_crashservice_alert_" = "This option requires a restart of the app to take effect";
  261. "_upload_mov_livephoto_" = "Live Photo";
  262. "_upload_mov_livephoto_footer_" = "\"Live Photo\" will save, when possible, Live Photo video";
  263. // Login
  264. "_connect_server_anyway_" = "Do you want to connect to the server anyway?";
  265. "_connection_error_" = "Konexio errorea";
  266. "_serverstatus_error_" = "Connection to server failure, verify your server address or network status";
  267. "_add_your_nextcloud_" = "Add your Nextcloud account";
  268. "_login_url_" = "Zerbitzariaren helbidea https://…";
  269. "_login_bottom_label_" = "Don't have a server yet?\nChoose one of the providers.";
  270. "_error_multidomain_" = "Address not allowed, only the following domains are valid:";
  271. "_account_already_exists_" = "%@ kontua lehendik dago";
  272. "_traditional_login_" = "Lehengo erregistro-metodora itzuli";
  273. "_web_login_" = "Revert to web login method";
  274. "_login_url_error_" = "Url error, please verify your server url";
  275. // Favorite
  276. "_favorites_" = "Gogokoak";
  277. "_favorite_" = "Gogokoa";
  278. "_unfavorite_" = "Kendu gogokoetatik";
  279. "_no_files_uploaded_" = "No files uploaded";
  280. "_tutorial_favorite_view_" = "Gogoko bezala markatutako fitxategi zein karpetak hemen agertuko dira";
  281. "_tutorial_offline_view_" = "Files copied here will be available offline.\n\nThey will be synchronized with your cloud.";
  282. "_tutorial_local_view_" = "You'll find the unpacked files from your cloud.\n\nConnect to iTunes to share these files.";
  283. "_more_" = "Gehiago";
  284. "_favorite_no_files_" = "Gogokorik ez oraindik";
  285. // Auto Upload
  286. "_pull_down_" = "Pull down to refresh";
  287. "_no_photo_load_" = "Argazki edo bideorik ez";
  288. "_tutorial_autoupload_view_" = "You can enable auto uploads from \"Settings\"";
  289. "_no_date_" = "Datarik gabe";
  290. "_today_" = "Gaur";
  291. "_yesterday_" = "Atzo";
  292. "_time_" = "Denbora: %@\n\n%@";
  293. "_location_not_enabled_" = "Location Services not enabled";
  294. "_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "Please go to \"Settings\" and turn on \"Location Services\"";
  295. "_access_photo_not_enabled_" = "Access to Photos not enabled";
  296. "_access_photo_not_enabled_msg_" = "Please go to \"Settings\" and turn on \"Photo Access\"";
  297. "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_" = "Access to Photos and Location not enabled";
  298. "_access_photo_location_not_enabled_msg_" = "Please go to \"Settings\" and turn on \"Photo Access\" and \"Location Services\"";
  299. "_tutorial_photo_view_" = "Oraindik ez da argazki edo bideorik kargatu";
  300. "_create_full_upload_" = "Artxiboa sortzen… Denbora luzea iraun dezake, mesedez itxaron.";
  301. "_error_createsubfolders_upload_" = "Errorea azpikarpetak sortzean";
  302. "_activate_autoupload_" = "Gaitu auto-kargatzea";
  303. // Utility
  304. "_never_" = "inoiz ez";
  305. "_less_a_minute_" = "duela minutu bat baino gutxiago";
  306. "_minutes_ago_" = "Duela %d minutu";
  307. "_hours_ago_" = "duela %d ordu";
  308. "_days_ago_" = "%d days ago";
  309. "_over_30_days_" = "over 30 days";
  310. "_connection_internet_offline_" = "Interneteko konexioa lineaz kanpokoa dela edo Wi-Fi beharrezkoa da";
  311. "_insert_password_" = "insert password";
  312. "_update_in_progress_" = "Bertsio berritzea, itxaron mesedez...";
  313. "_forbidden_characters_" = "The file or folder name contains invalid characters";
  314. "_mail_not_can_send_mail_" = "No account set up, or wrong email address entered";
  315. // File
  316. "_photo_camera_" = "Argazkiak";
  317. "_media_" = "Media";
  318. "_unzip_in_progress_" = "Erauzketa prozesua abian biltegiratze lokalean...";
  319. "_file_unpacked_" = "Fitxategia biltegiratze lokalean despaketatu da";
  320. "_file_saved_local_" = "Fitxategia biltegiratze lokalean gorde da";
  321. "_file_not_present_" = "Error: File not present, please reload.";
  322. "_order_by_" = "Ordenatu honen arabera";
  323. "_order_by_name_a_z_" = "Ordenatu izenaren arabera (A-tik Z-ra)";
  324. "_order_by_name_z_a_" = "Ordenatu izenaren arabera (Z-tik A-ra)";
  325. "_order_by_date_more_recent_" = "Ordenantu berrienetatik";
  326. "_order_by_date_less_recent_" = "Sort from the less recent";
  327. "_order_by_size_smallest_" = "Ordenatu txikienetatik";
  328. "_order_by_size_largest_" = "Ordenatu handienetatik";
  329. "_delete_selected_files_" = "Ezabatu fitxategiak";
  330. "_move_selected_files_" = "Move files";
  331. "_download_selected_files_" = "Deskargatu fitxategiak";
  332. "_download_selected_files_folders_" = "Download files and folders";
  333. "_error_operation_canc_" = "Error: Operation canceled.";
  334. "_only_lock_passcode_" = "Available only with Lock password activated. Activate it in the \"Settings\".";
  335. "_go_to_app_settings_" = "Go to app settings";
  336. "_passcode_protection_" = "Pasahitz bidezko babesa";
  337. "_remove_favorites_" = "Kendu gogokoetatik";
  338. "_remove_offline_" = "Remove from offline";
  339. "_add_favorites_" = "Gehitu gogokoetan";
  340. "_add_offline_" = "Add to offline";
  341. "_remove_passcode_" = "Kendu pasahitz bidezko babesa";
  342. "_protect_passcode_" = "Babestu pasahitzaz";
  343. "_share_" = "Partekatu";
  344. "_reload_" = "Birkargatu";
  345. "_open_in_" = "Ireki honekin…";
  346. "_remove_local_file_" = "Remove from cache";
  347. "_add_local_" = "Gehitu biltegiratze lokalera";
  348. "_comm_erro_pull_down_" = "Attention: Communication error with the server. Pull down to refresh.";
  349. "_file_not_downloaded_" = "file not dowloaded";
  350. "_file_not_uploaded_" = "fitxategia ez da igo";
  351. "_folders_" = "karpetak";
  352. "_folder_" = "karpeta";
  353. "_files_" = "fitxategiak";
  354. "_file_" = "fitxategia";
  355. "_folder_blocked_" = "Folder blocked";
  356. "_downloading_progress_" = "Initiating download of files…";
  357. "_no_file_pull_down_" = "Upload a file or pull down to refresh";
  358. "_browse_images_" = "Browse images";
  359. "_synchronized_folder_" = "Keep the folder synchronized";
  360. "_remove_synchronized_folder_" = "Turn off the synchronization";
  361. "_synchronized_confirm_" = "Enabling the synchronization, all files in the folder will be synchronized with the server, continuous ?";
  362. "_offline_folder_confirm_" = "After enabling the offline folder, all files in it will be synchronized with the server, continue?";
  363. "_file_not_found_reload_" = "File not found, pull down to refresh";
  364. "_title_section_download_" = "DESKARGATU";
  365. "_title_section_upload_" = "UPLOAD";
  366. "_group_alphabetic_yes_" = "✓ Group alphabetically";
  367. "_group_alphabetic_no_" = "Taldekatu alfabetikoki";
  368. "_group_typefile_yes_" = "✓ Group by Type File";
  369. "_group_typefile_no_" = "Group by Type File";
  370. "_group_date_yes_" = "✓ Taldekatu dataren arabera";
  371. "_group_date_no_" = "Taldekatu dataren arabera";
  372. "_element_" = "elementua";
  373. "_elements_" = "elementuak";
  374. "_tite_footer_upload_wwan_" = " Wi-Fi network required, %lu %@ to upload";
  375. "_tite_footer_upload_" = "%lu %@ to upload";
  376. "_tite_footer_download_wwan_" = " Wi-Fi network required, %lu %@ to download";
  377. "_tite_footer_download_" = "%lu %@ to download";
  378. "_limited_dimension_" = "Reached maximum size";
  379. "_save_selected_files_" = "Save images and videos to photo album";
  380. "_file_not_saved_cameraroll_" = "Error: File not saved in photo album";
  381. "_file_saved_cameraroll_" = "File saved in photo album";
  382. "_directory_on_top_yes_" = "✓ Folders on top";
  383. "_directory_on_top_no_" = "Folders on top";
  384. "_folder_automatic_upload_" = "Folder for \"Auto upload\"";
  385. "_search_no_record_found_" = "No result";
  386. "_search_in_progress_" = "Search in progress…";
  387. "_search_instruction_" = "Search for file (minimum 2 characters)";
  388. "_files_no_files_" = "Ez dago fitxategirik hemen";
  389. "_files_no_folders_" = "No folders in here";
  390. "_request_in_progress_" = "Request to server in progress…";
  391. "audio" = "AUDIOA";
  392. "compress" = "KONPRIMITU";
  393. "directory" = "KARPETAK";
  394. "document" = "DOKUMENTUAK";
  395. "image" = "IRUDIAK";
  396. "template" = "TXANTILOIAK";
  397. "unknow" = "UNKNOWN";
  398. "video" = "VIDEO";
  399. "_file_del_only_local_" = "Fitxategia ez dago zerbitzarian";
  400. "_copy_file_" = "Kopiatu fitxategia";
  401. "_copy_files_" = "Kopiatu fitxategiak";
  402. "_paste_file_" = "Itsatsi fitxategia";
  403. "_paste_files_" = "Itsatsi fitxategiak";
  404. "_open_internal_view_" = "Open with internal viewer";
  405. "_search_this_folder_" = "Bilatu karpeta honetan";
  406. "_search_all_folders_" = "Bilatu karpeta guztietan";
  407. "_search_sub_folder_" = "Search here and in subfolders";
  408. "_theming_is_light_" = "Server theming too brightly coloured, not applicable";
  409. "_cancel_all_task_" = "Cancel all transfers";
  410. "_status_wait_download_" = "Waiting for download";
  411. "_status_in_download_" = "In download";
  412. "_status_downloading_" = "Deskargatzen";
  413. "_status_wait_upload_" = "Waiting for upload";
  414. "_status_in_upload_" = "In upload";
  415. "_status_uploading_" = "Igotzen";
  416. // Media
  417. "_select_media_folder_" = "hautatu \"Multimedia\" karpeta";
  418. "_media_viewimage_show_" = "Show images";
  419. "_media_viewimage_hide_" = "Ezkutatu irudiak";
  420. "_media_viewvideo_show_" = "Show video";
  421. "_media_viewvideo_hide_" = "Hide video";
  422. // Files Preview
  423. "_insert_password_pfd_" = "Secure PDF. Enter password";
  424. "_password_pdf_error_" = "Pasahitz okerra";
  425. "_error_download_photobrowser_" = "Error: Unable to download photo";
  426. // Share
  427. "_share_link_" = "Partekatu esteka";
  428. "_share_link_button_" = "Bidali esteka honi…";
  429. "_password_" = "Pasahitza";
  430. "_share_password_" = "Pasahitzaz babestutako esteka";
  431. "_share_expirationdate_" = "Ezarri estekaren iraungitze-data";
  432. "_date_" = "Data";
  433. "_share_title_" = "Partekatu";
  434. "_add_sharee_" = "Add users or groups";
  435. "_add_sharee_footer_" = "You can share this resource by adding users or groups. To remove a share, remove all users and groups";
  436. "_find_sharee_title_" = "Bilatu";
  437. "_find_sharee_" = "Search for user or group…";
  438. "_find_sharee_footer_" = "Enter part of the name of the user or group to be searched (at least 2 characters) followed by 'Return', select the users that can access the share followed by 'Done' to confirm";
  439. "_user_is_group_" = " (group)";
  440. "_direct_sharee_title_" = "Partekatu";
  441. "_direct_sharee_footer_" = "If you already know the name, enter it, then select the share type and press 'Done' to confirm";
  442. "_direct_sharee_" = "Enter the username…";
  443. "_user_sharee_footer_" = "Tap to change permissions";
  444. "_share_type_title_" = "Type of share";
  445. "_share_type_user_" = "Erabiltzailea";
  446. "_share_type_group_" = "Taldea";
  447. "_share_type_remote_" = "Urrunekoa";
  448. "_enforce_password_protection_" = "Betearazi pasahitzaren babesa";
  449. "_password_obligatory_" = "Enforce password protection enabled, password obligatory";
  450. "_shared_with_you_by_" = "Shared with you by";
  451. "_shareLinksearch_placeholder_" = "Type a name and press Enter";
  452. "_new_comment_" = "Iruzkin berria...";
  453. "_edit_comment_" = "Editatu iruzkina";
  454. "_delete_comment_" = "Ezabatu Iruzkina";
  455. "_share_allow_editing_" = "Baimendu editatzea";
  456. "_share_read_only_" = "Irakurtzeko soilik";
  457. "_share_allow_upload_" = "Onartu kargatzea eta edizioa";
  458. "_share_file_drop_" = "Fitxategia jaregin (kargatzeko soilik)";
  459. "_share_hide_download_" = "ezkutuko deskarga";
  460. "_share_password_protect_" = "Babestu pasahitzarekin";
  461. "_share_expiration_date_" = "Ezarri iraungitze-data";
  462. "_share_note_recipient_" = "Oharra hartzailearentzat";
  463. "_share_delete_sharelink_" = "Ezabatu partekatze esteka";
  464. "_share_add_sharelink_" = "Gehitu beste esteka bat";
  465. "_share_can_reshare_" = "Berriz partekatu dezake";
  466. "_share_can_create_" = "Sortu dezake";
  467. "_share_can_change_" = "Aldatu dezake";
  468. "_share_can_delete_" = "Ezabatu dezake";
  469. "_share_unshare_" = "Ez partekatu";
  470. // Share Permission
  471. "_share_permission_title_" = "Privileges";
  472. "_share_permission_edit_" = "Editatu dezake";
  473. "_share_permission_file_can_write_" = "Can write file";
  474. "_share_permission_create_" = "Sortu dezake";
  475. "_share_permission_create_file_" = "Can create files";
  476. "_share_permission_create_folder_" = "Karpetak sortu ditzake";
  477. "_share_permission_change_" = "Aldatu dezake";
  478. "_share_permission_delete_" = "Ezabatu dezake";
  479. "_share_permission_share_" = "Partekatu dezake";
  480. "_share_permission_rename_" = "Izenak aldatu ditzake";
  481. "_share_permission_move_" = "Can move";
  482. "_share_permission_read_" = "Can read";
  483. "_share_permission_info_" = "Sharing information";
  484. "_share_permission_path_" = "Fitxategia/Karpeta";
  485. "_share_permission_type_" = "Mota";
  486. "_share_permission_typeuser_" = "Erabiltzailea";
  487. "_share_permission_typegroup_" = "Taldea";
  488. "_share_permission_typepubliclink_" = "Esteka";
  489. "_share_permission_typefederated_" = "Federatua";
  490. "_share_permission_owner_" = "Jabea";
  491. "_share_permission_date_" = "Data";
  492. "_share_permission_email_" = "Notification via email";
  493. "_share_link_readonly_" = "Irakurtzeko soilik";
  494. "_share_link_modify_" = "Baimendu editatzea";
  495. "_share_link_upload_" = "Fitxategia jaregin (kargatzeko soilik)";
  496. "_share_link_upload_modify_" = "Onartu kargatzea eta edizioa";
  497. "_share_link_hide_download_" = "ezkutuko deskarga";
  498. // ShareInfoCMOC
  499. "_type_resource_connect_you_" = "Zurekin partekatua";
  500. "_type_resource_external_" = "External storage";
  501. // Share Ext
  502. "_destiny_folder_" = "Folder: %@";
  503. "_no_transfer_" = "No transfers yet";
  504. "_no_transfer_sub_" = "Uploads and downloads from this device will show up here";
  505. "_no_activity_" = "Jarduerarik ez oraindik";
  506. "_transfers_" = "Transferentziak";
  507. "_activity_" = "Jarduera";
  508. "_activity_file_not_present_" = "File no longer present";
  509. "_trash_file_not_found_" = "It seems that the file is not in the trash, go to the trash to update it and try again";
  510. // List Shares
  511. "_list_shares_" = "Partekatzeak";
  512. "_list_shares_no_files_" = "No shares yet";
  513. "_tutorial_list_shares_view_" = "Partekatzen dituzun fitxategi eta karpetak hemen agertuko dira";
  514. // Offline - Local Storage
  515. "_create_synchronization_" = "Create synchronization";
  516. "_offline_" = "Offline";
  517. "_local_storage_" = "Biltegiratze lokala";
  518. "_local_storage_no_record_" = "No files yet";
  519. // Create Cloud
  520. "_upload_photos_videos_" = "Upload photos or videos";
  521. "_upload_file_" = "Igo fitxategia";
  522. "_upload_file_text_" = "Sortu testu fitxategia";
  523. "_create_nextcloudtext_document_" = "Create text document";
  524. // Document Picker
  525. "_save_document_picker_" = "Gorde hemen";
  526. // CreateFormUploadAssets
  527. "_destination_folder_" = "Destination folder";
  528. "_use_folder_auto_upload_" = "Use the \"Auto upload\" folder as destination";
  529. "_rename_filename_" = "Aldatu izena";
  530. "_filename_" = "Fitxategi-izena";
  531. "_preview_filename_" = "Example preview of filename. You can use the mask %@ for date/time";
  532. "_forbidden_characters_" = "The file or folder name contains invalid characters";
  533. "_add_filenametype_" = "Specify type in filename";
  534. "_filenametype_photo_video_" = "Argazkia/Bideoa";
  535. "_maintain_original_filename_" = "Mantendu jatorrizko fitxategi-izena";
  536. "_modify_photo_" = "Modify photo";
  537. // Notification
  538. "_notification_" = "Jakinarazpena";
  539. // Photo Browser
  540. "Done" = "Egina";
  541. "Select Photos" = "Select Photos";
  542. "photo" = "argazkia";
  543. "photos" = "photos";
  544. "of" = "of";
  545. "%i of %i" = "%1$i of %2$i";
  546. // Manage Auto Upload FileName
  547. "_autoupload_filename_title_" = "Auto upload filename";
  548. // Text File
  549. "_untitled_txt_" = "Izengabea.txt";
  550. "_text_upload_title_" = "Upload text file";
  551. // EndToEnd Encryption
  552. "_e2e_settings_title_" = "Zifratzea";
  553. "_e2e_settings_" = "Muturretik muturrerako zifratzea";
  554. "_e2e_settings_start_" = "Hasi muturretik muturrerako zifratzea";
  555. "_e2e_settings_not_available_" = "Muturretik muturrerako zifratzea ez dago erabilgarri";
  556. "_e2e_settings_activated_" = "Muturretik muturrerako zifratzea aktibatuta";
  557. "_e2e_settings_view_passphrase_" = "12 hitz guztiek batera pasahitz oso gogorra osatzen dute, zure enkriptatutako fitxategiak bakarrik ikusi eta erabil ditzazun. Idatzi eta gorde itzazu nonbait.";
  558. "_e2e_settings_read_passphrase_" = "Read passphrase";
  559. "_e2e_settings_lock_not_active_" = "Lock not active, go back to \"Settings\" and activate it";
  560. "_e2e_settings_the_passphrase_is_" = "The passphrase is:";
  561. "_e2e_passphrase_request_title_" = "Request passphrase";
  562. "_e2e_passphrase_request_message_" = "Insert the 12 words";
  563. "_e2e_settings_remove_" = "Kendu zifratzea lokalki";
  564. "_e2e_settings_remove_message_" = "Confirm removal of encryption along with the passphrase.";
  565. "_e2e_set_folder_encrypted_" = "Zifratu";
  566. "_e2e_remove_folder_encrypted_" = "Deszifratu";
  567. "_e2e_goto_settings_for_enable_" = "This is an encrypted directory, go to \"Settings\" and enable end-to-end encryption";
  568. "_e2e_delete_folder_not_permitted_" = "Deletion of the directory marked as 'encrypted' is not allowed";
  569. "_e2e_error_encode_metadata_" = "Serious internal error in encoding metadata";
  570. "_e2e_error_decode_metadata_" = "Serious internal error in decoding metadata";
  571. "_e2e_error_create_encrypted_" = "Ezin izan da zifratutako fitxategia sortu";
  572. "_e2e_error_update_metadata_" = "Update metadata error";
  573. "_e2e_error_store_metadata_" = "Ezin izan dira metadatuak gorde";
  574. "_e2e_error_send_metadata_" = "Ezin izan dira meta-datuak bidali";"_e2e_error_delete_metadata_" = "Could not delete metadata";
  575. "_e2e_error_get_metadata_" = "Could not fetch metadata";
  576. "_e2e_error_not_enabled_" = "Serious internal error. End-to-end encryption not enabled";
  577. "_e2e_error_record_not_found_" = "Serious internal error. Records not found";
  578. "_e2e_error_unlock_" = "Could not unlock folder";
  579. "_e2e_error_lock_" = "Could not lock folder";
  580. "_e2e_error_delete_mark_folder_" = "Decrypt marked folder";
  581. "_e2e_error_mark_folder_" = "Zifratze-karpeta";
  582. "_e2e_error_directory_not_empty_" = "The directory is not empty";
  583. // Scan Document
  584. "_scans_document_" = "Eskaneatu dokumentua";
  585. "_scanned_images_" = "Eskaneatutako irudiak";
  586. "_scan_document_pdf_page_" = "Orria";
  587. "_scan_label_document_zone_" = "Drag images down for document creation";
  588. "_filter_original_" = "Jatorrizkoa";
  589. "_filter_bn_" = "Zuri eta beltza";
  590. "_filter_grayscale_" = "Gris eskala";
  591. "_quality_image_title_" = "Irudiaren kalitatea";
  592. "_quality_high_" = "Kalitate handiko fitxategiaren tamaina handia";
  593. "_quality_medium_" = "Kalitate ertainerako fitxategiaren batez besteko tamaina ";
  594. "_quality_low_" = "Kalitate txikiko fitxategiaren tamaina txikia";
  595. "_file_type_" = "File type";
  596. "_pdf_password_" = "PDF Pasahitza";
  597. "_file_creation_" = "Fitxategiaren sorrera";
  598. "_delete_all_scanned_images_" = "Do you want to delete all scanned images?";
  599. "_text_recognition_" = "Text recognition";
  600. /* The title on the navigation bar of the Scanning screen. */
  601. "wescan.scanning.title" = "Aztertzen";
  602. /* The "Next" button on the right side of the navigation bar on the Edit screen. */
  603. "wescan.edit.button.next" = "Hurrengoa";
  604. /* The title on the navigation bar of the Edit screen. */
  605. "wescan.edit.title" = "Edit Scan";
  606. /* The "Done" button on the right side of the navigation bar on the Review screen. */
  607. "wescan.review.button.done" = "Egina";
  608. /* The title on the navigation bar of the Review screen. */
  609. "wescan.review.title" = "Berrikusi";
  610. // Trah
  611. "_trash_view_" = "Ezabatutako fitxategiak";
  612. "_trash_restore_all_" = "Restore all files";
  613. "_trash_delete_all_" = "Hustu zakarrontzia";
  614. "_trash_no_trash_" = "No files deleted";
  615. "_trash_no_trash_description_" = "You can restore deleted files from here";
  616. "_trash_restore_selected_" = "Restore selected files";
  617. "_trash_delete_selected_" = "Deleted selected files";
  618. // Offline
  619. "_manage_file_offline_" = "Manage offline files";
  620. "_set_available_offline_" = "Set as available offline";
  621. "_remove_available_offline_" = "Remove as available offline";
  622. // Richdocuments
  623. "_create_new_document_" = "Sortu dokumentu berria";
  624. "_create_new_spreadsheet_" = "Sortu kalkulu orri berria";
  625. "_create_new_presentation_" = "Sortu aurkezpen berria";
  626. "_go_online_" = "Go online to see the document";
  627. // Intro
  628. "_intro_1_title_" = "Mantendu zure datuak seguru eta zure kontrolpean";
  629. "_intro_2_title_" = "Secure collaboration & file exchange";
  630. "_intro_3_title_" = "Easy-to-use web mail, calendering & contacts";
  631. "_intro_4_title_" = "Screensharing, online meetings & web conferences";
  632. "_log_in_" = "Hasi saioa";
  633. "_sign_up_" = "Erregistratu hornitzaile batekin";
  634. "_host_your_own_server" = "Ostatatu zure zerbitzaria";
  635. // Error
  636. "_bad_username_password_" = "Erabiltzaile edo pasahitz okerra";
  637. "_cancelled_by_user" = "Transfer canceled";
  638. "_error_folder_destiny_is_the_same_" = "It is not possible to move the folder into itself";
  639. "_error_not_permission_" = "You don't have permission to complete the operation";
  640. "_error_path_" = "Unable to open this file or folder. Please make sure it exists";
  641. "_file_upload_not_exitst_" = "The file that you want to upload does not exist";
  642. "_forbidden_characters_from_server_" = "The name contains at least one invalid character";
  643. "_not_connected_internet_" = "Server connection error";
  644. "_not_possible_connect_to_server_" = "It is not possible to connect to the server at this time";
  645. "_not_possible_create_folder_" = "Folder could not be created";
  646. "_server_down_" = "Could not establish contact with server";
  647. "_time_out_" = "Denbora-muga, saiatu berriro";
  648. "_unknow_response_server_" = "Unexpected response from server";
  649. "_user_authentication_required_" = "User authentication required";
  650. "_file_directory_locked_" = "Fitxategia edo direktorio blokeatua";
  651. "_ssl_certificate_untrusted_" = "Zerbitzari honen ziurtagiria baliogabea da";
  652. "_internal_server_" = "Barneko zerbitzari-errorea";
  653. "_file_already_exists_" = "Unable to complete the operation, a file with the same name exists";
  654. "_file_folder_not_exists_" = "The source file wasn't found at the specified path";
  655. "_folder_contents_nochanged_" = "The folder contents have not changed";
  656. "_images_invalid_converted_" = "The image is invalid and cannot be converted to a thumbnail";
  657. "_method_not_expected_" = "Ustekabeko eskaera metodoa";
  658. "_reauthenticate_user_" = "Sarbidea iraungita, saioa berriro hasi";
  659. "_server_error_retry_" = "Zerbitzaria aldi baterako ez dago erabilgarri";
  660. "_too_many_files_" = "Fitxategi gehiegi egongo lirateke eragiketa honetan";
  661. "_too_many_request_" = "Eskaera gehiegi bidaltzeak tasa mugara iristea eragin du";
  662. "_user_over_quota_" = "Biltegiratze kuotara iritsi da";
  663. "_ssl_connection_error_" = "Connection SSL error, try again";
  664. "_bad_request_" = "Okerreko eskaera";
  665. "_webdav_locked_" = "WebDAV Locked: Trying to access locked resource";
  666. "_error_user_not_available_" = "Erabiltzailea ez dago eskuragarri";
  667. "_server_response_error_" = "Zerbitzariaren erantzun edukiaren errorea";
  668. "_no_nextcloud_found_" = "Ez da aurkitu Nextcloud zerbitzaria";
  669. "_error_decompressing_" = "Error during decompressing. Unknown compression method or the file is corrupt";
  670. "_error_json_decoding_" = "Serious internal error in decoding metadata (The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.)";
  671. // BKPasscode
  672. "%d Failed Passcode Attempts" = "%d Failed Passcode Attempts";
  673. "%d Failed Password Attempts" = "%d Failed Password Attempts";
  674. "1 Failed Passcode Attempt" = "1 Failed Passcode Attempt";
  675. "1 Failed Password Attempt" = "1 Failed Password Attempt";
  676. "Do you want to use Touch ID for authentication?" = "Touch/Face IDa erabili nahi duzu autentikaziorako?";
  677. "Done" = "Egina";
  678. "Enable Touch ID" = "Gaitu Touch/Face ID";
  679. "Enter a different passcode. Cannot re-use the same passcode." = "Enter a different passcode. Cannot re-use the same passcode.";
  680. "Enter a different password. Cannot re-use the same password." = "Enter a different password. Cannot re-use the same password.";
  681. "Enter a passcode" = "Idatzi pasahitz bat";
  682. "Enter a password" = "Sartu pasahitz bat";
  683. "Enter your new passcode" = "Idatzi zure pasakode berria";
  684. "Enter your new password" = "Idatzi zure pasahitz berria";
  685. "Enter your old passcode" = "Idatzi zure pasakode zaharra";
  686. "Enter your old password" = "Sartu pasahitz zaharra";
  687. "Enter your passcode" = "Idatzi zure pasakodea";
  688. "Enter your password" = "Idatzi zure pasahitza";
  689. "Invalid Passcode" = "Pasakode baliogabea";
  690. "Invalid Password" = "Pasahitz baliogabea";
  691. "Passcodes did not match.\nTry again." = "Pasakodeak ez datoz bat.\nSaiatu berriro.";
  692. "Password did not match.\nTry again." = "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat.\nSaiatu berriro.";
  693. "Re-enter your passcode" = "Idatzi berriro zure pasakodea";
  694. "Re-enter your password" = "Idatzi berriro zure pasahitza";
  695. "Try again in %d minutes" = "Saiatu berriro %d minututan";
  696. "Try again in 1 minute" = "Saiatu berriro minutu 1-etan";
  697. // QRCode
  698. "_qrcode_not_authorized_" = "Aplikazio honek ez du atzeko kamera erabiltzeko baimenik";
  699. "_qrcode_not_supported_" = "QRCodea ez da uneko gailuan onartzen";
  700. // Voice Memo
  701. "_create_voice_memo_" = "Sortu ahots-oharra";
  702. "_voice_memo_start_" = "Tap to start";
  703. "_voice_memo_stop_" = "Tap to stop";
  704. "_voice_memo_filename_" = "Voice memo";
  705. "_voice_memo_title_" = "Kargatu ahots-oharra";
  706. // IM
  707. "_textnote_" = "Text note";
  708. "_audionote_" = "Audio note";
  709. "_removeaudionote_" = "Do you want delete the audio note?";
  710. "_detailpicture_" = "Detail picture";
  711. "_creation_archive_error_" = "Error while creating archive";
  712. "_read_audio_error_" = "Error while reading audio file";
  713. "_create_audio_error_" = "Error while creating audio file";
  714. "_create_image_error_" = "Error while creating image file";
  715. "_error_open_file_" = "Error while opening a file";
  716. "_new_background_im_" = "Select an image, take a picture or do not select anything for a canvas background. Press 'Done' to complete.";