12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849 |
- require 'fileutils'
- require 'pathname'
- require 'tmpdir'
- require 'octokit'
- BUILD_SH = Pathname(__FILE__).+('../../build.sh').expand_path
- VERSION = `sh '#{BUILD_SH}' get-version`.strip
- BUILD = BUILD_SH.parent + 'build'
- OBJC_ZIP = BUILD + "realm-objc-#{VERSION}.zip"
- SWIFT_ZIP = BUILD + "realm-swift-#{VERSION}.zip"
- CARTHAGE_ZIP = BUILD + 'Carthage.framework.zip'
- REPOSITORY = 'realm/realm-cocoa'
- def release_notes(version)
- changelog = BUILD_SH.parent.+('CHANGELOG.md').readlines
- current_version_index = changelog.find_index { |line| line =~ (/^#{Regexp.escape version}/) }
- unless current_version_index
- raise "Update the changelog for the last version (#{version})"
- end
- current_version_index += 2
- previous_version_lines = changelog[(current_version_index+1)...-1]
- previous_version_index = current_version_index + (previous_version_lines.find_index { |line| line =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-(alpha|beta|rc)(\.\d+)?)?\s+/ } || changelog.count)
- relevant = changelog[current_version_index..previous_version_index]
- relevant.join.strip
- end
- RELEASE_NOTES = release_notes(VERSION)
- github = Octokit::Client.new
- github.access_token = ENV['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN']
- puts 'Creating GitHub release'
- prerelease = (VERSION =~ /alpha|beta|rc/) ? true : false
- response = github.create_release(REPOSITORY, RELEASE, name: RELEASE, body: RELEASE_NOTES, prerelease: prerelease)
- release_url = response[:url]
- uploads.each do |upload|
- puts "Uploading #{upload.basename} to GitHub"
- github.upload_asset(release_url, upload.to_path, content_type: 'application/zip')
- end