123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- /*
- * MGSwipeTableCell is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE.md file for more information.
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Imanol Fernandez @MortimerGoro
- */
- #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
- @class MGSwipeTableCell;
- /**
- * This is a convenience class to create MGSwipeTableCell buttons
- * Using this class is optional because MGSwipeTableCell is button agnostic and can use any UIView for that purpose
- * Anyway, it's recommended that you use this class because is totally tested and easy to use ;)
- */
- @interface MGSwipeButton : UIButton
- /**
- * Convenience block callback for developers lazy to implement the MGSwipeTableCellDelegate.
- * @return Return YES to autohide the swipe view
- */
- typedef BOOL(^ MGSwipeButtonCallback)(MGSwipeTableCell * _Nonnull cell);
- @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) MGSwipeButtonCallback callback;
- /** A width for the expanded buttons. Defaults to 0, which means sizeToFit will be called. */
- @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat buttonWidth;
- /**
- * Convenience static constructors
- */
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color padding:(NSInteger) padding;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color insets:(UIEdgeInsets) insets;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color callback:(nullable MGSwipeButtonCallback) callback;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color padding:(NSInteger) padding callback:(nullable MGSwipeButtonCallback) callback;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color insets:(UIEdgeInsets) insets callback:(nullable MGSwipeButtonCallback) callback;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title icon:(nullable UIImage*) icon backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title icon:(nullable UIImage*) icon backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color padding:(NSInteger) padding;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title icon:(nullable UIImage*) icon backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color insets:(UIEdgeInsets) insets;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title icon:(nullable UIImage*) icon backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color callback:(nullable MGSwipeButtonCallback) callback;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title icon:(nullable UIImage*) icon backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color padding:(NSInteger) padding callback:(nullable MGSwipeButtonCallback) callback;
- +(nonnull instancetype) buttonWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *) title icon:(nullable UIImage*) icon backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *) color insets:(UIEdgeInsets) insets callback:(nullable MGSwipeButtonCallback) callback;
- -(void) setPadding:(CGFloat) padding;
- -(void) setEdgeInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)insets;
- -(void) centerIconOverText;
- -(void) centerIconOverTextWithSpacing: (CGFloat) spacing;
- -(void) iconTintColor:(nullable UIColor *)tintColor;
- @end