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Or use one of the plugins if you are already using the tool: [grunt](https://github.com/btford/grunt-conventional-changelog)/[gulp](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/tree/master/packages/gulp-conventional-changelog)/[atom](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/tree/master/packages/conventional-changelog-atom). ## Usage ```sh $ npm install --save conventional-changelog-core ``` ```js var conventionalChangelogCore = require('conventional-changelog-core'); conventionalChangelogCore() .pipe(process.stdout); // or any writable stream ``` ## API ### conventionalChangelogCore([options, [context, [gitRawCommitsOpts, [parserOpts, [writerOpts]]]]]) Returns a readable stream. *Note:* [`options.transform`](#transform-1), [`options.pkg.transform`](#transform) and [`writerOpts.transform`](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-writer#transform) are different. If you have a better naming suggestion, please send a PR. #### options ##### config Type: `promise`, `function` or `object` This should serve as default values for other arguments of `conventionalChangelogCore` so you don't need to rewrite the same or similar config across your projects. Any value in this could be overwritten. If this is a promise (recommended if async), it should resolve with the config. If this is a function, it expects a node style callback with the config object. If this is an object, it is the config object. The config object should include `context`, `gitRawCommitsOpts`, `parserOpts` and `writerOpts`. ##### pkg Type: `object` ###### path Type: `string` Default: [closest package.json](https://github.com/sindresorhus/read-pkg-up). The location of your "package.json". ###### transform Type: `function` Default: pass through. A function that takes `package.json` data as the argument and returns the modified data. Note this is performed before normalizing package.json data. Useful when you need to add a leading 'v' to your version or modify your repository url, etc. ##### append Type: `boolean` Default: `false` Should the log be appended to existing data. ##### releaseCount Type: `number` Default: `1` How many releases of changelog you want to generate. It counts from the upcoming release. Useful when you forgot to generate any previous changelog. Set to `0` to regenerate all. ##### skipUnstable Type: `boolean` Default: `false` If set, unstable release tags will be skipped, e.g., x.x.x-rc. ##### debug Type: `function` Default: `function() {}` A debug function. EG: `console.debug.bind(console)` ##### warn Type: `function` Default: `options.debug` A warn function. EG: `grunt.verbose.writeln` ##### transform Type: `function` Default: get the version (without leading 'v') from tag and format date. ###### function(commit, cb) A transform function that applies after the parser and before the writer. This is the place to modify the parsed commits. ####### commit The commit from conventional-commits-parser. ####### cb Callback when you are done. ####### this `this` arg of through2. ##### outputUnreleased Type: `boolean` Default: `true` if a different version than last release is given. Otherwise `false`. If this value is `true` and `context.version` equals last release then `context.version` will be changed to `'Unreleased'`. **NOTE:** You may want to combine this option with `releaseCount` set to `0` to always overwrite the whole CHANGELOG. `conventional-changelog` only outputs a CHANGELOG but doesn't read any existing one. ##### lernaPackage Specify a package in lerna-style monorepo that the CHANGELOG should be generated for. Lerna tags releases in the format `foo-package@1.0.0` and assumes that packages are stored in the directory structure `./packages/foo-package`. ##### tagPrefix Specify a prefix for the git tag that will be taken into account during the comparison. For instance if your version tag is prefixed by `version/` instead of `v` you would specify `--tagPrefix=version/` #### context See the [conventional-changelog-writer](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/tree/master/packages/conventional-changelog-writer) docs. There are some defaults or changes: ##### host Default: normalized host found in `package.json`. ##### version Default: version found in `package.json`. ##### owner Default: extracted from normalized `package.json` `repository.url` field. ##### repository Default: extracted from normalized `package.json` `repository.url` field. ##### repoUrl Default: The whole normalized repository url in `package.json`. ##### gitSemverTags Type: `array` All git semver tags found in the repository. You can't overwrite this value. ##### previousTag Type: `string` Default: previous semver tag or the first commit hash if no previous tag. ##### currentTag Type: `string` Default: current semver tag or `'v'` + version if no current tag. ##### packageData Type: `object` Your `package.json` data. You can't overwrite this value. ##### linkCompare Type: `boolean` Default: `true` if `previousTag` and `currentTag` are truthy. Should link to the page that compares current tag with previous tag? #### gitRawCommitsOpts See the [git-raw-commits](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/tree/master/packages/git-raw-commits) docs. There are some defaults: ##### format Default: `'%B%n-hash-%n%H%n-gitTags-%n%d%n-committerDate-%n%ci'` ##### from Default: based on `options.releaseCount`. ##### reverse Default: `true` if `options.append` is truthy. ##### debug Type: `function` Default: `options.debug` #### parserOpts See the [conventional-commits-parser](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-commits-parser) docs. ##### warn Default: `options.warn` #### writerOpts See the [conventional-changelog-writer](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/tree/master/packages/conventional-changelog-writer) docs. There are some defaults: ##### finalizeContext Finalize context is used for generating above context. **NOTE:** If you overwrite this value the above context defaults will be gone. ##### debug Type: `function` Default: `options.debug` ##### reverse Default: `options.append` ##### doFlush Default: `options.outputUnreleased` ## Notes for parent modules This module has options `append` and `releaseCount`. However, it doesn't read your previous changelog. Reasons being: 1. The old logs is just to be appended or prepended to the newly generated logs, which is a very simple thing that could be done in the parent module. 2. We want it to be very flexible for the parent module. You could create a readable stream from the file or you could just read the file. 3. We want the duty of this module to be very minimum. So, when you build a parent module, you need to read the old logs and append or prepend to them based on `options.append`. However, if `options.releaseCount` is `0` you need to ignore any previous logs. Please see [conventional-github-releaser](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-github-releaser) as an example. Arguments passed to `conventionalChangelogCore` will be mutated. ## License MIT [npm-image]: https://badge.fury.io/js/conventional-changelog-core.svg [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/conventional-changelog-core [travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-core.svg?branch=master [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-core [appveyor-image]: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/baoumm34w8c5o0hv/branch/master?svg=true [appveyor-url]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/stevemao/conventional-changelog-core/branch/master [daviddm-image]: https://david-dm.org/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-core.svg?theme=shields.io [daviddm-url]: https://david-dm.org/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-core [coveralls-image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-core/badge.svg [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-core