[![volkswagen status](https://auchenberg.github.io/volkswagen/volkswargen_ci.svg?v=1)](https://github.com/auchenberg/volkswagen) # favico.js More info [here](http://lab.ejci.net/favico.js/). Author [Miroslav Magda](http://blog.ejci.net) Version 0.3.9 Contributors: [Serge Barysiuk](https://github.com/sbarysiuk), [pissflaps](https://github.com/pissflaps), [Yaroslav Yakovlev](https://github.com/yaroslavya), [LoicMahieu](https://github.com/LoicMahieu), [Renan Gonçalves](https://github.com/renan), [Adam Savitzky](https://github.com/adambom), [Jory Graham](https://github.com/jory) ```javascript ``` ## License All code is open source and dual licensed under GPL and MIT. Check the individual licenses for more information. ### Change log #### 0.3.10 * bugfixes #### 0.3.9 * bugfixes #### 0.3.8 * bumped version to add it to npm #### 0.3.7 * bugfixes & support for font icons (fontawesome) #### 0.3.6 * bugfixes #### 0.3.4 * new option for position #### 0.3.3 * bugfixes #### 0.3.2 * support for badge numbers bigger than 999 #### 0.3.1 * bugfix if is missing #### 0.3.0 * font options (font family, font style) * badge count more than 9 * badge positions #### 0.2.2 * AMD - CommonJS compatibility #### 0.2.1 * Fixed console.log bug * registered to bower #### 0.2.0 * Webcam support for Opera and Firefox * Improved performance for Opera and Firefox * New animation type popfade * Code cleanup #### 0.1.1 * Improving performance in chrome #### 0.1.0 * proof of concept ## Browser support * Chrome: Yes * Firefox: Yes * Opera: Yes * IE: No * Edge: No * Safari: No (Safari hides favicons)